Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
May 9, x780.
The next morning, Alfonzo and Elicia decided that they would not be going to the guild for breakfast and training. Elicia's reason was obvious. She had just lost her virginity and her legs were not completely under her control. Alfonzo, on the other hand, decided that he would stay home and take care of Elicia.
Shortly after the sun rose, Alfonzo slowly opened his eyes. At the same time, he noticed a familiar warmth and weight pressing on his chest and wrapping around his torso. Smiling at the sensations, Alfonzo looked down to see Elicia's head resting on his chest while she wrapped the rest of her body around his.
"This time, things are the way they should have been." Alfonzo said quietly while combing his fingers through Elicia's hair. "I really am a lucky son of a bitch to have you in my life twice."
Though he was sure that she could not hear him, Alfonzo saw Elicia's content smile widen ever so slightly at his words while she hugged him even tighter when he started combing through her hair.
Letting an hour pass like that, Alfonzo finally decided that it was time to get up and prepare breakfast for the two of them.
"Lici, you can go back to sleep after I get up, but I need you to let go of me." Alfonzo said in a gentle tone.
Naturally, Elicia did not even twitch. But that changed as soon as Alfonzo's next words fell.
"I'll be back with breakfast in a few minutes." Alfonzo continued before kissing Elicia on her forehead.
With the mention of food, Elicia's eyelids started to flutter. A few seconds later, her eyes opened slowly. As soon as she saw Alfonzo's face, she smiled goofily.
"Good morning, Fonzie." Elicia said. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Alfonzo said with a smile. "So, what do you want for breakfast?"
"Scrambled eggs, bacon, and a croissant." Elicia replied.
"Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes." Alfonzo said with a nod.
Before climbing out of bed, Alfonzo leaned down and stole Elicia's lips. Then, he climbed out of bed, put on a pair of pants, and made his way out of the room, topless.
Elicia watched Alfonzo's every move with rapt attention. As soon as he left the room, she could not help but lick her lips.
"I can't' wait 'til I get used to him." Elicia murmured to herself. "We're gonna have so much fun."
Meanwhile, the mansion's third resident, Cana, had been sitting at the kitchen table for the last few minutes. At first glance, anyone could tell that she had not slept well. She had slight bags under her eyes, her hair was all over the place, and she was resting the side of her head on the table.
"Damn it…" Cana muttered. "How could that girl be so loud? They didn't even go at it for that long. But the little bit that I heard kept me up all night, fantasizing about trading places with Lici or joining them. Ugh! I'm so tired."
At that moment, Cana heard the door that led to Elicia's workstation opening. So, she looked in its direction instinctually. And what she saw made her eyes light up.
"Mama like." Cana muttered as Alfonzo made his way across the room.
At the same time, Alfonzo also saw Cana, lazily leaning her upper body on the kitchen table. And when he saw the bags under her eyes, he began to worry a bit. So, he sped up his walk across the house.
"Hey, Cana, are you okay?" Alfonzo asked in a concerned tone after approaching Cana. Then, he placed his right hand on her forehead. "You're not looking too good; do you have a fever or something?"
While Cana blushed at the abrupt physical contact, she also felt warmth in her heart from Alfonzo's concern. However, she could only roll her eyes in response to his question while gently removing his hand from her forehead.
"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about that." Cana replied. "Just didn't get much sleep last night."
Alfonzo knew he was at least partially responsible for that. So, he could only smile awkwardly in response.
"Jeez, you guys didn't even tell me you were gonna do that." Cana grumbled. "If you had told me, I could have at least prepared myself. Or I could have even join---"
Before she could finish her sentence, Cana clapped her hands over her mouth. However, when she saw the smirk on Alfonzo's face, she knew she was too late.
Alfonzo then reached his hand forward and flicked Cana on the forehead.
"Oww! What was that for?" Cana grumbled while rubbing her forehead.
"Naughty girls need to be punished." Alfonzo said in a teasing tone.
"Why would you call me a naughty girl?" Cana asked in a discontent tone.
"I assume you're referring to the less obvious reason, right?" Alfonzo asked with a smirk.
"Hmph! I don't know what you're talking about." Cana replied with a snort while looking in the opposite direction.
"Well, it's because you're asking to join in on me and Lici's grown folk's business." Alfonzo said.
"But I'm your girlfriend, too." Cana whined.
"But you're still a child." Alfonzo replied.
Hearing that, Cana opened her eyes wide. Then, she jumped to her feet and showed off her body clad in only a black bikini top and short-shorts.
"A child? Do you know any children with a body like this?" Cana asked, clearly proud of her budding assets.
In response, Alfonzo could only roll his eyes before he spoke.
"Don't play dumb with me, Cana." Alfonzo said. "You're still only fourteen. A child by legal standards. Besides, even if you're tall and well endowed, you're body still has a little more time to mature."
"*Sigh* I know." Cana replied, flopping down on her seat. "Can you at least tell Lici to keep it down? I could hear her all the way upstairs."
"Yeah… Sorry about that." Alfonzo replied with a sheepish smile. "I actually had sigils for that built into our room. But she caught me off guard last night and I forgot to activate them."
"Seriously?" Cana asked with a deadpan expression and a dry tone. "So, because you forgot, I spent the whole night play---"
Once again, Cana clapped her hand over her mouth before she could finish. This time, however, Alfonzo pretended like he didn't hear anything. Instead, he started walking toward the kitchen.
"Anyway, I'm gonna make breakfast." Alfonzo said with his back to Cana. "What can I get you?"
"Anything is good." Cana replied, letting her upper body fall onto the table like it was when Alfonzo first saw her.
"Okay." Alfonzo said with a nod. "Scrambled eggs, bacon, and croissant it is."
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Hargeon.
July, x780.
After the little interlude with Cana the morning after Alfonzo and Elicia lost their virginity together, things went as they normally did. After Elicia recovered, they went on quests, took shifts in the guild's kitchen, made clothes, and had sex as often as they possibly could. Even with all that, Elicia still found the time to buy a store in Hargeon.
In fact, she managed to buy the place about a month ago. Then, in the next month, she hired a few capable tailors, found a store manager, found a reliable source of raw materials, and got the store ready for business. At the same time, with the help of her store manager, she advertised all over the city about the opening of her new store.
"So, today's the day, huh?" Alfonzo said, sitting on a chair behind the counter in the store front.
"Yup!" Elicia said excitedly. "I finally did it."
"Yeah, you worked hard for this." Alfonzo said with a smile.
After a few minutes of chatting about the state of the store, Alfonzo and Elicia were brought out of their own world when a man, appearing to be in his late thirties with slicked back light blue hair, black eyes, and a long nose, approached.
"Miss Taylor." The light blue-haired man said respectfully. "It's almost time for the opening. Would you like to do the honor of pulling the cloth from the shop sign?"
"Of course!" Elicia said energetically as she hopped out of her seat. Then, she turned to Alfonzo and pulled him by the arm. "Come on, Fonzie, let's go!"
"Are you sure, Lici?" Alfonzo asked apprehensively. "This is your day. I don't wanna---"
"You don't wanna take my moment, or something stupid like that, right?" Elicia asked while rolling her eyes. "You should know by now; All my moments are our moments."
Smiling in response, Alfonzo stood up. Then, after putting Elicia's hand in his own, he let her pull him out the store's front entrance.
"Even though it's cheesy sometimes, you always know the right thing to say." Alfonzo said as he held the front door for Elicia.
"That wasn't cheesy! Elicia exclaimed. "That came straight from the heart."
"That doesn't make it any less cheesy." Alfonzo replied with a smile.
"Fonzie, you're such a meanie." Elicia said as she stepped through the door.
In the next moment, after stepping outside, Alfonzo and Elicia saw a crowd of both familiar and unfamiliar faces waiting for the opening of Elicia's new store. There were members of the guild led by Makarov, staff from the orphanage led by Rebecca Landon, the matron, and there were even some clients that were grateful for the job well done that Elicia had done on quests.
"Wow!" Elicia exclaimed excitedly. "There are more people here than I expected."
"Well, don't keep them waiting." Alfonzo said, pushing Elicia forward.
Nodding in response, Elicia took a few steps forward, without letting go of Alfonzo's hand, resulting in him being dragged forward as well with a helpless smile on his face.
Seeing the two step forward, the crowd, which was filled with chatter, quieted down. Eventually, everyone's eyes were focused on the couple.
"I'd like to thank everyone for coming." Elicia said while smiling happily. "A lot of you may or may not know me. But I'm Elicia Taylor, an A-Class wizard from Fairy Tail and a seamstress. And today, I will be opening my first clothing store. I welcome you all to come inside and see if there is anything you like."
After she finished speaking, Elicia finally let go of Alfonzo's hand. Then, she turned around an held her hands up to the sign, covered by a large sheet, above the door. A moment later, threads shot from the tips of her fingers. Once they were wrapped around the corners of the sheet, Elicia pulled.
Immediately, the sign under the sheet, a rectangular, black sign with pink lettering that read "The Taylor Shop" and a Fairy Tail mark of the same color to the right of the words, was revealed to the public.
"And with that, I'd like to welcome you all to the Taylor Shop!" Elicia shouted in a tone filled with enthusiasm.
With that declaration, the crowd began to cheer and clap their hands. The, after all the cheering and applause died down, those who knew Elicia came forward to congratulate her while those who were only there for the clothes or to see what all the commotion was about made their way into the store to see what they could look forward to.
A few hours later, after most of the hustle and bustle in the store die down, Alfonzo, with Elicia in his lap, was sitting behind the counter just watching the few people and the shop attendants interact and check out the products on display.
"It looks like everyone in here was happy with what they saw and bought." Alfonzo said with a smile. "It looks like your grand opening was a success."
"Yeah!" Elicia replied with an energetic nod. "There isn't much that makes me happier than seeing people smile after they wear my clothes."
"Then, today must be a pretty good day." Alfonzo replied. "I didn't see anyone leave without a smile."
"Yup." Elicia said, nodding once again.
At that moment, the door to the shop opened and a new customer entered, drawing the attention of Alfonzo, Elicia, and the shop attendants. While the shop attendants greeted the visitor politely, Alfonzo and Elicia were dumbfounded when they saw who just walked in.
"Fonzie, we are in the world of Fairy Tail, right?" Elicia asked in a whisper.
"Yeah." Alfonzo replied with a nod in a confused tone.
"They, why is she here?" Elicia asked.
"I don't know..." Alfonzo replied. "Maybe they just look the same and are totally different people."
Read ahead on my Patr3on at:
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.
Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Hargeon.
July, x780
Seeing the new customer walking around the shop and checking out all the available articles of clothing, Alfonzo and Elicia remained in a stupor. From the moment they regained their memories of their past lives, they had only seen people from the anime/manga of Fairy Tail. Today, however, flipped that notion on its head.
The customer in question was a beautiful girl around the same age as Alfonzo and Elicia standing around 5'5" (1.64 m) tall with waist length, straight blonde hair that transitioned into dark pink tips, bangs that covered most of her forehead and right eyebrow, leaving only her left eyebrow and a small amount of her forehead on the left side exposed, as well as two long bangs that framed her face and fell over her shoulders, stopping at her chest. She had dark-pink eyes, fair skin, a contagious smile on her face, and a very slim waist.
"I guess we're in an AU..." Alfonzo muttered as his eyes never left the girl.
"Yeah..." Elicia muttered in response. A moment later, her eyes lit up and she hopped off Alfonzo's lap. "But This is awesome."
"On top of that, it looks like she's got magic power." Alfonzo said, finally examining the girl seriously. "And she's got quite a bit from what I can tell."
"I know, right?" Elicia said, watching the girl attentively as well. "And if I were to venture a guess, she hasn't realized it. I mean, look at the way she carries herself."
"Yeah, I've never seen a wizard who's so unaware of their surroundings." Alfonzo said in agreement. "You're gonna go talk to her, aren't you?"
"Of course." Elicia said with a smile. "She'll be My Dress-Up Darling."
"Ugh..." Alfonzo groaned as he covered his face with his hands. "I really should have seen that coming."
To Alfonzo's surprise, Elicia did not go to the customer in question and strike up a conversation immediately. Instead, she watched her look around and try on the occasional article of clothing. In the end, Elicia made her move just as the girl was about to leave without buying anything.
"Excuse me." Elicia said, walking toward the front door of her shop. "Were the clothes not to your liking?"
Surprised by the voice, the girl jumped. Then, she slowly turned around. When she did, she saw Elicia smiling at her cheerfully.
"Oh, no! Not at all." The blonde girl said while waving her hands around in a fluster. "No, that's not what I meant... I mean, the clothes were great! They're just not what I was looking for today."
"*Sigh* That's a relief Elicia said in a genuinely relieved tone. "I really thought you might not have liked my clothes."
"Your clothes?" The girl asked, clearly a little confused.
"Yeah, I designed all these clothes." Elicia said proudly.
"Really?" The girl exclaimed excitedly. "OMG that's so awesome! There are so many uber-cute clothes in here!"
"Well, I'm glad you like them." Elicia replied with a smile. "But would you mind if I asked what you were looking for exactly? I mean, I do custom orders, too."
"Really?" The girl asked, excitement shining in her eyes.
Then, the girl reached into the purse that she wore over her shoulder. After rummaging around for a few seconds, she pulled out a book and showed the cover to Elicia. On the book's cover was a dark-haired girl wearing the uniform to a seemingly aristocratic academy.
"I'm looking for this!" The girl squealed excitedly.
Instead of looking at the girl depicted on the cover of the book, Elicia was more drawn to the title.
'Saint Slippery's Academy for Girls 2, huh?' Elicia thought to herself. 'So, instead of an erotic game, it's an erotic novel in this world.'
"So, you wanna dress like her?" Elicia asked while pointing at the girl on the cover.
"No." The girls said while shaking her head. Then, with her eyes shining even brighter than before, she continued. "I want to be her!"
As the girl spoke, both her hair and eye color began to change, resembling the girl on the cover for a moment. However, just as fast as they changed, they changed back. While most people in the store did not seem to even notice, Alfonzo and Elicia, who had been focused on the girl ever since she entered the store, were surprised to see those changes.
'It looks like she didn't even realize she did that.' Both Alfonzo and Elicia thought at the same time.
"So, you want to do some cosplay, huh?" Elicia asked while tilting her head to the side.
"Cosplay?" The girl asked with some confusion in her tone. However, her eyes lit up once again after thinking about it for a bit. "I've never heard that word before, but I like how it sounds."
In response, Elicia simply giggled.
"It's the combination of the words costume and play." Elicia explained. "Basically, it's when people dress up as their favorite characters from stories."
"Yes, that's exactly what I want!" The girl exclaimed, holding the book against her chest. "It would be super-duper cool to be Shizuku-Tan!"
"Well, I could definitely make that outfit." Elicia said after watching the girl gush for a few minutes. "But I'd need to be able to see the entire outfit."
Immediately, the girl's enthusiasm died down. Even though her favorite character from the novel, Shizuku Kuroe, was featured on the books cover, there were no pictures of her from other angles.
"Then, you won't be able to make it, huh?" The girl asked in a downtrodden tone.
In response, Elicia raised her right hand and began tapping its index finger against her cheek as she thought about it.
"Well, is there an in-depth explanation of what the uniform looks like in the book?" Elicia asked with a contemplative expression.
Once again, the girl's eyes lit up. Then, she started turning the books pages at high speed. Eventually, when she reached the page she was looking for, she turned the book around and held it out for Elicia to see.
"There is!" The girl shouted. "They were really detailed in the explanation. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with Shizuku-Tan. I could imagine exactly how cute she would be wearing it!"
By this point, all the girl's loud exclamations had drawn the attention of the other shoppers and the shop attendants. Although the girl did not notice as she was so enthralled by the conversation, it did not escape Elicia's notice, causing her to smile wryly.
Waving at the shop attendants, Elicia signaled them to not mind her. Then, she smiled at the girl once again.
"Well, I guess I should go buy a copy of that---" Elicia began to say.
Before she could finish, however, the girl had pushed the book against Elicia's chest,.
"It's okay, you can have mine!" The girl said excitedly. "I have, like, three copies back at home."
"Uh… Okay…" Elicia said, a little awkwardly.
"Everyone should experience Slippery Girls!" The girl said with a smile on her face.
'That sounds like a motto I could get behind.' Alfonzo thought with a grin on his face.
"In fact, I've got a copy of the first one with me, too." The girl continued, completely unaware of Alfonzo's internal retort as she reached into her purse once again.
A moment later, she pulled her hand out of her purse and thrust another book into Elicia's hands.
"You should read them" The girl said with her eyes sparkling. "Trust me, you won't regret it."
"Sure." Elicia replied with a smile. "At the very least, it will help me make the very best outfit I can."
"Hell yeah!" The girl shouted once again. "I'm gonna be Shizuku-Tan."
Once again, without the girl's notice, her hair and eye color flickered between her normal color and the colors of Shizuku's before quickly returning to their original colors.
"Anyway, it will probably take me a week to read the books and a day or so to make the outfit." Elicia said, making the girl even more excited. "The only problem is… I live in Magnolia. So, I would have to find the time to come back to Hargeon. I am a wizard too, after all."
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." The girl replied nonchalantly. "I can come to Magnolia to pick up the clothes."
"Won't your family be worried, though?" Elicia asked.
"Nah, my dad Is often in other countries on business." The girl replied. "So, I'm usually left to do whatever I want. As long as I don't cause trouble, that is."
"If you say so." Elicia replied. "Well, then, if it's no trouble, you should come to Magnolia to pick up the outfit in nine or ten days."
"Sweet! Oh, wait…" The girl exclaimed before it seemed as if the wind was taken out of her sails. "I'll probably be able to afford the outfit and a train ticket, but I don't know about a hotel."
"Well…" Elicia said as she glanced back at Alfonzo.
Alfonzo, who had been sitting behind the counter since the beginning, had heard the whole conversation between Elicia and the girl. And when he saw Elicia look back, he simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded at Elicia with a smile.
"If you're okay with it." Elicia continued after getting a nod from Alfonzo. "My boyfriend and I live in a pretty big house. We have a bunch of guest rooms, too. There's even another girl, a member of our guild and… well… my boyfriend's other girlfriend… living there too."
'That sounds so awkward when I say it out loud.' Elicia thought to herself without losing her smile.
Hearing that Elicia's boyfriend, Alfonzo, had another girlfriend, the girl opened her eyes wide in surprise. Then, she remembered that Elicia had glanced behind her before she started talking about her house. Guessing that she was asking her boyfriend if it was okay to invite her to their house, the girl decided to look past Elicia and see who she was asking permission from.
'Holy hell! He's hot!' The girl exclaimed internally. 'I've never seen a hair style like that before, but it looks good on him. Wait, she said he has another girlfriend, that means…'
"He's like one of those harem protagonists in the novels." The girl muttered unintentionally.
The girl only realized that she had spoken out loud when she saw the wry smile on Elicia's face.
"OMG I'm sorry." The girl said while bowing her head frantically. "I didn't mean to say that out loud. But I read a story like that not too long ago."
"Don't worry about it." Elicia said with a giggle after seeing the girl's exaggerated reaction. "It's been like this for more than half a year, so we've heard it all by now."
"*Sigh* I see." The girl said with a sigh of relief.
"Anyway, like I was saying… You could stay a night at our house if you're okay with it." Elicia said, getting back on track.
"If you'd be willing to have me, it would probably be fun." The girl replied.
"Good." Elicia said with a smile and a nod. "Oh, I completely forgot, I'm Elicia Taylor, the owner of The Taylor Shop and an A-Class wizard of Fairy Tail."
"It's nice to meet ya." The girl replied with a smile of her own. "I'm Marin Kitagawa, a normal girl who works a part-time job."
'Normal girl my ass.' Alfonzo thought to himself as he listened to the girls introduce themselves. 'Normal girls don't have magic power reserves on par with B-Class wizards without training. If we can get her to join the guild and train her to use all that magic power, she could be a real force to be reckoned with.'
"Alright, now that we've got the introductions out of the way, we should get your measurements." Elicia said with a smile. "You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this, I love making clothes more than anything… well… almost anything in the world."
As Elicia amended her statement, she looked back at Alfonzo with a sweet smile on her face. And seeing Elicia's smile, Alfonzo wore a loving smile of his own.
'Aww… They're like super-duper cute together.' Marin thought to herself. '*Sigh* Having a super-hot, loving boyfriend must be nice. I'm kinda jelly.'
Shaking off that thought, Marin's excitement for finally getting to be Shizuku-Tan overwhelmed the slight jealousy she felt for Alfonzo and Elicia's relationship. Then, she cheerfully followed Elicia to the back of the store.
I'm just curious to know if anyone had guessed who the mystery character would be before this chapter was released.
Read ahead on my Patr3on at:
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Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.
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