Kirisawa House Of Dream Knights.
Battle Style:
Shinsei Ryuuennjinn Battle Style.
Elemental Affinity:
Mysterious Oceanic Blades.
Shinsei Ryuuennjinn:
Ai also utilizes the Shinsei Ryuuennjinn Battle Style's fighting forms however since Shinsei Ryuuennjinn is mostly flame natured, she cannot use most of the more advanced techniques.
Alternate Battle Style:
Utilizes the element of her affinity. As Ai grew up as a Dream Knight, she mastered the ability to utilize the various states of water. She initially battled by carrying water into battle in small gourds and freezing them around her weapon to fight. Later she mastered the ability to vapourize, condense and freeze water thus she could carry water into battle in the form of vapour around herself and could freeze it around her weapons or condense it when the need called for it. When Ai was seven, her abilities skyrocketed and her mother noted that she could now actually move water. Ai's primary ability is the mastery of water and all of its states, her secondary ability is the ability to utilize the moon's gravitational pull to her advantage. During the Battle Of Black Water Bridge, Ai also discovered the ability to cleanse with water, a technique inherited from her mother.