Some time passed by, and Archer was now tipsy as he drank enough ale to affect him. Halime raised an amused brow as she watched him before teasing him with a giggle. ''Careful, dragon boy. That stuff isn't for the faint of heart.''
He chuckled, a little slower than usual. ''Pfft, I can handle it gorgeous.''
Following that, he picked up the last bottle he had out and nearly tipped over before catching himself. Llyniel smirked, crossing her arms. ''Uh-huh. Says the handsome guy, who's swaying like a tree in a storm.''
Archer waved them off, taking another sip, only to misjudge and nearly miss his mouth. The two women exchanged knowing looks before bursting into laughter. Moments later, Halime took the bottle while speaking in an amused voice.
''No more for you. Why don't you come check the bed you made for us? It looks comfortable,'' she said with a giggle.
[Check out my other novels, Level Up: Voidwalker, NTR GACHA and Aether Chronicles: Birth Of A Legend]
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