Archer's fists crackled with mana as he drove a punch into the Ashfang King's carapace, which sounded like a thunderclap. The force shattered the beast's armored shell and sent it flying backward.
'That may have been too much,' he thought with a chuckle. 'But it will show them who's in charge here.'
The monster's massive body crashed into the far wall. Seconds later, the chamber fell into silence, the echoes of the collision fading as Archer stepped forward where the king lay crumpled, barely moving, its form a twisted mass of broken armor.
Archer paused, his eyes cold and calculating, before he raised his hand as a shimmering light enveloped the wounded creature. Aurora Healing surged, weaving through the king's battered body, knitting its carapace together and mending flesh.
The once-crippled monster healed within moments, leading him to scan it to find out its rank.
[Ashfang King Scorpion]
[Check out my other novels, Level Up: Voidwalker and NTR GACHA]