When Archer heard the dragon woman complain about the weather, he stepped outside the tent after speaking to the group, ''I'm going to look around. I can sense dozens of monsters lurking in the surrounding jungle.''
The women agreed with a nod, but Nyx quickly spoke up, ''Can I join you, darling?''
''Yes, let's go now,'' he replied with a smile before stepping outside and feeling the rain hit his face.
Without thinking, Archer cast Cosmic Shield around him just as the dragon woman appeared beside him and she summoned her wings. He did the same thing as the two of them took off and started flying around the bay.
Nyx flew next to him but her voice echoed in his mind, 'Do you think the Swarm is here?''
''Most likely, those fuckers are everywhere and seem to bother me,'' he answered with a chuckle. ''But now I'm strong enough to deal with them.''
[Check out my other novels, Level Up: Voidwalker and NTR GACHA]
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