Archer and Morgana continued with their date until both were finished eating; while doing that, the waitress approached with a friendly smile and gave them the bill, ''Here you go, you can pay at the counter when you're ready.''
Following that, the Death Goddess glanced at him before suggesting, ''Do you want to go on a walk, Arch? It might be cold, but we can wrap up.''
''Sounds good to me,'' Archer responded while standing up. ''Let me pay the bill, and we'll leave.''
He approached the counter where a young man stood behind; when the waiter saw him, he smiled professionally, ''Are you here to pay? Can I see your bill, please?''
Archer handed over the slip of paper as he took out his phone as the man typed in the total on the payment machine. He swiped it before returning to Morgana, who was waiting with a beautiful smile; she took his arm as the duo left the pub.
[Check out my other novel - Level Up: Voidwalker]
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