Teuila snapped back in embarrassment when she heard the dragon girl comment. "Shut up, Sera. Why are you bringing up such lewd stuff in a place like this? We're walking through a creepy forest, and you want to talk about sex!"
The dragon girl giggled before revealing her plan. ''Well, when we finally meet with sweetheart, I will make love to him.''
Upon hearing her friend's comment, Teuila sighed, yet a spark was kindled in her mind, leading her to want to make love to him. She shook her head and concentrated on their surroundings, but hours passed.
A weird light appeared above them, which spooked them. When realizing it replicated sunlight, a sense of relief washed over them. They pressed on for another day, only to find the light vanished again.
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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.
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