Seated once more, Archer patiently awaited the return of the Tressyms. The Stone Men efficiently gathered six Orc hearts, which he stored away before dismissing them. Alone again, Archer reclined on the gnarled root, his gaze drifting upward to the night sky.
The stars twinkled overhead, their brilliance captivating him. Shooting stars streaked across the vast expanse, leaving behind a mesmerizing trail of beauty, painting the celestial canvas with fleeting bursts of cosmic radiance.
A quiet contemplation seized him as he marveled at the size of the world he ended up in. The thought of unexplored lands and hidden realms stirred his excitement. With a resolute gleam in his violet eyes, Archer wanted to explore all the different continents and islands.
Looking deeply into his plans, Archer was interrupted as the first Tressyms returned, rubbing their heads against him. Expressing affection, he reciprocated, and the flying cats responded with joyous purring.
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.'s-odyssey_27115041606697905
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