After he finished with the first set of guards he knew where the capital was and cast Gate to go there. He stepped through the portal and appeared outside a run-down-looking city.
The walls were crumbling as guards walked atop them. That's when he smiled and cast Null Void around him so they couldn't cast any spells at him.
Archer quickly cast Celestial Serpent which looked like an eastern dragon and sent it toward the city to take out as many of the humanoid creatures as it could.
The spell rushed over the wall and slammed into a group of incoming guards.
He stopped controlling it and let it run wild as he sensed an army of Neatherbeasts charging at him from two different directions.
Archer's grin widened before casting Meteor Swarm directly above himself. After waiting for a little while a loud roar could be heard as the meteors started to fall from the heavens.
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.'s-odyssey_27115041606697905
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