Archer looked at the lion girl and started laughing but soon calmed down. ''Yes, I haven't mated with her yet. Why do you ask?''
''Cause I want to mate with you but I don't want to be in your harem,'' Nala commented like she was asking for something normal.
He looked at her and shook his head. ''I won't have sex with random girls. If you were mine then yeah I would, but we've just met.''
Archer stopped speaking as the server wheeled out a large trolley filled to the brim with all different food.
The young man placed as much as he could on the table before leaving. Nala looked at all the food like an excited child at Christmas.
But she shook her head and spoke. ''Why? It's only sex. I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind.''
Archer looked at her. ''I don't sleep around. If you are interested in being with me, we will get to know each other first.''
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.'s-odyssey_27115041606697905
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