The three of them approached the shop counter, as an intense exchange between a man and a young woman crackled in the air.
The frustrated voice of the older man reverberated throughout the store, his words echoing, "Sione, we can't keep striking deals with every new adventurer who stumbles in here! Our hard-earned coins are vanishing into thin air!"
Annoyed by his daughter's kindness, he stormed off towards the back, forcefully slamming the door behind him.
Left in his wake, the young woman with captivating brown eyes stepped forward to take his place behind the counter.
Her gaze met Teuila's, causing her eyes to widen in surprise, and with a smile on her face she quickly went to bow but was stopped.
"No need to bow, Sione, I've told you many times before," Teuila reassured her, her voice full of friendliness. "We've come to purchase the finest bow you have available."
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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.
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