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2.1% A Journey That Changed The World. / Chapter 25: The Camp

Chapitre 25: The Camp

''My storage skill.''

After answering, he went back to eating. Just as he finished, they noticed the caravan started to move. They both made their way over, walking along the dirt road. The summer breeze gently brushed Archer's face as he took the opportunity to check his status.

[Experience: 1300/3000]

[Level Up: 25>26]

[SP: 6>12]

[Eldritch Blast: 1>2]

[Cosmic Sword: 1>2]

Archer was happy that he leveled up two of his spells and gained a new level. The caravan moved along the road for a few more hours before seeing a village in the distance. Not long after, they arrived.

Rowana, Ephrain, and Ludo bid farewell to Archer as the caravan passed through without stopping. She quickly approached him and hugged him so hard that he was getting suffocated between her two mountains, managing not to poke her with his horns.

''Look after yourself. We will see each other when I've completed this quest. Be careful while you're traveling,'' the blonde woman said.

She rejoined the caravan just before it passed through the southern gate. After that, Archer set off to find the village chief. Surveying the area, he identified the most prominent house. Making his way towards it, he reached the door and knocked to announce his presence.

After a few minutes, a young man in his early twenties answered the door with a cocky look on his face. ''What do you want, boy?''

Archer knew where this was going. 'He's the young master type.'

Before the young man could say anything, Archer stared into his eyes and spoke. ''Fuck this and fuck you. Tell the Chief I'm here to clear out the goblins.''

Not giving the man a chance to speak, Archer went to look for any villagers roaming around. After searching for a while, he found a woman outside a house hanging up clothes. He approached and greeted her with a smile.

''Hello, miss. Do you know where the goblins have been seen?'' She turned around and looked at him.

Her eyes widened as she had never seen anyone who looked like him; she could tell he wasn't human but couldn't figure out what he was. She nodded and answered him. ''Yes, leave through the west gate and head towards the ruined farm. They were seen there yesterday.''

Archer thanked her and headed to the western gate. He walked for an hour and arrived at the ruined farm the woman spoke about. After looking around for a while, he couldn't find anything, so he searched the forest.

When he entered the forest, the afternoon sunlight got blocked out, but it didn't affect him because of his dragon senses. As he strolled by a peculiar-looking tree, he was ambushed by a gang of mischievous monkey-like creatures.

These pesky troublemakers from the treetops continued their assault, hurling things at Archer. Despite his impressive dodging skills, a particularly cunning monkey seized the opportunity to get up close and personal, launching a surprise attack.

Wham! It smacked him straight in the face, forcing Archer to come to a sudden halt and deal with whatever bizarre object they had thrown at him. Fueled by anger, Archer chased down the mischievous beasts, ranting and raving.

Archer caught two of them and proceeded to butcher them right in front of the other ones. His brutal retaliation sent the remaining monkeys into a wild panic. Witnessing him tear apart their kin.

He cast Cosmic Sword and chased the things down, slaying them one by one as he stored them in his Item Box. After killing four more, he stopped chasing them and returned to his goblin search.

A few hours later, he came across a clue: loads of little footprints heading further into the forest. An intense desire surged through Archer. As he followed their tracks, he entertained the idea of slaughtering everything in his path.

The thought of tearing the goblins apart and consuming their hearts overtook him. Archer felt a growing madness, fueled by the anticipation of the experience points he could gain.

The taste of victory threatened to overwhelm him. Looking up and finding the perfect branch, he climbed higher to get a better view.

What he saw shocked him. It was a big goblin camp. Hundreds of them were walking around, and that's when he felt his heartbeat getting quicker. Archer was losing his mind thinking about all the hearts he could eat and how much experience he would gain.

Using the Cosmic Sword's power, Archer plunged the blade into the first goblin's chest with a double cast. Swiftly casting Blink, he materialized near the nearest adversary, smoothly extracting the blade from the fallen foe.

As Archer rushed forward, he began to rhyme, the rhythm of his incantation matching the fluidity of his movements.

''Goosey, goosey, gander.

Where shall I wander.''

He ran toward another goblin, slicing its throat, and then he shot four Fire Missiles at two groups of goblins who were running toward him. Archer went back to rhyming as he butchered every goblin he came across.

''Upstairs, downstairs.

And in my lady's chamber.''

Blood was flying everywhere as he slashed and stabbed everything he got close to. The goblins were clueless and didn't know how to react. They were panicked as all they could see were white and black streaks, and more fell to the floor.

Archer cast Blink to get around the camp, not letting any goblins catch him.

''There I met an old man.

Would not say his prayers.''

Archer was out of breath, so he started using magic. He cast a lot of Void Blasts, Plasma Shots and Fire Missiles while he finished his rhyme with a big smile.

''Take him by the left leg.

Throw him down the stairs.''

Archer smiled as he looked around at the carnage he had caused. A little under a hundred goblin bodies lay motionless. He thought to himself with a chuckle, 'Loads of hearts.'

His senses screamed out to him to block quickly, so he did just that and was sent flying as a massive great sword swiped at him. Archer landed gracefully on his feet and looked up. His gaze met a formidable opponent — a large goblin.

Unlike the skinny ones, this goblin boasted formidable muscles and wielded a decent weapon. Smiling as he prepared, he charged forward as the big goblin swung its sword again, but Archer cast a Plasma Shot at the blade, directly hitting it and causing it to change course.

When he dodged the swing, he sliced its wrists, making it scream out in pain. He kept firing Plasma Shots and Fire Missiles at it, getting another dangerous feeling he was used to. Reacting swiftly, Archer cast Cosmic Shield, and just in time.

The shield deflected a sudden axe strike from behind. Without missing a beat, he turned around and stabbed the goblin before effortlessly flinging the lifeless body aside.

Archer shifted his attention to the big, half-burnt adversary. As he witnessed the goblin's miserable state, a sinister smile played on his lips, and he launched another attack without hesitation.

Speeding forward, he fired a Plasma Blast at the goblin. It blocked the attack, but Archer slashed its leg, bringing it to the ground. With a swift spin, Archer leaped towards the goblin's back, driving both swords into the base of its neck.

As the large foe crumbled, Archer, ever vigilant, noticed the surviving goblins attempting to flee. Chasing after them with the fervor of a police dog, he resembled a relentless hound on a hunt, swiftly dispatching numerous goblins in his path.

Archer stopped because he was out of breath. He dismissed his swords and slowly walked back. Upon reaching the camp, he diligently collected all the goblin hearts, bodies, and loot scattered across the scene.

Hours of thorough looting passed, and when he finally looked up, he realized that night had fallen. Collecting the aftermath of his battle, Archer amassed one hundred forty-seven goblin corpses, one hundred fifty-six hearts, two hundred gold coins, two hundred silver, and one thousand and twenty-three copper.

Exploring further, he stumbled upon human and demi-human corpses within one of the ramshackle huts, indicating a recent ambush on a caravan or adventurer's party. Driven by the desire for experience, Archer started consuming the goblin hearts.

Once he finished the grisly feast, he planned to check his status. After gathering everything he wanted, he left the camp, not before casting Fire Missiles at all the shacks and burning them to the ground.

Archer strolled away, searching for a tree to rest in. For some inexplicable reason, he had become quite comfortable sleeping in them. Before long, he found a tall, sturdy tree that seemed perfect for a night's repose.

Climbing it, he took out his water skin and drank. He watched the stars in the sky as he ate. Before long, he felt sick and stopped after eating thirty hearts. Archer laid down and fell asleep, hoping he didn't have any more nightmares.

The following day, he opened his eyes to see a bird-looking creature before him. When the beast saw him looking, it quickly flew. Archer rose, scratching his head as he surveyed his surroundings. It took a moment for him to recall that he had fallen asleep just outside the goblin's camp.

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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

[Check out my other novels, The Runner's Odyssey and Darkness - A Tale Of The Lost One's Journey]

Chapitre 26: Gibberlings

Archer was looking at the black smoke of the remains of the camp; he shook his head as he cast Cleanse on himself and made his way to Stonethrone to deal with the gibberlings. It was the last quest he needed to complete until he could return.

While trekking through the forest, Archer didn't encounter any more beasts, so he started eating the hearts again. They were small, a bit bigger than a golf ball, so they weren't hard to eat.

After a brief walk, Archer reached the road and turned south. As he continued along the road, he spotted a caravan approaching him. They passed each other. The caravan guards eyed Archer suspiciously, as if he were a bandit, especially while he nonchalantly chomped away at the goblin hearts.

Archer ignored the looks and carried on walking. A few hours later, he felt sick again after finishing the last of the hearts. He found a tree to lay down in while he had a stomach ache; it was his fault for being greedy, but he didn't care.


[Experience: 0850/6000]

[Level Up: 26>42]


[Mana: 3120>3200]

[Rank Unlocked: Novice>Adept]

[Void Blast: 2>3]

[Cosmic Shield: 1>2]

[Cosmic Sword: 1>2]

[Blink: 2>3]

[Plasma Shot: 1>3]

[Fire Missiles: 1>3]

[Short Sword Mastery Learned]

Archer got excited about the giant boost he received in stats. Also, many of his spells leveled up because he used them so much against the goblins. He also unlocked the next rank to create another spell, but he will deal with that later when he has some spare time.

Looking at his stat points, he had 181. After thinking for a little while, he decided to spend all of them to boost himself again. So he put thirty into HP and mana and twenty-five in every other stat apart from intelligence, which he put twenty-one in.

[HP: 900>1200]

[Mana: 3200>4100]

[Strength: 340>590]

[Constitution: 370>620]

[Stamina: 370>620]

[Charisma: 450>700]

[Intelligence: 320>530]

When Archer checked his status, a satisfied smile crossed his face. He felt a significant improvement. His body had gained strength, and he experienced an overall well-being that surpassed his previous feelings.

He started working out how much experience he earned from that little exercise; the total was 37,650 experience from the kills and hearts. 181 status points due to leveling up and eating the hearts.

As he approached a quiet part of the road, he smelled something nasty nearby. Casting his Cosmic Sword, he headed towards the smell. When Archer got closer, he heard growls and yipping noises.

Archer ventured deeper into the forest and discovered the unsettling smell's source. Before him stood hunchbacked humanoids with pointed, canine-like ears and wild manes of black hair framing their hideous, grinning faces.

These creatures, known as gibberings, had overly long arms ending in razor-sharp claws. Their black, maniacal eyes added to the grotesque sight. Archer had found the quarry he sought: about twelve gibberings surrounding what appeared to be a rhino-type beast.

The beasts were circling it while giggling. ''Kekekekekeke.''

Observing the gibberlings. Typically seen in large, writhing masses of dark fur and flesh, they emitted unsettling sounds—howls, clicks, shrieks, giggles, and odd chattering noises.

They creeped Archer out beyond belief and gave him goosebumps as they let out their creepy laughs. He didn't give them a chance and fired a few Fire Missiles toward the nine beasts; one died, but the others managed to avoid the attack.

Archer used Blink to appear behind the furthest one and plunged his sword into its neck. The creature fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

He rushed toward another beast leaping at him and wildly slashed with its grimy claws. Using his right arm, he effortlessly blocked the attacks with his scales, then countered them by stabbing the beast in the head.

Archer's smile unsettled some of the others, and in response, four gibberlings rushed toward him. He cast four Eldritch Blasts, unleashing powerful purple beams shot through the air, slamming into them and killing them instantly.

The spell pierced through the four gibberlings without issue. As he surged forward, one of the creatures leaped at him, slashing with wild abandon. Archer dodged and counterattacked, slicing its chest.

It dropped to the floor in pain as he finished it off, leaving only two left. Looking at the remaining two, they instantly turned around and fled. But he wouldn't let them escape, so he rushed after the fleeing creatures.

After catching up, he butchered the two and extracted their hearts as he dismissed his sword. He walked back to the scene of the fight. As he reached the area, he started ripping out the hearts and storing them in his Item Box.

Before storing all twelve bodies, he cut off some fur and smelt it. He was revolted by the smell but picked up a strong scent from the north. Archer started following the smell and came across a cave.

Yipping and screeching could be heard from inside, and he felt it was their den. Archer swiftly climbed into a nearby tree, positioning himself to observe the ongoing scene below. Gazing into the sky, he noted that it was still early afternoon.

He thought he wanted to return to Vassia before sunset, prompting him to watch the surroundings. None of the beasts came out as he waited, so he fired a void blast into the cave. All the noises suddenly stopped.

Getting fed up with waiting. Archer entered the cave when he heard loads of footsteps rushing out. He saw them exiting the cave in a panic. Smiling as he got an idea, he raised his hand and cast five Eldritch Blasts at them.

The purple beams flew through the air, smashing into the group. Screams and whines could be heard as the dust settled. Only two gibberlings remained standing. Archer cast Blink on them and finished them off before they could react.

After confirming all seven were dead, he walked into their den. He quickly held his nose as a rotten smell assaulted him. It was a mixture between a week-long shit cooking in the sun and a dead body. Looking around, he saw the bodies of beasts and humanoids.

In one corner, there looked to be a nest. Walking over, he saw loads of baby gibberlings all growling at him. Aiming his hand precisely, Archer unleashed a barrage of Fire Missiles into the gibberlings below.

He knew they would have met their demise anyway, so he opted for a swift and decisive end, ensuring a quick death for the beasts. Archer left the cave and started to make his way back to the city. While walking back, he decided to check his status again.

[Experience: 2000/3000]

[Level Up: 42>43]

[SP: 0>2]

He was happy with his progress. It took him a few hours of speed walking, but he arrived back at the city gate. Archer entered and made his way to the guild. After a ten-minute walk, he was standing outside the guild.

He entered and made his way over to Sarah. As he walked up to the desk, he spoke. ''Hello Sarah, I've finished the four quests.'' Archer handed the magic grass bag to the woman somewhat begrudgingly.

She glanced at him with a hint of exasperation, sighing before requesting his guild card. Complying, he handed her his card, and she began processing some paperwork, stamping the documents, and adjusting the card.

Sarah handed it back before going to get his reward. Not long after, she returned and handed him ten gold coins, but she asked him something as she handed them over: "I bet you have bodies to sell?"

He nodded his head. She sighed yet again. ''Well, the guild master has asked us not to buy any more. We have to sell the ones you've already brought us.''

Archer wasn't as bothered because he'd save them and sell them to guilds, so he replied. ''That's no problem. I'll sell them when I can.''

Sarah smiled and handed over the coins before telling him about a quest. ''Archer, there is an escort quest going to the Rhodora Kingdom to deliver relief supplies to the guild in Karna city. They asked for our assistance, so we've made it a quest.''

He thought about it and wanted to do it. ''Yes, sign me up. How long is the quest, and where is this kingdom?''

''It takes a month to get there and back, so two. It's on the southwest border of the empire; the reward is two hundred gold coins, and there's a bonus if the shipment arrives.''

Archer agreed with everything and got signed up. Sarah told him to meet up at the southern gate tomorrow at sunrise.

She smiled as she told him something that made him happy. ''The guild will count this quest as two, so you'll only have to complete two more quests, and you'll be able to rank up.''

Archer smiled and said goodbye as he walked over to the quest boards.


Archer's current status.

Name: Archer.

Race: White Dragon.


Rank: Adept

Exp: 2000/3000.

Level: 43.

HP: 1200/1200.

Mana: 4100/4100

Magic: Fire- Water- Earth- Wind- Lightning- Space- Darkness- Light.

Strength: 590.

Constitution: 620.

Stamina: 620

Charisma: 700

Intelligence: 530.

Status Points: 0

Spells: Void Blast(3)Cosmic Shield(2)Cosmic Sword(2)Body Enhancement(-)Blink(3)Cleanse(-)Eldritch Blast(2)Plasma Shot(3)Fire Missiles(3)

Skills: Spell Creation(-)Item Box(-)Mana Regeneration(-)Regeneration(3)Dragon Senses(-) Short Sword Mastery(0)

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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

[Check out my other novels, The Runner's Odyssey and Darkness - A Tale Of The Lost One's Journey]

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