Archer was still wrapped in the cocoon, his body changing while mana in the atmosphere started to pour into him. His body was sucking all the mana from miles around. It helped with his evolution. It started forming a rare and mysterious mana heart in his chest.
A massive explosion tore the tree apart, sending the cocoon flying north and crashing miles away from the tree. It landed on the outskirts of a swamp and rested there. The crash's explosion scared all the beasts in the area, causing them to flee.
Hours later, the cocoon started to crack, until a loud sound was heard as it crumbled away. While he was unconscious, he dreamed of the previous Archer's life after he lost the fight to the beast.
After that, Archer's half-brothers and sisters started being horrible to him. There was his half-sister and blood sister, Dara and Hyara, who came into his room to bully him regularly before he fell into a coma.
What made his situation even worse was that Hyara was his blood sister born to the same mother. She had none of the same features as him and looked more like their father, with brown hair like her father and blue eyes like their mother.
Dara was the daughter of the first wife, Ksara, an evil girl with blonde hair and green eyes. They abused him until the day he fell into a coma. Archer could never figure out why they treated him like that.
However, he stopped thinking about all that and wanted to move on with his new life. A strong breeze hit his face and woke him up. His eyes slowly opened, and the bright blue sky blinded him.
The morning sun was beaming down on him as he lay there. Wondering how long he was unconscious and thought to himself. 'It must have been a few days at least.'
Sitting up, he looked around, realizing he wasn't in the tree he climbed into but lying in a muddy crater. He noticed something that shocked him but also made him happy. Glittering white scales ran down his arms and stopped at the knuckles.
Archer removed his muddy shirt to see the same white scales on his shoulders, ribs, and chest. The same beautiful white scales ran down his body and legs. Half of his body was covered in them, but it felt no different than before, except that he felt much stronger.
Scratching his head with a puzzled expression, he felt something firm above his ears, wondering what it could be. Looking around for something to use to see his reflection, he spotted water.
So he made his way over to it and started staring into the water. He finally saw his reflection. There was a pair of dragon horns that appeared above his ears curving at the base and then pointing straight up.
They were as white as the winter snows. His violet-colored eyes had turned into dragon eyes and were brighter than before. Archer's hair was scruffy until he tied it up into a ponytail with some string. He took in his new look and loved it.
Archer spent time admiring himself, his senses warned him to dodge. So he quickly jumped back in panic and was surprised at how far he jumped. A crocodile-looking beast lunged out of the swampy water snapping its jaws at him.
That's when he truly realized how much he had changed after his evolution. He wanted a place to relax for a second, to go over everything he had gained before fighting the crocodiles.
Spotting a branch about twenty feet off the ground. He climbed the tree like a spider monkey before getting comfortable on the branch, he noticed his senses had improved. His eyesight, smell, and hearing were much better than before, even when he unlocked the Sense skill.
He checked his status while sitting above the angry crocodile that was lashing out at the base of the tree.
[1st Stage Evolution Complete]
[Race Unlocked: White Dragon]
[Magic Unlocked]
[Dragon Sense Unlocked]
[Dragon Bloodline Unlocked]
[Mana: 1600>2600]
[Strength: 175>300]
[Constitution: 140>300]
[Stamina: 160>300]
[Charisma: 340>400]
[Intelligence: 160>300]
[SP: 35]
He got excited when he saw his new status and noticed that he got a massive boost in every stat thanks to the successful evolution. Archer noticed his new race was unlocked as he started speaking to himself. ''What's a white dragon?''
Selecting the race option in his mind, a notification popped up.
[White dragons are archaic, one hasn't been born in millennia, and they are the closest living beings to mana. They are the living embodiment of mana on Thrylos, and were once revered as the monarchs of the dragon race]
Archer's eyes went wide as he finished reading the description. ''It now makes sense why I can learn spells quicker than others.'' He muttered.
So, the unknown skill he learned before was Dragon Sense. The first stage of evolution gave him horns, scales, senses, and eyes. This caused him to grow excited as he thought, 'I wonder what the second stage will bring.'
Hearing shuffling below him, Archer remembered he had company to deal with before returning to his quest. Jumping off the branch while casting Plasma Shot directly at the Crocodile's head.
The spell pierced the beast's skull with ease. Landing on the ground with a thud, Archer started to look around when he saw a large shadow flying toward him from the corner of his eye.
He tried casting a Cosmic Shield but couldn't do it in time and was hit hard. ''Ahhh.''
Archer was sent flying. The only damage he received from the attack was when he smashed into the ground.
''Fuck! Lucky that I have scales now. Otherwise, It would have been worse.'' He mumbled as he slowly stood up, and his body ached.
He stretched his arms and heard some bones cracking. After doing that, he jumped out of the crater. His senses kicked in as his feet hit the floor, causing him to quickly jump to the right in a panic as another crocodile slammed into the spot where he was standing.
Archer started laughing as the madness took over, and he wanted to eat the beast's heart even more after smacking him, ''Hahahahaha.''
Just as the beast was about to turn around and lunge at him again, he quickly raised his hand, firing an Eldritch Blast. The spell's explosion caused a massive dust cloud, and after a few minutes, the dust settled.
He saw the beast was lying a few meters away due to the force of the explosion flinging it away. Archer wiped the sweat from his forehead after he saw the beast was dead. He looked at the pair of beasts who ambushed him twice.
They were ten-foot-long crocodile-looking beasts with razor-sharp teeth lining their long snout. The monsters had bony protrusions growing down their backs and were a dark green color to blend into the swamp waters.
Taking his knife out, he went to work, cut out the beast's hearts, and stored them in his Item Box. After eating the hearts, he stored the bodies, cast cleanse on himself to feel fresh, and got rid of the blood that managed to get on his clothes.
Thinking of clothes, he decided to buy some more when he returned to Vassia after completing the quest. The town wasn't far away, so he started making his way there as he checked his status.
He decided to upgrade his stats, so he put the points into HP and mana, four into strength, and three on the rest of the stats apart from intelligence, which got two points.
[Experience: 1100/2000]
[HP: 700/800]
[Mana: 2600>2900]
[Strength: 300>340]
[Constitution: 300>330]
Stamina: 300>330]
[Charisma: 400>430]
[Intelligence: 300>320]
[SP: 35>0]
Archer's body felt fresh, and the little aches he had here and there vanished. He started smiling, but as he approached the town, he saw a long queue to enter. Under the morning sun's radiant glow and the gentle caress of a breeze, he stood patiently in line.
All around him, curious gazes fixated on his distinctive features, the ivory horns crowning his head, and the mesmerizing cat-like violet eyes that seemed to hold secrets. After enduring a two-hour wait, he finally approached the town entrance.
He explained his purpose as he spoke with the town guards. There was supposed to be a guild in this town, but the mayor refused to share the revenue from hunting, so he prevented them from setting up.
Roaming through the town, Archer sought out a stall owner who might possess information about the wolves. His gaze fell upon a stall selling chunks of meat expertly wrapped in fragrant herbs.
Archer acquired three portions for a single silver coin, storing two for later. He began relishing the remaining piece, savoring the flavors that danced on his palate. Satisfied, he decided to make a more substantial purchase.
Thirty chunks of meat were secured for ten silver coins, all promptly stored in his Item Box. As he polished off the last bites of his initial purchase, Archer turned his attention to the stall owner.
''Old man,'' he inquired between bites, ''Do you happen to know where the wolves roam around here?''
The man, peering at the young boy before him, couldn't help but wonder, 'Is this Demi-human boy mad?'
He coughed, then replied. ''Head to the eastern gate and turn north when you exit. Walk for two hours, and you will arrive at the Moaning Depths. You won't be able to miss it. You will find them there.''
Archer thanked the man and started to walk off to clear the wolves and loot more hearts.
Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.
[Check out my other novels, The Runner's Odyssey and Darkness - A Tale Of The Lost One's Journey]
Archer made his way towards the eastern gate after buying a water skin from a vendor near the old man's stall.
He's barely drunk anything and only survived by eating hearts. But he still wanted to eat and drink regular food.
Speaking of food, he pulled out two wrapped meats and scarfed them down when he finished.
He licked the juice off his fingers while exiting the gate after telling the guards he was going on a quest.
Turning north, he started walking. An hour into his journey, a pack of wild dogs came across him.
Archer and the dogs stopped walking while staring at each other. Quickly casting Cosmic Sword and Blinked to each one, slicing their heads off.
Killing all six, he pulled out their hearts but didn't eat them, but he stored them alongside the bodies.
He carried on with his walk until he came across a creepy-looking lake. Tall trees darkened the area.
The water was flat, empty, devoid of life, and there was no movement whatsoever, no birds singing or beasts howling.
A dark forest grew up to the river, branches hanging over the dark waters. Standing on the bank of the river, he stared into the void-looking water.
Archer got a shiver as he did and felt like something was watching him from the river, like a predator waiting to attack.
He shook his head and started to look around for any wolf clues. Looking around, he found tuffs of wolf fur, picking it up and smelling it.
The nasty smell coming from the fur was that of blood, wet dog, and rubbish that's been sitting in the sun for a year.
But he still sniffed it to see if he could track the wolves. Once he took in the nasty smell, he threw it away and started smelling the air.
After ten minutes of sniffing, he smelt the same foul smell coming from a mile away. He ran towards the smell.
It didn't take him long to reach the source of it. There was a pack of ten wolves relaxing at the edge of the river.
A couple of them were keeping watch, making sure nothing could sneak up on the pack. He smiled as he saw the challenge sitting in front of him.
Casting Cosmic Sword, he blinked into the middle of the pack and startled all the wolves.
Archer started slashing at the dogs' bodies as he danced around. They were scared and tried to bolt away in different directions.
He was laughing as he was killing the wolves with his dance of death. As he spun around to attack another, his senses tried to warn him, but it was too late, and a wolf punched him.
His Cosmic Sword vanished when it fell from his hand after getting taken down. The wolf was biting down on Archer's right arm.
Archer's white scales blocked most of the teeth, but some teeth from the wolf's lower jaw pierced his inner arm, making him scream. ''Ahhhhh.''
It started yanking its head as it used its claws to slash at Archer's chest and stomach, slicing into the areas that didn't have scales protecting them.
Blood squirted all over the place as his adrenaline kicked in, so he couldn't feel the pain much. He put his hand on the beast's neck and cast a Fire Missile at it.
The beast yelped as it let go of his arm and went to run away, but before it got the chance to.
It was struck by a purple beam that tore clean through its body. The wolf dropped to the floor as Archer's hand that was held up fell after casting a spell.
He had three slashes going down his chest, the blood started to slow down and clot, and Archer felt a skill level up all of a sudden.
[Regeneration: 1>2]
Archer was lying injured on the floor as he felt them slowly start to stitch together. The puncture marks on his inner arm had already closed up and felt better, but the pain didn't go away.
It seemed as though red-hot iron rods were being driven into his body, but after enduring the pain for a while, he began to feel better.
After recovering, he slowly got off the ground and cast Cleanse on himself. It cleaned his body and clothes but didn't repair them.
His sleeve was torn, and the chest area was torn up. Archer decided not to change as he only had two shirts and pants left until he could buy more.
Looking around, he saw seven wolf bodies, so three escaped. Archer looked around and caught the same foul smell coming from the north.
Quickly taking out his knife, he cut the hearts and stored them with the wolf bodies. After that, he followed the smell for a few hours.
The afternoon sun cooled him down as he found the last three wolves. He quickly kills them with a Plasma Shot and loots them as he notices something behind the three wolves.
Dense fog gathered in the center of the terrain. Surrounded by rolling hills on each side, a desolate and ruined temple stood abandoned, the fog slowly creeping towards it.
Tendril-like fingers clawed their way closer, slowly smothering the open pathway leading to the temple's entrance.
The hazel frame of the door had a corner missing, all splintered and fractured from where the mites had been chewing for decades.
Gravestones that surround the temple outside were standing stationary and crippled from age.
Each tombstone in the cemetery symbolized a life, its essence echoed by the soft, gentle glimmer of light filtering from above.
The wind, carrying the mournful howls that mimicked whispers of the departed, created an eerie symphony in the graveyard.
Amidst this ethereal serenity, only Archer's footsteps dared to disturb the quietude.
The departed found company in stone statues depicting mythical dragons and dragon-kin, perched gracefully against the aged, black wrought fencing adorned with creeping vines.
Though weathered and seemingly ravaged, the temple bore witness to a profound history. Statues lay shattered on the ground, now home to encroaching vegetation.
As Archer approached, the broken walls unveiled a glimpse of the temple's interior.
Burnt tapestries, still hanging on the walls, spoke of a turbulent past, a narrative etched in the very fabric of the structure.
Upon reaching the shattered doors, he applied a deliberate push, causing them to creak open, revealing the mysteries beyond.
Entering the large hall, he saw a massive western dragon statue with six massive limbs, but its head was missing.
He saw the dragon's head lying on the floor further away from the statue. Looking at this scene, old memories flooded back to him from the previous Archer.
This is one of the temples of the Dragon Goddess Tiamat. She was the protector of all dragonkind
Decades ago, after the last Draconic-Human war ended, the dragons were defeated and vanished from Thrylos.
'Makes sense that Mother was in the Avalon Empire. They are a mixed empire, and the people don't care what race you are.
He shifted through all the memories he had filed away in his brain and learned that the God of light.
Darikha hated Tiamat with a passion for an unknown reason and encouraged his followers to go on crusades against all dragonkind.
Over five millennia ago, a catastrophic conflict ravaged the world when the knights of a kingdom, long lost to history, committed a heinous act against the dragons.
Deep in the heart of a human kingdom, a group of powerful knights conspired to take a prized possession of the dragons forcibly - the dragon princess.
They believed that the young and innocent princess had magical powers to help them take over the kingdom.
The knights kidnapped the princess, taking her away from her family and kingdom. When the news reached the dragon king, he was consumed with fury and heartbreak.
The princess was his only child and heir to his throne. He saw it as a direct attack on him.
Overwhelmed with rage, he summoned his mighty dragon armies and set out on a rampage, obliterating everything in his path.
The sky turned red as the dragon king's army burnt, destroyed every kingdom they came across, and burned any human army that dared to challenge them.
The humans soon realized their actions had awoken a terrible wrath in the dragons.
As the rampage continued, the church began to fear that the end was near and soon realized that the abduction had been a great mistake.
This calamitous event marked the beginning of the Draconic-Human wars, a brutal and prolonged struggle that would pit fiery dragons against valiant knights, plunging entire societies into chaos and upheaval.
Centuries after the abduction, numerous human kingdoms and empires aligned with the church in their relentless pursuit of dragonkind.
Various dragon breeds dwindled in numbers throughout the millennia until the dragon race ultimately emerged victorious.
The Followers Of The Light and the knights who had sought refuge in their respective homelands went into hiding, biding their time for five millennia to pass.
They enacted their revenge and brought the infamous dragons to their knees by raising crusades against them until they finally fell.
The surviving dragon kind fled to the northern wilds to roam as nomads. Some adventurous dragon-kin made a place for themselves in different kingdoms thanks to their fighting prowess.
Archer thought that religion was relatively simple in this world. Many gods and goddesses represent different things, such as love, war, home, and conquest.
There are many temples worldwide where worshippers can pray to their chosen God/Goddesses.
When the war ended, the God of Light ordered his followers to destroy all the dragon temples and butcher their residents.
Archer left with a deep sense of sadness spreading within him.
Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord
Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.
[Check out my other novels, The Runner's Odyssey and Darkness - A Tale Of The Lost One's Journey]
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