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98.27% Father of Existence / Chapter 52: Chapter 12 - What goes around come around

Chapitre 52: Chapter 12 - What goes around come around

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>

comms:=like this.=


///3RD POV///

┍ Main Cast ┑





┕ ┙

┍ Returning Cast ┑


┕ ┙

-City of Coruscant-

-5 months since the first Sith Attack.-

Coruscant is one of the major planets in the known galaxy representing the bustling epicenter of the Republic reign, a huge metropolitan planet filled with opportunity and prosperity.

The thing is, that is mostly for the upper level.

And when it is stated upper level that is the literal sense of the word.

As cities were built on top of each other the actual "land" of the planet it's so far below that one wonders when it was the last time that a living being has seen.

There public way to get there, aside from the trasnstations, that worked like taxis.

Not that someone from the upper levels wanted to go to the lower levels.

That place it's called many different names. Lower Coruscant, Coruscant Underworld, Lower levels, Underlevels, Undercity, Underground.


This is where the criminal underworld of the bustling metropolis planet lies.

These levels go from the normal seedy areas, such as the adult entertainment district, to worst, to oh so much worst.

But how much worst can it get?

Well, hundreds of levels down, with only artificial light, highly toxic machinery, that was supposed to be turned off and dismantled long ago, and ever-growing piles of garbage coming from the neighbor upstairs.

Lived a species called Cthons.

Resembling decaying corpses with loose flaps of flesh, stringy, dirty hair, and a lipless mouth filled with sharp teeth.

They have skin-covered eyes; there was an egg-like organ where the eye could be seen moving restlessly while sealed within its sockets.

If clothed at all, they wore nothing but simple loincloths. They are zombie-like humanoids who preyed on living flesh.


They are commonly referred to as Troglodytes.

And where did these creatures come from?

Well, some humans, original to the planet of Coruscant, had been banished to these deeps for a serious crime, that nobody even remembers, and now, after thousands of years leaving in these deplorable conditions evolution took its course, as always.

And what does this matter for this story you are reading?


In these deeps, lower than were modern-ish looking buildings mixed with ancient ruins of multiple forgotten eras.

Far away from all the scum and villainy of Coruscant ruled like kings.

Our main characters are doing a mercenary mission for the Jedi Council plus Satele.

Samus:"Damn it, these things have no end?"

Samus's distorted voice sounded through her helmet, her frustration could clearly be seen as she was in full armor shooting her arm cannon at the swarm.

They were relentless, with no regard for their own safety, injuries, or fallen kin.

Pouring out from every crevice, hole, or fissure that could fit their size trying to swarm any living being to take as food using rudimentary tech weapons and electric nets proving that even that they still had some kind of sentience.

As another Trogrodyte tried to jump on Samus from the back, she quickly turned, catching it midair and slamming it on the ground, a quick shot to the head and she was once again shooting at the coming swarm.

Satele, had no problem keeping the ones coming close to her at bay her lightsaber form was made for multiple opponents and they had a simplistic approach.

Satele:"It almost looks like the Council wants to eliminate us."

A deep frown marred her face as she thought of the events that led them to here, how even though her two masters and her father figure objected to this mission the majority of the Council did not relent.

And all for a flimsy possibility of discovering a connection between Cosuscant troglodytes and Taris's Rakghouls.


Rakghouls are Sith-created troglodyte-ish beings made as a quick brute force army, they can be converted from any humanoid species.

The Jedi don't know much about how the Sith are able to convert another species into a Rakghoul, there are reports of a talisman but it can't be confirmed.

Because of the semblance to Troglodytes, the Council saw fit to send a padawan with her mercenaries friends to go on an incursion in these dangerous parts.

Of course, they didn't just get this idea out of their asses.

Supposedly the Republic military has gotten an anonymous hint about some secret Sith lab around these parts.

A huge discussion was issued and people were shouting about the right way to proceed until some cunning senator suggested Cadmus's group of mercenaries.

It's not just because of the fame that they attained in this short time, but also that they have been employed consistently by the Jedi Council in these last four months.

Of course, that is not public knowledge but people with high enough power can get such information.

So much so that the Hutt cartel already put a bounty on their heads.

Anyway, with the senator's insinuation, not all Jedi were against it, in fact, many were in favor as they saw that even if the mission was a failure they would have nothing to lose.

It would not be their resources wasted and they could even, lawfully, retrieve Samus's ship after her demise.

It is not that people haven't tried to seize it, legally or otherwise, but the fact that they couldn't get in, as if a force field stopped them, and the blatant disregard that Cadmus had for their law on that front only left them with two choices.

Divert war resources and create a conflict with an unknown force that they have no guarantee of coming out unscattered or be silent and wait for an opportunity.

And that's why the Council has been keeping the military and the Senate at bay from going across the line.

After all, Cadmus has been clearly showing his "improvement" in the Force every time he meets someone from the Council.

His power growth is something never reported before by any Force user, so adding it to his, never seen before, smoke-like powers and the fact that they still haven't seen everything that the trio has in store put the Jedi on their guards and best behavior.

There is no doubt that the majority of them consider him and his group a potential threat to the "greater good" since they are a non-controllable power, but with the war with the Sith, they can't exactly spare the main focus on the trio.

So they resort to these more underhanded tactics.

They "requested" that Satele was the one to investigate, siting her growing power and prowess along with her experience dealing with the Sith.

All bullshit, they were just pressuring someone that they didn't like to take on a suicide mission and take people that they want to eliminate and take advantage of.

And like most adults, they do some major mental gymnastics to excuse why they have to do something like this.

Satele was not liking at all where the discussion was going but Cadmus said that they would accept.

They didn't have any mission that Satele had to come with them so he wanted to use this to train Satele with their team.

So he just said for Satele to be patient and tell them that she would talk with Cadmus in his group to tell them the answer, of course, the payment wasn't cheap, but he put a time limit to when they would have to return and they would be paid upon completion.

Of course, with such a short time, for a successful mission, with a flimsy hint and to come back alive, none believe that it would be possible so they accepted.

Cadmus just said to leave it to them.

A lot of people sneered thinking of him as arrogant, but well…..


With a cute shout, Lala threw a huge stone pillar over Samus's and Satele's heads, the scream was the signal for them to duck.


With his shout, all the girls jumped behind Cadmus, activating his runes the pillar that was thrown exploded midair, molten rocks splattered everywhere killing a bunch of Troglodytes and making the terrain difficult for them to traverse.

They were fighting in a great room, like a mess hall, using it to train their teamwork in open spaces.

Cad:"Let retreat, funnel them in the corridors."

The girls nodded, Samus went first with Satele, covering her, once they got to the entrance of one of the corridos she turned back and rained covering fire for Cadmus and Lala.

Satele stood guard on anything that could take Samus's attention from her duty.

Cadmus and Lala ran in their direction, and the four of them crossed the arc to the corridor at the same time, Lala immediately took an explosive and threw it a the ceiling as they continued to run.

Once the Troglodytes tried to pursue, the proximity bomb exploded sealing the path.

They continued to run to make some distance from the things trying to turn them into food until Cadmus told them to stop.


Turning to the young woman she nodded and closed her eyes, a few seconds in concentration and she made a relieved face.

Satele:"I don't feel anything nearby."

She spoke in a firm tone but her eyes said otherwise, she knew this trip is something of a training camp for her and Cadmus was judging her.

He just nods.

Cad:"Alright, let's rest for a while, eat and drink the minimum necessary we still have two hours to go."



They relaxed a little without letting the guard down, each sat or stood like at a side as they rest and ate.

Satele:"...Why did you put on those conditions?"

On their rest Satele couldn't help anymore and directly asked Cadmus.

Samus:"I want to know too, do you have knowledge about this place?"

Samus chimed in, she does trust him but she still got curious about why did he put those conditions for payment.

To receive their reward only at the accomplishment of the mission, only if the mission was successful and it had to be completed in a week.



Cadmus proudly stated and Lala giggled at Satele and Samus's dismayed faces.

Cad:"Don't worry, I got this."

To his assurance Samus just shrugged her shoulder and got back to watch her side, Satele softly sighed but also didn't pursue the matter.

Cad:"Alright I think it is time for us to return."

After a few minutes, Cadmus go to his feet and dusted himself off, bringing a close to their rest time.

Lala:"So the training camp it's finally over?"

Lala stood happily as she was done with the place, eager to get back to the surface and take a long bath although she didn't outright complain about it she could take any more minute in those Existence forsaken ruins.

Samus:"Only you two would consider a place like this as a training camp."

With a cramped face, Samus commented as Satele nodded in agreement, looking around them and all the places they had been in this last week no normal person would use this as a training camp.


Satele:"Not that I'm complaining but you said that we still have a few hours to go no?"

Cad:"Exacly, we now are going to make our way back to where we came from."

At his words the girls stopped and looked at him in deadpan.

Lala:"But that was a week ago."

Samus:"And moved around many places."

Satele:"And we blocked a bunch of paths."

One after another they relayed why it wasn't a good idea to do such a thing in last than two hours.

Cad:"*snort* And you think I don't know such a thing? Please, there is a reason why I left it to the last two hours and this is the last part of the training."

Hearing him they nodded in understanding, annoying as it may be."

Cad:"That's why you three have to hurry up and find our way back."

Lala, Satele, Samus:"Heh?"

They stared at him dumbfounded and seeing his smile their only response was to groan in annoyance, but it didn't take long for them to spring into action.

Lala:"Samus, what can you see in the automap function from your suit?"

Tilting her head to the side while putting a finger on her shin, thinking for a second, Lala was the first to speak.

Samus quickly materialized her visor and lighting up briefly soon responded.

Samus:"We circled around our first landing position we are a long way from there and could make it in 40 minutes in a straight line but I don't think we can go straight."

Lala:"Send me the data."

Pulling her PDA Lala displayed the map Samus sent her, while humming to herself.

Satele:"Here, here and here, those places we will have to make a detour."

Satele narrowed her eyes as she look over the map with a serious expression.

She finally speak as she pointed at places she remembered what had in them once she saw the map.

Lala:"Other than that we can get a straight-ish way but we will have to open the way, either by explosives or the swarm."

Satele:"Leave the swarm to me I will clear them from our path."

Guaranteed Satale as she lightly thumped her chest.

Samus:"I will take care of any obstruction."

Offered Samus as she tapped her arm canon, Cadmus and Lala's influence had changed her, usually, in such situations, she would been more tense, but her calm face said otherwise.

Lala:"Ok I will keep you in check the map and let you guys know when to do what while covering."

Said Lala with a big smile on her face as she took out a colorful gun and swirling on her finger.

They nod as they finish their plan and look at Cadmus.

Cad:"Good plan, if you guys didn't have the strength you have I don't believe it would work, and you even didn't count on me in it, good."

Said Cadmus while nodding in approval, this plan was only feasible because they could keep up with the speed of one another and knew each other's strength.

That was why they could come up with a plan so quickly.

As they spoke with each other and trusted in each skill without hesitation he had a content and proud smile on his face.

Cad:"Let's go, I will take care of anything that you can't take care of."

So they started to march.

Satele flared her double-sided lightsaber and mowed down any swarm in the front, Samus destroyed everything on their path and Lala was their guide.

They showed well the fruits of this week of team-building training and none of them failed to cover for each other.

There were a few hiccups but Cadmus did intervene, but those were outside of the girls' control.

They ran non-stop through the ruin, eliminating all the obstacles on their intended path, and finally reached their intended evacuation point.

Reaching there Cadmus took out the shuttle they would use to get out of there, the same one they had arrived in.

Cad:"Rest, I'll take care of the rest."

Cadmus went to the pilot seat as Samus put her back against the wall, Satele to one of the shuttles' seats and had her head between her legs as she caught her breath and Lala just threw herself onto the floor.

Samus:"Hah, That was, hah, kind of fun, hah."

Satele:"Hah, No, hah, you can't let, hah, yourself fall, hah, to their influence."

Lala:"hah, Cadmus, hah, stupid."

They were tired, dirty, and sweaty yet their appearance wasn't all that bad, Cadmus always carried portable bathrooms in his ring even if they had spent a week in such a desolate place there weren't worst from wear.

Some people would say that he was cheating to which he would say "Yes, yes I am." and move on with his life.

They made their way to the less rudimentary part of the city's underground to get back to their employers and finish their mission.


Seedy Senator A:"WHAT."

Cad:"We finished the mission."

Cadmus repeated himself as the senator who started it all shouted incredulously at the prospect.

There is no connection between Coruscant Troglodytes and the Sith Rakghouls but alas, the senator could not affirm such things, even if he knows it to be true, in front of so many people.

That would draw unpleasant attention to him, and not the petty kind like the ones that he was receiving right now from her colleagues because now they have to pay Cadmus and his troupe.

Seedy Senator A:"H-how can you be so sure?"

Satele:"Here it is."

At his question, Satele stepped forward, with a neutral face she took an artifact from the pouch on her hip.


The undeniable image of a Sith artifact, looking like a Sith's Holocron, draw the attention of everybody in the room, Jedi or not.

Mob General 1:"This is it? You found prof that the Sith were there and that could possibly represent a cure for anyone that was transformed by them and you only brought this?"

The general almost shouted, incensed with the turn of events.

Cad:"The mission was 'Get back with proof that the Sith had been there' and you all agreed, it's not my fault that you guys didn't think things through."

Replied Cadmus with a shrug, he had no care for fake morals, they had no problem with giving them a mission that they would consider to be suicide.

They were trying to cut all the losses and gain profit while pretending to be the good ones in the equation.

None of them were expecting that Cadmus's group would find anything, even more, when he himself stipulated the time and the end result, that they thought it would be impossible.

Everyone now stood incredulous or frustrated, safe for Darach.

He had an amused expression on his face, once Satele took out the artifact his eyes slightly widen before he recomposed himself.

Although it was the first time he is seeing this one he was sure that, when he was apprehending Nico, the smuggler, as he and his partner were excavating for loot in the Sith tombs of Korriban, something was missing.

But no matter where he looked and how thorough was the sweep he didn't find anything else on Nico's ship.

So yes.

Cadmus still has the Sith artifact that he got from Nico, he is yet to meet the smuggler to give it back, and he managed to copy it, using his runes, and the force.

He was planning to use that to study the Sith artifact to the fullest but who would have thought he would use it like that, after all, the content of the mission was, proof of Sith activity.

Since the Jedi couldn't feel the artifact in his ring storage he essentially dived empty-handed and got back with a Sith artifact.

So yeah, basically, Cadmus was handsomely paid to train Satele and his team as the people involved though that the conditions he put were so farfetched that his arrogance would be his own downfall.

Either he would die or fail the mission and the Council + Senate + Military would lose nothing.

Such irony.


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