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46.15% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Return to UA!

Chapitre 12: Chapter 12: Return to UA!

Mt. Agency

"So, are you going to report him?" Death Arms asked Mt. Lady. They were sitting in the main office, discussing what had transpired the previous day. Luffy and Mineta were asleep.

"To be honest, I'm conflicted. Yes, he helped me when the Nomus attacked, and yes, without him things wouldn't have gone so smoothly." Mt. Lady said as she stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out this dilemma.

"But…" Death Arms said, hoping he would get her to spill her thoughts.

"But he broke the law. He used… whatever he used to go after his friends and he attacked the Nomus when I told him not to." She said as she plopped her head on her table. "I have no idea what to do."

"Well, I can't tell you what to do since he is interning under you, but I think you should hold off on arresting him." Death Arms offered his 2 cents. "At least until this internship is over."

"You think so?" Mt Lady said, not lifting her head up.

"He is strong, and has a strong will from what you told me." Death Arms said which managed to make Mt. Lady remember when Luffy stood in front of Stain, unphased. "His carefree demeanour could pose a bit of an issue."

"Snort. You can say that again." Mt. Lady said as she massaged her temples. "It's not like he did anything evil, he did help me and he did run to his friends when he thought they needed help."

"Ah, so there's the problem." Death Arms said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Is he a good guy? Or did he help you and his friends out of necessity? Did he help them just because they were his friends?"

"What do you mean?" Said Mt. Lady with a perplexed expression. "I don't think he would've helped us if he was a bad guy."

"I'm not saying he is evil per se. I'm just wondering if he would help anyone in need or just his friends?" Death Arms explained.

"And how do you want to find that out?" Mt. Lady asked curiously.

"I won't find out anything, I still have my own intern and agency." Death Arms said as he stood up from his seat. "How YOU find out if he's a good guy is up to you. Goodbye."

"Bye." Said Mt. Lady, now with more problems on her plate than she started with. *How am I supposed to find that out? It's not like I can make a scenario to see if he …is, or can I?*

The Next Day.

"Okay, kids! Today we're going to work!" Said Mt. Lady to the still-sleepy teenagers. This made both of them groan.

"Ugh, fine." Said Mineta while going to the closet. "Where do you want me to clean up today?"

"I'm going back to sleep." Luffy said as he did a 180.

"Oh, no. Today we aren't going to clean, today we are going on patrols!" Mt. Lady said, which surprised both boys.

"Huh? I thought patrols aren't your thing." Mineta asked as he went back to her and Luffy.

"Of course they are!" Mt. Lady lied. "I just didn't think it necessary until right now. For no reason whatsoever."

"So, we're actually gonna do hero stuff and not just clean all day?!" Luffy said, already getting excited. "I can't wait!"

"Yes! Isn't it great!" Mt. Lady said as she approached the door. "Now come on kids, wickedness waits for no hero!"

On Patrol, Luffy was walking side-by-side with Mt. Lady with Mineta in the back. They were both eating some fries, freely given to Mt. Lady, and Mineta was sulking.

"Geez, can you pipe it down? I'll get you fries next time okay?" Mt. Lady said, tired of Mineta's waterworks.

"You said that last time." Mineta muttered low enough for the heroine to not hear it, or she didn't care. "Why can't I walk with you guys? I'm tired of being in the back!" Mineta said between sobs.

"I need someone to cover our backs, who knows what villain will come and strike us down." Mt. Lady lied like it was no problem. The real reason is that she wanted to see how Luffy'll react to an actual problem with regular, random citizens. Fortunately, Luffy hasn't noticed Mt. Lady sneaking glances at him every now and then.

"Woo! Look! An ice-cream shop!" Luffy said as he noticed a middle-aged woman selling different kinds of ice cream. "It's so hot I could die, let's go eat some!"

"Sure." Mt. Lady said, uninterested. "Hey, let's see if you can get a free ice-cream cone."

"Yeah, good idea!" Luffy said as he walked to the cart. He hadn't had any practice since the small amount of training he did with Mt. Lady, but he was confident he could get at least something for free.

"Don't forget to get me one!" Mineta said loudly from the back. He wouldn't be surprised if he was ignored.

"Hey lady!" Luffy said as he greeted the middle-aged woman.

"Good afternoon, what do you want?" She said with as much care as she could muster, which wasn't much.

*Hmm, what did she say again? Oh yeah! Compliment them!* Luffy thought as he looked at the owner. "I really like your… umm… your…" Luffy said as he looked at the woman. There wasn't much to say about her, she was pretty plump, with ragged hair that reached her shoulders, and her style wasn't anything crazy. She was smoking and reading a newspaper, which couldn't be good for the ice creams but she didn't look like she cared.

"My what?" She urged Luffy on with slight annoyance in her tone.

"Your… umm, happy personality?" Luffy chose possibly the worst thing he could compliment her on.

"Yeah, I'm just a bowl of rainbows and sunshine. Now, what do you want, brat? I don't got all day." She said with a slight snort.

"Give me free ice cream!" Luffy said as he held his hands out. He could hear two people slapping their foreheads behind him.

"Free? You want free ice cream?" She asked Luffy while just barely looking away from her newspaper. After receiving a nod from Luffy. "And I want to be 20 years younger, we can't get what we all want kid."

"Eh?! But you're supposed to give me free food!" Luffy said with a bit of an annoyed expression. "I even farted with you and everything."

"He means flirted." Mt. Lady said from behind his back.

"Yeah, and now give me free food." Luffy said it like he was enforcing the law.

"Kid, if you can give me a stable career job, I'll give you all the free ice cream you want." She said as she put her newspaper away.

"Really?!" Luffy said hopefully.

"No. Now order something or get lost." She said which made Luffy very sad at his failed attempt.

"Giggle." A soft giggle broke Luffy out of his depression, it also brought everyone's attention to the little girl who was giggling behind her hand. When they were all looking at her she suddenly stopped and gained a blush from embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay sweetie, nobody blames you." The store owner said as her personality did a complete 180, now her personality looked like sunshine and rainbows. "Is there anything you needed?"

"Umm, I just want… Ice cream." The little girl said as she looked at the ground and fiddled with her dress. "But… I don't have money."

"Ah, that's okay sweetie. One cone of ice cream coming right up!" The shop owner said as she started making an ice cream cone.

"Eh?! Why her and not me?!" Luffy asked, completely flabbergasted.

"It's because she is a cute little girl." Mt. Lady said as she put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I understand your anger. No matter how much I try, I just can't compete with adorable little children." She shook her fist angrily.

"I'm sorry." The little girl said again as she looked at the ground, thinking somehow she made the adult mad.

"It's not your fault sweetheart." Mt. Lady said as she too fell under her spell while patting her head. How the mighty have fallen.

"You here alone? Where are your parents?" Mineta asked as he got closer to her, due to his height, he was only slightly taller than the girl.

"He was here, but I think I lost him." The little girl said as she started frantically looking around.

"One ice cream cone, with love for the little cutie-pie." Said the shop owner as she handed the little girl her ice cream. The little girl radiated with happiness.

"So yummy!" She said as she started licking the ice cream. After remembering her manners, she did a slight bow. "Thank you."

"It's no problem swe–"

"Eri!" Said a young man with short brown hair and a green jacket with purple feathers going around his neck. "I told you not to run away." He said it more like it was an inconvenience to him than an actual worry. He was barely paying any attention to the people who surrounded him.

"Ah, I'm… sorry. I got lost." Eri said with a shaky voice as she quickly hid her ice cream behind her back. Luffy didn't need observation haki to tell that something was wrong.

"Don't let it happen again." The young man said but then he noticed the ice cream she was trying to hide. "What do you have there? Ice cream?" After a shaky nod, he continued. "So that's why you left. I'll have to discipline you at home, now come."

Eri let a light whimper when he forcefully grabbed her tiny arm and made her drop her ice cream. For Luffy, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. He was already on the fence when his haki picked up his sheer lack of emotion towards the little girl, but this solidified it.

"OI!" Luffy said as he went face-to-face with the young man, grabbing his collar with one hand rage evident on his face. "You made her drop her ice cream! Buy her a new one!" Mt. Lady decided not to interfere, this being the perfect opportunity to test Luffy.

After a quick staring match, where you could hear Luffy's teeth grinding against each other, he relented. "Of course, I didn't mean to make her drop her ice cream." This made Luffy let go of his collar, which prompted the shopkeeper to make a new one before taking a healthy amount of air she didn't even realize she needed.

*The last thing I want right now is a fight, especially with a pro in the middle of the day.* He thought as he went to the cart and took out his wallet.

"Keep the change." He said as he handed the shopkeeper more money than needed

"Thank you." The middle-aged woman said warily as she handed the man his ice cream cone with slight hesitation. Luffy pushed the young man aside and got the ice cream directly from her hand.

"Rep!" Mineta said with a shaky voice, but this did not stop Luffy. Meanwhile, the young man had to bite his lip to stop himself from retaliating to Luffy's humiliating push.

Soon Luffy was face-to-face with Eri, crouching down to be at eye level with her, and with an ear-to-ear smile he said. "Here you go!"

Eri, completely entranced with Luffy, looked at his face for a couple of seconds before slowly grabbing the cone. "Thank you, mister."

"Now, let's go." The young man said as he began walking away. Eri still not taking her eyes off Luffy.

"We should get going too." Mt. Lady said as she began walking in the opposite direction. Luffy and Mineta follow after her.

"Huh?" Luffy said when he noticed someone tugging on his coat. He looked behind and noticed Eri with a hand on his coat and looking at the ground.

"Please… don't go." Eri said very quietly, quiet enough only for Luffy to hear. After a couple of seconds, Eri felt a hand on her head, making her look up at Luffy.

"Don't worry Eri. That's your name right?" Luffy asked with a kind voice, after a quick nod he continued. "I'll remember that name. I'll use it next time we see each other, okay?"

"Luffy!" "Eri!" They heard each of their names being called. Eri, after a good look at Luffy's smiling face, nodded and proceeded to walk to where the young man was calling for her. Luffy doing the same.

"What did you guys talk about?" Mt. Lady asked Luffy after he caught up with them.

"Nothing much, just a promise." Luffy said as he put his hands behind his head and continued to walk side-by-side with Mt. Lady.

"Is that so?" Mt. Lady said while thinking of what Death Arms told her. With a smile on her face, she thought *I think I found out.*

Last day at Mt. Agency

"Okay! I got everything, I'm ready to go home!" Luffy said as he walked out of his room.

"You don't even have anything." Mineta said as he walked behind Luffy with a case in his hand. "Man, this whole internship was a nightmare, can't wait for it to be over."

"I liked it." Luffy said as he opened the door to the main office, where he was greeted by Mt. Lady.

"Well boys, looks like this is it." Mt. Lady said as she looked at Luffy, not even acknowledging Mineta's existence.

"Thank you so much for this experience, I will not forget it!" Mineta said, doing a complete mood swing.

"Uh-huh, why don't you go ahead. I got something I need to talk with straw hat over here." Mt. Lady said which made Mineta depressed.

"What d'ya want to talk about?" Luffy asked he plopped on the sofa, Mt. Lady putting herself near him. After Mineta left she began.

"I should arrest you." Mt. Lady said as she began eating a bag of chips.

"Eh?!" This made Luffy very surprised. "Why?!"

"Don't worry, I decided not to. After you used your quirk to fight the Nomus I was this close to arresting you, but without you, the Nomus would've been a real pain to deal with, so I just took the credit, and now you got off scot-free." Mt. Lady said while Luffy was eating a slice of pizza.

"Thanks big lady!" Luffy said. Luffy was never one to care about clout and reputation, as long as he was free, he was happy.

"It's Mount Lady." Mt. Lady said with a sigh. "Ya know, when you came here, i thought i was going to hate every second of it. And I still did, but not as much as I thought I would."

"Me too!" Luffy said. "Is that it?"

"Wait, before you go." Mt. Lady said as she got face-to-face with Luffy.

"Smooch!" Mt. Lady gives Luffy a kiss on his cheek, after taking her lips off him and taking a good look at him. "Still, not even a blush."

"Huh? What was that?" Luffy said as he rubbed his cheek where Mt. Lady kissed him.

"Don't worry about it, now go. I got enough out of you for a lifetime." Mt Lady said as she went back to checking her phone and eating chips. "And if you tell anybody about what I just did, I'll kill you."

"Umm, okay." Luffy said wondering why would he want to tell people that Mt. Lady put her mouth on Luffy's cheek. "Bye big lady!"

"Uh-huh." Mt. Lady said as Luffy exited the room and left her alone in her agency. *I can't believe I'm gonna miss that idiot.*

Train Station.

"Hey Luffy!" Momo said as her face brightened when she saw Luffy get off the train. She was waiting for him because she knew that Luffy'll get lost if he didn't have an escort with him.

"Hi Momo! It's been a while!" Luffy said as he ran face-first into Momo, enveloping her in a hug.

"L-luffy! Get off!" Momo said with a blush as she untangled herself from Luffy's stretchy hands. "It's only been a week. I'm surprised you missed me that much."

"Of course I missed you, you're my closest friend here." Luffy said it with a serious expression. For Luffy, this has been the longest he's been away from his crewmates, not including the training period and the farthest. So he latched on to the closest thing he has, which was Momo.

"T-thanks Luffy." Momo said a bit embarrassed. "Y-you're also closest f-friend."

"Well, duh." Luffy said it bluntly which made Momo feel like an idiot. "Oh yeah, Bye grapes!"

"Huh?!" Momo said as she looked there Luffy was waving to see Mineta standing there with a little bit of blood dripping from his nose.

"You guys are so weird." Mineta said as he went to the subway station so that he could go home. "Bye rep."

"Anyway, did anything cool happen in your lantership?" Luffy asked Momo as she began walking to her family's limousine.

"You mean internship?" Momo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what i said." Luffy said which made Momo sigh.

"Well, if you think making a perfume commercial is 'cool' then yes." Momo said sounding very unhappy with how her internship went. "I did go on some patrols, so i guess it wasn't a total waste of time. How about you Luffy?"

"Well let's see." Luffy said as he held a hand up. "I got thrown out of a ramen shop. I learned how to get free food. I fought some Nomus. I met up with greenie and some other guys, and I made a promise to a little girl called Eri." Luffy said while holding a finger up for everything he did.

"Wow, I guess more things happened at your internship." Momo said bewildered. "Wait, did you say Nomus?! As in U.S.J. Nomus?!"

"Nah, these ones were way weaker." Luffy said, which managed to calm Momo down a little bit.

"Wait, fought? You should've gotten arrested if you used your quirk." Momo said as they eared the limousine.

"But i didn't. The big lady said that she's gonna take credit so that I don't go to prison." Luffy said as he got in the car.

"Well, it's better than prison." Momo said as she followed after him. *At least someone managed to something out of their internship. I do wonder who Eri is?*

Class 1-A

"Hahhahahah!" "Hahahahaha!" Shishishsihsihsi!" Was the first thing Bakugou heard when he entered the classroom.

"Dude! What happend to your hair?!" Sero asked between laughs.

"It's so lame!" Luffy said as he clutched his stomach from laughter.

"What the crap Bakugou?!" Kirishima said while trying his best to hold in his laugh. He wasn't holding anything in.

"Stop laughing. My hair has gotten used to this and I can't get it back to the wait it was." Bakugou said as he was shivering with pure range. "Did you not hear me?! I'll kill you both!"

"I'd like to see you try pretty boy!" Sero mocked Bakugou as they all continued laughing.

"What'd you call me?!" Bakugou said as he finally snapped, making his hair go back to how it was, making the boys laugh harder.

"It's back!" Luffy said while pointing at his hair, in return he received a blast to the face, but it did not stop Luffy from laughing.

"Awesome! You got to face actual villains?! I'm super jealous!" Mina said to Jirou as she gathered at Asui's desk.

"Well, I didn't face anything. It was more logistical support and surveillance." Jirou said as she twiddled her ear jacks. "Only the pros and Lu–" She cut herself short. "I mean only the pros." She was asked by Mt. Lady, Death Arms, and the chief of police to not reveal the fact that Luffy helped in any way shape, or form.

"My internship was pretty boring." Asui said with a finger on her chin. "Well there was this one day where i helped catch a ship full of drug smugglers"

"Okay thats cool!" Mina and Jirou said at the same time, surprised.

"What about you Uraraka? How was your week?" Asui asked Uraraka, who was emanating a powerful aura at the moment. They saw Luffy straighten up a smidge as he returned to his desk.

"I'd say it was very enlightening." Uraraka responded as she shadow boxed.

"Looks like she found her fighting spirit." Asui said.

"Yeah, that battle hero must've been something else." Jirou said as she and the rest of the girls looked at her in surprise.

"After one week she's like a totally different person." Kaminari said as he watched Urarka from another side of the class.

"Different? Don't be fooled Kaminari." Mineta said as he wiggled a finger back and forth. "All women are demons at heart, they just hide their true personality behind a pretty face." Mineta said as he looked in horror as he was biting his fingernail.

"What the heck did Mt. Lady do to you?" Kaminari asked in concern.

"It's more like what she didn't do." Mineta said which made Kaminari quirk an eyebrow. "She was totally fixated on the rep the entire time!"

"Everybody at my agency loved me, it was actually pretty great!" Kaminari said as he turned to Izuku, Todoroki, Iida, and Luffy. "Now if you wanna talk about who really changed, it was those four."

"Oh yeah, the Hero Killer!" Sero said as Bakugou dragged him by the back of his shirt with one hand.

"Glad you guys made it out alive." Kirishima said, him being the person on Bakugou's other hand.

"I didn't even get to fight the mask guy." Luffy said in annoyance. "He just did his weird speech and passed out."

"So cool! Just what I'd expect from the Nr. 2 hero!" Mina said, thinking that it was Endeavor who took him down.

"Yeah that's right, he saved us." Todoroki said as he tried to follow the lie as close as he could, getting an approving nod from Izuku.

"Did you guys hear the news about the hero killer? Everybody says he was somehow connected to the league of villains." Ojiro said as he too joined the conversation. "Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if he was at the U.S.J?"

"He's scary yeah, but did you guys see him in that video that's been going around the internet?" Kaminari said as pretty much everyone joined the conversation. "I saw his speech, scary stuff. The only one who didn't look like he was about to crap himself was Luffy."

"Huh?" Luffy said when he heard his name being called out. "What's up?"

"How was it? The hero killer's speech?" Hakagure asked Luffy. "It looked like everyone was terrified by him, besides you."

"Wait you guys were scared by him?" Luffy asked his 3 other partners in crime.

"Well, of course. That speech left a real mark on my mental state." Iida said

"Wow, you guys are cowards! Shishishishi." Luffy laughed which earned him a sweat drop from almost everybody in the class.

*He's not wrong. Out of everyone there, he was the only one unaffected. What a hero I am.* Izuku thought as he clenched his fists.

"If the rubber brain wasn't scarred, then how scary could he be?" Bakugou said from his seat. This made everyone rethink the class power dynamic a little bit.

Field Gamma

"I am here! Hope you're ready to return to our lessons!" All-Might said as he stood in front of every student from class 1-A. They were each in their own hero costume and they were all in front of a massive training field, filled with pipes. After a bunch of boring explanation. "... Whoever finds me first Wins! But try to keep the property damage to a minimum."

"Why are you looking at me?" Bakugou said when he noticed All-Mights gaze linger on him for a tad too long.

"Get ready!" All-Might said as Ojiro, Izuku, Mina, Sero, and Luffy got ready to start their race toward All-Might.

"Everybody in this group has really good mobility." Kaminari said as he, and the rest of class 1-A, looked at a giant screen where they could see each student. "I don't really know who's going to win."

"I mean, I think it's pretty obvious it's gonna be Luffy." Kirishima said which managed to receive a bunch of nods from his classmates.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Jirou said. "The rep is fast, but he's an idiot, there's no sugarcoating that."

"He might just get lost." The dupli-arms quirk user said.

"I wouldn't bet Luffy out of the running so fast." Mineta jumped in on the conversation. "I've been around him long enough to know that he'll pull a stunt and win this somehow."

Well, the one at a clear disadvantage here is Midoriya." Momo said from her seating position. "He won't be able to get anywhere fast enough without breaking a few bones."

"That's pretty true." Asui said as she looked at each of the participants to a variety of stretches, the only one who wasn't doing stretches was Luffy, who was just looking around.

"Let the first round… Begin!" All-Might said which prompted everyone to start gunning it full speed toward All-Might.

"Wow, look at Ashido sliding with her acid!" Mineta said with a perverted look.

"Look at Ojiro, he's just zipping from place to place." Kaminari said when the screen switched to the tail student.

"Yeah. Oh, look at Sero, He's swinging from pipe to pipe like he's Tarzan!" Kirishima said excitedly. "Why's Luffy just standing around?"

*C'mon Luffy!* Momo thought, hoping that Luffy will win. But then she saw Luffy hold onto two different pipes and make himself into a human slingshot. "Oh no.*

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Luffy said as he jumped full force to All-Might, propulsated by his stretchy arms.

"Oh yeah, forgot he can do that." Jirou and Shoji ate their own words when they saw Luffy fly through the sky.

"Something tells me this is gonna end badly." Momo said as she watched Luffy approach All-Might and then sail right past him. "Yep, thought so."

"Woa! Young Luffy!" All-Might said when he noticed Luffy fly right past him. "Guess you regret taking that shortcut now? Huh Young Luffy."

"No way!" Luffy said as he extended his arms and grabbed All-Might's head. "Gotcha!"

"AH! Young Luffy!" All-Might said as he tried swatting Luffy's hands away. "You're ripping my head!"

"Here I come!" Luffy said as he made an impact with All-Might, tumbling the both of them to the ground.

"Cough. Young Luffy! In a real hostage situation, you wouldn't be able to do this you know! Cough." All-Might said in between coughs with blood.

"But… this isn't a real hostage thing." Luffy said it like it was obvious.

"That's not the point." All-Might said as he offered Luffy the prize. "Anyway, you managed to get here first! Congrats!"

"Told you Luffy'll get first place, no problem!" Kirishima said with smugness.

"Yeah no problem, besides nearly flying off in another direct and crashing into All-Might." Asui said which made Kirishima sulk.

The Boys Locker Room

"Man, i really gotta work on my mobility." Kirishima said as he and everybody else was undressing from their hero suits and dressing back into their uniforms.

"You could work but compensating on other skills." Tokoyami offered his tip of the day.

"I'm really jealous of guys like you and Luffy." Kaminari said as he looked at Luffy messily trying to tie a tie and then giving up. "You guys really got speed going for you."

"Hey Luffy! You won't believe what i just found. The holy grail!" Mineta said as he revealed a hole hidden behind a poster. "Someone shawshanked a hole to the girls locker room!"

"...okay." Luffy said, not understanding why Mineta was so excited.

"Don't you dare! Violation of privacy is a serious offense!" Iida said as Mineta approached the hole.

"Then you'll have to put me in solitary confinement because you can't stop me!" Mineta said as he put his eye as close as he could to the wall. " I can't wait to see the gir–" Mineta was suddenly interrupted by an earphone jack to the eye. "AAAHHH!"

"An earphone jack?! What a brutal, precise attack from next door!" Izuku said as he watched Mineta scream in agony.

Class 1-A

Last period.

"Summer vacation is right around the corner. But that dosen't mean you can just relax an entire month, you'll be training, while you're camping in the woods." Aizawa said to the class, which got all of them riled up.

"Yeah!" Most of the class cheered with their hands in the air. Then they each proceeded to say why they were excited about the summer vacation.

"Oi Momo, where going camping in the woods?" Luffy asked Momo, not really understanding what was going on because he was sleeping until now.

"We're going to train in the woods." Momo clarified. "It's gonna be a whole lot different than the training I'm used to."

"Awesome! It's going to be like training with old man Rayleigh again!" Luffy said as he pumped a fist in the air.

"Oh, didn't know you trained in the woods Luffy." Midoryia asked as he turned around in his seat.

"Yeah, my grandpa used to leave me for weeks alone in the forest to see if I could survive!" Luffy said which completely shocked Izuku and Momo, and attracted Todoroki's attention.

"Oh, I'm so–" Izuku was interrupted.

"He also tied me to a bunch of balloons once and let me fly into the air!" Luffy said it like was no big deal. Todoroki started to sympathize with Luffy

"That must've been horrible Luffy." Momo said as she placed a comforting hand on his hand.

"And there was that one time where he threw me of a cliff!" Luffy said it with a smile on his face. "I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my grandpa."

"What?" Todoroki said a bit harshly as he joined the conversation. "How could you miss someone who basically tortured you?!" Luffy's grandpa sounded a lot like Endeavor, and he couldn't comprehend why he misses him.

"He did it to make me stronger." Luffy said. "Why would I hate someone who only tried to do the best for me?"

*Guess that's why Luffy is so strong.* Izuku thought with a hand on his chin.

"There are other ways to make someone stronger!" Todoroki said a bit too angrily for his liking.

"Maybe, but they way he did it made me super strong!" Luffy said as he flexed his biceps.

"And why did he do it? Just to make you into a weapon?!" Todoroki said, not noticing the fact that the entire class has gone quiet.

"He wanted me to become a marine, but I became a pirate instead!" Luffy said as he put his hands behind his back. "He was so mad that he beat me to a pulp!" Luffy said it like he was reminiscing a sweet memory.

"But that doesn't justify hitting you over and over, or abusing your mother countless times." Todoroki said as he stood up from his seat.

"Huh? What're you talking about? I don't have a mom." Luffy asked clearly confused, this made Todoroki break out of his rage-induced debate. When they looked around the classroom, they saw confused/shocked faces.

"Damn Todoroki, I'm sorry." "How can you talk about your grandpa hitting you so casually?" "I'm pretty sure you have a mom." And other types of comments like these were made.

"That's enough! Settle down, class is not over!" Aizawa said as he activated his quirk and made everybody silent. "If you have a problem with Luffy or Todoroki, do it after class. I still have some information to give, those of you who don't pass the exams, will have summer school."

This made everyone encourage everybody else to study harder, mainly Luffy since everybody knew that if there was someone who would fail, it would be Luffy.

Meanwhile, Todoroki was just staring angrily at his desk, not noticing the sympathetic glance Izuku was giving him. *Dammit, I almost blurted my entire secret to the whole class. 'Just tried to make me stronger.' What a joke, either Luffy is too dumb to realize what his grandpa did to him or he is embellishing his own story. I doubt Luffy would lie so casually, and if that's the case, how doesn't he have any sort of resentment towards his grandpa? I'll have to get into more detail with him later.*

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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  • Contexte du monde

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Rank NO.-- Classement de puissance
Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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