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19.23% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Class Rep and USj!

Chapitre 5: Chapter 5: Class Rep and USj!

Luffy and Momo were getting out of the limousine, as they arrived at UA. Nothing of note happened between this day and the one before. They were surprised when they saw a bunch of reporters blocking the UA entrance gate, they were confused as to why the reporters chose to block their path.

"Huh? What's going on?" Said a confused Luffy which caused every reporter to do a 180 and look at the two of them.

"Reporters?" Wondered Momo out loud.

"Are you two students in the hero course?" Said one female reporter while holding a microphone to both of their faces.

"Hero course?" "Yes, we are." Said Luffy and Momo at the same time. when they finished saying this, all of the reporter's faces lit up like they were a Christmas tree.

"Can you tell us what's it like to study under All-Might?"

"Hmm, he's super loud, and bigger than me." Said Luffy, not helping the reporters at all.

"Is there anything else?" Said Momo in a hurry, wanting to get to classes as soon as possible.

"No, you can go." Said the female reporter extremely disappointed by the lack of information they just got.

"Yosh! Let's go I'm starving." Said Luffy with the only thing on his mind being the cafeteria's food.

*When are you not starving?* Thought Momo in amusement.

"Luffy? What's wrong?" Momo said when she noticed Luffy suddenly stopping in his tracks and turning around like somebody just shouted his name. She then decided to also look in the same direction as Luffy only see to people walking on the sideway.

"Nothing, I thought I just felt something." Luffy said as he continued to walk through the gate. He was sure he felt something, something like hate and killing intent, but when he turned to where all this bloodlust was coming from, he saw nothing but regular citizens walking.

He continued walking to his class but something nagged at him in the back of his mind. Deciding to push it deep down, he focused on eating his giant piece of meat in the classroom. Soon after, the first lesson started.

"Decent work on yesterday's training, you guys. I saw the footage and went over each and all of your team's results." Said a very tired Aizawa addressing the whole class. "Bakugou you're talented, so don't sulk over your loss like a child."

"Tsk, yeah whatever." Said a mildly annoyed Bakugou at being treated with kid gloves.

"Midoryia." Said Aizawa, causing Izuku to straighten in his seat quickly. "I see the only way you won the match, is by messing up your arm again. Work harder and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line is already getting old"

"Luffy." Said Aizawa causing Luffy to come back to reality. "I saw you won your match, which I give you props for, but you treated it like a game, if you don't take this more seriously, it will be your downfall."

"Eh? But I won!" Said a confused Luffy, wondering why is he getting scolded for winning.

"Winning isn't everything, and in a real battle, your opponents won't be so cocky." Aizawa lectured Luffy and the whole class.

"Anyway, let's get down to business, this lesson will affect your whole future." Aizawa said, causing a tense atmosphere to settle in the whole classroom. "You all need to pick a class representative."

*Oh, okay just normal school stuff.* Thought the majority of the class.

"Hey, Momo. what's that? The class thing." Luffy whispered to Momo, which caused her to turn to him.

"We talked about this yesterday. It's the pirate captain of the class." Momo said hoping the metaphor will work a second time.

While they were having their little discussion, various students stood up in their chairs, proclaiming that they should be the class rep and why. Not really giving good arguments.

"Oh, I have to be the captain. Hey guys! I'm the class rep thingie!" Said Luffy also standing up and saying it as loudly as he could, unfortunately, his voice drowned out in all the commotion.

"Silence everyone! please." Iida suddenly said as he stood up, causing everybody to shut up and look at him.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others, it's not something that just anyone can do!"

"I can do it!" Luffy said only for him to be ignored.

"You must first have the trust of everyone in the classroom, therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democratically! We will hold an election to choose our leader." He said, very clearly wanting to be the class representative.

"This doesn't feel like the best idea." Said Denki, slightly sweating.

"We've barely known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust?" Said Asui with a finger on her chin.

"Yeah, plus everybody will just vote for themselves." Said Kirishima also not thinking this is the best idea.

"Most people will yes, but that only means that the person who gets chosen is truly the one who deserves the spot." Said Iida in an attempt to convince everybody.

"It's the best way, right sir?" Iida asked his homeroom teacher who was already in a yellow sleeping bag.

"Do what you want, just decide before my nap is over." He said as he closed his sleeping bag and dropped to the ground.

"Thank you for your trust sir!" Said Iida, getting ready to hand everybody their piece of paper so that they can choose.

A while later, the election result was shown on a screen.

1st Place: Monkey D. Luffy with 4 votes.

2nd Place: Midoryia Izuku with 3 votes.

3rd place: Momo Yaoyorozu with 2 votes.

"Yahoo! I Won! I told you I could do it!" Luffy said pointing to Momo while putting a leg on a desk. Causing the girl in question to wonder why she was getting attacked.

*Well, I guess it's better than a stranger.* thought Momo

"Alright! Who voted for Rubber brain and the nerd?!" asked Bakugou angrily. This caused a certain invisible girl and a gravity girl to whistle while looking off to the side.

"Did you honestly think that anybody was going to vote for you?" Asked Denki which only made Bakugou madder.

"I get why people would vote for Midoriya, but Luffy? Really?" Asked a disbelieving Asui. Which made Kirishima turn to her.

"Well, you saw his quirk and how he used it! He's super strong!" Said Kirishima trying to defend Luffy and by extension himself, him being one of the ones who voted for Luffy.

"You done choosing?" Asked Aizawa as he got to the ground. Taking one look at the screen he called the two boys to the front of the class. "Luffy, Midoryia! Come here."

Luffy was standing at the front of the class with a huge smile on his face while Midoryia was trembling.

"A-a-are we sure it's not some sort of mistake?" Izuku asked referring to himself.

"Oi! Calm down." Said Luffy as he slapped Izuku's back, almost making him face-plant into the ground. "This is not how a first mate should act!"

"Oh, and you have a lot of experience in how he should act, Captain?" Asked Denki, mockingly very evident in his tone.

"Yeah, He's supposed to be super strong and always acting cool!" He said the things that made Zoro, well Zoro. This whole election reminded him of his crew and it made him homesick, plus Izuku and Zoro having green hair didn't help the situation.

"That doesn't sound right."

"So that means that we are the crew?

"There's no way in hell I'll take orders from you."

and several other comments like these were made.

"Alright, now we need a boat and we can set off on our adventur-" he was cut off by the bell going off indicating that the lunch period started. Before anyone could even begin to get out of their seats, Luffy was already gone.

Now with Luffy, Momo, Iida, Izuku, and Ochaco, were seated at a table, each desperately trying to stop Luffy from eating

"This rice is super good!" Said Ochaco sarcastically. "That is what I would have said If I Were Able To Eat!"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Asked Luffy, wondering why everyone is so guarded.

"I Mean Stop stealing My Food!" Said Ochaco Loudly which just caused Luffy to laugh.

"So hey guys, I don't think I fit the role of class deputy." Said Izuku to his friends. Truth be told he was never one to take leadership positions.

"Nonsense, the quick thinking and critical thinking you demonstrated, are the true values of any leader." Said Iida in an attempt to console his friend while trying to eat his meal. He was still disappointed at the fact that he didn't get chosen to be the class rep, but he wasn't going to argue with his vote.

"Yeah! Plus the way you blew up that building, It was very cool." Said Luffy already having finished his meal.

"I don't think blowing up buildings is a great qualifier for being the deputy." Said Izuku wondering what blowing up buildings has to do with taking charge.

"What he means." Said Momo also done with her meal. Having lived with Luffy for almost a full month now, she was forced to learn to eat fast. "Is that, being strong is also necessary of any capable leaders."

"Which Is why I chose to vote for you." Said Iida in an attempt to further comfort his friend.

"You voted for me?" Izuku asked surprised and receiving a nod in response.

"To be honest, I'm more worried about you Luffy." Said Ochaco to the rubber man. " I mean no offense, you are strong and the way you use your quirk means that you have at least some brain power. But have you ever taken leadership roles before?"

"Obviously! I am a pirate captain for about 2 and something years now!" Luffy said a bit offended.

"I don't think that's true."

"In any case, observing the Iida family agency has taught me that a leader should be able to analyze and compile a plan under stress, and you both have shown clear proof of that." Iida explained further.

"Aww, thanks!" Said Luffy as he scratched the back of his plan, not really understanding what he was praised for, but happy that he was.

"Agency?" Said everybody else at the table, having caught Iida's slip-up.

"Hold on, what does your family do Iida?" Asked Izuku.

"U-uh, it's nothing!" Said Iida sweating a bit.

"You know I've been wondering something about you Iida." Said Ochaco as she was getting in his personal space. "Admit it, your filthy rich!"

"Ah! I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family." Said Iida while closing his eyes.

"Yes, I know how you feel." Said Momo, being able to sympathize with Iida at the fact that people only care about your money, although she hopes this school will be different.

"You see, the Iida family have been heroes for generations now. It runs in our blood." Said Iida after caving in from being stared at by 3 different people. " Are you four familiar with the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?"

"Who is that?" Asked Luffy with a frown on his eyebrows.

"Oh! I know all about him! He's a super popular pro working alongside 65 sidekicks at his Tokyo Agency! Wait, Don't tell me." Said Izuku wondering if what he thought was true.

"He's my elder brother!" Said Iida while looking very proud.

"Wow Cool!" Said Luffy, still not knowing who he is.

"I can't believe it!" Said Izuku with admiration in his voice.

"Your family is super famous!" gushed Ochaco

"I knew your family name sounded familiar." Said Momo, wondering how she didn't realize it until now.

"Ingenium is a masked hero, that protects the innocents. As his little brother, I strive to be just like him." Said Iida still proud at having such an awesome brother with a smile on his face.

"Yeah I know what that's like, ever since I was with Ace I could never beat him in a fight, I wanted to be as strong as he was." Said Luffy happily reminiscing the times when he, Ace, and Sabo would fight all day, and Luffy not winning once.

"Wow, your brother must have been really strong if he could beat you in a fight." Said Izuku wondering what type of quirk Luffy's late brother had.

"And that was all before he got his de—" He was cut off from saying that Ace ate the fire logia fruit when an alarm sounded. "What's that noise?"

"Level 3 security breach?" Iida asked out loud when he heard a voice saying that a level 3 security breach has been issued. "What does that mean?"

"It means someone trespassed on school property." Said a calm and collected Momo, while on the inside she was slightly panicking. "The rules say to evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

"Alright, Let's go then!" Said Iida always following the rules, hurrying everybody else around him. "Let's hurry!"

"HEY! Stop pushing me!" Said an annoyed Luffy at being pushed on from all sides. He was in the hallway, with his other friends, not being able to move around in the big crowd that formed from all of the other students being in a panic. "You guys okay back there?"

"I can't breathe!" Said Izuku as he was getting pushed from all sides. "Aaaah! Luffy! Your neck!" said Izuku when he noticed Luffy's neck being extended way more than humanly possible.

"Everyone is so quick to react! as expected of UA students!" Said Iida while also having a very hard time moving around. "Who in the world could be trespassing on the school grounds?" he said as he was approaching the window to look outside.

"Hey, What are we looking at?" Said Luffy's head who was also looking outside the window side-by-side with Iida. "Those are the guys from before!"

"It's the reporters from this morning!" He said in disbelief at all the commotion they were causing. "We have to warn them!"

This caused Luffy to take the hint and say as loudly as he could. "OI! It's the guys from this morning! So Just relax!"

Unfortunately for him, everyone was too focused on running ahead to notice the over-extended head shouting at them. the only people to pick up on his announcement were the students in his class.

"I Have a plan!" Said Iida after getting an idea of how to help everyone. While he was making him through the panicked crowd to Ochaco. "Uraraka! Activate your quirk on me!"

As they barely touched, Iida started floating over the crowd. "Hey! What are you doing? That looks fun!" Said Luffy also wanting to fly.

"This is no time for games! I just need to get in front of everyone and deliver a quick and precise message to stop the panic." Iida said as he was getting ready to his quirk, to somehow fly over the crowd, but he stopped when he felt a hand on his back. "Huh?!"

"I'll help you then! After all, it's a captain's job to help his crew." Luffy's head said as he pushed Iida to the front of everyone.

"Thank you!" Iida thanked Luffy as he got his announcement ready. *Okay! I need to be clear and concise and make an Impact!*

"LISTEN UP! EVERYTHING IS OKAY! It's Just The Media Outside! There is no reason to panic!" Iida shouted at the top of his lungs while balancing himself on the exit sign above the doorway. "We are UA Students! We need to Keep Calm! And prove that we are the best of the best!"

Luffy not knowing what to do in this situation decided to give a thumbs up with his over-extended hand.

His announcement proved to be effective as it managed to calm everyone down when the police arrived.

Now that the new lesson started, Luffy was standing at the front of the class with a smile on his face while Izuku was shaking in his boots.

"Why are we here?" Said Luffy slightly confused as to why he was at the front of the class.

"W-w-wait Luffy, before we begin, I want to make an announcement." Said Izuku while trying to calm his nerves. "I thought a lot about this, and I think that Tenya Iida should be our class deputy!"

"I know it's not exactly class rep, and that I don't exactly have the right to give my role to him. But, he managed to get everyone's attention during the panic and calm everyone down. So I believe that he should have the role of class deputy!" Izuku said finishing his speech with a look of admiration on his face, before suddenly realizing that he needed to ask permission. "I-i mean if that's alright with you Luffy?"

"Sure, Iida is a good guy! Plus his costume makes him even cooler!" Luffy said while digging through his nose.

"I'm fine with that, he totally manned up during the whole panic today!" Kirishima said as he looked at him, with approval.

"Yeah! Plus didn't he look like the emergency exit sign guy while he made his speech? It was hilarious!" Denki also gave his sign of approval

"This is a waste of time." Said a tired Aizawa from his sleeping bag. "I don't care who the deputy is, just hurry up." He said as he was going back to sleep.

"If Midoryia is nominating me for this job then I humbly accept!" he said as he stood up with his arm raised. "I shall do my best to do this job to the very best of my abilities!"

"Don't let us down man!" Kirishima said with a thumbs up.

"Yeah! Emergency exit Iida!" Denki also commented.

"Oh come on, I got 2 more votes than him." Momo whined at not being picked.

"Ok so, now what?" Luffy asked his first mate not knowing why they were called to the front of the class.

"Now we must pick a class treasurer." Iida informed his class rep with respect. He was slightly annoyed and offended at a class rep not knowing what to do, but him being the way that he is, he wasn't going to show any form of disrespect to someone with a higher ranking than himself.

"Okay! Who wants to be the treasure?" Luffy asked his classmates who let a bead of sweat roll down their forehead at Luffy mispronouncing treasurer.

*If I didn't get the first two places, I guess I'll settle for third. * Momo thought as she raised a hand. Her not being the only hand up.

"Ok, Momo you're the treasure!" Luffy said while pointing at his friend which caused the other classmates with their hands up to mutter something about biases.

"Yes, I also agree. Momo Yaoyorozu would make a fine addition to the class's administrative roster." Iida said also agreeing with Luffy, thinking he made a good decision, unbeknownst to him Luffy just picked her, because she was his closest friend, in the classroom.

"Thank you." Momo said as she was also coming to the front of the class.

"Yeah! Yaoyorozu is very smart. I got no problems with her being the treasurer. Ribbit" Said Asui giving her opinion to the rest of the class.

"I agree." Agreed Mineta for the wrong reasons.

"Anything else?" Asked Luffy his 2 other friends.

"No, this concludes our first class meeting!" Said Iida as he was getting back to his seat.

A Couple of days later.

It was 12:50, and Aizawa was addressing his classroom. "Today's training will be a little different. Me, All-Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you"

This caused the class to wonder why 3 teachers instead of the usual 2 will be at their lesson. *3 pros? Is that because of the break-in? * thought Izuku just as surprised as the rest of the class, well the class besides Luffy who was too busy at the moment with eating his 3rd packed lunch. The teachers and Iida reprimanded him multiple times for eating or sleeping in class, but seeing as how nothing they did changed his bad habits they decided to drop it and just hope that somehow he was paying attention.

"Sir! What training will we do today?" Asked Sero from the back of the class with his hand up.

"Rescue training. Shipwrecks, accidents, natural disasters stuff like that." Responded Aizawa. At this news, everybody in the class got excited about the fun day they were going to have.

"That sounds like fun!" Said an excited Denki Kaminari.

"Yeah! Totally!" Agreed Mina and several other comments like those were said with pure excitement from the other students.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet. Wear what you want to wear, and this special training is at an offsite campus facility and we will be taking a bus to go there. That's it, start getting ready." He said as he was getting out of the classroom.

"Woo! Adventure!" Luffy said as he was already running out of the class his case in hand.

"Class Rep! Wait!" Iida said as he was walking very quickly behind Luffy trying his best not to run. "No running in the hallways!"

Outside, at the bus parking lot, they were waiting for the bus to get ready.

"Hey, Momo! so, where are we going?" Luffy asked the girl who was staring offended at a Mineta who in turn was drooling over the girls' hero costumes.

With a sigh, she turned to Luffy. "We are going to train, why do you even ask? You usually never care where we are going?"

"I don't know, I just can't shake this bad feeling I'm having," Luffy asked with an annoyed expression. Iida then used his whistle to get everyone's attention.

"Alright classes 1-A, using your student's numbers, form 2 lines so we can enter the bus efficiently!" He said before using his whistle some more.

"But Luffy already got on the bus." Said the martial arts student with a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, which caused Iida to look at the window where Luffy was poking his head through in shock.

As they were on their way to the training grounds, Iida was sulking at his plan being a total bust because of the seating arrangement and Luffy was with his head out the window with his tongue out flapping in the wind like a dog.

"Iida you're taking things way too seriously." Said Mina who was seating next to Luffy and Iida on the bus.

"If we are pointing out the obvious then I want to say something, about you actually." Asui said while looking at Izuku.

"Me?" He said surprised that another girl was suddenly talking to him

"That quirk of yours, Isn't it a lot like All-Might's?" Asked Asui which caused the boy in question to start sweating buckets.

"Wait, you're forgetting something, Tsu." Kirishima interrupted their chat. "All-Might doesn't hurt himself when he punches, that makes a huge difference!"

"I guess you're right." Responded Asui which made Izuku give out a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something." Luffy said as he was getting his head back on the bus.

"Y-yeah?" Said Izuku who started sweating again. *Luffy's questions, are always random so this could be nothing!* he tried to reassure himself

"Whenever I use my haki to feel you, I like, feel 8 other people in you." Said Luffy which made Izuku almost have a heart attack. "What's up with that?"

"W-w-w-w-well y-y-you see. " Izuku started stammering profusely, wondering what's the best lie he could come up with.

"Wait, you mentioned Haki before, what's that?" Asked a confused Denki.

"It's a mystery ability!" Said Luffy thinking he eased everyone's question.

"Should've expected that." Said Mina while also listening to the conversation.

"He explained it to me once." Piped in Momo who was seating next to Mina. This caused the people near her to turn their attention to her. "He said that he uses willpower to sense other people, and do all sorts of things."

"Wow! That's amazing Luffy! How do you do that? That sounds like it's some kind of quirk but I've never known any…" Izuku went into his muttering spree already forgetting that All-Might's secret was one sentence away from being found out.

"That does sound like another quirk, do you have multiple quirk or something?" Piped in Mineta from further back.

"What's a quirk?" Luffy said confused, which just caused everyone around him to sigh.

"Anyway, you can become a super popular hero with an ability and quirk like that, my quirk just makes my skin harden, which is super useful in a fight, but not very flashy." Kirishima said as he hardened his hand to demonstrate, which made Luffy look at him with stars in his eyes.

"No way, you can totally become a pro-hero with a quirk like that!" Izuku said with a face of admiration, not on the same level as Luffy but pretty close.

"You think so?" Kirishima said while scratching the back of his head "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks then it's definitely Bakugou and Todoroki."

"Sure, but Bakugou is always angry so he'll never be that popular." Said Asui Bluntly which caused Bakugou to snap at her and Luffy to laugh his heart out.

"See, what did I tell you?" Said Asui in response to Bakugou's aggressive reaction. This made some other students tease the angry boy while Izuku was questioning what is life right now.

"Hey, hey, stop messing around, we are already here." Said Aizawa from the front of the bus.

"Wow, it's the space hero Thirteen, who specializes in saving people from natural disaster." Informed Izuku his other classmates who were staring at the hero in awe, they were now infront of the USJ which is a building with a massive dome for a roof.

"You look like a marshmallow." Said Luffy who was digging through his ear.

"How dare you!" Said Uraraka, offended at the fact that Luffy wasn't impressed with her favorite hero.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside." Said Thirteen while pointing her hand at the U.S.J.

"Wow, I didn't know we were going to an amusement park." Said Luffy while looking at the giant training facility, that looked oddly similar to an Amusement park.

"…After all that is what a hero is all about, ensuring the safety of others. That's all I had to say." She finished her little speech with a bow. "Hey wait! I didn't tell you what we were going to do yet." She said when she noticed Luffy go past her and approach the beginning of the staircase.

"Rep? What are you d—" Mina asked Luffy when she noticed that he wasn't moving from his spot, only to be interrupted by him.

"Something's coming." He said seriously, after this all the lights began to shut down and a weird purple portal appeared in front of a fountain. A guy with hands for masks poked his head through, soon after dozens and dozens of villains began popping up.

"Luffy and everybody else stay back!" Aizawa said seriously, although Luffy did not step back. "Thirteen stay with the kids and protect them."

"What's happening?" Asked a slightly scared Toru.

"Is this part of the exercise?" Asked an agitated Kirishima.

"I said Stay Back!" said Aizawa when he noticed Midoryia about to step forward. "This is real, those are villains." He said while putting on his yellow glasses. This caused every student to put their guard up.

"You bastards used the press to sneak in and find out about our schedule." Aizawa retorted to the villains, who looked slightly disappointed.

"What? No way! How could so many villains some in such a secure facility!" Kirishima asked hoping this was some kind of prank.

"No those are real alright, especially the guy covered in hands." Luffy said pointing at the person in question, this caused the teachers and several students to look where he was pointing. "I can feel his hate, even from here."

"But it doesn't make any sense, why are the alarms not going off?" Asked Momo who was doing her best to keep calm.

"That's a good question." Said thirteen while looking up, to where the alarms are.

"Maybe they have some sort of quirk that disrupts electronic devices. And they must have a concrete objective in mind with their location and timing there's no doubt about that." Said a calm and collected Todoroki

"It doesn't matter what their objective is. Thirteen try to keep the students safe. Kaminari! use your quirk to contact the school." He said receiving a yes sir while looking down at the approaching villains.

"What are you going to do? You can't fight them on yo—" Izuku stopped his question when he heard Luffy.

"Gear Second!" he said while activating his second gear. This caused every person to look at him in bewilderment.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Said a very stressed Aizawa. "This isn't some game, those are REAL villains."

"I can't just sit here and let you guys have all the fun." He said before showing everyone the ear-to-ear smile he had.

"Luffy! No!" Said a very scared Momo for his friend's life. Unfortunately for her Luffy already jumped, Aizawa's scarf not fast enough to catch him from behind.

"HEY! Where do you think you're going Rubber brain?!" Said Bakugou as he also jumped after him.

"K-Kacchan!" Said Izuku scared for his friend's life and a little for the villains.

"Dammit. Make sure nobody does something stupid again." Aizawa told Thirteen as he also jumped. "I'll take care of them."

"Gomu Gomu No-" Luffy said at the top of his lungs as he coated his arm in armament Haki and threw it way back. This caused every villain and student to look at him in surprise as his arm slowly became engulfed in fire.

"Red Hawk!" The poor villains who were at the epicenter of Luffy's massive fiery explosion, couldn't do anything besides just drop to the ground while looking at the Straw hat, with what looked like a sun behind him.

"Wow!" Was pretty much every student's reaction to what they just witnessed.

"Don't think you're the only one that has fancy tricks!" Said Bakugou who was quickly approaching the villains on his part.

"Howitzer-" He said as he began quickly spinning in mid-air becoming engulfed in smoke.

"Impact!" he said as he released a massive explosion on a big group of villains, it was now Bakugou's turn to receive the 'Wow's'.

"Nice one Boom Boy!" Luffy said as he was giving a thumbs up with a grin to Bakugou.

"What did you just call me?!" said a pissed-off Bakugou, who was getting attacked by a bunch of villains. "Don't interrupt me!"

*These kids are gonna be the death of me.* Aizawa thought as he too joined the battle.

"Ugh how annoying, I hate it when a pro lives up to their hype." Said the masked man, refereeing to Eraser Head. "I didn't think this class would have brats this strong."

"Wow, I guess they're stronger than we thought." Said Kirishima with a look of confidence and admiration. Momo was next to him with a look of worry. "This may not be so bad!"

"This is no time to be admiring!" Iida said to Kirishima getting him to go with the rest of the class.

"Our teacher is with them, I'm sure they will be fine." Said Iida trying to get the classes treasurers back to her senses. "Now let's go!"

Unfortunately, they were stopped when a purple smoke-like villain appeared in front of the entrance, causing Kirishima to blame himself for jinxing the class.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun!" Luffy said as he rained punches on a small group of villains before looking at his other classmates, who were engulfed in purple smoke. "Damn it!"

"This is no time to curse yourself for stuff you could not predict!" Aizawa said as he was battling 3 villains at once. "You chose to enter the battle, Now act like it."

"Yosh!" Luffy said as he got his mind back on defeating the low-level villains.

After about 5 minutes, Izuku, Asui, and Mineta were coming to shore after defeating the small group of water villains.

"I think we should stick to the other zones and avoid the plaza entirely." Said Midoryia while holding his two broken fingers.

"I still can't believe that Luffy and Bakugou were the first to join the battle, I mean I know their strong and everything but they're still just kids." Said Mineta who was amazed by their and Izuku's resolve to fight.

"I am worried about them, those are real villains out there, not dummies." Said Asui who was walking through the water.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, they could be in real danger." Worried Izuku, as he was getting out of the water. They were indeed strong but they were outnumbered massively.

"Is this it?! I thought I was going to fight Villains! Not target practices!" trash-talked Bakugou while blasting away a 4-armed villain.

"WooHoo! Im having fun!" said Luffy as he unleashed a gomu gomu no whip, knocking down several villains at once.

"Idiots! This is not a game!" reprimanded Aizawa the students who were looking like they were enjoying themselves too much.

"We just have to hope that they will be fine after all this is said and done." Said Izuku trying to comfort the other two as they were making their way toward the plaza to see if they need other help.

"Remember we are just here to see how they are doing, no need to get involved." Said Mineta as he, Izuku, and Asui poked their hands above a ledge to see how the fight was going on.

"Looks like they are winning. Ribbit." Said Asui while looking at the 2 boys in question kick pure ass and their sensei going in for the masked man.

"Oh no!" said Izuku as he noticed the villain catch Aizawa's elbow and disintegrate the skin, leaving only muscle.

"Sun glasses!" Luffy yelled when he felt the teacher's aura oozing with pain.

"Get your shit-stained hands off our Sensei!" Bakugou said as he delivered a massive right hook to the masked villain's face making him fall to the ground.

"Bakugou! Protect yourself. I don't need your help!" Aizawa harshly told the angry boy who was now facing a large crowd of low-level thugs.

"Tell your elbow that!" Said Bakugou who was grinning madly at the crowd in front of him. "I can protect you and myself! Now DIE!" Bakugou yelled when he threw a blast at the villains who were coming to them.

"You really are cool Eraser Head! You didn't hesitate to jump in after the brats to protect them, but sadly I am not the final boss." Aizawa wondered what he meant when a massive villain the size of All-Might, with an exposed brain and purple skin appeared near him and Bakugou.

Knocking Bakugou to the side before managing to do anything, he then proceeded to pummel Aizawa mercilessly.

"SUN GLASSES!" Luffy yelled as he was getting ambushed and tied up by about 30 villains all at once. "Get offa me!"

"What do you think about him Eraser Head? He is the Bio-Engineered Anti-Symbol of Peace, but you can call him Nomu." The masked villain said while looking at a beaten-down Aizawa.

"Y-you Bastard." Bakugou said as he was cradling his broken arm. "DIE!" he yelled as he blasted the Villain with the beak-like mouth, only for him to be completely ignored. *He's not even phased! *

Soon after the mist-like villain appeared, he informed the masked villain that one of the students managed to escape which angered him. He decided since the heroes are soon gonna come and save the teenagers, he might as well kill a few of them.

"Let's wreck his pride! Let's make this hurt!" he said as he was seconds away from putting his hands on the frog-like girl, but stopping inches away from her face.

"You brat!" he said as he looked at Luffy who was now holding his hand and who was in second gear. "I'll ki—"

Unfortunately for him, he wasn't able to say anything else as Luffy blackened his hand and broke his arm in a grip who was now screaming for having a now useless arm.

"I did it, because I saw a horrible future." Luffy said to the villain who was now screaming in pain. (Yeah I know he already said it in Wano, but it's such a cool line, I just had to use it.)

After barely dodging the Nomu's fist that was aimed at Luffy's side profile he stared at the villain and blasted him with conqueror's haki.

But because the Nomu doesn't have the will to overpower he just threw another haymaker at him.

"Guess you're tougher than these other guys." Luffy said to the Nomu as his face slowly turned into a grin before smashing his fist into his open palm. "We are going to have some fun."

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