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88.88% Thorne's Lance / Chapter 8: 8. The Challenge

Chapitre 8: 8. The Challenge

AN: This story is always one chapter ahead on my Patreon.


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Jessica felt so giddy that she wanted to scream. A bit unbecoming for a grown woman - not to mention a superheroine - but she just couldn't help herself. She was witnessing something beautiful.

She sat in the observation room, her eyes locked to one of the many computer screens. It was showing a live feed of the simulation chamber… and the two heroes locked within.

The Sensational Wonder Woman and the rookie hero dubbed the Titan. What had meant to be a friendly spar had evolved into something much more than a spar… and much, much more friendly.

Yes. YES.

Jessica leaned forward, practically pressing her face against the screen. The two champions were locked together… but not in battle. Their little competition had crossed over into the realm of the intimate, the sensual. Their splendid, perfect bodies were brought close together, tangled in the curiosity of roaming hands and the eager passion of locked lips. 

Look at those two go, Jessica mused silently. A delighted smirk played upon her lips. It's a miracle they haven't gotten naked yet…

Jessica could feel her heart racing as she watched it all unfold on screen - and in crystal clear resolution to boot! One of the many perks of being bankrolled by genius multi-billionaires, Jessica had to admit. She counted herself beyond fortunate, getting to see every little detail of this meeting of heroes. But deep in her gut, Jessica knew it was more than that.

As she watched Diana and Lance draw each other into an even deeper embrace, strong arms curling around waists, fingers running through hair… she felt an excitement brewing within. A heat in the pit of her belly, like a frothing pot ready to boil over.

The one thing Jessica didn't feel was jealousy. Some envy, certainly - though she couldn't quite decide which of the two heroes she wanted to take the place of. 

Lance Thorne had saved her life, and later that same evening he had rocked her world. By now it was safe to say the rookie hero had given her a life-changing experience. It was like she was seeing the world again for the first time, a new path opening up just for her. Obviously, the young man's pheromones played a big part in that… but Jessica just knew, even beyond his lovely scent making her crave his body, that he was something special.

So watching her young savior lock lips with another woman - Wonder Woman - didn't stir up feelings of anger, sadness, betrayal. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Jessica loved it. Because Lance wasn't being stolen away. He was just gaining a new lover. And Jessica knew better than anyone: taking the Titan to bed was not a one woman job.

Today was a special day, even if Jessica was the only one who knew it. Today, the proud, indomitable Wonder Woman would become enlightened. She would learn the same wonderful truth that Spider-Woman had. Diana would understand fully… the power of the Titan.

It was more than thrilling. For Jessica Drew, it just felt right.

- - -

Lance loved kissing. Even with his inborn knowledge and wisdom, he still couldn't quite understand the appeal, only that it existed. It was deep-rooted, an anchor deep in his gut, a tenet inscribed within his very bones. Holding a woman in his arms, locking his mouth with hers… it was intimate, sensual, warm.

With Diana, it was like a consuming blaze. The flames licked at his insides, rising higher and higher with every touch of their lips, every swipe of her tongue. She was an Amazon and claimed his mouth like so. Markedly different from the likes of Jessica or Angela. Even still, Diana was all woman. Amazon or not, the realm of the fairer sex would fall under the Titan's mastery.

The hybrid took his time, enjoying Wonder Woman's company. He enjoyed her lips, so soft and buttery smooth. He enjoyed her tongue, so agile, warm, and wet. Together, they made a valiant stand against his own, making the young god's head spin. She moaned into his mouth, arms snaking around his neck to hold him even closer. 

They were pressed so close together, he could feel her heartbeat. And his keen senses granted him some pleasing knowledge: Diana was enjoying their dalliance just as much as he was. He could feel it in her movements, in the heat of her skin, of her rushing blood. In how she squirmed so eagerly in his arms.

Finally, they broke apart. Diana stole a few more quick kisses before speaking.

"It's been a while since I've met a man so bold." She said, breathing hotly upon his lips. There was an edge to her voice, a heat that colored her words, her tone. A desire that was welling up, threatening to spill over into the open. It was only a matter of time.

"Is that right?" Lance chuckled, deciding to draw out their game. It would make it all the sweeter when Diana gave in completely. "Nobody in the Hero Alliance ever made a move?"

"There were a few." Diana answered, humming softly as she nipped at Lance's neck. She peppered kisses as she went, soothing the sting of her teeth. A laugh spilled from her lips, low and lazy. "Stark tried his hands most of all. This was years back, when the League and the Avengers first merged."

"You turned him down?" Lance guessed, smirking.

Diana drew back to face him. She shared his look.

"He wasn't my type."

In her eyes, Lance could see that all-consuming desire. The rookie had expected an eruption of need and that unquenchable hunger for the sweetness of the flesh. But again, Diana reminded him of her Amazonian nature. The pheromones might have ensnared her, but Wonder Woman remained a cut above the rest. Thanks to her strong mind, the desire spilled out slowly, granting the Amazon the space for at least a small measure of control.

Rather than tear Lance out of his suit, instead she reached up to his throat… and slowly drew it open. As the zipper descended, Diana went ahead with roaming hands. She peeled the tight, shiny material away from bronzed skin and firm, packed muscle - a masculine match to her own figure, Lance liked to think.

It was clear from her eyes how pleasing his figure was to her. Lance took no small amount of pride from that, his heart hammering boiling blood to the rest of his immaculate body. Diana eased the suit down, exposing his broad chest, his shoulders, his thick arms. Soon he was naked from the waist up, leaving the hybrid god open to the Amazon's hungry eyes and eager hands.

She touched him, admired him, worshiped him all in silence. Lance couldn't keep the triumphant smile from his face. If the pheromones didn't have her before, they certainly had her now.

Diana took in a deep breath - taking in another helping of his potent scent - as she drew her hands down his firm chest, running her fingers over the tight bulges of his abdomen. Lance saw that her eyes had become dazed, glassy… almost like she was in a trance. She let out a soft hum, enchanted by Lance's perfect body for a long, long moment. Lance decided not to break the spell.

Finally, she spoke.

"Mmm. You put some of the gods to shame."

"I can say the same of you." Lance countered, settling on charm rather than modesty. It was the right call. 

The intensity, the focus returned to Diana's gaze. The daring smile that spread upon her lovely face promised only delightful things. Most of all, a willingness that Lance would be a fool to ignore. She stepped forth deliberately, a wordless offer. Lance took it.

A moment later, it was Wonder Woman being stripped out of her heroic garb. It was Lance's turn to admire… especially as he eased her eagle bustier down from her bosom. It was much more than unwrapping a gift. It was like uncovering a treasure. 

The golden eagle fell away… and two perfect, teardrop breasts spilled out into the open. Bronzed globes of sweet, womanly flesh, so maddeningly sublime in their heft, their roundness. Each capped with mouthwatering peaks of hardened pink studs. And below, a flat, taut tummy - the lines of her stomach showing strength and sensuality. Lance wanted to drag his tongue over it all. He wanted a taste of Amazon.

But he was not a beast. He was a hybrid god. A man above men. Lance Thorne kept his composure. He remained in control. He drank in the perfection of Wonder Woman with an appreciative smile… just as his busy hands traveled lower, helping Diana divest herself of the rest of her iconic garb. Long legs of rich, tanned muscle, bronzes just like the rest of her.

Every inch of her was sublime. She was a living work of art. Powerful legs sweeping out into lovely, wide hips, tapering inward to a slim waist and flat stomach, set upon by ample breasts that laughed in the face of gravity. All crowned by an immaculate face of proud, regal beauty, full lips and bright blue eyes framed by a long mane of shimmering black.

Lance almost didn't have any words. But…

"I see that the tales of Amazonian beauty have not been exaggerated." He managed to speak, slowly rising to his full height. His eyes locked with the Amazon's, never wavering.

"We Amazons always exceed expectations." Diana answered, drawing in close. The heat radiating off her naked body fed into Lance's, stirring up his gut into a frenzy. The edge returned to her voice, that heat that she wanted him to match. "Can you?"

Lance Thorne took the challenge.

Without another word, he swept Diana into his arms. Another embrace, another kiss, deep and fervent. Her hands went to his neck, his back, holding firm to his powerful body. His hands went to her hips, her waist, fingers sinking into the soft flesh of her curves, savoring the heat and feel of her womanly figure. They moaned together, tongues dancing, dueling, demanding dominance but receiving only defiance in return.

Lance took them both to ground, settling them in the simulated grass of the wide open city park. Any other time, Lance would have been shocked by the sensation of the grass against his bare skin. The coolness, the faint bristles of the thousand green blades… it felt as real as Diana did, right there in his arms.

The Amazon broke away then, putting her lips to his throat, his chest, swiping her tongue over his skin. She let out a deep groan, sliding her hands down to push off the rest of Lance's suit. He didn't fight it, his arm curled around her as she did. When his manhood, hard and throbbing, spilled out into the cool, open air, Diana took him in hand, stroking him to full hardness. It was Lance's turn to groan, the feeling of her fingers working upon his shaft making pleasure and heat pulse through his groin and gut.

When it became almost too much, Lance took control, rolling Diana onto her back and crawling atop her. He stole a kiss, then another, letting his cock rest upon her tight belly. He urges his hips to move, drawing his length lower to slide over her soft mound. There the heat of her body was even greater, like a furnace. So too was she wet, glistening pink between her thick thighs. She sighed as his cock prodded her there, the swollen head sliding up against her womanhood, teasing at her folds.

Diana shivered beneath him, but the blaze in her eyes had only grown more intense. Lance smirked, knowing he was pushing his luck. This Amazon wasn't a woman to take lightly.

"You're talented in the ways of the body." She said, her voice coming strained. Her eyes remained sharp and focused, set firmly upon his own. There was a faint curling at the corner of her mouth. "I'd like to think that this is more than just the pheromones in the air."

Lance paused, keeping his cock aimed right at Diana's sex. Silently, he wondered just how she knew… while also noting the lack of hostility etched on her face. An instant later, she put him at ease… by bringing her hand down between them to stroke his length. One pump, two pumps, three. Her hand worked upon his thick shaft, keeping him fully hard, throbbing. Ready for her tight, slick cunt.

"Relax." She told him, her voice calm, soothing. She pressed his tip right up against her opening, preparing him to seal their union. Her eyes glittered with intent… and humor. "You're not the first to use them on me. But you are the most successful. I must admit, Lance… I am very curious about you. Now show me how the Titan pleases a woman."

- - -

Diana had been truthful. It had been a long while since she'd met a man worth taking to bed. 

Steve Trevor, Steve Rogers, the roaming warrior called Logan, all capable men, all enticing in their own way. But Lance Thorne, the young rookie, had his own alluring nature. 

Gods, Diana wanted him - no doubt thanks in large part to the man's incredibly strong pheromones. But Diana couldn't deny that she felt drawn to him even beyond his lovely scent. Even when all she had was news footage and internet clips, there was just something about him that caught her eye.

Now, as she lay on her back, her legs wrapped around his naked hips… she could feel it. Now, she understood. Through their joining, his wonderful cock buried so splendidly inside her… Diana could sense so much beyond the pleasure. There was a familiarity in Lance's touch, something that until that point Diana hadn't been able to place.

"You… have the blood… of the old gods…" Diana gasped, clinging to the Titan's solid, working body. A body that she herself claimed put some of those very same gods to shame. How had she not seen it? "Sweet Aphrodite!"

"That good, huh?" He teased, huffing hot breath against the skin of her throat. He followed it up with quick, light kisses. His tongue swiped against her, teasing.

"Don't sound… so proud of yourself…" Diana growled back. "Your pheromones… are incredibly potent…"

Lance chuckled. Then he worked his body even harder, faster.

"Not that you seem to mind." His voice rumbled low in his throat. Hera, Diana loved the sound.

Diana didn't have a comeback. All she could do was get swept away. Her eyes fluttered shut, losing herself for a moment to the sensation of Lance sawing his manhood through her sex. 

She was wet, tight, and so fucking hot. Any lesser man would have been unmade after a few meager strokes. But the Titan was aptly named, withstanding the delights of her womanhood with ease. He fucked her, nice and steady. Pushing Diana closer and closer to the edge.

The Titan let out a quiet groan, plunging himself slow and deep between her thighs. His lips brushed over her jawline, trailing back to her mouth with soft kisses. 

Diana whined, her fingers digging into his back, her legs tightening around his waist. Her body craved more of that heat, that bliss. It just felt perfect, having her womanhood filled so completely. She wanted him deeper.

But even with the intensity of the heat, the pleasure, Diana managed to keep a solid hold of her senses. Not even a skilled lover with a lovely, fat cock could divest an Amazon of her rational mind.

Lance Thorne was a joy to have in her arms… but the implications of his nature were not lost on Diana. His blood came from the likes of Zeus, Ares, Poseidon… and others that Diana couldn't name. Not to mention his pheromones. 

His scent was influencing her mind. Diana had to assume he had influenced Jessica's as well. If the Titan could sway Spider-Woman and Wonder Woman into bed… he could do the same to any heroine.

It didn't take a genius to see how that might pose a problem for the Hero Alliance. Especially if the Titan proved to be much less heroic than he presented himself as.

However… Diana found it difficult to care. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed through the empty park, against the barren city center of the simulated Metropolis. Each grunt and shriek that came from their lips was proof of their passion. Pleasure that not even Wonder Woman was willing to cut short.

Whether or not Lance Thorne could be trusted… that was a decision for later. For now, Diana was going to enjoy herself. She was going to enjoy the young man's perfect body… and she was going to enjoy his long, fat cock.

She needed to feel that bliss, that ecstasy that loomed just a few deeper strokes away. And from the more-than-pleased look on the Titan's handsome face… Diana could see he was more than happy to oblige.

- - -

Watching two gods fuck was like watching artwork in motion. Perfection for the eyes.

For Jessica Drew, who had tasted of the Titan's talents herself, it was too much to bear. To witness perfection was a joy. To experience it was heaven. There was no comparison. And the Spider-Woman was no longer content to sit on the sidelines.

The decision was made. What happened next was a blur. One moment, she had left the observation room behind… and the next, she was striding forth into a simulated city center. She was naked by that time, somehow having discarded her suit on the way down. The air was cool on her skin, drawing up goosebumps.

Jessica followed the damage left in the wake of the battle between heroes - the friendly spar she herself had organized. In no time, Jessica had found them. Naked bodies caught in a tangle of limbs, joined in carnal union. Man and woman, paragons of their sex, fucking like animals. The way people were meant to fuck. With fire, with passion, with wild desire.

Diana had managed to get Lance on his back and was now riding him with abandon, moaning without restraint or shame as she rocked her hips hard and fast. Jessica was treated to a lovely view of Diana's sensual, muscled back, her wide hips and her firm yet luscious ass. Ripples rolled through the soft flesh as she rode her young stud. 

A delight for Jessica's eyes. But none stoked her desire so much as the sight of Lance's long, thick manhood being swallowed up by Diana's soaking cunt. Inches and inches of that perfect cock gripped tight by that wet, glistening pink. Jessica's mouth was watering. She didn't know which she'd rather taste first.

It was Lance who first noticed her, peeking around Diana's flank with a friendly smile.

"Jess!" He called out, making the Amazon riding him glance over her shoulder. "Glad you decided to join us!"

Jessica drew closer, feeling the simulated grass tickle the soles of her bare feet. It never ceased to amaze her how real the simulations felt. 

Diana slowed her pace, rocking her body into a steady rhythm. She kept her eyes trained on Jessica, her brows furrowed. The Amazon had both hands planted on Lance's chest, holding him down as she fucked him.

"Who's looking out for intruders?" Diana asked, huffing. 

"Who gives a shit?" Jessica retorted.

Neither Wonder Woman or the Titan had an answer for her. But that was likely because the Spider-Woman didn't give the chance. She couldn't stop herself. The urge had become all-consuming. She crawled down onto her hands and knees, stealing a kiss from the young man on his back. Deep and demanding, she moaned into his mouth. Then she drew away and stole her next kiss from the Amazon. Both made her heart pound, her blood sing. Her whole body came alive with joy and lust. 

The pair of gods took her in happily, their touch so warm and pleasing upon her naked skin. Hands, masculine and feminine, drew across her back, over the curve of her hips, up her flat tummy. Handfuls taken of her breasts, her buttocks, fingers running through her hair. Jessica sighed, whimpering as she lost herself to their embrace.

Lips at her neck, lower, lower, teasing at her breasts, her nipples. Suckling and nibbling, teasing until she wanted to cry.

"Never had two superheroines at once before." Jessica heard Lance mutter into her air, his voice low, husky. His words were dripping with hunger. It made her belly twist with excitement. "I feel outnumbered."

Diana shifted atop him, sighing. His length slipped from her, slapping wetly against his thigh. Jessica reached down and took him in hand, pumping her hand up and down his length. He was hot to the touch and slick, wet. The sounds of her jerking hand were lewd, so much that Jessica giggled into Lance's chest.

"You can handle us, big guy." Jessica insisted, pressing kisses to the firm muscle. Beside her, Diana did the same to his neck. 

"Consider this part of your audition." Diana added, laughing breathlessly.

The Titan was now facing a two-pronged assault. And judging from how his prick twitched in her hand, it was a challenge he was all too willing to face.

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