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78.94% Saiyan Primal Ascension / Chapter 30: Raditz tails

Chapitre 30: Raditz tails

**In a universe far, far away**

Raditz slowly began to regain consciousness, his head throbbing as he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar sky. The sun was bright, and the air was thick with the scents of exotic plants and animals. He groaned, trying to sit up, but his body protested with every movement.

"Easy there, Raditz," Tato's voice came from nearby, filled with a mix of amusement and concern. "You've had a rough trip."

Raditz squinted, trying to focus on the faces of Tato and Hanasia, who were standing over him. "Where... where am I?" he croaked, his voice weak.

"Welcome to the Gourmet Universe," Hanasia said with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "This place is a bit different from what you're used to."

Raditz frowned, struggling to process the information. "Gourmet Universe? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Long story short," Tato explained, "we had to get you out of there before you caused more trouble. This place is... unique. It's filled with powerful creatures and delicious food. You'll like it here."

Raditz tried to sit up again, this time with a bit more success. He looked around, taking in the lush, vibrant landscape. "Why bring me here? Why not just kill me on Earth?"

"Celera's orders," Hanasia replied, her tone serious. "She wants to give you a chance to learn and grow stronger. Plus, we need to teach you a few things you need to know since you're now our prince."

Raditz scowled, the memories of his defeat still fresh in his mind. "What do you mean by that?" he muttered, his pride wounded, his body still hurting after she hit him. "Wait, what do you mean 'our prince'? There are only eight of us left." He said, confused.

Tato chuckled, clapping Raditz on the back. "Oh, you have no idea! Now come on, we've got a lot to show you."

As they began to explore the Gourmet Universe, Raditz was struck by the sheer variety of life around him. The creatures here were unlike anything he had ever seen, even on the many planets he had conquered. He didn't have his scouter and felt a bit naked without it. And the food... it was something else entirely. He had been given a fruit and as he bit into it he was surprised by the taste. The flavors were rich and intense, each bite filling him with energy. Hell, he even managed to heal from the pain he had earlier.

As they walked through the lush landscape, Tato and Hanasia led Raditz to a large, bustling village. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight. There were over 80 Saiyans here, living in harmony with humans and the native creatures of the Gourmet Universe. The village was vibrant and full of life, with children playing, adults working, and animals from the Gourmet Universe being used as farm animals.

"These are the Saiyans Celera saved," Hanasia explained, her voice filled with pride. "This is our new home."

Raditz looked around, seeing Saiyan children playing with human children, and Saiyans wrapping or having themselves wrapped by humans in a way a mate would. It was a sight he never expected to see. The village was not poor; it thrived, fitting seamlessly into the unique environment of the Gourmet Universe.

"Our queen, your mother Gine, promoted the idea of mating with the people of this planet," Hanasia added. "It's helped strengthen our community and ensure our survival."

Raditz's eyes narrowed, his warrior mentality clashing with the peaceful scene before him. "This is madness!" he spat, his voice filled with disdain. "Saiyans living with weaklings? Mating with them? You've all become traitors to our race!"

Tato's expression hardened, his eyes locking onto Raditz's with a fierce intensity. "Watch your mouth, Raditz," he warned, his tone low and dangerous. "This is our home now. We're building a future here, one that doesn't involve mindless destruction and bloodshed."

Raditz's anger flared, his pride refusing to accept what he was seeing. "You've all gone soft!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the village. "This isn't the Saiyan way!"

Hanasia stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "Times have changed, Raditz," she said firmly. "We're stronger now, not just physically, but as a community. We're learning to adapt, to survive. You can either join us and become stronger, or you can keep clinging to the past and be left behind. Always to be remembered as a footnote to our past and the weakling that will always be under Vegeta's boot"

Raditz's fists clenched at his sides, his body trembling with rage. But deep down, a part of him couldn't deny the truth in their words. As Raditz's anger boiled over, he prepared to attack. Tato and Hanasia, sensing the escalating tension, gave each other a look. As Tato moved to the side to allow Hanasia to have her fun. But before any blows could be exchanged, a presence made itself known. 

From the shadows of the surrounding forest, a figure emerged, walking with a steady, almost regal gait. It was Lady Setsuno her appearance was deceptive, though she looked like an old lady, Tato and Hanasia knew better.

As she approached, Tato and Hanasia immediately straightened, beads of sweat forming on their brows. They bowed respectfully, their faces showing a mixture of fear and respect. Like the just got caught by there Grandmother doing something they weren't supposed too.

"Lady Setsuno," Hanasia greeted, her voice trembling slightly. "What brings you here?"

Setsuno's piercing eyes scanned the scene, taking in the tense atmosphere. She stopped a few feet away, her gaze landing on Raditz. "I heard a ruckus and thought I'd see what was going on," she said, her voice calm yet commanding. "And it seems I arrived just in time."

Raditz, however, was unimpressed. He sneered at Tato and Hanasia. "You're afraid of this old lady?" he taunted. "Have you forgotten what it means to be a Saiyan warrior? You're acting like weaklings!"

Setsuno's eyes narrowed, a flicker of amusement and annoyance crossing her face. "You must be Raditz," she said, her voice carrying a hint of authority. "I've heard about you. You are just like your mother described"

Raditz's scowl deepened. "And who are you supposed to be?" he retorted. "Another weakling afraid to face a real warrior?"

Without a word, Setsuno raised her hand, her fingers splayed. An invisible force suddenly pressed down on Raditz, crashing him to the ground with an incredible weight as he was forced to lay down. He struggled, but the pressure was too much. The earth beneath him cracked, forming a palm-shaped impression around his body as he was forced a few inches into the ground.

Setsuno chuckled softly, her demeanor still calm and unbothered. "Such a temper. It's a shame you don't know how to control it. Reminds me of my old flame."

Tato and Hanasia stood by respectfully, their heads bowed. "Lady Setsuno, please forgive his ignorance," Hanasia pleaded. "He doesn't understand."

Setsuno waved her hand again, releasing Raditz from the ground. "He'll learn in time," she said, her tone gentle but firm. "You two are doing well, but you need to be more careful with your temperamental prince. Doesn't he know he's the weakest one here?"

Raditz scrambled to his feet, glaring at Setsuno with a mix of anger and awe. "What... what did you do to me?" he demanded, still trying to process the immense power she had displayed.

Setsuno's eyes softened, and she placed a hand on Raditz's shoulder. "I taught you a lesson in humility," she said simply. "You have potential, young Saiyan, but you need to learn to respect those who are stronger than you."

Raditz's anger simmered, but he couldn't deny the truth in her words. He had never faced anyone like Setsuno before, and her power was beyond anything he had encountered.

Tato and Hanasia exchanged relieved glances, grateful for Setsuno's intervention. "Thank you, Lady Setsuno," Tato said sincerely. "We'll make sure he learns."

Setsuno nodded, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "See that you do. And remember, power without a reason is useless. You might want to keep that in mind,"

As Lady Setsuno left, her presence still lingering in the air, Tato and Hanasia turned to face Raditz. The tension in the atmosphere had not fully dissipated, and Raditz felt the weight of their gazes upon him.

For a moment, Raditz stood there, fists clenched, the memory of being pinned to the ground fresh in his mind. It was an experience he hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling of powerlessness that reminded him of standing before Prince Vegeta. The sting of his pride being wounded made his blood boil, but there was also a grudging respect for the old woman who had so easily subdued him.

Tato crossed his arms, his expression a mix of concern and challenge. "You see now, Raditz? There's a reason we respect Lady Setsuno. She's among the strongest beings in this universe, and is the teacher to your mother and Hanasia"

Hanasia nodded, her eyes still wary. "If you want to survive here, you need to understand the power dynamics. This place is different from what you're used to."

Raditz gritted his teeth, his pride refusing to let him admit defeat. "It felt like standing in front of Vegeta again," he muttered, his voice low but audible enough for Tato and Hanasia to hear. "Powerless."

Tato stepped closer, his gaze steady. "Exactly. And that's why you need to adapt. Here, you need to eat and train. Setsuno's strength is real, and if you want to become stronger, you need to listen to us."

Raditz looked from Tato to Hanasia, his anger slowly giving way to a cold determination. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "I'll learn what I need to. But don't think for a second that I'm giving up my warrior pride. I'll surpass her and anyone else who stands in my way."

Hanasia smiled, a hint of approval in her eyes. "That's the spirit, Raditz."

As they resumed their journey through the Saiyan village, Raditz couldn't help but take in the sights around him. The village was bustling with activity, and he noticed how seamlessly the Saiyans had integrated into the Gourmet Universe. They were not just surviving; they were thriving.

Raditz's eyes narrowed as he observed the children playing and the adults working alongside the natives. The sight of Saiyans living in harmony with another species was strange to him, and he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal.

"These Saiyans," Raditz said, his voice tinged with disdain, "living like this... it's not right. We're warriors, not farmers."

Tato sighed, shaking his head. "They've adapted, Raditz. Just like you will. This is their way of surviving and growing stronger."

Hanasia added, "And you'll see, being a Gourmet Hunter has its own challenges. You'll face creatures and battles that are not like anything you have ever experienced."

As they approached the heart of the village, some of the older Saiyans began to take notice. Their eyes widened in recognition as they saw Raditz walking alongside Tato and Hanasia. Whispers spread quickly, and soon a small crowd had gathered. Since saiyans looks didn't really change as they got older.

"Is that... could it be?" one of the older Saiyans murmured.

"It is! Prince Raditz!" another exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

Raditz stiffened at the title, a sense of discomfort washing over him. He had never been called "Prince Raditz" before, and the thought of Vegeta hearing those words made his blood run cold. He knew the former prince well enough to understand that such a title could lead to dangerous consequences.

An elderly thick Saiyan woman approached, her eyes filled with tears of joy. "Raditz, the son of Gine, alive and well. It's a miracle."

Raditz shifted uncomfortably, not used to this kind of attention. "Uh, yeah, I'm here," he muttered, his voice unsure. "But please, just call me Raditz. No need for the 'Prince' stuff."

The crowd's excitement didn't diminish, and they continued to express their joy "we had hoped you were still alive after all these years" one of the older men said, his voice filled with pride. "Your mother would be so proud at how tall you have become."

Tato and Hanasia exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying Raditz's discomfort. "Looks like you're a bit of a celebrity here," Tato teased, clapping Raditz on the shoulder.

Raditz forced a smile, trying to hide his unease. "Yeah, well, let's not make a big deal out of it," he said, his eyes darting around the crowd.

Hanasia stepped forward, her tone firm but kind. "Everyone, please give Raditz some space. He's had a long journey and needs some time to adjust."

The crowd slowly began to disperse, but not without a few more words of welcome. Raditz let out a sigh of relief as the attention waned.

"This was to much," he said quietly.

She nodded, her expression understanding. "It's a lot to take in, but you'll get used to it. The people here have a lot of respect for your family, especially your mother."

Raditz nodded, his mind still reeling from the unexpected reception. As they continued their walk through the village, Tato couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Raditz meeting some of the key figures in their new society. "You know, Raditz," he began, a grin spreading across his face, "you're going to need to meet with Fasha's husband at some point. He's another powerful being, similar to Setsuno. Goes by the name Mansam."

Raditz raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Mansam, huh? And he's as strong as Setsuno?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. Just how many monsters where there on this planet.

Hanasia nodded, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, definitely. He's one of the top Gourmet Hunters and a big shot in the International Gourmet Organization. You'll find that he's a bit different from the ones you have faced before. Though not like you could ever beat him."

Raditz couldn't help but be surprised. "So someone managed to tame that fierce woman?" he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "I wouldn't have thought it possible." He did keep in mind the comment about nor being able to beat him, he would have to verify that on his own.

Tato laughed, clapping Raditz on the back. "Yeah, Mansam's got a way with people. But your not only here to get stronger, Raditz. You'll need to take some classes to learn how to act like a royal. We can't have you running around like a wild Saiyan all the time."

Raditz scowled at the idea, crossing his arms over his chest. "Classes? To act like a royal? Are you kidding me?."

Hanasia's expression softened, but her tone remained firm. "It's necessary, Raditz. We're trying to build something here, a new life for our people. And that means embracing some new ways of doing things. You'll see, it won't be as bad as you think."

Raditz grumbled under his breath but didn't argue further. He knew he had to do what they said until he was stronger then them. Still, the idea of taking etiquette classes didn't sit well with him.

As they continued their tour, they passed by various groups of Saiyans and Gourmet Hunters working together, training, and sharing meals. The sense of community was palpable, and Raditz couldn't help but feel a strange mix of resentment and curiosity.

Tato glanced at Raditz, his expression more serious. "Look, Raditz, we all had to make adjustments when we came here. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it. And you're part of this now. We need you to step up and take on this role."

Raditz sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Fine," he muttered, "I'll do it. But don't expect me to enjoy it."

Hanasia smiled, patting him on the back. "That's all we ask, Raditz. Just give it a chance. You might be surprised at what you can achieve."

As they walked further into the village, Raditz couldn't shake the feeling that his life had taken a dramatic turn. But for the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, this new path could lead him to surpass Vegeta and Nappa.

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