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13.91% The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD) / Chapter 14: Change of Plans.(Edited)

Chapitre 14: Change of Plans.(Edited)

Eventually, Runeas fell asleep on a comfy bed that she had in the training room. She knew that Mark was a training maniac as no amount of pain would stop him from getting stronger. As he often took a long time so she decided to sleep the night away.

As for Mark, his training drive had not changed in the new body that he was personifying. If the current Mark and Issei stood side by side, nearly no one would think they were the same person let alone related.

Mark exhaled bloody mist as his blood was turning to steam, but his marrow made more and purer than before. Mark's wings, tail, and horns grew larger by the minute as Ddraig was sending a wave of aura through Mark's body constantly. His skin began to fall off like a reptile shed which began to reveal beautiful red, black, and silver scales throughout his body.

All the while Mark stayed still as a statue as his body went through massive changes internally and externally.


When 8 hours had passed Runeas sat up from the bed with a yawn. When she opened her eyes and immediately looked for Mark she found him. He was no longer sitting in the magic circle as he was up.

She almost gasped when she the two giant wings that spread out from his back. They were easily 6 meters across. Their main color was a deep shade of red, but the black and silver scales spread out through the red in a contrasting pattern.

They both had 2 large bone spurs that could be used as a weapon at the wing tips. Even his tail was bladed as the end had a large axe-like blade. It was easily over 3 meters in length and filled with thick muscle. Mark turned around and showed the two black horns that curved forward like a ram.

"These are nice aren't they."

She almost laughed as she jumped out of bed to walk toward him. She walked around him noticing how his entire body seemed to have changed.

"Did you get taller and bigger?"

Mark nodded.

"Yeah, my body kept breaking apart over the last 3 days and regenerating. I think I grew 3 inches and look at my skin. It is so smooth now."

Runeas reached out and ran her hand down his chest and it felt like smooth steel. She knocked on his pecs before rubbing her face on his abbs.

"Wow, you are so warm and hard."

She reached behind him and began to feel his tail.

"Wow. This is thick."

"Yeah, but so is something else."

She kicked his shin and noticed that few Devils would ever have a body this strong as they did not train much.

"Ddraig, how pure is his bloodline?"

[He impressed even me. His bloodline is 23% percent pure compared to the true-born Red Dragons. As long as we keep this up he should reach the limit in a year. That is if nothing big changes before that.]

"I see. So what do you think he will be able to contain?"

[65%, if his body gets too strong for his soul it will cause trouble. That will be when he will need to remake his soul into a Dragon Soul. From there he can be considered a true dragon. Then he can go and absorb my blood fully to gain its full power.]

Mark retracted his wings, tail, and his horns easily. It was like they were always his limbs, but without them, he felt weird.

"Now that feels weird. It's like wearing a thick sweater over just your arms."

Runeas had to agree.

"You get used to it over time. For now, let me fix up your clothes."

She waved her hand and made his clothes bigger for him and fixed them up from the damage. Mark got dressed again before putting on his shit, leather jacket, and sunglasses.

"I better get going. I will come back tonight."

She nodded as he leaned down and stole a kiss from her.

"My prize."

He winked and teleported away back to the camp. Runeas crossed her arms under her chest before jumping back onto the bed. She giggled as she thought of Mark.

'Is this the seduction of a dragon?'

She always heard that male dragons had a natural charm that drew in women. However, it also depended on who the aura belonged to. Someone like Mark just matched perfectly with it making even someone like Runeas fall for him quickly.

She was not brainwashed as she was conscious of it happening. She just did not care and fell right into Mark's arms. As for Mark, he appeared back in camp ready for another day of faking being a camper.

He sighed as he appeared in his bunk at Cabin 5. Seems that the kids of Ares actually sleep in as they were all still snoring.

'Ddraig, remind me not to take long-term missions like these again.'



A Week quickly passed by for Mark. He began to teach Percy and Annabeth just a bit about Mana and how to feel it. He was fine with doing this for the two of them as they were the only ones who knew the truth. He often spared with the kids of the Ares cabin who had all accepted him as their sibling.

However, every night he would return to his home to continue his training. Every 8 hours of training was 3 days' worth of time as he had a time formation to train in. This sped up his training, but Ddraig was right. It would take him a year of constant use to reach his max limit. Though he was fine with the long haul as he was no longer human.

Though things changed during a game of capturing the flag. Near the end of the game, a canine howl ripped through the forest. The moment the roar occurred Mark followed it and met eyes with a giant black hellhound.

It was the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and it was locked straight on Percy. The poor kid went frozen with terror which made Mark curse. Percy was still just a regular kid just a week ago and not yet a trained warrior. He rushed in when the hound leaped toward Percy.

Everyone expected Percy to die, but Mark appeared out of nowhere grabbing the hound with his bare arms. He wrapped his arms around the hellhound's neck which did not stop struggling. Mark's muscles bulged as he squeezed down on its throat.

The hound began to suffocate as Mark cut its air supply, but he did not want to kill it. Runeas had told him how hellhounds were popular pets for noble devils. They made good guard dogs and could be trained just like regular dogs.

Now that one was in front of him he just had to have it as it was a true hellhound. Not the subspecies that Devils used.


Eventually, the giant hound went slack in his arms. He let go of its neck to let it breathe otherwise it would die and return to Tartarus. Mark held the giant hound in his arms like it was a puppy with a sigh.

However, his smile died as Percy who was sitting in the mirror had a golden trident appear over his head. This was proof that his father had just claimed him at the last minute. Seeing this made Mark walk away with the hellhound to somewhere private.

He set it down and sat on it. He closed his eyes and prayed to Poseidon.

'Poseidon, what is the deal? Why now?'

He felt the sea descend as Poseidon spoke to him.

'You kept your word and kept my son safe. You can leave now and receive your payment or you can help more. If you do I guarantee that I, Poseidon will owe you a life debt and increase your pay. I know you owe one to Dionysus and I can prevent him from asking something crazy.'

Mark sighed.

'Fine, I will stick around more. Just know that Sally is safe if you want to meet with her. Though, everyone already knew he was your son, why now?'

'Once things calm down, I will. I have been busy.'

'Your choice.'

The smell of the sea went away as Mark knew that it might be time to cut stop his act. He was just doing it to ensure Percy was safe, but it seems he needed to do some more.

'It's going to get hectic right Ddraig?'

[Yeah, but you were ready for that weren't you?]

'Your right.'


After this Mark stopped acting like a regular camper. He had other things to do, but the Ares kids did not mind it much. He never said he was not one of them so they just gave him his space.

Though in that time he dropped off the hellhound to Runeas who was more than happy to train it for him. Though now that it was official that Percy was the son of Poseidon, and the fact he knew what was wrong with Zeus and Poseidon made Chiron make the tough call.

It was to give Percy a quest to fix the situation to stop the big war from breaking out. Mark joined in the meeting as Poseidon talked with Dionysus about letting Mark follow along as he was Poseidon's mercenary at the moment. The meeting took place at the big house with Dionysus, Chiron, Grover, Percy, and Annabeth of all people.

When they all arrived, Dionysus started off by saying what was on his mind.

"If I had my way I would cause Percy's molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron and Poseidon seem to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm. It would stop the war if he is dead."

Mark chimed in.

"Then Poseidon would fight a war on you."

Dionysus scoffed.

"So let's not do that, shall we? Give him a quest or whatever. I'm off to Olympus for an emergency meeting. If the boy is still here when I get back, I'll turn him into an Atlantic bottlenose and give him to his dad. He won't be dead and he will still be conscious. Just now he will be a sea animal. Fair?"

Mark felt it was harsh, but not the worst.

"Sure, though how about turning him into an Orca? You could at least give him some power."

"Fine, Orca it is."

Percy was about to say something, but Dionysus did not care. He gave Percy one more warning.

"Do you understand?"

Percy nodded.

"Yes sir, an Orca."

"Good. If you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you must do. You can live a good life as an Orca under the sea with your father than what he wants. Living is better than being dead."

Dionysus picked up a playing card, twisted it, and it became a security pass. He tossed it in the air which caused the air to fold and bend around him. He became a hologram, then a wind, then he was gone, leaving only the smell of fresh-pressed grapes lingering behind.

Mark turned to Percy with a grin.

"So, Orca or Chiron's choice."

Percy looked at Chiron expecting an answer. The centaur smiled at him, but he looked tired and strained.

"Sit, Percy, please. Grover, Annabeth you as well."

The two of them sat down as Chiron sighed.

"The choice I am giving you is to go on a quest to retrieve Zeus' lightning bolt. It's either that or as Mr. D says, you will be turned into an Orca."

Percy asked a hopeful question.

"Will there be more Hellhounds?"

"Worse, Percy. Far worse. Now, that Mark has told you all that Poseidon knows I won't have to go into details. Now, if you are to take the quest you must seek counsel with the oracle?"

The Boosted Gear appeared on Mark's left arm, but it radiated a stronger aura. When not training Mark with it, Ddraig used the aura from his blood to weaken the seals of his power. He was not trying to escape, but to allow Mark to draw on more power.

[You know, oracles are quite finicky. They can't detail beings much stronger than they are or those without fate. Like Sacred Gear users or dragons. Dragons are not bound by fate as we are forces of nature in our most basic sense. Fate is meaningless for us.]

Chiron nodded.

"That is exactly why I hope that you and Mark will accompany Percy. As fateless ones, you can break fate just by existing."

Mark nodded.

"I spoke to Poseidon. I agreed to stick around. As long as I can prove Percy innocent he will not hold back on paying me well."

Annabeth perked up.

"You mean we are actually going on a quest? A real one?"

"Yes, child. Percy, Go upstairs to the attic. When you come back down, assuming you're still sane, we will talk more."

Mark watched as Percy disappeared upstairs. They did not have to wait long before Percy walked back downstairs. Ddraig instantly spoke to Percy from the Boosted Gear.

[Out with it boy. The whole truth, not one line missing. While prophecy is bullshit, one should still pay attention.]

Even Mark drove this point across as well.

"Come on. No matter what it was, say it."

Percy slumped into a chair at the pinochle table.

"She said I would retrieve what was stolen."

Grover sat forward, chewing excitedly on the remains of a Diet Coke can.

"That's great!"

Mark elbowed him a little.

"Do not jinx things so fast. What was said exactly."


Percy a little worried spoke up.

"She said I would go west and face a god who had turned. I would retrieve what was stolen and see it safely returned."

Percy did not want to say the last part, but he did.

"She said a friend would betray me."

Hearing this made Chiron, Annabeth, Grover, and Chiron quiet down. As for Mark he just shook his head.

"Don't look at me. Orcles can't see me and I am the one keeping you safe."

Grover immediately denied it.

"I would not do that, you know me right?"

Annabeth raised her arms up as well.

"I am not going to do that at all. So, not me."

Percy sighed.

"I know none of you would do that, but who else does that leave?"

Mark shrugged.

"Who are you good friends with other than us?"

"Uhh, Luke from the Hermes cabin. He is good friends with me and he trains me, but that is crazy."

Annabeth instantly shook her head.

"Someone else, I know it is not him."

Ddraig was not so sure.

[Don't be so quick to deny it, girl. He just might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.]

Annabeth was not hearing it though.

"I said he is not the suspect so drop it."

Mark spoke up this time.

"That just makes me more willing to think it was him. Anyway, the god of the West has to be Hades then? If it is, we are fucked."

Chiron nodded.

"You are right. If Hades is responsible, you better expect failure. However, if the oracle says he will succeed we can only hope that Hades will spare you."

Mark sighed.

"Ddraig, if things go south, how long do I have to use the Juggernaut Drive with just my mana."

[1 minute without losing your life span. And that is if you do not lose yourself.]

Chiron shook his head.

"No, do not use that cursed power. Even if you can use it, it can lead to more damage and you might die."

Mark shook his head.

"I don't want to die, so this is just a trial for my power. And this is only a last resort as Hades is in the top 10 of the World's strongest for a reason. Now, the oracle says west. Where West. We are right dab on the East Coast so it could be any state West from here."

Chiron gave them a good piece of news.

"The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles. And Mark here is great at teleportation. He can take you there directly cutting down time rapidly. As for who will come, two may come with you with Mark being like the Joker.

He is free from fate while you are not. Grover is the first and the second will be Annabeth here. She has been itching for a chance like this."

She nodded with a big grin trying to forget about Luke being a suspect.

"I've been waiting years. While my mother Athena is no fan of Poseidon if you're going to save the world she would agree with me. I'm one of the best people to keep you from messing up. And we got Mark here so what can go-"

Mark shoved an entire deck of playing cards in her mouth. She spat them out as he lectured her.

"You almost set up a flag. Try not to jinx us."


Mark shook his head.

"It's fine, you three will be stuck with me for a bit. We leave in one hour for my house in New York. There we will prepare for a few hours before we teleport to Los Angels."

The three kids nodded. Mark was the most mature as while Grover was 28, he was really 14 when compared to a human. Chiron looked at Mark with hope in his eyes.

"Please keep them safe."

"I will. Now, go and get ready."

Percy, Annabeth, and Grover left the big house leaving just Mark and Chiron behind. Both of them sat in silence as Chiron looked at Mark.

"I hope greed has not blinded you to the danger even you will face."

Mark shook his head.

"It has not. Not yet at least."

Chiron patted him on the shoulder.

"I hope you are right."

Mark got up and also left the centaur alone. Chiron had lost many of his students over the years so he was always nervous when they went out if he would see them again. He hoped fate would be kind to them this time.

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