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Chapitre 304: HPWW641-650

Chapter 641

"We're done," he reminded them. "Therefore, there is

no requirement for any of us to wear school uniform


That had them all happy and, returning to their

apartments for those who weren't Potters, changing.

Before heading down to lunch, Harry dashed off a

quick note to Fleur to let her know they were now

done with their OWLs. He knew she'd appreciate it;

just as they appreciated learning from her when she

completed her NEWTs.




Because OWL exams, together with NEWT exams,

covered the last two weeks of the school year, there

were no final weeks where the professors loaded them

down with summer homework. For the seventh years

it was because their schooling was over. For the fifth

years it was because no one truthfully had any idea

what classes they'd be allowed, or were eligible, to

attend for their NEWTs.

When Hermione found out about that a few weeks

earlier, she went around to each of her Professors and

asked for 'homework' they could recommend she do

as preparation for her sixth year. None of them

provided her any as, apparently, it was school policy

not to.

As Professor Babbling told her, "You need the entirety

of your summer break to allow yourself to de-stress

from your OWL exams. Study if you wish; we cannot

stop you. However, none will be assigned to you, even

by request or informally."

When she returned to the apartment in a bit of a huff

Harry silently took her by the hand and dragged her

into his bedroom.

She wasn't in a huff when they both exited over an

hour later. Harry was sporting a smug grin and

Hermione almost bonelessly dropped onto one of the

couches and 'dreamily' sighed.

Daphne hid her smirk behind her Occlumency. It was

she who suggested Harry just drag her off to his room

and 'de-stress' her. He wouldn't have done it unless

she'd both suggested it and told him outright

Hermione wouldn't be against it. It was his trust in all

three of them that had him not doubting her.




With the Alliance meeting on the Saturday, yet again

the day before the Hogwarts Express ran back to

Kings Cross, all the Heirs yet again had permission to

skip the train trip.

This time the meeting was at Bones Manor with

Amelia Bones, of course, chairing the meeting.

One of the items of business was Lady Marchbanks

informing the Alliance she was stepping down as

Headmistress of Hogwarts as of the Leaving Feast

that night. The Heirs all knew it was coming.

The new Headmaster would be Ebenezer Goodstone,

as expected. The new Deputy would be Septima

Vector, who would also be handing in the Head of

Slytherin post to take on the role. They had no idea

who the new Head of Slytherin would be, as no one

knew who of the staff was actually a Slytherin

alumnus other than Vector.

With permission to skip the Feast, instead of all

floo'ing back to the school the Heirs went elsewhere.

Harry, Hermione, Daphne and Fleur floo'ed to the

Doghouse with the intent to spend the first week at

the Granger Residence. Justin had Raggy pop him

home, after first ensuring there was somewhere at

Bedford Castle he could be safely popped into where

those not in the know wouldn't see him. Surprisingly

to the others, Tracey went with him. CeeCee floo'ed to

The Kennel with Sirius and Narcissa; she'd be staying

there for a few days before internationally portkeying

back to Perth. Sirius and Narcissa would be going

with her, this time, but staying at Harry's new place in

Lesmurdie. Jace had gone back to MaCUSA to visit.

And Neville and Hannah would be staying a few days

with Susan at Bones Manor, so didn't floo anywhere.

After changing into muggle 'civvies', almost the first

thing Harry did was 'read the riot act' to Dobby and

Betsy about how he would be doing a lot of the

cooking while he was there; much to the chagrin of

both elves. Then happily set-to with making dinner

that night.

The summer break, this year, was approximately ten

and a half weeks long. Quite some time ago Harry had

looked at it and wondered how to break the time into

fair allotments and thought he'd come up with a

workable plan. Of course, that then would need to be

altered based on when others were able to take breaks

from employment commitments and the like to spend

time with them. Of course, it had a lot to do with how

much time Fleur could get off work for a holiday, plus

needed to tie in with her need to be with Harry. That

made the time they were going to stay in France,

together with how long, as the first required choice.

However, his ladies shot down his original plan with

Daphne almost snarkily asking, "Harry, do you know

what a floo is?"

Then moderated her snark by explaining, "Except for

France we can go from place to place by simply

stepping in one fireplace and out another. We don't

have to spend three plus weeks in one place, then the

same in the next, then the next. We can even cut it

down to hour by hour if we want to be completely




Chapter 642

Eventually and because the Granger parents had jobs

to worry about, they all decided they'd stay at the

Granger Residence for a couple days covering the

weekend just to unwind and get away from the

magical world for a little while, leaving on the Monday

morning. Then through to Friday evening at

Pottermore for 'alone time', then back to the Granger

Residence for the weekend, and so on.

Their time in France was for two weeks and one day

from the First of July, as that was all the time Fleur

could get off from Gringotts and they needed to be

back in Britain on the Saturday afternoon for the

meeting of the Alliance. Then they had a week back at

Green Fields, followed by the Delacours joining them

for a week at Pottermore. That way, the Delacours

would be in magical Britain two days before the handfasting of Sirius and Jace, as they were also invited,

before then again spending time with the Four.

However, most of the rest of time was pretty fluid,

allowing the 'Potter Four' to not have to stick to a

strict schedule. For instance, they'd made no plans

whatsoever for the last four and a half weeks of the

summer break between when the Delacours depart to

go back to France and taking the train back to

Hogwarts on the First of September.




For now they were at the Granger Residence with

Harry happily working in the kitchen. His ladies,

though, were in Hermione's 'office' off her bedroom

with Monica.

Almost as soon as she entered, Monica asked, "How

are the three of you doing?"

"We're fine, Mum," replied Hermione.

Then Monica was utterly surprised when Daphne

replied, "We're all alright, Mum Monica." And Fleur

added, "We are well, Mum Monica."

Monica didn't know whether to laugh with the joy of

that, or cry. "Mum Monica?" she quietly asked.

Hermione replied, "It's something we picked up from

CeeCee. She now calls Narcissa, Mum Narcissa, to

differentiate her from her adoptive mother, Dorothy.

We thought it was a good idea.

"For example, I'll now call Daphne's mother 'Mum

Adeline' and Fleur's mother 'Mum Pol'; Fleur's mum

prefers to be addressed by the diminutive."

Monica sat there for a few moment with a wide grin on

her face. "That sounds... nice."

While thinking about it, she saw the three younger

women, for women is what they were, all give subtle

shifts in their posture of relief.

She grinned and said, "Don't worry about it, ladies.

Given the... uniqueness of your situation, I happen to

think it's a very clever idea."

All three grinned back.

She gave that a moment before she asked, "Now; tell

me about your research into Harry's... mental issues."

Both Daphne and Fleur immediately deferred to

Hermione by simply looking to her.

Recognising that's what they were doing, Hermione

gave a little throat clear and said, "It's confirmed.

Harry has a touch of autism."

"I know," she replied. "I was just down in the kitchen

and watching him prepare dinner for us all. Because I

was looking for the signs for myself, I could see it

there. Have you not noticed he sorts out the

ingredients into some sort of order before he begins?

I had, at first, mistaken it for 'mise en place' purposes.

They're all sorted chronologically."

"Chronologically?" asked Hermione.

"He sorts things out by when he needs to deal with

them, in order of dealing with them," she explained.

That had the other three all look back in surprise.

"I'd... not noticed that," muttered Daphne. "But, yes; I

can see, now, he does that."

The other two nodded.




On the Monday morning and after an early breakfast

with the Grangers, the Four floo'ed across to


Almost as soon as they stepped through, with Harry

going first, Fleur almost jumped him and whispered in

his ear, "Mind taking me to the master bedroom? I

believe I'm the only one who you 'aven't ravished in

that bed yet."

Surprised, Harry turned to look at the other two, who

just smirked back.

Thinking for a moment, he said, "How about we sort

out sleeping arrangements, unpack, check over the

property and then you and I go check out the master


She almost growled before she said, "Then let us

'urry, mon cher."

Less than an hour later, after doing all that, Fleur

grabbed him by his off hand and dragged him off to

his bedroom. When they reached the suite, she almost

ripped clothing off in the hurry of getting undressed.

An hour later he lay next to his Veela concubine and

asked, "You behaved as if you were in pain and the

life debt was driving you. Was that the case?"

With a sigh, she replied, "A little... yes."

"Then you need to approach me earlier, Fleur," he

firmly stated. "I do not like the idea of you being in

pain because you do not feel it is your place to say

something. That worries me."

It took a long moment, but she finally replied, "Oui. I

shall... endeavour to be more... forthcoming in future,


"Please," he nodded. "This is about your health, Love.

What if there had been something suddenly crop up

that took me away from you for a few days? You'd

have been in all sorts of trouble, then."

She nodded back.

A moment later she suddenly threw her leg over

Harry's hips and slipped herself atop him. As she then

sat up on his hips, she smiled and asked, "Then, how

about you make sure it will be a long while before I

need you again, oui?"

He smiled back and, while reaching up to fondle her

breasts, replied, "Oui."

They finally left the suite about forty minutes later.




When they did leave the suite after a shower each,

they redressed and headed downstairs. Both were

surprised to find the manor quiet.

Frowning in a little confusion, Harry called Jeeves.

When the elf popped in he asked, "Where are my other

two ladies?"

"They be naked in the pool," the elf grumbled, clearly

somewhat annoyed before he popped away again.

As Harry stood there, staring in surprise at where

Jeeves had stood, Fleur was snickering.

Finally, she began heading for the back of the manor

while disrobing again.

"Fleur?" he asked.

Turning back as she allowed her blouse to drop from

her fingers, she said, "It seems we had no need to

redress after all; no?"

Then she turned back and, while reaching behind her

back for her bra catch, kept walking towards the back


Harry gave a slight snort of amusement while pulling

his freshly-donned polo shirt off over his head and

followed her.

After a last look out the floor to ceiling back windows

of the solarium and onto the wide back patio with its

in-ground pool, Fleur dropped her knickers and

walked out. Harry was only a few seconds behind her.




After an hour in the pool or relaxing on sun lounges

by its edge, all the while naked with all three, Harry

got dressed and re-entered the manor. As soon as he

was inside he went to the welcoming hall and called


When the elf popped in, he said, "Ah, Willy. Is it

possible to ward this room off from the rest of the


"Yes, Master Harry," the elf immediately replied. "Willy

has already dones that. Willy did not want sudden

visitors coming through the floo and walking out to

see his master and mistresses undressed."

A little relieved, Harry said, "Thank you. If you hadn't

already done it, I would have asked you to do so. I

don't think any of us had thought until I did a few

minutes ago that sort of thing could happen."



Chapter 643

Willy gave a little bow and said, "Jeeves understands.

Master James and Mistress Lily did that once, too.

And the ward was always up because of the war.

"Visitors can now only enter the floo room and cannot

see further into the manor unless Master or

Mistresses comes and collects them."

With a grin, Harry said, "That's great, Willy. I am

relieved to hear that."

When Harry returned back outside, he told his ladies

what he'd learned from Jeeves. While Hermione was a

little concerned her father might turn up and see them,

the one shocked the greatest was Daphne. She was

still getting used to being naked outside, as this was

her first time; so she nearly shot off her sun lounger

to run inside and get dressed. She'd only disrobed,

this time, because Hermione had encouraged her to

do so. Even then, she wore a wrap until she was ready

to jump into the pool.

It was only Harry explaining how that wasn't

necessary - and why - before she calmed again. Fleur

wasn't even slightly bothered and, apparently,

wouldn't have been bothered if even a horde of their

friends and family had turned up. Such was the nature

of her being a Veela.




It was right in the middle of their time in France at

Delacour Manoir when their OWL results arrived on

the Saturday morning. They were carried by three

clearly bone-weary owls that were going to need to

rest for at least a full day before being allowed to


"Oh, my God!" exclaimed Hermione, when she

realised what the owls had been carrying. "I don't

believe I forgot!"

Pol ended up having to release the owl carrying

Hermione's results as the once bushy-haired girl was

suddenly way too jittery to handle it, herself.

With it in her hand and as Hermione closed her eyes

trying to centre herself before opening the envelope,

Jean-Paul quietly called on a house elf to bring a

couple of vials of calming potion, just in case.

Then she took a deep breath and opened hers, quickly

unfolding the parchment within. A few seconds later

her shoulders slumped a little in relief before her face

slowly morphed into a wide and happy grin as she

stared off into the distance.

Neither of the other two had opened theirs, as yet.

Everyone had been watching Hermione.

When she suddenly snapped back to herself,

Hermione blushed before she, babbling a little, asked

the others to open theirs.

Harry gave a snort of amusement before he opened

his own - and was quite surprised by what he

discovered. With the exception of History he received

straight 'O's; in History he scored an 'EE'. As for the

Os, he scored 'O+'s in Ancient Runes, Charms, DADA,

Potions, and Transfiguration; and ordinary 'O's in

Astronomy, CoMC, Herbology and Muggle Studies.

That gave him fifteen OWLs.

Daphne picked up fourteen OWLs with straight 'O's

across the board.

Astronomy, Herbology, History and Transfiguration

were standard 'O's; while Charms, DADA, Potions,

Ancient Runes and Arithmancy were 'O+'s.

And Hermione was similar but with an extra class, like

Harry. Unlike Harry, though, she picked up straight

'O's like Daphne.

Astronomy, Herbology, CoMC and Muggle Studies

(like Harry, she sat the exam without attending the

class) were standard 'O's; while Charms, DADA,

History, Potions, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes and

Arithmancy were 'O+'s. She scored eighteen OWLs

plus 'Best in Year'.

The first to speak of those other than those three,

Fleur exclaimed, "Wow!"

"That's... magnifique!" laughed a clearly happy


A very relieved Hermione finally sighed and softly

said, "I really had nothing to worry about, did I?"

Harry laughed at that, quickly followed by the others.




Over the rest of the week and taking their time, the

three now NEWT students discussed among

themselves their decisions for what classes they'd

take for their final two years. Harry had to, yet again,

assure one of his ladies that he would not stand in the

way of them taking on a career post-Hogwarts; this

time it was Daphne.

"You taking on a Healer apprenticeship, with spell

crafting thrown in, sounds like a wonderful idea," said

Harry, assuring her. "I'm just wondering how you'll

accomplish it.

"Will you undertake the Healer apprenticeship first,

then a Spell crafting apprenticeship; or vice versa? Or,

can you do both at the same time?"

"I don't really know," she replied. "I think I'll take on

the Healer apprenticeship first, get experience in the

field, then take on the spell crafting apprenticeship in

my spare time."

"It's up to you," he shrugged. "However, have you

three given any thought to my idea of taking a 'gap'

year first?"

It was left to Hermione to reply. "Yes. However, you do

realise, don't you, that it means our having children is

also put back a year?"

"If you want to," he replied. "However, I firmly believe

a woman's body is her own. As such, I firmly believe it

is up to the woman when she wants to bear children.

"Of course, I want children. But, I won't force you to

have them. And I certainly won't force you to have

them on my schedule."

That got him well snogged.

Once they got that out of their systems, Hermione

said, "Of course we want children, Harry. We all do.

But I think that decision will have to wait until the

Masters of their fields we take our apprenticeships

under are also okay with it."

"If they're not and the Masters or Mistresses of their

fields are against it, then we'll simply find a Master or

Mistress who will be okay with it," he stated. "If

necessary, I'm quite willing to offer a financial

incentive to whoever it is who take you on to allow

you the time to have a child, if that's what you want."

He again got well snogged.




Just after they returned to magical Britain on Friday,

the fifteenth of July, the three sent off their choices to

the new Deputy Headmistress, Professor Septima

Vector, the Arithmancy Professor.

Hermione would be taking: History, Charms,

Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy,

Advanced Muggle Studies, the Politics elective and

the Law elective; making a course outlay of eight

classes. If the workload became too much she

promised she'd drop Advanced Muggle Studies. None

of the others thought she'd have to keep that promise


Daphne would be taking: Herbology, Transfiguration,

Charms, Potions, Arithmancy, the Healing elective and

the Estate Management elective; a course outlay of

seven classes. And Harry would be taking: Ancient

Runes, Charms, DADA, Transfiguration, the Politics

elective, the Law elective and the Estate Management

elective; also seven classes.

Harry found out from Daphne later he was taking what

was known as the "Lords' Seven", as what he had

chosen was seen as what those who would be taking

up Lordships or were otherwise wealthy were often

choosing. He just gave a snort of amusement in

return. Once he thought about it for a long moment he

could see how it was quite obvious.

Harry had no intention of 'just' being a Lord, though.

His intention was to support his three ladies in their

chosen careers. He had no problem with taking a

'back seat' to them; and was even looking forward to





The day after they returned and the reason for them

returning on the Friday was because the July meeting

of the Alliance was on the Saturday; which, of course,

meant the July meeting of the Wizengamot was four

days later on the Tuesday.

There was little of import in the meeting. However,

Harry was pleased to hear Professor Ebenezer

Goodstone was already well into his role of taking on

the Headmastership of the school and Marchbanks

was quite happy to hand the reins over to him.

On one hand, he was sad to see her leave the post. He

enjoyed talking and otherwise interacting with her.

However, on the other hand, he was happy for her she

was returning to take once more the post of the Head

of the Ministry office, the Wizarding Examinations

Authority. It was very clear she loved the work. After a

short break she'd be again taking that role on as of

Monday, the first of August.

With a gentle smile to her, he quietly said, "I'm going

to miss seeing you in that office behind its gargoyle."

She smiled back and said, "That's sweet. Thank you,

Lord Potter. However, I assure you, Professor

Goodstone is up to the task in my stead."



Chapter 644

He wrinkled his nose in distaste and said, "The man is

a fan of Quidditch."

She just softly cackled back before she returned,

"And may Merlin let that be his only... sin."




Sirius and Jace's handfasting, the Black-Sykes

handfasting, was the next week. However, instead of a

druidic handfasting as Harry had expected, it was

some form of hybrid handfasting/wedding of the type

they now used in MaCUSA. Never having seen a

handfasting before and only knowing a little about

weddings, Harry had no idea until after the ceremony

when Daphne explained it to both him and Hermione.

That had Hermione determined she wanted her

'handfasting' to Harry to be of the same style.

"It's like a blend of a muggle wedding and a wizarding

handfasting," she explained. "It covers both aspects

of my life, when you think of it; muggle and magical."

"Then such a hybrid ceremony you shall have," Harry

was quick to say.

Of interest before the ceremony, though, was when

Sirius got so nervous he almost 'did the bolt'. He'd

already started heading for the door to run off when

Remus calmly stunned him, dosed him with a readyat-hand calming potion and enervated him again.

"Better?" he asked.

After the nose-wrinkling Harry knew all too well, plus a

glare at his best friend, Sirius finally nodded and said,

"Much better, thank you."

After that, the ceremony went off quite well, even with

a great many people attending. As a handfasting of

One of the Seven the number of attendees was, of

course, significant. It was one of those 'everyone who

was an anyone' sort of events you had to attend if you

were someone of note.

Harry spent a lot of his time speaking with a few folks

from America, who were either friends of Jace's,

friends of her family or were actual family; except for

one, whom he could barely get anywhere near. That

person was of course Jocunda Sykes, Jace's

grandmother, she who rode an Oakshaft broom

across the Atlantic and, on arriving in MaCUSA, set up

a new broom company there; Starsweeper.

He chose to spend a lot of his time talking to 'the

Yanks' so he could spend less time speaking with

'colleagues' off the Wizengamot. And, of course,

almost everyone off the 'Mot, plus their other halves,


Apparently, the Members off the Wizengamot thought

a handfasting ceremony was a brilliant excuse to

mingle with fellow Members, network and try to make

deals. Harry was of a different opinion, hence why he

spent as much of his time as he could away from

them. His own opinion was, unless the social event

was specifically related to the 'Mot, then it was not an

event for which the Members should 'proselytise'. He

also used the excuse he was Sirius's godson to spend

more time with Jace's family.

The Potters got out of there not that much longer after

Sirius and the now Lady Jacinta Sykes-Black took off

on their honeymoon. They'd be off for the week, and

back for the Weasley-Clearwater handfasting the next

weekend and back to their honeymoon for the next

week; this time, in MaCUSA seeing the sites there. The

Delacours, however, sent Gabrielle back to Pottermore

with the Potters, but remained to network.

Later, Daphne had a quiet word with him - that is, told

him off - about how important to the Potter family

networking these sort of functions actually was. He

had to promise he'd try better at the WeasleyClearwater handfasting the next weekend.

He pouted back and said, "It's also my birthday. Aren't

I allowed, as birthday boy, to ignore everyone I want


"No," she simply and firmly replied.

The Delacours left the next day to return to France

and the Potters stayed at Pottermore for the week. The

Delacours would not be attending the second





As for the final days lead up to Percy's and Penny's

handfasting, Harry and Hermione had been receiving

invite after invite from Molly to come stay at the

Burrow as Molly wanted 'her entire family' to spend

the last few days with her.

Harry had to finally send a letter to Arthur via HEED,

to make sure Molly didn't intercept it, asking the man

to stop his wife 'barraging' them with letters of

demand to stay at the Burrow. He didn't write it, as he

couldn't bring himself to. However, Hermione and

Daphne were more than willing to write the letter on

his behalf. He just signed it.

The important part of the body had:

~ # ~

As well as now being seen by us as nagging-via-post

Molly continues, even today, to utterly ignore that I

have two concubines in Daphne and Fleur. Even more

she must know I and Fleur, due to her Veela life debt

to me, cannot be separated from me for any length of

time. Even a short period of a few days can cause her

distress; longer can cause her harm. And yet, from

her letters, Molly continues to ignore her existence; let

alone Daphne's.

I know she does not mean for her letters to be so, but

they are insulting in her refusal to acknowledge

Daphne's and Fleur's part in my and Hermione's life.

Where Hermione and I go, Daphne and Fleur go. If

neither Daphne or Fleur are welcome, I see it as I and

Hermione are likewise unwelcome.

However, that is only one issue. The next is how, as

One of the Seven, Head of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Potter, Heir Tertiary of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black, a Member of the Wizengamot

and a founding member of the Grand Alliance I have a

great deal of responsibilities. Responsibilities, I must

often schedule a great deal of time in advance and

simply cannot either reschedule, beg off or otherwise

ignore. To do so could cause great or grave insult to


Due to schooling and Fleur's contract with Gringotts

and the needs of our greater families, our summers

and other breaks are now carefully scheduled. For

instance, even though we received our official

invitation to attend Percy's and Penny's handfasting a

couple months ago, we still had to rearrange quite a

bit of our summer scheduling to fit it into our

calendar. I very much doubt we were the only

'important persons' to have done so. Even now we

have in place scheduling for next summer's break.

Hermione and I are grateful Molly sees us as family.

However, we actually are not. And we must place our

actual families' needs or desires above those of

others, such as the Weasleys. It would be wrong to do


We have our own lives, Mister Weasley. Please speak

with your wife and get her to understand that. If she

refuses, then we ask that you forbid her to contact us.

Furthermore, with us four being guests of Lord and

Lady Clearwater - me, in my role as Lord Potter;

Hermione, as my betrothed; and Daphne and Fleur as

my concubines - I have no choice but to ask you to

ensure Molly does not create, or otherwise engineer, a

scene at the handfasting of Lord Clearwater's Heir

Secondary, Penelope, and your son, Percy. Lord

Clearwater and I would each have no choice but to see

it as such a slight on the honour of each of us in our

formal roles as Two of the Seven. Plus, as I am also

still recognised as Heir Tertiary of Black, Sirius would

also have no choice but to step in. I am sure you have

no doubt of what the result of such a confrontative act

would be.



Chapter 645

Please, please, make sure Molly understands that. We

all know how she will act if she sees someone she

considers one of her children behaving in a manner of

which she does not approve, namely not obeying her

every command. If she does act in such a manner, the

consequences would be dire for you and yours. You

know this.

~ # ~

Of course, the letter was painful for Harry to send.

However, he really had no choice. Molly, through her

own stubborness, left him with no choice.

Further, he also wrote a letter to Lord Basil Clearwater

informing him of the general contents of the letter he

sent Arthur. Hedwig was very happy to take it.

Lord Clearwater wrote a letter back the next day,

delivered by his own Northern Hawk owl,

acknowledging Harry's letter, stating his own hope

Molly would not create a scene, informing him Molly

would be 'closely monitored' to ensure that the first

sign of her losing her temper and about to commit an

action that would force the Seven to 'officially' react

she would be dealt with and 'wondering' how it is

Harry had tolerated her behaviour for so long.

Surprisingly, he also apologised for the 'only' three

months forewarning of the date of the handfasting

stating he had left it to the last minute in the hopes his

granddaughter would 'wake up to herself' and decide

Percy wasn't the one for her after all. He only allowed

the betrothal in the first place in the hopes Penny just

needed time to get over her 'crush' on the boy.

'However, it now appears she loves the 'over-officious

idiot' even deeper than before.' And he was never one

to deny his little princess something of which she

truly had her heart set upon.

He also wrote he was gifting the happy couple a small

and comfortable chalet, 'only six bedrooms, formal

lounge, formal dining, solarium, etcetera' that had

been a 'steal' he'd picked up from one of the auctions

of the deceased death eater properties. It was in

Blackpool on the south coast. 'This way, dear

Penelope does not have to tolerate that shrew, Molly

Weasley, if she does not desire to. She and Percival

will have their own home, away from that woman.'

Harry did not think Basil would have a problem with

him showing it to his ladies, so he did. All three were


The letter back from Arthur stated he would have Bill

basically sit on her if he had to, just to stop her from

doing something stupid. Bill was under orders from

his Head of House to even stun her if it was





The actual handfasting had them arrive at Clearwater

Grove as one of the last guests, as was proper for

Harry's station. They also arrived via portkey in the

Manor's welcoming room, not out beyond the front

door or via apparation as most of the guests were

required to do to arrive. Only those who were lords

and ladies of Noble and Ancient Houses were so

accorded the welcoming room. Even the few so-called

lords and ladies of Elder Houses had to arrive via

portkey on the front patio beyond the front door. It

was the same at the Black country property, where

Sirius and Jace were wed.

With his three ladies and himself in formal attire, Harry

was greeted by Lord Clearwater and his lady before

his second son, Penny's uncle, escorted them

through to a temporary gazebo in the back gardens. It

was out there, being a traditional druidic handfasting,

where the ceremony would take place. The reception

would then be held in the massively expanded manor


As they walked in to the huge gazebo, they were

almost immediately spotted by Molly. When it looked

from her expression like she was going to storm over

to give them a serve, Bill, who was standing with her,

quickly latched onto her arm and, under a silencing

charm, firmly told her something that she clearly did

not want to hear, but it at least stopped her from

immediately heading over all the same.

Harry was satisfied with that. If she'd done otherwise

it would have meant she'd be tossed from the

handfasting before the handfasting even occurred,

then go blame it on him.

However, he was determined to have the woman, with

her husband, visit them at Pottermore; where he'd

finally 'lay down the law' on her. He knew it was

something that was a couple years in the making and

only delayed because of Ron's behaviour and then

subsequent death. Well, it had now been eight months

since Weasley's death and he was no longer willing to

allow his 'ex' faux-friend's passing hinder him in

finally dealing with the issue of a demanding Molly


As for the service, Harry found it quite interesting,

especially the druid's words about how two lives had

now become intertwined as if they were roots. Harry

thought it was a pretty good analogy of what could

come of a family tree from their joining.

After the service and as they were heading inside for

the 'breakfast/reception' part of the celebrations, Molly

once more tried to come over to speak with him. And,

this time, Arthur had to take a firm hand on her arm to

stop her. However, she shrugged off his hand and

began to storm over... and was promptly intercepted

by Bill. This time he surreptitiously had his wand out

and was clearly threatening her.

As they were all seated, Harry and his ladies were

seated off to one side, where the other lords and their

ladies of the Seven were sat. And Harry found him and

his seated almost opposite Sirius.

As soon as they sat, Sirius leaned across the table a

little and, frowning in clear concern, asked, "What's

going on with Molly Weasley?"

"She's upset with me because I sent a letter to Arthur

telling him to stop her constant nagging of Hermione

and me through owl mail to come and visit," replied

Harry. "I, for one, have had a gutful of it."

"And I, for two," Hermione added. "We've not said

anything until recently because of all the dramas

going on about Ron. However, it's now been eight

months since his death.

"Harry sent a letter to Mister Weasley telling him he

had to get Missus Weasley under control, especially at

this handfasting, or Harry would have to take official

action as One of the Seven against him for failing to

do so.

"Missus Weasley clearly didn't like discovering that.

And it looks like she wanted to come over and give

Harry a serve about it, which is something she has a

tendency to do when someone she sees as one of her

children doesn't do as they're told by her. Bill and

Mister Weasley have, twice now here today, had to cut

her off and, it's looked like, threaten her."

Daphne said, "If it wasn't for Harry being One of the

Seven and it would be a direct insult to Clearwater if

he did so, I'd recommend we four leave before there's

a scene. But, Harry really can't."

"No, he can't," Sirius agreed. He then looked around

and saw the 'Weasley' table on the opposite side of

the ballroom from them, with Molly sitting facing the

room and main table at an angle.

As a 'junior' member of One of the Seven Harry and

his sat with their backs to the floor and head table,

which also meant they had their backs to her. Sitting

opposite, though, Sirius and Jace were facing that

way. He spotted the Weasleys through the gap

between Harry and Hermione.



Chapter 646

"I'll keep an eye on her," said a firm Sirius. "If it looks

like she's again intending on heading towards you

and Arthur or Bill can't or won't cut her off, I will."

Thankfully, they made it through the feast and right

through to the dancing without the woman coming

over. However, as soon as Harry led Hermione onto

the dance floor, he saw Molly grab Arthur and drag

him onto the floor before she then force-took lead

from him and steered them towards a confrontation.

Thankfully, Sirius had Jace on the floor and was able

to impose himself and her between Harry and

Hermione and Arthur and Molly. Then, as Harry led

Hermione further away, he had stern words with the

woman and her husband. Arthur then dragged Molly

back off the floor.

Less than five minutes later, Arthur was dragging

Molly from the room towards the welcoming room

with its floo point. They weren't seen again, so Harry

thought Arthur must have quietly taken her straight


After that Harry was finally able to relax and actually

enjoy the event.

Until his ladies dragged him away, demanding to

dance, he'd even let himself be corralled by a couple

of the Lords who 'want to hear his views on such and

such' or 'wondered if they could gain his support for

this or that'. They were of grey Houses, so Harry was

at least willing to hear them out.

That very evening and once they were back at

Pottermore Harry received an owl-delivered letter, by

Errol of all owls, from Arthur yet again apologising for

Molly's behaviour. Then had the audacity to ask if 'you

and Hermione' could visit the Burrow to talk.

Having already had enough - as if the invitation only

for him and Hermione to visit, not Daphne or Fleur,

wasn't further insult - Harry sent one back using

Hedwig that firmly stated Arthur was to bring Molly

and Bill to visit the next evening at 7.00pm sharp. It

was short, abrupt and to the point. It was also

addressed to 'Mister Arthur S Weasley, Head of the

Elder Houses of Weasley and Prewitt' and signed

'Lord Harrison J Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter' just to make it clear this

wasn't anything but a formal letter and summons.

He'd even used a wax seal, imprinted with his family

ring, to seal the letter.

The next evening was going to be one of the most

difficult Harry had ever had to endure in his life.

However, though he already knew it was going to be

painful, he also knew it was necessary.




The next day and through the day, Daphne coached

Harry on exactly how he needed to handle his meeting

with the elder Weasleys that night. Fleur wanted to

help, but due to her work commitments, let alone her

working relationship with Bill, couldn't. She did,

however, remind Daphne of a few key points she

needed to coach Harry on before she left for work that


Hermione wanted to help too, and did so by using the

Potter library to look up key legal precedents and

magical law when Daphne wanted Harry to see exactly

what it was she was alluding to or simply straight out


By the time dinner came around and Fleur had

returned from work, Harry thought he was as prepared

as he was going to be. And Fleur even covered a few

extra points that related to matters surrounding the

legal powers of One of the Seven.

"Bill tried to get me to relate to 'im what this meeting

tonight was all about, 'Arry," she said, while they were

sitting at the table and eating. "I 'ad to be firm and tell

'im the Veela Bond I 'ave with you specifically forbade

me telling 'im anything that was considered a matter

of the 'Ouse of Potter. 'E wasn't 'appy."

"I would have thought, as an employee of Gringotts

himself," said Hermione, "He would understand there

are some things that simply cannot be discussed."

"'E knows that," she replied. "'Owever, 'e was trying to

get information relating to where I thought 'Arry's...

mind was in this matter."

"In other words," said Harry, "He was trying to get you

to talk to him about matters he knew the Veela Bond

would have no issue with you sharing."

"Oui," she calmly replied. "'Owever, 'e left frustrated

with me for not being willing to share anything with


Harry nodded and said, "I will have a word with him

about that, tonight. He should know that what he tried

was wrong."

"'E is trying to protect his mother," she explained. "At

least, that is what 'e claimed when I lost my temper a

little with 'im."

"Which tells us he understands his mother is in

trouble with us," said Daphne.

She nodded.


Right on the stroke of 7.00pm the fireplace at

Pottermore gave its expected 'whoomph' of green

flames a moment before Arthur stepped out. Molly

was right behind him and Bill was right behind her.

At the time, the only one in the room waiting for them

was Daphne. With the flat expression of occlumency

shields up she was dressed in very upmarket

business casual with the Potter Crest on her robes.

She was on her feet off to one side with her wand

already drawn in readiness... just in case.

As soon as Bill straightened up, she flicked her wand

at the fireplace. It wasn't actually a charm she cast, it

was a signal to Willy to lock the floo down again with

its password.

She looked at Arthur and, instead of given the

customary greeting and offer of hospitality, she said,

"Mister Weasley, Missus Weasley, Heir Weasley;

please, follow me. My Lord and Lady await us in his


Then, without even waiting for any of the three visitors

to say a word, simply spun about and walked from the


Molly gave a huff, but that was all she did before

following Daphne. Daphne thought either Arthur or

Bill had to have silenced her, as she knew the woman

would otherwise not hesitate to voice her displeasure.

As she continued to walked from the room, she had a

small smirk on her face she knew the Weasleys could

not see.

Of course, the office of the Head of House was not

that far away, so it was only a few seconds before

Daphne stood before a door and knocked.

From within, she heard Harry firmly bark, "Enter!"

She opened the door, stepped within and formally

said, "My Lord Potter; Mister Weasley, Missus

Weasley and Heir Weasley are here for their appointed

meeting." Then she stepped to the side to usher the

Weasleys within.




Throughout the day Harry had received quite a

number of 'urgent' letters from Lords of other Houses,

who were aware of what had happened at the

handfasting and demanded he act. On his behalf

Hermione was writing responses, which he would

then read, make a slight alteration or two and hand

back to her to be rewritten. Then he'd sign them, with

his ring impress a wax seal on the envelop flap and

set it aside to be sent off.

There were so many he had to resort to using

Hermione's owl, then Sirius's, then Dobby.

People of importance were upset and wanted it fixed.

And, apparently, due to his being One of the Seven;

one of the heads of the major alliance, the Grand

Alliance; and known to have a long-term relationship

with the Weasley family he was 'elected' to be the one

to do the 'fixing'.

Plus, during the lead up to the time of the Weasley

'appointment', Daphne had given Harry a quick

reminder of what needed to be done and said before

she calmly said, "Be at ease, Harry. This has been a

long time coming and is past due happening. Just

remember: You are One of the Seven and what you

say, tonight, must be obeyed."

With a sigh, he sat back for a moment before he

nodded back.

As Daphne walked out closing the door behind her,

from her own chair off to his side and also facing

forward, Hermione said, "Also remember: We love

you, Harry. You cannot do anything tonight that would

lead us to loving you any less."

He again nodded, but added a quiet, "Thank you."

Then he sat forward and ensured, once again, his

desk and everything else in the room was just as it

needed to be. On the blotter before him was a 'crib'

sheet with the important points he needed to focus

upon during this meeting. Next to his left hand was

the stack of 'complaint' letters he received from the

other Lords.

Setting the office up to focus on the office chair as a

'seat of power', was something pretty much already in

place before Daphne moved through it, slightly

rearranging things.

For a start, she had the elves remove the discussion

table at the other end of the office. Then had the

chairs that surrounded it replaced with three

comfortable but 'less classy' than Harry's, Hermione's

and hers - the last of which sat on the outside of

Hermione's - and had them set before and facing the

desk, about seven feet back and about eighteen

inches apart.

The centre seat was supposed to be for Arthur, while

the one on his left was for Molly and the one on his

right was for Bill.

When Daphne knocked on the door, entered and gave

her short announcement of the Weasleys, Harry was

firming up and ready.




Before entering the office, Arthur had already figured

out he was going to have to do a lot of grovelling. He

entered and, after a quick scan of the room with his

eyes, walked forward to stand behind the chairs.

As he was leading, he did not see the expression on

his wife's face. If he had, he might have handled the

situation differently, right then and there. However, he

probably still couldn't have stopped what was about

to happen.



Chapter 647

"Harry, dear," said Molly. "What is the meaning of all


As both Arthur and Bill winced, Harry allowed his eyes

to flicker a very cold expression upon Molly for a bare

moment before he flicked that same cold gaze back to


"Mister Weasley," he almost growled. "Your wife does

not seem to know her place. Control her, before I'm

forced to take offence."

As Molly's expression switched from a fake

pleasantness, to shock, before then switching to

outrage, Bill had stepped to the side towards her,

stepped up behind her and jabbed her in the back with

the tip of his index finger. Her expression immediately

switched back to shock.

He needed her to think it was a wand tip, not his

finger, and immediately shut up. He hissed into her

ear, "Mother! For the love of Merlin; shut up!"

She did, but it was clear she was very unhappy.

Whether it was because Bill was jabbing her in the

back with what she thought was a wand tip, from his

barely heard command, or from the way Harry was

looking at her with clear anger didn't matter.

Once it appeared she wasn't going to say anything,

Harry indicated the chairs and said, "You may sit."

However, it was said more as an order, rather than an


When Molly looked like she was going to sit in the

middle seat, Bill quickly hooked a hand under her

nearest armpit and near-bodily forced her back to her

feet. "Yours is the seat on the left, mother. The 'shieldmaiden's' place, remember?"

Again, anger flicked over her expression before she

sidestepped to her left and sat in the seat to the left of

the centre chair from Arthur; to Harry, on his right.

After she sat, Bill sat on the one on Arthur's right and

Arthur finally sat in the centre chair.

Harry then gave a firm nod to Arthur and said, "Last

night, the actions of your wife caused a great deal of

embarrassment to the Noble and Most Ancient

Houses of Clearwater, Potter and Black. Her behaviour

also offended the Noble and Most Ancient Houses of

Flack, Longbottom and Muldoon. It probably also

offended the Noble and Most Ancient House of Rowle,

but I really couldn't care any less about Rowle than I

do now.

"Furthermore, she also offended the Noble and

Ancient Houses of Abbott, Bones, Davis, Diggory,

Greengrass, Hilliard, MacMillan, Marchbanks, Ogden

and Spinnet. And that's just those Noble and Ancient

Houses I care about, let alone those I don't care about

and any of lesser rank."

Tapping the stack next to his left hand he said, "I have

here a great many complaints from almost all those

demanding I take action against you and yours.

"Last night your wife took your House... both Houses

if I also include the fact you're also Regent of the

Elder House of Prewett into consideration... to the

point where you were one wrong word... one

thoughtless act... from being declared anathema to

each of those Houses. Just in case your father was

negligent in your non-Hogwarts education, let alone

your mother Cedrella Weasley née Black, that would

mean you would be a single step away from being in a

House-wide blood feud with many multiple Houses."

When Harry saw all three give starts of shock and

suddenly pale, he thought he might have finally gotten

through to them.

"I see you know what that, at least, means," he glared.

"But, just in case you don't know how bad it would get

for you, it would automatically have the entire Grand

Alliance standing together in that blood feud against

you... and, yes, that would also mean the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Potter would be included...

plus a great many more Houses. From that, I'm sure

you can already tell the Houses of Weasley and

Prewett would very likely be extinct within a few days

at the most."

He gave that a few moments to settle into their minds

before he raised the next point.

"Up to and including the letter I received from you last

night, Mister Weasley, your wife has... even when

constantly reminded otherwise... consistently and

deliberately ignored the fact Heiress Daphne

Greengrass of the Noble and Ancient House of

Greengrass and Heiress Fleur Delacour of the

Venerable House of Delacour of France and of the

Veela Nation are in contractual relationships with me.

Your wife's invitations for me and Hermione, but not

Daphne or Fleur, to visit were... by her deliberately not

doing so... offensive.

"I have chosen to ignore those repeated offences,

because I know your wife does not... like... certain

aspects of the etiquette and traditions of our world.

However, neither can she be that stupid or ignorant to

not know that, when she deliberately ignores required

etiquette, she offends others. And that reflects on you.

"That I don't bring you to heel for her behaviour

against me, reflects on my House, the Seven and the

Grand Alliance. As such, I have been forced into the

position where I... as I have warned you in past I

would have to do... must act.

"You are the Head of House, Mister Weasley; not your

wife. If you are incapable of bringing her to heel, if you

continue to prove yourself to be an ineffective Head,

then Heir William Weasley will be forced to depose

you from the position as Head of House and take your

place. Then of him will it be demanded he bring your

wife to heel... by any means necessary. If you fight

that, or he doesn't bring your wife to heel, then it will

be blood feud.

"Do you understand what I have told you?"

Arthur slowly nodded.

"I will have your verbal acknowledgement, Mister

Weasley," he growled. "Again, do you understand

what I have told you?"

"Y-yes," Arthur, almost too softly to be heard, said.

"Yes... WHAT?" he snapped.

"Yes... m-my Lord."

Harry then nodded back and asked, "Now. Make sure

your wife does not send any further insulting letters to

me or mine. I believe it would be best if she was

forbidden to send me any more letters; and, if your

wife finds need to send me a letter, it come from your

hand and with your approval."

He again gave that a moment to sink in.

Turning to Bill, he said, "I am already aware my

second bonded, Miss Delacour, felt pressured by you

in the workplace concerning information regarding me

you claimed you needed. That will cease, forthwith. I

will be very unhappy if I learn that this action I've been

forced to take by my peers brings negativity upon

Miss Fleur Delacour while she remains under your

tutelage in her position within Gringotts.


"Yes, my Lord," Bill replied more firmly than his father.

"Thank you," he more softly said.

Turning back to Arthur he said, "I remain exceedingly

grateful your family took me in for a few short weeks

during the summer between my first and second year,

second and third year, and third and fourth year;

though I know a lot of that had to do with you meeting

a request by Dumbledore you do so.

"Even then, you were under no such... obligation... to

also take Hermione, now the Lady Presumptive of the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter and ward of

the Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black, into your home during those same times. At

least, I do not believe so.

"And, for that, I will always remain grateful," he said,

before he firmed up again. "However, recent

behaviour by your wife, as if she was using... playing

upon... that original hospitality, have utterly negated

any of that. And that greatly saddens me."

He gave that a long moment before he quietly said,

"Thank you for coming. You all may leave now."

Daphne immediately rose from her seat and, as she

walked past the three, she said to them, "This way,

please. I will escort you out."

As the three Weasleys rose, clearly in a daze and in

shock, they started to follow Daphne from the room.

Arthur even 'forgot' to bow to Harry, as Head of House

and as protocol and etiquette demanded, before he

followed her out. None of them said a word as they

left. From the expression on her face it seemed Harry

had finally gotten through to Molly her behaviour had

landed both her Houses and her husband in the deep


As the door closed behind them, Harry slumped

forward onto the desk and began to lightly sob.

He knew he'd just utterly destroyed his relationship

with the Weasley family and he'd had no choice, but to

do so.

Hermione came over, sat on his lap and cuddled him.

She, too, was lightly crying.



Chapter 648

Just before he flooed away and after first sending his

wife through, Arthur turned to Daphne and softly but

sadly said, "I'm sooo sorry. But, I will fix this."

She told him, "I hope you're able to, Mister Weasley. It

would devastate my Lord Potter if he had to act

because you didn't or were unable to."

After a sad nod back, he followed his son through the


Once the green flames reverted to a small red 'pilot'

flame again, she sighed and headed back to the office.

She knew Harry would need comforting and Hermione

was the only one in there at the moment.

As she walked she called for Betsy.

When the elf popped in a little ahead of her, she said,

"Betsy, would you please inform Fleur the Weasleys

have left and Harry's in the office?"

"Yes, Mistress," the little elf replied before she popped

away again.

Just before she reached the door to the office, Daphne

heard Fleur hurrying down the stairs from upstairs

and waited for her.

As Fleur hurriedly approached, she quietly asked,

"'Ow did it go?"

"Harry was brilliant," replied Daphne. "However, it was

also very clear to Hermione and me that it caused him

great pain to do what he had to do."

Fleur sadly nodded and just as softly said, "Then we

shall 'ave to lift his spirits, non?"

"Oui," Daphne sadly smiled.

Then she reached for the doorknob and let them both





Harry felt he'd had quite the emotional day and

wanted to head to bed early. However, all three of his

ladies took him to the informal dining room, where

they enjoyed a cup of cocoa each.

"You're a bit too keyed up at the moment, Harry," said

Hermione. "I think it would be best for all of us if we

talk about something else for the rest of the night."

They did. They talked about their friends, discussed

the differences between the hybrid wedding come

handfasting and the traditional handfasting, wondered

when they'd hear back about their choices for classes

for their NEWT years, those sort of issues.

Finally, but still early, Harry headed for bed claiming

mental exhaustion. Daphne joined him and they spent

the first half hour cuddling before he gently dropped

off to sleep.

Once he'd done so, she sighed and allowed herself to

drift off.

The girls had already planned on a 'distracting' day for

the next day.




The day dawned quite warm and cloudless, which told

the manorhold it was going to be quite the hot day.

The girls had originally planned on taking Harry to an

amusement park, just as they did for CeeCee's

birthday. However, with the day shaping up to be a hot

one, even before breakfast, the day at the amusement

park idea was aborted - or, at least, deferred.

Instead, they dragged him out to the manor pool.

They'd decided on another 'naked day' by the pool,

working on their tans.

However, within fifteen minutes of them being outside,

Hermione had a bottle of muggle suntan lotion and

asked Harry to lather her up. He was very happy to do

so. She flipped over onto her tummy so he could start

with her back.

He started with her upper back, then lower back, then

switched to the back of her legs, before finally

massaging the lotion into her bare buns. Once

finished there he softly said, "You'll need to flip over."

She did, without any hesitation. Then he lotioned-up

her feet, her lower legs, her upper legs, slipped right

past her lady-cauldron, lotioned her tummy, her chest

- paying special attention to her very erect and firm

nipples, which had her almost moaning - then moved

to her arms before then dropping down to 'massage'

the oil into her mons. She moaned when he did that


Once he was finished lathering her all up, Daphne

asked, "My turn, now?" And he switched over to her.

As with Hermione, as he approached her she rolled

onto her tummy. It did not slip his attention she

appeared quite eager.

She then got the same treatment before Fleur, who'd

been watching the whole thing, smirked at him, rolled

onto her tummy and simply pointed over her shoulder

at her back.

Once he was done - which, surprisingly, had not taken

more than half an hour - he returned to his own

lounger and lay on his front. He was barely on it for

about two minutes before he felt hands starting to

spread lotion on his back. Flipping his head to the

side he could see it was Hermione; and she was

lightly smiling back.

He was just starting to relax into it when he felt a

second pair of hands, this time it was Daphne. And, as

he watched, he saw Fleur walk over, obviously to give

them a hand... maybe. Yes!

Daphne ended up doing his the right side of his torso

and right arm, Hermione applied lotion to his left and

left arm and Fleur took his legs.

When it felt like they were done, Hermione quietly

said, "Roll over."

He was happy to do so and flipped himself over.

This time, because of the flip, Daphne worked on his

left side while Hermione worked on his right, though

they hadn't switched sides of the lounger. Fleur was

still working on his legs.

And they covered everywhere, including his face.

As he was thinking they weren't going to be that bold

as to 'handle' little Harry while they worked him over,

he was surprised when that's exactly what he felt. It

took him a moment to figure out from the grip that it

was Hermione; about the same amount of time it took

him to snap his head forward to rest his chin on his

chest and see she had hold of him with her right hand

and was gently stroking him. And none of the girls

seemed to be offended or otherwise perturbed by

what Hermione was doing.

Harry was shocked.

Of course, as a healthy young man late in his

adolescence his 'Little Harry' didn't so much as wake

up, look around, think about things, scratch himself

and then, with a great deal of grumbling, decide to

stand up. No; 'Little Harry' practically leapt to almost

instant rigid attention and barked, "Little Harry

reporting as ordered, Ma'am!"

Hermione gave a little giggle at how fast Little Harry

changed from asleep to ready to go.

But, what surprised him even more, was when Daphne

leaned over him and took him into her mouth.

"Oh! Gods!" he exclaimed, his back and heels arching

his hips up.

"Daphne!" exclaimed a shocked Hermione. Fleur

snickered in amusement.

Daphne pulled off a moment later and asked, "What?"

"I can't believe you did that!" gasped Hermione.

"Why not?" asked a still sniggering Fleur. "If I didn't

think you'd get upset with me for doing it, I'd have

done it too."

Meanwhile Daphne had pulled a face and was trying to

get the taste out of her mouth. "The suntan lotion

doesn't taste anywhere near as nice as it smells."

While still lightly holding him, Hermione looked

between both Harry's concubines before she seemed

to reach a decision. There was a slight hesitation

before she then bent forward and took Harry into her

mouth for a long moment herself.

"B-bloody Hell!" gasped Harry.

As Hermione slowly pulled off, Fleur moved forward to

sit astraddle Harry's shins and the bottom of the

lounge. Once Hermione pulled clear, she then

immediately bent forward and took him in her mouth


"Arrgh!" Harry groaned, as Hermione pulled a face

and lightly said, "Yuck!"

As Fleur pulled off, he gasped, "What the bloody hell

is this!? A round robin?"

Daphne replied, "That's not a bad idea." Then, without

a pause, bent forward again.

It didn't take long for what was going to happen, to


As he came down off that rush, he felt Fleur shift

forward up his legs. Then she impaled herself.

Harry was yet again surprised. Not by Fleur's actions -

he knew her Veela heritage meant she couldn't care

less about engaging in sex in front of others - but, by

how Hermione and Daphne didn't get upset about it.

It was more than half an hour later, when Harry was

quickly being reduced to a puddle of endorphic goo,

that Hermione, after hopping off his lap, said, "I think

we should take this inside. Harry, here, is beginning to

burn." When she looked to Daphne, she said, "So are

you, by the look of the skin on your breasts."

Daphne, surprised, looked over and asked, "How can

you focus on something like that when you've just...

you know..." And gestured to how she was the last to

ride Harry while he was on the lounger. However, she

also moved forward to pull Harry to his feet.

Together, the four headed inside and up to the master

suite. Harry was still a little out of it, so the girls

guided him the entire way.

As they walked, Fleur quietly asked Hermione, "I take

it, you're not so against me being involved at the

same time as you and Harry..."

"I'm getting used to you being there, Fleur," she

replied. "However, I don't think I'll ever get to the point

where I'll welcome your touch... sexually; do you


"Oui," said Fleur. "So long as I... as they say... know

the boundaries, I am happy."

After a shower first to wash that lotion back off, Harry

wasn't 'allowed' out of bed for the rest of the morning.

And only then because of the call of mother nature

and the need to eat.



Chapter 649

However, the girls thought they'd accomplished what

they wanted to accomplish and Harry was no longer

moping about what he'd had to say to the Weasleys.

The next morning Harry received a letter from 'Mr

Arthur S. Weasley, Head of the Elder House of

Weasley' formally advising him that actions had been

taken to ensure his wife, 'Mrs Margaret M. Weasley',

would not in any way, shape or form initiate or cause

to be initiated any contact with him, Harry, his wife,

his betrothed, his bonded and any children that may

come of his loins on pain of losing her magic and

immediately finding herself disowned from House


At work and from Bill Fleur found out Arthur had

forced a magical vow on Molly, bonded by Bill, to that


Harry thought it was a tad harsh, but could also see it

was probably the only way to force Molly to stop her


Daphne quietly sent 'unofficial' notes to those others

who'd been incensed about Molly's behaviour and

contacted Harry about it, of what had happened.




By the Thursday, two days later, the heatwave had

broken and Daphne and Hermione finally took him to

one of the large amusement parks, where they spent

the day just enjoying being teenagers. This one wasn't

the one Harry and Hermione attended while staying

with her parents, or the one they went to as part of

CeeCee's thirteenth birthday. This one included an

'attached' water-based amusement park with long

waterslides and rapids you rode inner tubes down.

Because of the heat, they spent the first part of the

day in the actual amusement park with its many rides,

stopped for lunch and then went into the water park

area. When it cooled down a fair bit, they returned to

the main park and spent the day and early evening


What made it even better for the three - Fleur had to

work - they could travel to and fro between home and

the parks by Knight Bus, so there were no long travel


However, the other Heirs found out about it and they

had to promise the others to go again or to another

the next week.

That time they went on the Sunday to the same park,

the day after the Alliance meeting, so Fleur could join

them. All the other Heirs, including Ernie - surprise,

surprise - joined them. And again they spent part of

the day in the water park area.

The only downside to the day was when three muggle

'toughs' tried to come on too strong with Fleur while

she was wearing a bikini in the water park. Harry had

to surreptitiously hit the three with compulsion

charms to get them to back down. He wasn't mean

about it though; just compelled them to hurriedly

depart the park with visions Fleur's 'super-muscular

bikie boyfriend' was hunting them down to beat the

living hell out of them.

They were gone within moments, clearly rushing to

get out as fast as they could.




It was a few days earlier and the day before the

August meeting of the Alliance, when they arrived

early for one of their weekends at the Grangers, that

their letters from Hogwarts arrived late on the Friday,

just after dinner. It contained both their acceptances

into the classes they wanted to undertake together

with a booklist for all of them. As expected it was

signed by 'Deputy Headmistress Septima Vector' on

behalf of 'Headmaster Ebenezer Goodstone'.

As they were due to stay for the week day week at

Green Fields, they decided to hold off on the trip to

Diagon until they could confirm if their other friends,

plus Astoria, had received theirs.

They all had, so the trip was taken on the next Friday,

one day shy of two weeks before their return to


"Shouldn't we have waited until CeeCee was back?"

asked Hermione while they'd been discussing it.

"No," replied Harry. "She will not be returning to

magical Britain until about the twenty-seventh or

twenty-eighth, more than a week from now. Besides,

Cousin Narcissa wants to make it a 'witches' day'; just

the two of them. If I've read things right I think she

wants to take her more than just shopping for fourth

year supplies, too. So, I think we should let them have

the day, yes?"

After a three way glance between his three ladies,

Hermione replied, "That sounds like a good idea."

The way his three all seemed to smirk had Harry

immediately knowing that both Narcissa's Witches'

Day with CeeCee and what they'd be doing on that day

was something he really did not want to know about.

Which led them to Diagon Alley on the Friday, meeting

with the others at Fortescue's at 10.00am.




Once the rest of the Heirs - now also including Ernie -

had turned up, the group set off to begin their

shopping. Harry had to go to Gringotts, as did a

couple of the others, so that's where they headed first.

Then it was off to Madam Malkins so uniforms that

needed to be replaced could be replaced. With nine of

them, Fleur was at work and CeeCee wasn't in country

yet, they were four boys - Harry, Neville, Justin and

Ernie - and five girls - Hermione, Daphne, Susan,

Hannah and Tracey. Which allowed them to more or

less evenly split between the male and female

sections of the store.

When Susan, Hannah and Tracey found out Harry had

given Hermione and Daphne an 'open purse' to do

shopping, all three turned to their 'wizardfolk' with

pointed looks.

Neville, now used to it, immediately raised his hands

and apologised, "Sorry. Unlike Harry, I'm still on a

stipend. I'll talk to my father, though, and see what I

can do."

That had both nod back with understanding

expressions. And Tracey, though it was clear she too

wanted access to an open purse, didn't even bother to


Harry just rolled his eyes and said, "I tell you what,

ladies. How about, just for today, I pay for whatever

wardrobe replacements you want to make. This does

not mean―" Which was as far as he got before an

excited squealing Tracey launched herself at him and

laid a massive hug on him.

When she pulled back, after kissing his cheek, he

continued. "This does not mean I'm willing to do this

sort of thing all the time. It just means I'm willing to do

it this time. Alright?"

All three, after first 'checking' with their menfolk,

turned back with matching happy grins and nodded


"Thank you, Harry," said Susan.

"Yes; thank you, Harry," said Hannah.

And Tracey nodded.

As all five ladies rushed into the female side of the

store, Neville said, "You didn't need to do that, Harry."

"No, but I wanted to," he shrugged. "I had no chance

to buy anything for friends as I was growing up with

the Dursleys. And, now that I've finally got the chance

to do that, I want to enjoy it."

Belatedly realising both other boys might have felt

offended, he turned to both and said, "I know I should

have asked you both first, but I sometimes can't help

myself. I like making people happy. Sorry for stepping

on your toes, there."

Neville just snorted in amusement while Justin gave

him a wry grin back.

Justin said, "Just so long as you let us pay you back...

away from the attention of the ladies, of course... at

some time in the near future."

Neville nodded in agreement.

"I can easily accept that," said Harry.

The girls, while not going overboard in Harry's

opinion, managed to acquire for themselves quite a

few different outfits. However, none of the boys were

allowed to see them until the ladies, themselves,

deigned they could. Harry already knew this meant

another fashion parade in his own near future.

While the girls were getting kitted - or, rekitted - out,

the boys were undergoing likewise on their side of the


As Harry hadn't grown much over the course of the

previous year much of what he owned did not require

replacing. However, the girls made sure he bought

three full sets of school uniforms, anyway.

"You are not a pauper, Harry," Daphne had firmly

stated. "As such, you will buy a full uniform

replacement set at the beginning of each year, even if

you don't need to replace what you've already got. We

ladies are doing the same; so that, by the way we

dress, you are not seen as either a pauper or a knutpinching bastard."

Harry just gave a shrug in pained acceptance and

went along with it. While he knew a full replacement

didn't even scratch the surface of his residuals from

his investments, he also now recognised you have to

be seen to be wealthy, not just be wealthy, if you

wanted to be properly respected in the wizarding

world; Lordships aside.

After the fittings, it did not take them long to go

through the rest of the Alley and pick up everything

else they needed: Books, replacement ingredients and

another two cauldrons for those continuing with

potions such as Daphne, a great deal more sheets of

blank parchment, more quills, more ink and a couple

of expensive advanced rune carving tool sets for

Harry and Hermione.

Then it was a return to Malkins to pick up their

clothing before returning to Fortescue's.

They only hung around to eat an icecream each before

they all left for their respective homes. The Potters all

returned to Pottermore, Justin elf-popped to Bedford

Castle with Tracey; which surprised almost everyone.

Neville, Susan and Hannah went to Abbott's Ford. And

Ernie returned to his grandfather's place via floo.




During the last full week of the break Bill asked Harry,

by way of Fleur through Gringotts, if he could visit as

he had news he felt he needed to share with Harry.

That meeting occurred on the evening of Thursday,

the twenty-fifth. That week, as it was the last full one

before they returned to school, was at Pottermore for

the Potters.

During that meeting, Bill felt he needed to explain a lot

of what had been happening at the Burrow since 'that

night', as he referred to it.

As they already knew, Molly had been placed under a

magical vow not to contact Harry or his, unless Harry

had initiated the contact. That was something Harry

currently felt he'd never do again. However, according

to Bill it also led to a frank and open family discussion

where a whole lot of issues were discussed.

First, Bill had admitted to both his parents he didn't

spend as much time out of magical Britain as he'd led

them to believe. And then explained why; that it had to

do with how he knew his mother would then

constantly badger him to spend more time at the

Burrow against his desire to be his own man and

stand on his own two feet. Which then led to Charlie,

who was home at the time because of what had

happened, explaining he took the job in Bulgaria at

the dragon reserve, after having already been offered

a chance to play professional Quidditch for a

professional Quidditch team in England; and that it

was for the same reason why Bill kept secret how

much time he actually spent in magical Britain


After that shock the twins then showed they were a lot

smarter than their school results indicated, explaining

they knew their mother would try to force them to

seek jobs within the Ministry when their dream, now

being realised with the help of Sirius, was to own their

own store selling prank items and games.

After hearing through his older children's claims and

reasons behind them, Arthur was devastated while

Molly had a near mental breakdown. Arthur then

asked his boys to help him pay for a mind-healer for

their mother, to try and get her past what he now knew

was an unhealthy desire to keep 'her babies' close by

and under her control. They all promised to chip in,

including Percy. And the mind-healer that was helping

Ginny, as soon as Ginny told her of what was going

on, approached Arthur and suggested a colleague

who had experience in dealing with mothers with

control issues would best suit.

That mind-healer had already visited with Molly twice

and stated a long process was going to be required to

get her through it. Apparently, Molly feared losing her

children to early deaths and trying to control them

was her way of protecting them; and Ron's 'recent'

death had exacerbated the problem. Her need to

control had ratcheted up well beyond healthy levels.

Harry silently pledged to use the same ruse he used to

pay for the mind-healer that visited with Ginny and

Luna to contribute to paying for the help Molly clearly

desperately needed.

He'd arranged that the next day, again via Ted. A short

note back from Ted said he'd take care of it, as Harry

knew he would.




After a weekend back at the Grangers', the Potters

spent the last few days at the Black Townhouse

(Narcissa had insisted on the name, due to the

presence of CeeCee).

CeeCee had arrived on Saturday morning, spent that

day and Sunday reacclimatising to the time-zone eight

hours before her own and was right as rain by the

next, Monday, morning; even if she did look like

something the kneazle dragged in when she came

down for breakfast.

However, as she'd claimed, she wasn't going to miss a

Harry breakfast and Harry had promised to turn up

early enough on Monday morning to cook said

breakfast. He did.

When CeeCee staggered into the kitchen that morning

Harry just smugly grinned. He knew the power of his

skillet and pans might not be able to rouse the dead,

but could sure as Hell rouse 'dead to the world'


A lot less sleep fogged as she'd been awake for an

hour already, Narcissa rolled her eyes at both the

antics of CeeCee and Harry's smug grin.

She wasn't taking CeeCee out for her 'witch's day out'

that day, that was the next day, but it helped the girl to

be awake at that time to finalise her readjustment to

Greenwich Mean Time. Besides, as she was heading

later that morning to Bedford Castle to visit with

Justin's family; so needed to be awake anyway.

As she started to get a decent feed into her, between

mouthfuls the young girl started to tell Harry and his

ladies about her summer back in Perth.

She'd also mentioned that her Dad had taken the

entire family up the Darling Ranges escarpment to

Lesmurdie to see the House that Harry had bought.

And expressed her desire to immediately move in

there instead of living in the house in Thornlie.

"Dad wouldn't go for it, though," she grouched. "He

said it's your place and we really should only see the

place, from then on, if it was an emergency. That is, of

course, unless you're staying there. Then we can visit


"We just might stay there for a while after we've

finished at Hogwarts," said Harry. "We've really not

got any firm plans in that regard yet."

"What about your yacht?" she asked.

Harry had no idea she even knew of that.



Chapter 650

After wanting to build one to his specifications. Ted

had done his homework and strongly recommended

he purchase one second-hand.

'After all,' he'd wrote, 'You might find living on the

water not to be your cup of tea. A pre-built yacht of

similar dimensions to what you want will allow you to

explore the idea with nowhere near the financial


Harry could see the wisdom of that and wrote back

that such a yacht currently on the market would 'do'.

However, it's electronics and the like would need to be

hardened against magic. Therefore, whatever was

purchased would need to be stripped down with the

intention of setting up null magic areas around the

electrical and electronic systems.

Ted was currently working on that. He'd already found

an 'Enchanter' in America who claimed some level of

skill in warding electrical equipment against magical

energy interference. He had now been contacted and

had already stated he needed full access to the

electronics and electrical equipment and Harry used

that stated need as an excuse to update the systems

on whatever yacht was bought.

"I have no idea how long it's going to take to find the

one I want to purchase, or for the enchanter to get in

and ward the electricals once it's purchased," he

replied to CeeCee. "However, I can see it being found,

purchased and updated well before we sit out NEWTs.

So, we'll probably be spending a lot of time on it

almost straight after exams.

"However, that does not mean we'll be on it all the

time. I fully intend for us Potters to pay a visit to Perth

sometime within the year after our NEWTs. We'll just

have to time it to be while you're also at home with

your parents.




On the Thursday, first of September, the Potter four

minus Fleur, together with CeeCee, portkeyed to the

station at Kings Cross more than half an hour before

the train departed. They were escorted by Narcissa

and Sirius.

As soon as they arrived, Harry and Sirius looked for

and found two vacant compartments side-by-side and

immediately set-to with combining them into one large


However, instead of just putting a door through the

adjoining wall, they removed the doorway, plus the

wall above the 'middle' seat except for the luggage

racks. That way it looked like one compartment and

they could speak over the back-to-back seating in the

middle if they wanted.

Once they'd done that, Narcissa stepped forward and

transfigured the décor of the combined compartment

into something quite a bit nicer. Once she'd finished

Harry thought it looked like something you might find

on a restored luxury train from some time about sixty

years earlier. It looked great.

He gave a low whistle and said, "You do nice work,

Cousin Cissy."

"Thank you," she replied, pleased. "Transfiguration

was my forte subject at Hogwarts. I picked up an

Outstanding plus in the subject."

"Don't forget to remind everyone not to use finites in

the compartment during the trip, but to finite the entire

thing once you arrive at Hogsmeade, Pup," warned his


Harry nodded and replied, "Will do."

He hadn't thought of that risk the previous year, but

no one had cast a finite, anyway.




As people started arriving, Harry was pleased to see

Justin was one of the first. So, he and Harry were the

first to start carrying trunks onto the train. He hadn't

even made a start on carrying onboard his own and

his ladies, let alone CeeCee's, before the other boy


Accompanied by his parents, Neville arrived with his

two only a couple minutes later and was quick to jump

in and give a hand.

It was all done so quickly they had plenty of time

before the train even looked like leaving the station.

Hell, about a third of students had yet to even arrive;

especially the snotty purebloods.

Harry used the opportunity to speak with the Earl of

Bedford, Justin's father, and thank him for

recognising the need to protect both Tracey and

CeeCee and allowing Justin to fill that need.

"I may be what you call a muggle, Lord Potter," the

man smiled. "However, I am not... as I've heard you

are wont to say... a daft moron."

Harry gave a slight snort of amusement. "It has been

clear to me since my first year at Hogwarts that

muggles are far less likely to be daft morons as

magicals. I think it just might have something to do

with how there is something in magic that lowers

one's ability to apply critical thinking and rational


The earl grinned back and quietly said, "That has been

my view for almost as long."

Harry gave a slight nod in agreement and said,

"Nevertheless, thank you for allowing Justin to fill the


The earl gave his own nod before he said, "I am

coming to understand that, once both ladies reach

their own adulthoods, they will not be seeking to

terminate the agreements. And neither will young


"Besides, we are quite taken with both ladies. And

believe both love and cherish our boy, irrespective of

the title of which he will one day attain. They are good

for him."

Harry gave a quiet sigh and said, "I figured as much.

However, the difficulty of such a... blended

relationship in relation to the muggle world though..."

"Indeed," said the earl. "We'll figure something out,

I'm sure. After all, there is two years before it will

become an issue."




The train ride to the school was quite peaceful. And

the eleven travelling teens, Ernie had joined them

again, enjoyed the quiet.

They arrived at the school to see Professor Senkinhall

calling for the first years to join him. He was even

using Hagrid's old ten foot pole with its hanging

lantern as a rallying point for all the little firsties.

However, the lantern was glowing with a bright blue

light. Harry quickly figured out the professor was

using a bluebell flame charm, rather than a muggle oil

lamp and wick, as the light only gave little flickers in

the very light breeze. Thankfully, it was not also a

rainy evening.

When they arrived at the school, Fleur was already

there and waiting for them on the steps leading in

through the main doors. As a work day she had to be

at Gringotts until almost six. Then she'd flooed to the

apartment, donned a cloak and walked down to wait

for them as they arrived a little over an hour later.

"Good trip?" she asked, as soon as she saw them.

"Yes," they replied.

Harry added, "No one bothered us in the slightest. I

now find the trip to be quite enjoyable, unlike my first

three and a half years."

As they walked in, Harry was shocked almost

immediately. Sitting at the Head Table was Remus. A

moment later, Remus spotted him and smirked.

"What... the hell?" he quietly said.

Fleur, who was walking alongside him, said, "Remus

is temporarily the new Professor of History. It is a

surprise, no?"

"Yes," he muttered.

The Sorting started with Professor Vector dropping

the Hat onto the head of a Melinda Bobbin, who

headed for Ravenclaw, and ended with a Lancelot

Ysabel, who headed for Slytherin.

After getting over the shock of seeing Remus sitting

at the Head Table - with Fleur sitting at the same end,

this year - while waiting for the new Headmaster to

give his opening address, Harry looked to see if there

were any other changes to staffing. Other than the

leaving of Lady Marchbanks, her being replaced by

Goodstone, he being replaced by Vector as Deputy

and the addition of Remus, everyone looked to be the

same as the previous year. That was confirmed when

Goodstone began to give his opening

announcements. Unlike Dumbledore and like

Marchbanks, Goodstone used the eagle lectern to


"For our new students, welcome; for our returning

students, welcome back," he began. "For those who

do not know me... that would be our new First Years...

I am Professor Ebenezer Goodstone, Headmaster of

Hogwarts. I ascended to the post on the retirement of

Headmistress Lady Marchbanks at the Leaving Feast

last year.

"Taking on my old role of Deputy is Deputy

Headmistress Professor Septima Vector, a long term

resident professor of the school. And, at least for the

time being, we have a new addition to staff, Professor

Remus Lupin..."

Remus stood and bowed to the four tables as they

applauded, as per tradition.

"For those of you who were students here in the

1993/94 school year, you would fondly remember

Professor Lupin when he spent almost a year here as

the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Temporarily at least, Professor Lupin, who holds a

Mastery in History of Magic, will be our History


The Headmaster turned a wry smirk on Remus before

he turned back and said, "I'm trying to convince

Professor Lupin to consider remaining as a

permanent member of staff. Perhaps you may be able

to assist me with that."

The Headmaster then went over a few of the minor

rules, including how magic was not to be cast

anywhere outside the supervision of a professor. And

how there was a detection charm over the entire

school and grounds that would immediately alert the

staff if anyone, against the rules, cast any form of

magic. Then he relayed a set of exemptions, including

household charms, cast in one's own dorm.

Finally, he called on the house elves to serve the


There were no... 'The list of banned objects can be

found tacked to Mister Filch's door', or 'The Forbidden

Forest is out of bounds', or 'the third floor corridor on

the left is out of bounds', or 'Dementors on Ministry

business will be patrolling just outside the wards', or


As soon as the food appeared on the table and the

Headmaster began to return to his centre seat on the

head table, Hermione immediately rounded on Harry

and asked, "Did you know Remus was coming back

here to teach?"

"No," he replied while loading his own plate. "It came

as much of a shock to me as it obviously was to you."

While they'd been loading, CeeCee began snickering

about something she held in her hands. It was clearly

a once multi-folded note.

Seeing it herself, Hermione began, "CeeCee, what've

you―" Then suddenly stopped, flicked a glance to

Harry and turned back. "Sorry. If you don't mind me

asking, what has you so amused?"

CeeCee simply refolded the note once and passed it

to Hermione.

Glancing over as his betrothed opened it, Harry

recognised Sirius's untidy scrawl.

Hermione's expression turned to a 'woe is me'

expression before she passed it to Harry and looked

to CeeCee. I certainly hope you're not going to allow

your reprobate of a magical half-guardian to convince

you to prank Professor Lupin."

CeeCee just looked back with an expression of pure

innocence. It fooled no one.

With a sigh, Hermione said, "Just... don't hurt him,

don't do anything to him that lands him in the hospital

wing and don't get caught."

CeeCee grinned back.

Harry looked to the note:

~ # ~


If you kept your promise, by the time you read this

note you've already found out your 'Uncle Remus' is

now a professor at Hogwarts. Just so you know, it

was all his idea you not be told before the Welcoming


I strongly recommend you prank his mangy bum for

the trick. If you check in your trunk you'll find I slipped

in some pranking material that may come in handy.

Just be aware, he's likely expecting it.

Uncle Padfoot,

The ever-lovable

~ # ~

With an amused chuckle, Harry folded the note back

up and passed it back.




After the feast the Heirs all headed up to the Lords'

Quarters with a couple of them, including Harry,

shocked they'd completely forgotten that Warrington

in apartment '1' and Gibberd and Whitehead of

apartment '3' would not be attending this year. They'd

all completed their NEWTs the previous year.

However, they still had Marcus Belby in apartment '2'

and David Urquhart and Pamela Alton in apartment '4'.

And now Belby had been joined by a Diane Carter,

Seventh Year Slytherin, under betrothal. Belby had

apparently opted to remain in his single bedroom

apartment, rather than move into one of the two

bedroom apartments further along.

Tracey found out a few days later Carter wasn't given

the option to move in or whether or not she wanted to

share a single bedroom apartment with Belby. As per

the betrothal contract, no escape clauses, Belby

demanded it and her compliance. Bastard.

Hermione, once she heard, glared at Harry and said, "I

want those contracts gone, Harry."

Harry sighed and replied, "As do I. However, people

are already and still incensed about the Bloodline

Protection statute promoted by the Tapestry Circle

and shepherded by Sirius into law. You're going to

need to give us time to let things cool down again,

before I can then start doing something about those

contracts. I need time, Hermione."

"He's right," said Daphne. "If he tries too soon, he'll

fail. Then the chances of it passing at a later date will

be reduced."

Hermione gave a pained sigh and said, "I know. But...

just the fact they exist and witches are being trapped

by them..."

"Understood," said Harry. Then he added, "I don't

know when I'm going to be able to do something

about them; however, they're definitely on my political

agenda. I promised you I'd do something about them,

but we have to patient until the right time comes


"However, it would be a bit too hypocritical of me to

start promoting their removal, just yet, when we have

made good use of the fact they exist to protect


"We've only used them to protect others because of

the risk they could've been used against us in the first

place," she argued back.

"There would have been no need to use them to

protect others if they didn't exist in the first place,"

she grumped. "As such, your argument is somewhat


He could see the wisdom of that, so just nodded.

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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