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15.14% Place holder s / Chapter 73: Ghk

Chapitre 73: Ghk

Chapter 259:

You have slept in a bed, or something; HP and MP have been

restored 75% each. All ailments and negative status effects have

been cured.

Sun light can in through the window and hit Percy's eyes waking the

son of Poseidon up. Percy rubbed his eyes and yawned and slowly

looked around. He found himself in a hammock with several sailors

sleeping near him. They smelt like rotten eggs and burnt rum. Percy

sighed as he wiggled out of his hammock and got down.

The sailor's quarters was dirty and filled with the personal items of

various crew members. Percy stretched and closed the message box

he received before going back on deck. Outside on the deck people

were already hard at work. Percy looked around and saw a few of the

crew tending to the broken parts of the ship fixing what they could in

time to set sail.

"Finally awake are you?" Asked a stranger smooth voice. Percy turned

at there standing by the edge of the boat was a man with a very thin

frame and long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail.

"Ah, yeah, I am," Percy replied looking at the man closely. The blonde

man looked European and had a slight french accent in his tone. His

shirt was white and very baggy, like something that was made in the


"Good that is good," the french accented man said giving Percy and

wide smile, "my name is Marc, Marc De Davee, but please call me


"Hi Marc I'm Percy, Percy-"

"Jackson, yes I am very much aware of you are Mr. Jackson," Marc

said with a smile as he walked over to the side to pick up a plank of

wood, "you made quite an impression yesterday,"

"Oh? Oh yeah!" Percy said remembering the deal with the giant

octopus, "yeah I suppose the would leave an impression."

"Indeed it would," Marc said as he then began to hammer the plank of

wood in place over the damaged area along the side of the ship.

"Need some help with that?" Percy asked.

"No it is fine. After all this is my job," Marc replied before looking over

Percy's shoulder, "though I do think you will be getting your own

assignment soon enough,"

[Ah, you are up I see,] a voice spoke in ancient Greek.

Percy turned and looked up to the upper deck and found Odysseus

looking down at him. The captain was wearing the same black

captain's coat with gold trimming and on his side was his white blade.

The son of the sea nodded, [that I am captain.] Percy replied in

flawless ancient greek.

"So have you ever been on a ship before lad?" Odysseus asked

switching back to english.

"No, not really."

"Really?" Odysseus said raising an eyebrow, "you're the son of

Poseidon and you have never been on a ship before?"

Percy shrugged as he waved bye to Marc and walked up the stairs to

the upper deck, "I just never got the chance."

"Pity that," Odysseus said as he took a swing from a mug on hand.

Percy quickly than used Observe on the living legend;

Odysseus, Hero of the Trojan war

Lv- ?



Race- Human (Immortal)







It's Odysseus, fucking Odysseus. Open fucking Wikipedia and

check for him yourself, you lazy ass hole…..fine.

Odysseus was the king of Ithaka before he was called to fight in

the Trojan war. After the war he spent 10 years at sea and

eventually came back to his homeland of Ithaka. A lot of shit

happened along the way and if you want to know about all of that

read a fucking book!

Likes: Knowlegde, Adventures, fried fish

Dislikes: Poseidon, cyclop's, husbands and Seagulls (they shit on


Thinks Percy is an okay kid, doesn't really hate him

Feeling super hungover

Percy was happy to hear that Odysseus didn't hate him for being the

son of Poseidon. It would be…..unfortunate to have the guy who's

going to take you on his ship hate you."Is that rum?" Percy asked as

the sweet alcoholic smell hit him as soon as he came a few feet next to

the man.

"Yup," the captain said taking another swing.

"Is it really a great idea to be drinking so early in the morning?"

Odysseus looked up from his mug and smiled, "do you know how to

swim Percy?" The captain asked.

"Yeah I do," Percy replied raising an eyebrow, "why?"

"No particular reason," the greek hero replied taking another sip of his


"But why did you even ask?"

"Because of that," Odysseus pointed over Percy's shoulder. The

demigod turned just in time to see a wooden pole smack into his

stomach throwing him overboard.

Percy fell into the sea with the water breaking his landing. He quickly

swam back up and used the water to raise himself back onto the ship.

"Ha ha!" Odysseus pointed and laughed, "that was bloody hilarious!"

"A warning would have been nice!" Percy yelled as he inspected his

clothes, which were already dry.

"Well it would but I didn't feel like it."

"And why's that?!"

"Because you commented about my rum," the former king of Ithaka

said with a shrug and a sip of his drink.

"And it's your fault for not realising where you were standing," said a

gruff voice. Percy turned to see a big man with strong arms and a big

gut walk towards them. He wore a black button up shirt with red flowers

printed on it and a pair of white slacks. The shirt was left open showing

off his big gut and hairy chest but underneath all that Percy could see

the muscular body of a sailor;

Galen, Quartermaster




Race- Human (Partial Immortal)

Str- 104






The quartermaster of the Ascension and the right hand man of

Odysseus himself, Galen has made a name for himself in the

sailing world. Known by many names, 'The Caller','The spawn' or

even 'Tom'. Galen is known worldwide for his temper but also his


Likes: His crew and captain.

Dislikes: Demigods

He hates Percy already, must be a new record or something.

He is feeling angry and frustrated.

"Ah Galen meet Percy," Odysseus said as the large man walked up to

the captain. The hero of Troy was big but this man dwarfed even him.

"Percy this is Galen my second in command, the ship's quartermaster."

Percy nodded extending his arm out for a handshake, "pleased to meet

you Mr. Galen."

Chapter 260

The big man looked at the hand and humphed dismissing Percy.

'There's that hate for demigods I heard so much about,' though Percy

as Galen turned to Odysseus, "captain I need your permission to

increase the number of work hours for the sailors."

"Really?" The captain asked with a raised eyebrow, "aren't we already

working them to the bone?"

"It's not enough," Galen said crossing his arms over his wide chest, "if

we want to get to Nassau in three day's time we need them to work


Odysseus smiled, "well we won't need to, know that Percy's here,"

Odysseus said looking at the son of Poseidon.

Percy looked at the hero of Troy with his mouth wide open, "what?"

Galen scoffed, "the stupid brat wouldn't know the difference between

an anchor hitch and a cleat hitch."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "actually I do know the difference asshole."

Galen glared, "what'd you call me punk?!"

"You heard me dickwipe!"

"Alright enough!" Odysseus yelled, "I will not have anyone fighting on

my ship understood?! Galen Percy is a guest and you will treat as


The quartermaster of the ship huffed but nodded, "understood sir." He

saluted the captain and walked away going down to the depths of the

ship to wake up the rest of the crew leaving Percy and the hero of Troy

alone again.

"What's his problem?" Percy asked crossing his arms and frowing.

"You should really ask him that question," Odysseus replied fishing the

rest of his rum before sighing, "we are always out of rum."

"You sure it's a good idea for you to-" Percy started to speak but

stopped when Odysseus narrowed his eyes at him, "ah-I mean what a

nice view," Percy whistled looking out at the sea, "just beautiful."

"Huh, you learn fast kid. Anyway now let's teach you how to use your

bloody powers to give us a lift," Odysseus walked to the stairs and

turned, "well? You coming or what?"

"Aye aye captain," Percy saluted following the greek hero towards the

bow of the ship. The Bow was carved the form of a giant dragon whose

wings projected downwards making it look like it was ascending

upwards, hence the name: Ascension.

The head of the dragon was large and stood at the very tip of the bow

and was wide enough for a person to stand. Odysseus pointed to the

platform, "get on."

"Ah, okay?" Percy replied confused before getting on top of the

dragon's head. He looked ahead at the sea as the sound of water

hitting the boat dominated his sense of hearing. Percy slowly felt

himself being drawn to the ocean, like a bird being drawn to the air or a

fish to the sea.

"You can feel it can't you?" Odysseus said leaning back on the side of

the ship, "the call of the sea."

Percy nodded, "I've felt it before, at different times. Sometimes it was

weak, other time it was barely there, but now….now it's so loud I think

I'm going to go deaf."

"The more deeper into the sea you are the louder the call will be," the

greek hero said looking out into the ocean, "there in lies your power

Percy. You have an inbuilt connection to the sea and everything in it.

Your power little one is the sea itself. Now you need to access this

power and use it to get us a boost in sailing."

"How do I do that?"

"Simple, the call pulls you in. You have to pull back."

"But how?"

"Just close your eyes and relax, it'll come to you. It always does."

Percy raised an eyebrow at the last sentence and did what the captain

said. He closed his eyes and focused. Gamer's mind cleared his head

and allowed his to focus clearly on the task at hand. Slowly Percy felt

the pull drag him closer and closer to the edge of the bow. Each step

he took was a battle he lost against the call of the sea, but at the very

last moment he got hold of it.

It felt like a rope of water tied to his chest and the moment Percy

figured out what it felt like, he could control it. Percy pulled the rope of

water and suddenly;


Percy opened his eyes and in front of him was a notification he had

never seen;

You have accessed the power of the sea! You may now control it

to varying degrees and also may control vessels or any other

items on the sea with great precision!

Percy could feel power flowing through him from the rope of water and

through that he could control everything in the sea. He could feel the

essenes of the ship he was on, it felt….incomplete. It felt like a shoe

with it's laces untied, so Percy pushed and felt the laces tying


Mana- 3,000/3,700

"Well isn't this a surprise," the captain said causing Percy to look back.

The deck of the ship suddenly the ship seemed to spring to life as

ropes and different parts of the ship began to move on their own. The

sails were quickly opened out while the anchor seemed to pull itself up

with no help. All the broken parts the crew had been trying to fix

repaired themselves restoring the ship to it's full function. The ropes

then began tying themselves away while Percy looked on in surprise.

"D-Did I do that?" Percy asked the stupid question on his mind.

"Yes, yes you did. Though it was a lot quicker than most children of

Poseidon," Odysseus admitted with a smile, "now use your control to

give a little starting push will you?"

Percy nodded and turned back to the sea. With the sails now open the

boat began moving forward with it slowly gaining speed. Percy focused

on his connection to the sea and searched for the boat's essence

again. The moment he found it Percy commanded the ship to charge

ahead and suddenly a huge drain of mana hit him;

Mana- 1,345/3,700

Percy felt the ship jerk forward pushing him backwards where

Odysseus caught him by the collar preventing his fall. "Careful there

little one," the hero said helping Percy to his feet, "that always has a bit

of kick to it."

Chapter 261

Percy nodded and watched as the Ascension slowly moved faster and

faster. The sails were battered by the winds as the ship sailed quicker

than any normal sailing ship.

"I don't know how long this speed is going to last," Percy admitted.

"Doesn't matter, for now we need to focus on getting your strength up. I

still remember how this used to tire out other children of Poseidon,"

Odysseus said walking to the stairs leading to the upper deck, "come,

let's get some food in you."

The upper deck had a door which lead to a hallway. To the right was a

huge dining hall with a kitchen to the side while the left had a door

leading to the captain's quarters. Percy and Odysseus walked into the

dinner and sat down on a bench. Odysseus put two fingers up and

motioned to the chef behind the kitchen counter.

"So how long do you think we will be at sea for?" Percy asked as a tall

man in a chef's uniform walked over with two bowls of soup.

"I think with your added boost we might take 1 day and 12 maybe 15

hours to reach Nassau," Odysseus said grabbing a bowl and digging

into the soup.

"Really?! That's pretty quick!"

"Yes well when a child of poseidon sails on a boat the sea god tends to

be very cooperative with the winds," Odysseus said before turning to

the chef, "thanks for the food Zeff."

The blonde haired chef nodded and walked away leaving Percy to

Observe what food he got;

Tomato soup;

It's tomato soup, best eaten with bread. It is very good for health

and it is highly recommended for men with….problem in bed.

Consume to gain +5% of your total MP back.

Percy shrugged and quickly drank the soup in one swoop. It tasted

alright, Percy didn't really mind the metallic aftertaste.

"Damn little one you drank that quickly!" Odysseus exclaimed looking

at Percy with a grin, "must have been very hungry huh?"

Percy smiled and the two began talking as Odysseus got Percy

another bowl of soup to have. The son of Poseidon spent the entire

day just sitting and talking with the living legend as the man told stories

about all the things he had been through. Did you know Black beard,

yes that Blackbeard was actually Odysseus? The other guy, Edward

Teach, just kind of took on the identity after Odysseus and his crew got


Soon however Percy came to the question that had been bothering him

the whole day, "why don't you hate me?"

Odysseus looked surprised, "blunt ain't ya?"

"It's a curse."

"No, that's a good thing really. It's simple really, I don't blame you for

your father's faults," Odysseus smiled, "I actually knew quite a few

children of Poseidon in my time. They were all very nice, unlike you


Percy smiled, "yeah, he's kind of a tool," suddenly the sea started to

shake as water hit the boat harshly shaking it roughly. "Sorry dad!"

Percy replied causing the waters to return to normal.

"Haha! Never seen a child of Poseidon so openly flip their dad the

finger! I like you even more lad!" Odysseus smile grew wider, "so any

other questions?"

"Ah….how are you still alive?" Percy asked.

Odysseus looked up from his newly filled cup of rum and smiled,

"never give up do you?" Percy smiled and shook his head. "Right,"

Odysseus sighed putting down his mug, "well...it all began after my


"Your son Telegonus, the one you had with Circe."

The king nodded, "aye, not a bad way to go if I do say so myself. After

then however I was taken to the Underworld, like any other soul, and

was sent off to Elysium. I didn't stay there for long though."

"You chose rebirth?"

"Hahaha!" Odysseus hit the table in laughter again and again, "no

chance in Hades I would ever chose that! What type of idiot do you

think I am? Being forced to forget everything I am and have

accomplished just to get a shot at the Isle of the Blessed? No way!

Plus who wants to sit on their ass for the rest of eternity?"

Percy nodded, "yeah...guess that would be kind of boring."

"So I escaped. I just walked right out of the Underworld, passed

Cerberus and bribed Charon to bring me back to the land of the living,"

Odysseus said with a grin chugging down some rum. He then turned to

Percy who simply looking at Odysseus with a neutral mask.

"Then what happened?" the son of Poseidon asked.

"Ah….wait wait wait, back up. I just told you I snuck out of Hades and

basically bribed my way to immortality and all you have to say is, 'then

what happened?'"

Percy shrugged, "well it is impressive I guess. It's just that I literally did

the same thing last year soooooo….."

"PFFT!" Odysseus spatout his mouth full of rum right on Percy's face,

"what the fuck?! You did what?! How old are you?!"

"13," Percy rubbed his face clean cringing at the smell of rum, the

alcohol brought flashbacks to Saturday nights with Gabe, not a good

place to be.

"So you were 12 when you walked out of the Underworld?!"

"Yup. Hades had my mom as prisoner, so I went in tied him up using

the chains of Hephaestus and gave him to Persephone to torture. The

goddess was so grateful she freed my mom and I just kind of left. Oh,

and then I came back to the underworld and saved the souls of my 36

demigod friends and threatened Charon to ferry me across the Styx."

The hero of Troy blinked once, twice, [how did you threaten Charon?]

he asked in ancient Greek.

[I used Zeus's lightning bolt.]

The captain blinked again before getting up and grabbing another mug

full of rum. He sat back down and chugged the enter mug down before

narrowing his eyes at PErcy, "whole story. Now. Don't skip any details."

And so they spent the rest of the day swapping stories. Percy told the

living legend everything he had done in his time as a demigod and

Odysseus always tried to one up Percy with a heroic tale of his own.

Chapter 262

Later at night,

Percy walked down to the sailor's common quarters and the entire

place was changed. All the hammocks were pushed to the side and a

ring bordered with rope was cleared out in the center of the room. The

entire crew was here each having a cup of rum and a plate of hot food

to eat.

"Percy down here!" Percy turned to see Marc waving to him. Percy

waved back and walked over to the french man.

"Hey Marc," Percy said "what's going on?"

"Oh it's fight night," Marc explained as he took a swing of his mug.

"What's that?"

"It is essentially a night where we all get into a big fight and people bet

on who's going to win. It's one of the few entertaing things we can do

while out at sea."

"Wow, you guys must get really bored out here huh?" Percy said

looking around at the huge gathering.

"Yeah, we don't really get to have much to do these days," Marc

explained with a shrug, "so we got to find ways to entertain ourselves."

Just then the crowd parted away and Galen, the grumpy

Quartermaster who hated Percy for no goddamn reason, walked into

the ring.

"Alright lads you all know what time it is!" Galen roared out.

"Fight night!" The crew shouted back raising their mugs high in the air.

Percy looked around as slowly everyone came around the ring.

"Now who's going to be tonight's first match?" Galen asked as two men

walked in. They both were dressed like English sailors and had swords

on their side. As soon as the they walked in however they took off all

weapons and their shirts.

"Alright you two you know the rules," Galen yelled out as he walked out

of the ring, "no killing and no weapons, anything else goes!


As soon as Galen gave the signal the two men charged at each other.

They pounded on each, fists hit on skin as the men hit the other until

they drew blood. The fist's flew not with speed but with power as each

blow gave off the very distinct sound of flesh slapping on flesh. Percy

watched as the two men hit each other until finally one one remained

standing. His face was bloodied and his fists were covered with the

blood of his enemy, but he was still standing.

Glane walked into the ring and raised the winner's hand up in triumph,

"the winner: William!"

The crowd burst into cheers for the victor as the loser was dragged out

and thrown to a hamper to sleep his wounds off. The winner walked

around a lot enjoying the crowd cheering him on. Suddenly however he

sneezed and out of his nose came a wad of glitter and smoke.

The crew laughed it off and acted like everything was alright but Percy

was confused. He turned to Marc, "hi Marc what's wrong with that


The frenchman looked, "oh William? Nothing much. He just had

unprotected sex with a unicorn that's all."

Percy looked surprised and wanted to ask more questions but before

he could Galen spoke up, "now who want to go next?!,"

Percy smirked and turned to Marc, "think I should give it a try?"

The frenchman looked at Percy and sighed, "if you are an idiot, sure

why not."

Percy shrugged, he had been meaning for a good fight. He raised his

hand up, "I want to fight."

The crowd went silent as Percy took off his jacket and shirt walking into

the ring. Galen narrowed his eyes at Percy before smiling, "okay than

brat," he turned to the crowd, "anyone want to teach this little shit stain

some manners?!"

"He's just a kid!" Somebody from the crowd yelled out.

"That's not what your mother said!" Percy replied sending a ripple of

laughter through the crew.

Slowly a sailor walked into the ring, the same one who called Percy a

kid. He was skinny and well built. His skin shined with a healthy tan as

the man had already taken his shirt off.

Galen smirked, "good a challenger! Alright brat you ready?" Galen

asked Percy who nodded, "are you ready Fiaser?" The tanned man

nodded as the two came to the center of the ring while Galen walked

out, "okay then, BEGIN!"

As soon as Galen spoke, Fiaser charged forward. He reached Percy in

a flash and drew his fist back. He launched it at Percy's face but before

the fist could even connect Percy moved to the side and activated his

Body Form;

Body Form Activated: Right arm

And sent a gut wrenching punch into Fisher's stomach causing the

sailor to fall over the side holding his stomach in pain.

The crowd went silent as slowly they took in what they just saw.

Nobody spoke until Marc stood up and yelled, "fuck yeah Percy!"

The crew exploded into cheer as they dragged Fiaser away leaving

Percy alone in the ring. Galen walked in and raised Percy's hand, "the

winner: Percy Jackson!"

The crowd cheered on louder as slowly they began to cant, "Percy!

Percy! Percy!"

"Now who wants a piece of this?!" Galen asked and suddenly plenty of

people were lining up to fight Percy.

The next match was with an red head man that lasted just as long as

match Percy had he always ended with one attack. And after winning

two more match after that it seemed Percy was on a winning streak.

"Alright alright settle down!" Galen yelled as the crew grew quite, "the

brat got some pretty easy wins so far, after all he was facing you

losers!" The crew booed as Galen chucked, "but let's see how the son

of Poseidon deals with a real challenge, me!"

Galen took of his black and red flower print shirt and threw it to the


"Why do you want to fight me?" Percy asked as the two slowly circled

each other.

"You piss me off kid," Galen replied as he cracked his knuckles.

"Oh yeah, now I remember," Percy stopped as the two eyed each other

up and down.

"What is going on over here?!" Odysseus voice roared out as he

walked out from the crowd to the edge of the fighting ring.

Galen froze the moment he say the captain, "ah-ah sir! We were just

ah… we were just-"

"-Can it Tom!" Odysseus roared out causing the big man to flinch.

"Why do they call you Tom?" Percy asked in a whisper.

Glen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "it's a long story."

"Quite!" Odysseus snapped causing Percy and Galen to flinch. He

glared at the two, "I know what's going on here, you're all trying to gang

up on the kid, am I right?"

"It's not like that boss-" Galen began.

"Shut it!" Odysseus said causing the man to flinch again. "He is a kid

and I don't care how tough he is you can't just put him in a ring and

punch him around! Do you all remember the last time we got a son of

Poseidon in danger?" The captain looked at everyone there as slowly

several men put down their heads in shame

Chapter 263

"Captain it's alright, dad knows I can-" Percy began.

"-That's not the point Percy!" Odysseus cut him off, "I only have one

thing to say to you all!" The people looked to Odysseus with a hint of

fear on their eyes. The captain glared at their scared faces before the

glare turned into a big smile, "I have 20 Drachma on Galen!"

The crew burst into cheer again and quickly they all placed their bets.

Percy blinked, 'what the hell…..' Just then;

Warning! A fist is coming for-

Before Percy could even respond a fist connected with his stomach

throwing him to the edge of the ring and across the wooden floor.

"Fuck!" Percy coughed out as he felt his breathing strained. He stood

up quickly and looked at his health;

Percy HP- 5,550/5,650

That last punch got 100 of his health points, something he couldn't

afford to happen continuously. Percy looked at Galen who was

smirking in triumph at Percy's fallen form. "That was a fucking cheap

shot asshole!"

"All's fair in love and war brat!" Galen smirked as Percy spat out gold of

his blood and quickly got up to his feet. He wiped the blood from his

mouth and and put his hands up like a boxer ready to move.

"Nice form kid," Galen smirked as he dashed forward with his right

hand drawn back. Percy waited until the huge man was almost on top

of him before he activated his Speed Demon perk to move under

Galen's oncoming fist and launch a his left hand into the

Quartermaster's ribcage.

Body Form Activated: Left Fist

"Giga Impact!" Galen was sent flying away as a gust of air blew away

from where Percy's first made impact. The tall man was thrown right

into the crowd around the, causing five sailors to fall down under his


Slowly the giant of a man got back to his feet and walked back into the

ring. He held his side in pain and glared at Percy. Percy smiled back, "I

kind of expected more from you old man."

Galen glared at Percy like he was the devil until slowly the glare turned

into a smile, "I'm going to enjoy this."

Percy smiled and the two charged each other. Galen smacked Percy

across the face while Percy punched the man's stomach with just his

normal strength to make the fight last longer. Galen punched Percy's

shoulder, but the demigod was faster as he grabbed the man's fist with

his right and kneed the man in the ribs.

Galen feel to his knees holding his ribs while Percy kicked the man

across the face sending him backwards.

Galen eventually got back on his feet and charged Percy again with his

right fist drawn back. The son of Poseidon waited until the man was on

top of him again before activated his speed perk and moving behind

Galen. He drew back his fist and activated his powers;

Body Form Activated: Right Fist

And launched it at Galen's side.

"Giga impact!" The fist flew straight at Galen's side as it impacted with

a crunch. Percy's eyes winded as he quickly jumped back holding his

now broken wrist. Percy winced at the sight of the now broken wrist

and looked up at Galen who simply smiled back.

"How did you do that?" Percy asked as he held his broken wrist.

"Do what?" Galen asked smirking.

"Move that fast," Percy narrowed his eyes remembering that moment.

Galen simply twisted his body, he wasn't faster than Percy, he

just...moved. And he didn't just stop Percy's first, he caught it and

twisted the fist with a simple sleight of hand and nothing else.

"It's called skill kid," Galen said with his smirk turning to a smile,

"something you don't seem to have."

"Oh really?" Percy narrowed his eyes and charged forward.

"Kid's these days, so rash," Galen commented as he blocked Percy's

right kick with one hand and with the other sent Percy flying away.

The son of the sea god quickly got back up and growled. He couldn't

understand it, he just didn't get why he was so… so outmatched.

Everytime he fought someone bare handed he had one. Every

opponent he fought with his fists…..weren't actually skilled. And then

Percy realised, most of the time he had just used brute strength to

overcome his opponents and if things got tough he would just use one

of his other powers. But now for the first time it was a battle not about

different techniques or powers but about one's skill.

Percy took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Galen noticed Percy's

shoulders became less stiff as slowly the demigod opened his eyes

and his blue green eyes shined brightly. 'Huh, guess the kid has an

idea,' Galen thought to himself as he got ready for the next spar.

'Okay, my advantage is my speed and strength,' Percy thought as

slowly his right wrist healed itself with hi incredible healing rate, 'his

advantage is his skill and size. Frontal attack won't cut it, I need to hide

my true intentions.'

The crew around them were cheering loudly as slowly Percy channeled

all the voice and distractions out, only Galen remained. Percy moved,

putting one foot in front of the other. He pushed himself up and swung

his leg in a wide arc trying to catch Galen in the face.

The Quartermaster caught Percy's leg with one hand and then swung

the boy downwards into the ground. Percy extended his left arm and

pushed himself off the ground before impact and with his free leg back

kicked Galen in the face, which the Quartermaster again blocked.

Percy somersaulted away and landed a few feet away. Before he could

catch his breath Galen was on him, the giant man moved quickly and

his hits were precises as every strike aimed to damage and or weaken

Percy. His arms moved quickly and like lighting, moving out to strike

and then being drawn back in a flash.

Chapter 264

Fortunately for Percy he was very good at dodging attacks. Percy

moved back until he hit the ring rope and then jumped to the side to

continue avoiding Galen's strikes. Soon however Galen came right on

top of him and swung his giant legs at Percy's neck.

The son of Poseidon jumped up and grabbed the extended leg for

supporting sending a kick of his own at Galen's face.

Body Form Activated: Right leg

The kick connected with Galen's jaw and broke it with a crack. Blood

spilled out everywhere as a loose tooth flew out of Galen's mouth and

to the ground. Percy moved back but Galen wasn't giving up. The

Quartermaster grabbed Percy before the demigod could move and

brought him to eye level.

"Good night brat," Galen growled out as he smashed Percy into the

ground. Percy's head rung out in pain;

You have gained the temporary status: Knocked Out!

That was the last thing Percy saw as slowly everything went dark.

Hours later;

Percy woke up and shook his head clear as slowly his surrounding

became clear. He found himself in the middle of the sailors quarters

and all around him people were up and celebrating with drinks and


"Ah Percy you are up," Marc spoke up from the group of partiers. He

helped Percy to his feet and patted the demigod on his back, "I must

say Percy you put on quite the show."

"Gee thanks," Percy sighed as he rubbed his shoulder. He winced as

he quickly realised his right wrist was still healing. Percy used Observe

on it and a status notification opened up;

Broken Wrist- 1Hrs till fully healed. - 5 stats in Str, Dex. - 40% less

efficiency in Swordsmanship and Archery.

"Still swore eh?" Marc asked passing Percy a mug of rum, "here this

should help."

"Thanks, but I'm underage," Percy said putting the mug down.

"Well doesn't really matter if your underage over here," Marc said

grinning, "none of us really care! Go on have a drink! Live a little!"

Percy smiled but shook his head, "nah, my mom would kill me if she

found out."

"Oh shut up and drink," Galen called out as he walked over to Percy

and Marc. He smiled at Percy, "you did good kid, I haven't had a fight

fight that good since 1944."

Percy frowned, "you still took in a cheap shot asshole."

Galen threw his head and laughed, "HAHAH! That I did!"

"Come on Percy," Marc said pulling Percy towards the huge party

going on, "let's get drunk!"

"How about I just watch you get drunk?" Percy asked as Marc and

Galen pulled him towards the partying people. Every crew member

there patted Percy on the back congratulating him on a well fought

match while one shoved another mug of rum into Percy's arms.

"Drink up lad, these guys don't give up unless you're drunk enough to

kiss a fish that looks like your lover!" Galen said smacking Percy on the


"But I can't really-'

"Oh shut up!" Marc yelled out as he took the mug from Percy and

pushed it onto his lips. He titled the drink and forced it into Percy's


"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" The rest of the crew yelled out as Percy was

force feed the rest of the drink.

The mug was soon empty as Marc threw it to the side helping Percy

satay on his feet. "It's good isn't it?"

"My throat kind of burns" Percy coughed out.

"Yeah it does that, you'll get used to it though," Galen said smiling. He

gave PErcy another mug and lifted his own, "to Percy Jackson! To only

one of you useless lot to actually give me a fight!"

The rest of the crew cheered and lifted their own mugs up. Percy

smiled and this time didn't hesitate to drink down his own mug of rum.


You have obtained a new skill!

Drinking Alcohol, Lv- 1 (83%)

You will black out after drinking too much. Amount of Alcohol

needed to blackout depends on drink.

10% Alcohol tolerance

Percy shrugged, after all he had weirded skills. He pushed the

notification away and enjoyed the rest of the night simply eating and

drinking with the rest of the crew who he was quickly becoming close

friends with.

The rum flowed freely and the food was very heavy. Percy' throat was

burning but luckily Gamer's body and Gamer's mind helped him curb

the effects of alcohol until he had one too many drinks and than this

message appears;

You are drunk…...Night night!

And after that Percy blacked out. The last thing he remembered was

vomiting all over Odysseus's coat.


Percy's blinked slowly as he pulled himself up;

You have slept on a very uncomfortable surface; HP and MP have

been restored 50% each. All ailments and negative status effects

have been cured.

Skill leveled up!

Drinking Alcohol, Lv- 3 (3%)

You will black out after drinking too much. Amount of Alcohol

needed to blackout depends on drink.

20% Alcohol tolerance

Percy closed the boxes on instinct with his right hand and noticed that

his wrist was all healed now. His head was clear and his body felt

rejuvenated. He smiled at the lack of a hangover as he realised his

gamer powers must have healed him as he slept. Sleeping did cure all

aliment and negative status effects, which definitely included being


Percy looked around and found himself on the floor of the sailor's

quarters underneath a hammock occupied by Marc who was drooling

everywhere. Percy felt disgusted as he got up and walked out of the


He went to the deck and quickly moved towards the edge of the boat.

The sea air comforted him as Percy took a deep breath and let himself

relax thinking about what he was going to do. He needed to get to

Nassau quickly, if what Odysseus said was true than he would reach

Nassau by nightfall giving him plenty of time to search for Argo's base

and destroy it.

"Your up early," a grumbling Galen spoke up as h walked up to Percy.

"Yeah it's a habit," Percy said as the Quartermaster leaned up against

the railing and picked, "that bad?"

"Worse," Galen replied wiping his mouth and turned to Percy, "you're

not too hungover are you?"

Percy shook his head, "I'm not hungover at all."

"What?" Gallen looked shocked.

"Yeah, it's a gift. I can't get a hangover," PErcy replied with a shrug.

Chapter 265

"You son of a bitch!" Galen shouted, "you fucking cunt!Do you know

what I would do for something like that?! All times in my life that would

have been amazing if I was just not hungover?!" Galen shouted and

suddenly held his head hissing in pain.

"Headache?" PErcy asked with a smirk.

"Yeah," Galen replied back as he visibly calmed down. He looked out

into the sea and sighed, "sorry for ah….you know."

"Hating my guts the moment you saw me?" Percy smiled, "it's okay. I

piss a lot of people off at first sight….it's actually a very big problem."

Galen smirked, "well either way I'm sorry kid. It's just that….well you're

a child of Poseidon and this crew and Poseidon don't really get along."

"Yeah, I know," Percy replied.

"We have had children of Poseidon be on board before," Galen

explained, "mostly just to try and get back in Poseidon's good graces.

And all of them have been kind of dicks. Arrogant, annoying and

fucking dicks. They treated Odysseus alright but to them we were

basically their servants."

"You don't hold back huh?"

Galen smirked, "nope. So when you came on board I thought it would

be the same thing all over again. So yeah, I'm sorry."

Percy smiled, "apology accepted. But you know there is something you

can do to make it up to me..."

"What do you need kid?"

"Can you teach me how to fight?" PErcy asked putting on his serious


"You can already handle yourself pretty well kid," Galen said pointing to

his wounded jaw, "you're pretty strong."

"Yeah but you completely outmaneuvered me, I got in a couple of lucky

shots but…."

"Well that's because of experiance kid. I've been alive for a long time, I

just kind of picked up my own fight style."

Percy blinked, "wait….how old are you?"

"Huh, somewhere around 3000-4000 years old, why?"

"Wait?! You're an immortal?!"

"Keep it down will you! Some of us aren't immune to hangovers!" Galen

hissed as he healed his head in pain.

"Sorry," Percy whispered.

"It's okay, but yeah, everyone on the crew is immortal...didn't you


"Well I knew Odysseus was immortal but not all of you!" Percy recalled

his observation of Galen and remembered seeing Immortal next to

Human, but he was distracted at the time so it didn't really register until


"Yeah well it's a funny story that. After Odysseus left the Underworld he

was confronted by Hermes and Athena, they were pissed but

Odysseus always was their favorite. Athena loved his craving from new

and exciting thing and he Hermes was his grandfather. They granted

him partial immortality and gave his this ship," Galen knocked on the


"What's partial immortality?" Percy asked.

"It's temporary immortality. It basically means that you live forever

unless someone or something can kill you. So while a full immortal like

a God or titan could reform later, a partial immortal can't."

"I see," Percy said, "so everyone here has partial immortality?"

"Yup. Anyway, so Odysseus then set sail forever looking for adventure

and knowledge," Galen continued as a smile creeped on his face, "he

eventually found me and I joined on as his first crew mate. Soon more

and more people joined up each from different time period, your friend

Marc? He's from the era of the French revolution. Our Chef Zed is

probably the youngest member born in the 1950's while others are

from Ancient Egypt or even from Iceland."

Percy whistled, "so basically you guys just do whatever you want?"

"Yup," Galen smiled, "the God's own Odysseus for popularising the

story of the Greeks for the entire world to remember. It was his story

that basically made everyone acknowledge the Greeks as the best, at

the time. So the Gods just let u do what we want. We are basically like

the Hunters of Artemis but with more freedom."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Artemis's hunters have partial immortality as


Galen nodded, "yup. Anyway I need to go to bed kid, still have a nasty

headache. Good night."

Percy smiled watching the giant man wobble back to the sailor's

quarters, "you do realise the sun is coming up right?"

"Bite me kid," Galen shouted back as he went inside to sleep.

Percy smiled and turned back to look at the sun's rays slowly coming

up the horizon. Percy smiled and looked across the sky. The stars were

slowly fading away to nothing, but the moon was still hanging in the

sky. It was a crescent moon and though the sun was coming up the

moon was still clearly seen.

"I wonder what your doing right now Artemis," Percy whispered as he

looked down at the sea and smiled.

"Nothing much Percy what are you doing?"

Percy jumped in surprise and fell over board crashing into the waters

below. He quickly gathered his senses and pulled himself up back on

the ship with the help of the water. He got on again and there standing

where he was and laughing his ass off was the red haired goddess of

the hunt.

"Artemis what are you doing here?" Percy hissed as he got back on the

ship and allowed his powers to automatically dry himself.

"Oh I just came to see how you were doing Percy," Artemis smiled as

she looked around, "I haven't seen this ship in a long time."

"Yeah well I'm doing fine, I guess. Until you nearly gave me a fucking

heart attack!"

"Oh calm down,"Artemis said chuckling, "you are acting like Her when

she fails to seduce Zeus."

Percy looked away and huffed, "well thank you very much."

"Oh are you going to pout now?" Artemis asked leaning back against

the ship's railing.

Percy grumbled and sighed giving up on his anger, "so what's new with


"Nothing really, the hunt is currently tracking down-"

"-Something powerful, something which if we fail to get would mean the

fall of Olympus. Yeah I remember."

Artemis nodded, "yes well we haven't really made progress, but luckily

neither have the Titan's."

"What are you looking for anyway?"

"It's….I can't say."

"Can't or won't?'

"Can't, strict orders from Zeus himself. We need to keep this

information secret for as long as possible."

"Why? Don't the one group of people we don't want to know already


"Yes but we know that they know and if we say that we know that they

know than they know that we know that they know."

"...you just got very confusing all of a sudden," Percy said as his

stomach grumbled, "hmm, time for breakfast."

Artemis nodded, "yes it is getting late I suppose."

"How are you even here anyway? Don't you like have to chart the

moon around or something?" Percy asked curious to know more about


"Well yes, but right now is the time between morning and night when

Apollo takes over and I can stop. It's still a bit early so I don't have to

go back to my Hunters yet so I spend this free time doing whatever I


"And you chose to spend it with me," Percy grinned, "I feel so special."

Artemis huffed, "don't get any ideas boy, you are on a very important

mission and I just wanted to make sure you didn't screw up already."

Chapter 267

Percy sighed, "can't you just admit you came because you like talking

to me? I mean it wouldn't be lie or anything if you did admit that."

"I don't….fine. You are very...interesting to talk to. You just might be

one of the few people I have left to call friend."

"Don't you have like an entire group of girls you lead?"

"Yes but I look at them more as my daughters than my friends. I do

consider my lieutenant as a friend, but she still sees me as he mistress

first before anything else. Plus with the unofficial title I hold…."

"The man hater one?"

"Yes...that. It's just difficult to get along with any one."

Percy smiled, "well I'm honoured," he bowed low, "my lady."

Artemis rolled her eyes but laughed at Percy's action. Just then her

stomach rumbled loudly causing the goddess to hold it and blush.

Percy smiled, "breakfast time."

"Percy it's okay I'm a God I can go for a few minutes without food. I

usually go to my Hunter's camp and cook food with them."

"Oh shut up Artemis," Percy said as he grabbed the goddess by the

hand and dragged her to the upper deck, "besides you owe me dinner."

"That's dinner, this is breakfast!"

Percy shrugged, "it's a meal isn't it?" He walked into the kitchen and

saw it empty.

"I don't think your cook is awake right now," Artemis said.

"Neah it's okay I got this," Percy replied as he found a seat next to a

window and motioned for Artemis to sit next to him.

"Percy I really must go," Artemis replied as she sat down on the seat

opposite to Percy.

"And yet you sat down," Percy said with a smile opening his inventory.

He had stored plenty of food from camp over the days and all of it was

hot and freshly made since it was stored in his inventory. Percy pulled

out a plate of pancakes and some waffles and laid it out, "there, the

food of the Gods."

"Where did you get that from?" Artemis questioned as she took the

plate of waffles for herself.

"Magic," Percy said wiggling his eyebrows.

Artemis rolled her eyes and looked at her plate, "where's the fork?"

"Your a goddess of the hunt and you need a fork?"

"I may be a goddess of the wild but I'm also civilized,' Artemis snapped

her fingers causing two silver forks to appear in hand.

"Cool," Percy said as he took one from Artemis, "is this real silver?"

"Yes it is," Artemis turning to her food. Percy smiled and pulled out a jar

of maple syrup from his inventory pouring it all over his pancakes. The

two then ate in silence as they relished every single bite of their food.

"This is so good," Artemis said as she poured more maple syrup onto

her food.

"Thanks, my mom made it," Percy replied as he finished the second


"Your mom's a good cook," Artemis said as she quickly finished her

plate of food, "oh Zeus that was good."

Percy smiled as he finished his own food, "so what now?"

"I have to leave I suppose, the hunters will be getting up anytime now."

"Well..bye,"Percy waved.

Artemis chuckled, "by Percy, thanks for breakfast."

"See you around Artemis," Percy replied as she snapped her fingers

disappearing in a flash of light. "Show off," Percy grumbled and just

then a note appeared in front of him in another flash of light. Percy took

the note and opened it. It read, 'I'm not a show off.'

"Okay now you are definitely a show off," Percy replied with a big



Percy stood once again at the very tip of the ship to give it a boost in

speed. Odysseus and the rest of the crew stood behind him as Percy

lifted his hands up and slowly made a connection with the sea once


The rope of water connecting him to the sea pulled him forwards but

Percy was used to it now. He pulled back commanding the ship

forward which slowly drained him of his mana.

Percy relaxed and slowly opened his eyes. He was about to disconnect

from the sea when suddenly a feeling of fear ran through him.


'Percy's eyes winded as the fear filled his very being up. Something out

there in the sea was calling for help, it was calling for him.

Percy turned to Odysseus, "something out there is in danger captain."

The hero raised an eyebrow, "really? How do you know?"

"Through my connection with the sea,"Percy explained as he pointer

towards the north, "it came somewhere over there."

"If we stray from the course it will take longer to reach Nassu you

know," Odysseus said with a calculating eyes.

"It's okay," Percy looked right at the hero's eyes, "something out there

asked for my help, and I intended to help it."

"It could be a trap."

"The amount of fear I felt can't be faked," Percy replied back harshly,

"we need to help it."

Odysseus and Percy started each other down until the captain smiled,

"you have a big soft spot kid. Careful now or that might be the end of


Percy nodded, "I will be."

"Alright everyone you heard the boy! Turn this boat around towards the

east! We have somebody to save!"

Percy moved as he helped the crew move the ship. Luckily the boost

he gave to the ship still was in effect allowing them to reach their

destination in a hour.

"Where are we now captain?" Galen asked as he stood next to

Odysseus and Percy near the front of the ship.

"Well according to my kin sense of directions," Odysseus wet his finger

and raised it into the air, "we must be somewhere off the gulf of

Mexico." He then turned to Percy, "so this is where you got the cry for


Percy nodded, "yeah it should be here somewhere," Percy closed his

eyes concentrating on his connection with the sea. He pulled on it until

he felt the fear once again.

'Somebody please help me!'

Percy's eyes shot open, before it was 'us', not it was 'me'. Percy knew

he was running out of time and without a second though he dived into

the water swimming downwards.

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have

gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Percy ignored the box and quickly commanded the water to pull him

downwards. He swam down faster than a missile. '100 meters,' Percy

told himself. That was how dep he was. He didn't know how he knew it,

he just did.

Chapter 268

The fishes and all other creatures of the sea around him moved away

giving Percy plenty of space to move as fast as he could.

'200 meters.' Percy pushed himself as his muscles began to strain, but

the water healed them un instantly causing Percy to become even


'400 meters,' by now Percy's connection with the sea grew stronger. He

could feel the water all around him. The sea creature's presence

shined like a light bulb in the dark.

'500 meters,' all the sea creature slowly started to thin out. Most

couldn't swim this deep.


The voice was becoming softer, like a life from it was gone.

'700 meters,' it started to become darker now. Percy's breathing

became more rapid as his body struggled to get used to the pressure.

'800 meters,' Percy's eyes slowly started to adjust again.


The voice faded even more. Percy could now feel the creature dying.

'950 meters,' Percy gritted his teeth. His body felt like it was moving

through jelly, but Percy kept pushing forward.


'1,100 meters,' Percy could feel he was close. He searched with his

connection to the sea and felt for the cry of help calling out to him. It

was very quite now, almost silent,, but it was still there. Percy moved

and soon the darkness of the deep spread out revealing a figure

floating in the ocean.

As Percy approached he could make out more and more and for a

moment he couldn't believe what he saw.

'Beautiful,'was all Percy could think the moment he laid eyes on her.

She had hair redder than blood with a sea shell thread plated into her

hair. He scaled were bright green and around her neck was a

necklaces of pearls and shells. The beautiful creature had a bra made

out of seaweed strung over her breasts hiding what it could of her

impressive bust.

'She-she's a mermaid,' Percy quickly realised. He looked at her closely

and found that she wasn't moving, it didn't even look like she was

breathing. The mermaid had gills along her neck, and they weren't

moving. Percy quickly approached her and found her skin cold to the

touch. Her skin was a hue of blue, a colour Percy assumed a mermaid

shouldn't naturally be. He quickly used Observe on the creature;

Mera, Mermaid of Atlantis


HP: 10/1,000

MP: 3,000/3,000








The daughter of Triton, Mera is considered very magically gifted

and is known to be very rebellious. She often loses her temper at

other people and her attitude has caused her number of friends to

be limited. She recently went out on an adventure with her friends

but due to a series of unfortunate events is now hurt badly.

Likes: Jellyfish tentacles, her father, books and poetry

Dislikes: The colour red, paintings and authority figures

She called out to Percy for help, she really want you to save her


She feels afraid of the fact that she might die

Percy noticed her health was low, very low. Something was wrong with

her, something was killing her. Percy wrapped his hands around her

body in order to move her and suddenly something poked him.

Percy slowly moved her body sideways and found a piece of red bone

imbed into Mera's back. Percy could feel evil pour out of the red bone,

it was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was like a piece of the

Underworld was here on Earth, powerful and very deadly.

Fang of Janai'ngo

A fang of the legendary monster of the deep. It's poisonous nature

will bring death with the slightest touch.

Effect: causes -100 HP damage per minute.

Percy was suprised, if this thing caused -100 HP damage per minute

than she should have been dead in 10 minutes. The personal bio does

however say she was good with magic, so maybe she's cast as spell

on herself?

Percy ignored the lingering questions as he slowly manipulated the

water to pull out the fang from out of Mere. The red bone was difficult

to move but with a little prodding Percy managed to pull it out

completely. He quickly opened his inventory and shoved the red bone

in there for later use, after all that kind of poison could be useful.

Percy used blood control to stop the bleeding and quickly drew his own

blood to form a healing rune around the affected area. Percy poured

1,000 HP and 200 MP into the rune restoring Mera to full health.

Slowly the mermaid's skin turned back to normal as her gills started to

function again. She started to slowly opened her eyes looking directly

at Percy.

"Daddy?" She asked in a weak voice.

"I'm not your dad Mera, but I'm going to make sure your safe," Percy

said in a soft tone giving her the best smile he could.

"You're in danger," Mera said in her weak tone, "it's coming for you."

"What are you talking about Mera?"

"It's a trap," Mera spoke out as slowly she closed her eyes again and

drifted to unconsciousness.

Percy looked at Mera body before sighing, 'of course it was a trap. It's

always a trap. But by who?'

Just then something happened. Suddenly the water became cold,

colder than ice. Percy could feel something from deep below him

slowly rise up. Percy couldn't feel it, it didn't feel...natural. Percy could

sense every creature in the sea, but this….this felt wrong. Like an area

of the sea that just didn't exist. And it was now swimming right for him.

Percy quickly opened his inventory and shoved Mera inside, she would

be to much of a distraction. Percy closed the inventory and began to

swim back up to the surface. Whatever was coming for him felt

powerful and dangerous. Percy knew he had every advantage right

now being in the sea, but still something made him scared, he didn't

want to see what was coming for him.

Percy swam upwards pushing the water below him rocketing towards

the surface. '950 meters.'

Percy could feel the coldness of the deep catch up to him.

'800 meters.'

Slowly the water became thicker and more difficult to move in.

'750 meters.'

Percy could feel the cold reach his ankles and slowly climb upwards.

Percy kicked harder allowing himself to out run the coldness. His heart

started to pound itself faster and faster. He couldn't hear anything other

than his own heart beat.


Skill leveled up!

Swimming, Lv-16 (80%)

Your speed in swimming is that of an advanced swimmer-8 miles

an hour.

'Not now!' Percy yelled at the notification pushing it away. His

swimming skill wasn't really useful, his water control was the reason he

could move up so quickly, but anything helps.

'650 meters.'

Just then something grabbed Percy's by the hip. The son of the sea

god looked down and saw a giant tentacle grab ontop him. Percy

commanded the water around him to push the limb off but it didn't


Percy slowly started to feel suffocated, it was like the water was

fighting back against him.


The water is being controlled by a more powerful water being!

Your water breathing skill had been neutralised.

Percy's brains started to panic overtime. He tugged and pulled trying to

free himself but nothing worked. His mind was going crazy, he trashed

around trying to wiggle out until Gamer's mind finally kicked in.

Percy stopped moving as slowly he was being dragged deeper into the

ocean. Percy calmed himself and quickly thought up a plan. He opened

his eyes and pulled on the darkness all around him using his shadow

control to cut off the tentacle around him.

"ARGH!" A roar came out from underneath the depths of the sea as

Percy freed himself swimming upwards.

Percy dodged and swam around several tentacles coming up to try and

grab him. Percy moved the shadows to intercept and cut all of them

before they could even reach him and when Percy was far enough his

water breathing skill came back to him.

'500 meters!' Percy could see light at the end of a very long tunnel, but

the son of Poseidon didn't give up. He swam faster and faster as slowly

the tentacles grew in number. Suddenly one of them managed to avoid

the shadows completely and wrapped itself around PErcy's chest.

Percy made to cut it off using his ice control when suddenly he felt

something being injected into him from the tentacle. PErcy yelled out in

pain as he formed an ice sword cutting the tentacles away. Percy

looked and saw a big redbone now embedded into Percy's side. He

could feel the poison spread and knew what to do.

He pulled the fang out and summoned a ball of fire in his hand. The fire

feed of his mana as it continuously evaporated the water near it

causing steam to instantly form. Percy pressed the fire up against his

skin cauterising the wound allowing it to heal.

The coldness from before had now finally caught up to Percy. He could

feel it right in front of him. He was outside its field of influence so he

could still breath, but Percy could still feel it's power.

Percy raised his flame higher as the light produced shined on the

creature revealing it's true from.

It was big, bigger than anything Percy ever fought. It was 80 feet long ,

Percy could barely see it's end. It's body was covered with grey scales,

with crying faces carved into each one. It triangular face was covered

with red eyeballs which were of hate and suffering. It's body was

covered with tentacles along the back, the same one's that tried to grab

Percy before. It's underside was lined with lobster claws as big as

Percy's whole body and it's mouth had 8 pincers around it opening and

closing in anticipation. But by far the worst was it's tail which was

covered in spikes, and on that spike was the imbedded bodies of three

different mermaids each mutilated beyond recognition.

Percy looked into it's eyes as slowly he felt his very soul shiver in fear.

It's tentacles reached around Percy cutting off all escape route. Percy

was stuck. It looked at Percy with it's numerous unwavering red eyes

and Percy looked back.

The monster opened it's 8 pincers revealing a fleshly mouth

underneath, "Now you shall die greek."

Percy quickly observed the monster;

Janai'ngo, servant of Cthulhu

Lv- ?



Race- Extraterrestrial demon







Not much is known about this monster other than it's loyalty and

servitude to the great evil Cthulhu. It is known as the Guardian of

the Key of the Watery Gates and is known to dwell in the depths

of Eastern ocean.

Likes: Cthulhu and the enslavement of mankind

Dislikes: Sunlight and the Elder Gods

He wants to eat Percy to strike out against the Greek Pantheon

Endless hunger.

Fear struck his heart. Percy didn't know who this creature was, it wasn't

greek or roman. He couldn't sense it, it felt like a creature made out of

nothing. A creature of the void. Percy looked into it's eyes once again

as slowly the cold began to take over extinguishing the fire burning on

the palm of his hand.

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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