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50% Game of Thrones - Winterfell / Chapter 2: The Starks

Chapitre 2: The Starks


Arya struck the wooden stick against Bran's leg making him fall to one knee. "can't you let me win at least once?" he complained standing up and brushing the dirt off his now slightly throbbing knee. "where's the fun in that?" she replied with a grin. she passed the wooden stick from one hand to the other, the two slowly circling each other as they waited for the other to make the next move. Bran ran forward, fake sword raised in the air and moved to stab at Arya. Arya, being young and nimble quickly sidestepped the little Stark and stuck her foot out, she tripped him and he went flying forwards, he landed harshly on the ground, stick flying from his hand.

Two sets of laughing came from behind them. Robb and Jon both watching and snickering. "you'll never become a Knight like that" Robb teased. He stood up, leaving the stables where him and his half brother were perched. "let us show you how men fight" he picked up the stick that lay a few feet away from Bran and swung it around. Jon walked over to Arya, he was only too happy to comply. Jon reached for the fake sword and Arya went to pass it to him, though at the last second she pulled it away making him grasp at thin air, his disapproving look only made her howl in fits of amusement. She pressed her lips together trying to remain some dignity before actually passing the stick the Jon. "Thank you" he said sarcastically.

Arya made her way over to Bran and offered him her hand, he gladly took it and pulled himself up, the two Youngest Starks going to sit on the wooden bench at the side of the courtyard to watch their brothers spar. "I think you'll make a fine Knight one day" Arya said, eyes fixed on the two self proclaimed men as they danced around each other, each failing to make the first move, just thrusting their sticks into the empty space between them, hoping to provoke the other. "you really think so?" Bran asked sadly looking down into his lap, perhaps his older brother was right, after all, he'd just been beaten by a girl. "I know so, Bran" Arya tried to comfort him, she gently nudged him with her shoulder and extended a soft warm smile his way, one which he returned before also looking up properly to see Jon and Robb duel.

"scared are we?" Robb teased, trying to bait him into attacking, they both lunged forward at the same time, sticks meeting in the middle. "of you?" Jon asked. "Never" he grinned and hooked his foot around Robb's leg and yanked it quickly, Robb lost his balance and fell backwards, his free hand spreading out behind him and breaking his fall, he quickly stood back up before he had the chance to fully hit the ground. They spent another minute circling each other, both boys grinning from ear to ear. "you know what..." Jon said, he stopped circling, stood up straighter and dropped his stick to the ground. Robb furrowed his brows, confused, he stood up a bit taller himself, stick lowering from its defensive position a bit with confusion. Robb's eyes widened the moment he saw Jon running full speed at him, and he didn't have time to react, he dropped the stick and clutched onto Jon's shoulders.

Jon had sprinted towards him, hands wrapping around his half brothers waist and tackled him into the ground, they stayed on the floor, tickling each other, trying to get the other to submit, grabbing onto each others arms, trying to wrap each other into headlocks, their feet helplessly kicking at the ground in order to better their position with one another, hoping that eventually one of them would kick out. "And they call themselves men" Arya sniggered under her breath just loud enough for Bran alone to hear. "come on, I'm sure there's plenty to do around the keep" Arya said standing up with a smile and shoved her hands into her pockets, she wasn't like Sansa, she didn't like the impracticality of wearing a dress, with its long gowns and ridiculous features. she preferred pants, perhaps that's why all the other girls made fun of her, called her a boy, but Arya could move so much more easily, and she felt more like herself. "I'm sure there's more lessons to attend" he groaned, he didn't understand the need to know every single house and their sigil in Westeros and beyond. fighting won battles, fighting was exactly what had kept Winterfell home to the Starks for thousands of years, not knowing which stupid banner belonged to which stupid house. They both nodded and left the bench in the courtyard and made their way inside, leaving Jon and Robb fighting out their differences on the floor.

Moments passed and by now both boys were sweaty and out of breath. "Yield!" Jon said, he'd managed to end up crouched behind Robb's back who was sat on his ass on the floor, one of Jon's hands wrapped around his neck while his other hand gripped tightly onto Robb's wrist, preventing him from struggling even more. "there's something I never told you" Robb panted, slightly grinning, even if he couldn't see Jon's face he knew he got him pondering. "What?" Jon asked confused. The moment he let his guard down, the slight ease of pressure on Robb's wrist and he knew he'd got him. Robb quickly reached over his head behind him, hands feeling for the furs of Jon's cloak, once found, he gripped it tightly, leaned forward and then pulled with all his might. Jon's eyes widened as he was pulled over Robb's head, he landed flat on his back, now in front of Robb, and before he could move he found the top of the wooden stick pressed against his neck. "I always win" Robb panted. Jon looked up at him and nodded with a smile, tapping the ground in defeat.

They let go of one another and stood up, brushing the dirt off their clothes, the several marks and creases on their clothes. It was only then they realised that Arya and Bran were no longer watching them. "Have you seen father today?" Robb asked. Jon hated that word, father. Eddard was a father to him in every way possible, but he was no son to the Lord of Winterfell. That much Jon knew, if he was, the. he'd be called Jon stark, but he wasn't. He was Jon Snow, born and bred, always would be. "No, not today" he frowned, Eddard was usually one of the first men up, especially being Lord of Winterfell, but he hadn't been seen, he wondered what kept him.


Catelyn shut the door to her chambers quietly, Sansa still resting inside, she'd managed to get a few hours of extra sleep herself, which she was very grateful for. "Jesus!" She exclaimed as she turned around and bumped straight into someone. "sorry my love!" Eddard smiled gripping her by the elbow softly so that she didn't fall. "that's quite alright." she smiled softly. Eddard went to go make his way into the chambers but was stopped when his wife placed a hand on his chest. "No, Sansa is resting", she told him, he frowned and looked worried. "let's just say she had an adventurous morning and is sleeping it off" she said, she didn't need to dive into details, he may be Lord of Winterfell but she could certainly handle some matters on her own.

Eddard nodded. "a walk then...if you'd accompany me?" he asked, extending his arm out to her, she smiled and took it, he was still as charming as the first day they met, with his dark grey eyes as soft as the fog and his brown hair, and the matching trimmed beard. She nodded and took his arm, walking down the hallways and out into the courtyard. They walked in silence, they didn't need words between them, it was a loving silence, and they loved each other more than words could ever show. Eddard Stark took a turn all too well and it was now that Catelyn knew where they were going. The hot springs.

It was a beautiful place, important too, it's hot waters piped through the walls to keep Winterfell warm in even the harshest of winters, which is exactly what made this castle much more comfortable than all the others in Winter. "you know...people usually come here when it's cold to stay warm...I know today is the warmest day we'll probably get in a long time..." Catelyn said, true enough the sun was still out, and only standing in its rays could you really feel the heat emanating off the sun's surface, but the North was still nippy, though definitely colder outside the walls of the keep. "I know" Eddard said. Catelyn smiled and narrowed her eyes, she had no idea what he was up to, but she enjoyed the walk, the heat being welcomed into every inch of her bones as they walked through the garden, it was gorgeous, it's plants and wildlife, the benches placed around, but most of all, the privacy, at times it could be so quiet that Catelyn swore she could hear the ester running through the walls.

Finally they got to their destination, the Hot spring itself, upon building this place around the Godswood they had decided to keep one part of the Natural hot springs intact, it was like a giant steaming bath in the middle of the forest, the smoke rising from the esters surface. it was a round structure, steps leading down into the water. "you're still as beautiful as the day I met you" Eddard said turning to Catelyn. Catelyn blushed and stepped closer to Eddard, biting her lip softly. "Don't..." she hummed. Eddard grinned, he placed one hand on his wife's cheek and the other resting on her neck, the pad of his thumb brushing over the delicate skin. "why not?" he whispered, he leaned in slowly and captured her lips in his. The kiss was slow and gentle, Catelyn's hands coming up to rest on Eddard's chest, rubbing it softly as she kissed him back. They kissed for a few moments before pulling away for breath, Catelyn letting out a small moan. She blushed and buried her head into her husband's chest while Eddard's hands freely roamed her back. "how about it?" Eddard asked as he pulled away, he unclipped his fur cloak and folded it up gently on the ground, he then lifted his shirt over his head, now only stood in his breeches, his taunt stomach lined with abs and a chest so built and strong Catelyn could have sworn he was a living statue chiseled from the strongest of stones. "turn around" Eddard whispered into Catelyn's ear sending a shiver up her spine, she did as she was told and gasped when she felt Eddard's hand at the base of her neck. He pressed himself against her and ran his fingers tenderly over her shoulders, down her chest, one hand slowly running over the cleavage she showed, making her take in a quick breath and lean further into her husband, her head resting on his shoulder. "please" she begged. Eddard smirked, and kept up the tantalising pace as he fiddled with the lace on her corset, tugging at it as he undid it. Finally the last string was pulled and he began to slip the dress off her shoulders, he grabbed her hips and gently turned her back around, eyes scanning over the rare beauty that stood before him. Catelyn smirked. "well turn around then" she hummed, he smirked and he did, Catelyn dropped her dress to the ground and relieved herself of all her other garments, she stepped into the hot springs before clearing her throat. Eddard turned around, he bit his lip and smiled, she was breathtaking, her hair now cascading around her shoulders, the swell of her chest only just showing above the waters surface.

Eddard gulped and took off his breeches, he covered his manhood with one hand and joined Catelyn in the hot springs, now covered from the waist down he freed his hands and immediately made his way over to his wife. He stood directly in front of her, eyes scanning her up and down in silence, Catelyn could only watch in awe, wondering what it was he had planned. Eddard took his wife's chin in her hand and turned her head to the side, he leaned down and began to press warm and slow kisses along her neck, Catelyn could only let out a few whimpers of pleasure from the soft kisses against her skin, a fire racing through her veins that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Eddard stepped closer to her, pinning her to the wall off the hot springs, one hand slowly trailed down her chest, which was now undoubtedly heaving with the arousal he was sending through her. He cupped her heavy breast in his hand and groped it softly, moaning, she was still a beauty, with a figure to die for. Catelyn let out a gutteral moan and tilted her head back, pushing her chest out into her husband's hand. "Eddard" she whispered breathlessly. He squeezed at her breast, his other hand reaching behind her to grab and her ass. He licked his lips and moaned, fuck he could mount her right here and now, but how he wanted to savour this every tender moment.

Catelyn's hands rest on her husband's shoulders, moaning softly and gasping with each squeeze off her breast and ass, thighs clenching as she desperately tried to press herself into her husband as much as humanly possible. She gasped and looked down, though she couldn't see beneath the waters surface it wouldn't take a genius to know what was pressing against her thigh. She looked at him with a calm expression before leaning forwards and kissing him deeply, causing him to moan and his penis to twitch. With both hands now around his wife's plump ass, groping at it, he lifted her up onto one of the steps in the Hot springs, her chest now above the water but her most valuable assets still hidden. "my beautiful wife. Lady stark" he hummed, he stood between her open legs and kissed her chest, he made his way across her collarbones, between the valley of her big breasts, fingers trailing along her ribcage. Catelyn'm wound her fingerings into Eddard's hair, softly tugging at it, she pulled his head closer and he was only happy to bury his face between her breasts, he used his hands to push this swollen mounds together and began to kiss and suckle and the tender flesh. Catelyn bit her lip, but the moment she felt her husband's warm mouth envelop her right nipple she couldn't help but moan loudly, hands gripping at his hair much tighter now. She longed for him to be inside her, to be filled with a warmth that she had never known, her nipples were hard and she pushed her chest outwards. "Eddard..." she begged, pleading for more, she'd get down on her knees if she could. Eddard let go of her nipple, teeth grazing it softly before he kissed his way over her breasts and her chest, over her shoulders and collarbone all the way up to the sweet spot on her neck, making her hands falter in their tracks as the pleasure almost willed every ounce of strength in her body out of her.

With one hand Eddard reached beneath the ester and cupped Catelyn's mound, she immediately started to grind into his hand desperately, it had been too long since their last sexual encounter and she planned on making it last, they both did, as she all but rode his hand her tits bounced freely in front of her husband's face, each bounce met with a soft groan and grunt. Eddard gently stroked her, teased her folds with the tips of his fingers making her thighs clench and her body quiver, he reached down and grabbed his own cock, stroking his impressive member slowly, he shuffled forwards and kissed at Catelyn's neck, teeth nipping at her earlobe. "are you ready?" he asked softly, he wanted her to be prepared, to make sure she consent. "fuck yes" she moaned, Eddard smirked, Catelyn wasn't a woman to swear often, but when she did, it was like hearing the gods speak themselves.

He pushed his cock inside her, fully inside her, he could feel her walls stretch around him, she was so tight and he loved every minute if it. he slowly started to thrust inside of her, hips moving back and forth as Catelyn wrapped her kegs around her husband's waist. "E...Eddard..." she stuttered, head falling back, tits bouncing more with each thrust as he increased the speed. By now both Catelyn and Eddard were a moaning mess, Catelyn's hands resting upon Eddard's shoulders for stability, nails digging into his back, no doubt leaving angry red marks across his skin, as for Eddard, he thrust rough and fast into his wife making her cry out so loudly it was a surprise the whole of Winterfell didn't hear them. "Put a baby in me Eddard" Catelyn moaned, gasping for breaths as she leaned forward pressing herself into his chest. "let me give you a son or daughter" she said, taking a moment to look into his eyes, one hand cupping his chin to let him know that she was serious. Eddard smirked and kisses her gently. "nothing would make me happier" he hummed. The lord of Winterfell flipped them around so he was now sat down on the steps, Catelyn Stark sat on his lap, his big cock sheathed inside her and she began to ride him, she moaned as she bounced quickly on his cock, anyone who didn't know then would think she was a common whore from a brothel. Eddard groped at her ass and continued to thrust inside her, moaning her name softly as he felt himself edging closer and closer. Neither of them could have expected the day to turn out the way it did, with Catelyn riding his cock in the Hot springs begging for more, begging for it harder and faster while she rode him and gripped at his hair, but neither of them were complaining, and there was still the entire day to go.

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