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45.16% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 rated m rated r

Chapitre 14: Chapter 14 rated m rated r

Tai was pulling up at the half way mark where she agreed to meet Alex and the others when she saw a sheriff's car followed by two other vehicles following behind.

" Tai look behind them " Ali said while she focuses the camera on the infected running on all fours behind their cars while they were going as fast as they could on the trail.

" Alex it's Tai slow down when you pass and we'll get rid of them " Tai said as the three vehicles pass them, Ali smiled while the screen lights up in small red squares as she pulled the trigger. The machine gun started bellowing out .50 cal shots hitting every one of those creatures while also shooting down some trees.

"clear " Ali said as Tai takes off to catch up to the three vehicles and radioed Alex, while Ali smiled playing with the screen watching the video of her taking down over twenty of those things.

" keep going we have more on the ridge show watch out and don't swerve if they run out in front of you " Tai said as Alex replied ok along with a girl who copied from the front.

" I'm Taylor by the way it's nice to finally speak to you Tai ( "hi...my name is Lia Taylor's sister, Thanks for the assist") Lia said beside Taylor then laughter.

Ali glared at Tai who smiled while watching the area around them, Harold was doing the same and told them of the hostiles he seen in the tree line.

" only six regular infected none like we seen before " Harold said while loading a Mossberg pump that Tai gave him, they drive for over two hours when the SUV in front tire blew out.

" if I didn't watch Phil get killed by that thing I'd think he was behind this " Harold said as Tai grabbed the walkie talkie.

" do not get out until we search the area, Alex you two make space for me to get behind them " Tai said as the two other vehicles pulled to the side as they pull up behind the SUV.

Ali searched the area with the camera while six heat signatures light up a dozen of feet across from where the SUV had its blow out.

" Tai there people hiding across from them" Ali said while Tai looked on the tablet, She gets out with her AK-74u then ran into the tree line while Ali told them to dunk down inside the vehicles.

Tai ran her way to where she seen a makeshift shed made from spare wood and thick branches, when two of the men came out Tai pointed her gun at them.

" All of you come out or I will unload on all of you " Tai said as two women and another man came out with their hands up, Tai could see only one gun which was a .22 rifle in the mans shoulder.

" Please we wasn't going to hurt anyone, we haven't ate in two days and can't go further on foot " the girl said as Tai nodded her head, then grabs the walkie talkie.

" Alex can we make room for six more, Ali keep an eye out while they change a tire and Taylor you girls stay in the car while Alex takes care of the tire. " Tai said nodding her head for them to walk toward the road, Tai observed them and kept her gun on them and when they got to the car where Alex, Harold and Kyle was already taking the flat tire off .

" put your hands on the hood " Tai said as she takes her hands around their bodies while holding her gun on them, Harold kept staring at one of the men then walked over to Tai.

" they lived on the outskirts of our town, not bad people even though that one use to make some street drugs plus shine " Harold said when the man looked at him then scoffed.

" where's Phil it's a wonder he didn't get you killed yet " the man said as Harold looked down at the ground then sighed.

" well he got one of his kids killed plus the group we was with, if it wasn't for this woman and Jr I would have died and I'm telling you now if you're planning on crossing this group then all of you will die...if you truly want to survive then don't cross them " Harold said while holding eye contact with each one of them, the girl quickly needed her head and gave her word followed by the rest of them.

" Two in each car let's head out " Tai said when the machine gun started firing at thirty of the infected that was climbing up through the tree line.

" everyone get in quickly Tai said while going back to the jeep with Harold when a loud screech came from behind the regular infected, the thing that had fused with another body plus the deer was running toward them.

" Harold get in ! " Tai shouted when Harold started firing his shotgun at the creature when Tai pushed him inside aiming her AK-74u at the things legs making it stumbled forward falling to the ground but quickly jump a few feet landing beside Tai when Ali opened up fire with the heavy machine gun where chunks of the creature was being blown off while Tai got inside driving away.

" Tai are you ok " Taylor said over the radio while Lia asked in the background, Tai said she was then they drove up the trail reaching the cabin as Night was coming.

Hino saw the vehicles pull up and when she saw Tais Jeep she ran out to greet them while Tyler and Brax was finishing building the fourth platform high up in the trees .

Calista was carrying Joe while Lillian and Len stood next to them at the front door, When Tai pulled up she got out holding her gun watching the others exit the vehicles.

" Alex are new friends need to be checked for any bites or wounds" Tai said as Alex nodded his head while putting his 9mm in his pants waving the six people over that they found.

" Gin get some of the others to help unload their things" Hino said wrapping her arms around Tais neck to hug her, she seen the blackish red blood splattered on the jeep with wide claw marks going across the passenger door behind the driver.

" fourteen from Alex's group then six we found on the road plus Harold the one Jr wanted to save, he's actually a big help so we don't need to worry about him " Tai said as Hino looked at the new twenty one people who are standing before her while the two men made the five men strip down while the one woman stood awkwardly to the side when Taylor and Lia walked up to her with a polite smile.

" come over here honey we will check you out " Taylor said motioning to the other side of their vehicle the girl shyly nods then walks over with them, the last man was not wanting to take off his clothes.

" look you have to show us " Alex said grabbing the hilt of his gun while the man's brother stands in front of him trying to calm them down.

" look he's uncomfortable doing this, I can vouch for him that he wasn't touched by one of those things " his brother said while Tai walked over standing in front of the four men.

" look I wish I could take your word but I have all these people I'm responsible for so either strip or will give you a pack with some supplies plus I can maybe manage a weapon for your group " Tai said while the other three men started talking amongst themselves, his brother looked at his friends who looked away.

" Look Ricky we almost died more times than we can count, we won't make it out there without these people " Oliver said while biting his lip when Ricky looked at him then back to his brother as he pulled his clothes back on.

The girl walked back over with Taylor and Lia behind her she looked at Ricky then his brother.

" Ricky I'm sorry but Doug you need to tell them, I told you an hour before they found us to tell the others and I can't risk their lives plus my own...." Hailey said while Ricky rushed up on her being pushed back by Tai who looked at Doug up and down then stepping closer where she could smell a faint rotting smell.

" Everyone get back " Tai said holding her AK-74u with both hands while glaring at both men, Ricky stands in front of his brother with his hands up.

" please...he hasn't turned yet " Ricky said while his eyes teared up and Tai shook her head then looked at them both apologetically.

" I'm sorry but he is close to being one probably within a few hours, he already smells like them " Tai said as Hino walks back with two packs filled with supplies along with a 9mm and a half box of bullets as Tai sticks it inside one of the bags along with a sheathed knife.

" I can't ask for you to kill your brother or even abandon him but I promise he will turn and try to kill you or all of us. I'll take you a few miles out then let you out where I know a safe place you can have shelter and if you don't get bitten by one of those things I'll welcome you back" Tai said walking over to her jeep with Hino motioning the two with her, Hino gets in the back with Ricky while they let Doug sit in the passenger side with Hino holding her handgun in her lap watching both men like a hawk. Tai drove them where she and Joe found the abandoned truck, Tai gets out then hands Ricky an extra loaded clip for the gun inside the bag.

" Straight down that hill is an old truck that I actually had to stay in for a night so it'll offer you at least some protection, I'd say he has six to ten hours left and if you make it out unscathed then show yourself to us on the road with your hands up...we will let you stay with us, be careful Ricky and I'm sorry Doug " Tai said watching Ricky help his brother walk down the hill while carrying both bags.

Hino held Tais hand while looking around to make sure there is no infected near them, she tugs on Tais hand for them to leave.

" let's sit here for a while to make sure their ok " Tai said as Hino slid over on Tais lap straddling her then kisses her hungrily while biting her bottom lip for access which Tai gives to her while their tongues fight for dominance making Hino moan out when Tai squeezes her butt.

Hino pulled away from their kiss then pulled her shirt off and helped Tai pull hers off as well. Tai undid Gino's pants while they struggled taking them off, After Hino undid Tais pants taking out her member while gently squeezing it and giving slow strokes on her shaft making Tai moan.

" Ahhh haah Hino " Tai moaned out while groping Gino's breast and pinching her nipples between her fingers, She started slowly grinding against Tais member letting the head slide between her folds letting the head hit her clit.

" AHHHN MMMM" Hino moans out while grinding faster and passionately kissing Tai, Tai grabs herself then slowly pushes inside of Hinos entrance making her moan. out while her mouth made a "o" shape while Tai was thrusting up.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH YES" Hino moans out while she rotated her hips while bouncing up and down while gripping Tais shoulder digging her nails into them.

" Ohh shit Hino I've missed you " Tai said while she thrust up meeting Hino.

" I've missed you AHHH HAAH" Hino said while moaning out while she starts bouncing up and down faster with her breast bouncing in Tais face as she grabs her nipple sucking on it making Hino curl her toes.

" AHHH HAAH I'm close AHHHN" Hino moans out while her head leans back and Tai grabs her hips releasing inside of her, She held Hino closer while they both hit their orgasm and ride it out while panting.

" mmm I love you Tai " Hino has always said not getting a response from Tai, she didn't care as long as she had her and doesn't care if Tai has more than one lover as long as she doesn't leave her.

" Hino you know I love you...right " Tai said kissing Hino lovingly while Hino smiled into their kiss, she slides into the passenger seat pulling her clothes on While Tai does the same.

" let's head back so we can get the cabin out together in case those things start showing up " Tai said as Hino nodded her head remembering the marks their claws left in metal.

" yeah we are going to need more than those wood shutters for sure...how long will we wait at this cabin" Hino said holding Tais hand while they drive back, Hino seen the hickey that she gave Tai and smiled to herself.

" what are you staring at" Tai said smiling softly at Hino making her blush while Tai squeezed her hand making her smile.

" we got to fight hard against these things to make it out alive, We can't leave here for two to three weeks or Jake gives us the go ahead." Tai said as they pull up to the cabins yard, she pulls in and seen everyone working on cutting trees down to build a makeshift fence and covering the windows plus the side of the cabin reinforcing it.

" what if we don't hear from Jake" Hino said while playing with the hem of her shirt, Tai pulled the jeep up in front of the cabin then turns in her seat to look at Hino.

" You know Jake is hard to kill plus the others are as well" Tai said as Hino nodded her head then kisses Tai before they exit the vehicles, they seen Six teaching the children and others how to fire a bow that Grady has made with some extra stock that the cabin had in the workshop inside the shed next to the cabin.

" Grady found some old Bows with a roll of Bow string that was here, he also has cleaned up all the climbing gear that was inside for us to have in case we ever need it....he's been out with Brax looking for a certain type of tree that he's using to make more bows and also some homemade arrows to use." Hino said as everyone was shooting the targets, Tai noticed the girl she found with the five guys standing near the other three men with a fearful looks when the huskier man would drape his arm around her shoulder.

" I'm taking it that she's really uncomfortable" Hino said looking at the short girl who looked like she was about to cry when Taylor walked over smiling at Tai.

" hey I was wanting to talk to you about something" Taylor said as Tai nodded her head then looked at Hino.

" get her away from him by putting her to work inside I'll reach her how to use one of the bow guns since she looks weak" Tai said as Hino walked over to the girl while the husky man raised an eyebrow at her, Tai stood watching their interaction when Hino glares at the man who stepped back.

" what's your name " Hino asked the girl while the man stood beside them, Hino looked at him.

" why aren't you paying attention to what my man is teaching you " Hino said looking the man straight in the eyes, he smirks then rubs the stubble on his chin looking Hino up and down, Tai watched all of it while clenching her fist while walking away with Taylor.

" so your with that boy there...huh wouldn't peg you to pass on a real man " Hank said with a faint smile playing on his lips, Hino gave him a smug smile then looks back at the girl giving him a cold shoulder, giving the girl an expectant look for her to answer.

" H-Hailey " Hailey said with a stutter as the man cleared his throat and steps closer to the two girls trying to put his arm around Hailey and Hino grabbed his wrist stopping him.

" I'll let you know something boy, do not cross me or my men will throw you out on my order or worse so step off now ! " Hino said with anger in her voice, the man jerked his arm away from Hino and before he could say a word Harold pulled him away holding him by his collar while staring madly in his eyes.

" You have got to be the stupidest person I have ever met to still act like your the rooster in a hen house when your not, you also forcing yourself on a woman....I should put you out immediately and make it to where you cannot even have sex again or walk " Harold said shoving the shorter guy to the ground, Hino pulled her gun out pointing it at Hank who was about to jump up at Harold but stopped when he looked into Hinos gun barrel.

" look I could shoot you and no one here would bat an eye at the loss so either fall in line or get the hell out " Hino said with Authority while the men and women stodd behind Hino glaring at the man who looked around while going Pale.

" Brax take him and put him to work, no break or rest until I say so and if he don't then give him a few granola bars with a bottle of water to send him on his way...I guarantee if you take that second option and I see your face anywhere near here or is ill kill you without a second thought." Hino said while Tai and Taylor watched with a smile on her face, Taylor looked at Tai then cleared her throat.

" she had bruises covering her body, some was even belt marks... " Taylor said as Tai furrowed her brows at what she said then stormed off when Brax was walking the man around the side of the house to chop wood where he was out of sight of the others.

Tai walked around with Taylor following behind her, Tai took off her AK-74u and hands it over to Taylor who put the strap on her shoulder.

" Brax I have this go and tell Hino that I'll be around in about an hour then come back here around that time too" Tai said as she put her fingerless gloves on her hands making Brax understand what she's doing, He motions for Taylor to follow him but she stopped at the corner of the house where she could hear and see them.

" I'll wait here for Tai and keep a lookout" Taylor said as Brax nodded his head walking off to go find Hino who went inside with Hailey.

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