Nicklaus kept his indistinct gaze on the afloat girl before him, covered in a circle of letters emerging from the journal now open at the center, Ava's eyes closed, almost like she was in a Torpor state.
It began this way when the journal snapped open and responded to Ava instantly. Nicklaus knew better than to interfere with what was unfolding before him, her life wasn't in danger, she was seeking her truth.
"Find your truth Ava" Nicklaus said to the girl and not taking his eyes off her.
A/N: Song For The Background ~ The Wheel Of Time By Lorne Balfe
The letters flooded into Ava, into her head, into her senses. Everything Aldon has ever written ever since the memory of their past lives came forth, every single detail and she saw it for herself. The truth from millennia ago when Ava and Aldon were both made to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.
"The Reaper's Wicked Obsession" is out! Please check it out