"Alright everyone, the jig is made, the cranes are ready to go, and I have created a nice stockpile of Mana Crystal here for the workers to use. Are we ready to begin the construction, or should we start it tomorrow when the morning shift comes back?" Wolfe asked.
The witch next to Wolfe smiled. "That's mostly up to you. We need you to cast the arrays as we build the airframe, so we can only work until you want to sleep."
"Alright then, I will stay up and watch you work, then build the arrays as you complete the spells. At my rank, it's easy enough to just duplicate the spell as you complete it." Wolfe explained.
"In that case, we will do the fun things first. Let's start with the engines. All six of them are identical, so once you set up the spells for one of them, we can just finish our shift making the other five while you sleep. It will be perfect, and we won't waste any time." The witch explained.
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