After a series of more questions, Lucas was released on bail. Attorney Su managed to rule out a few suspicious points and firmly indicated that the young man was falsely accused.
"No signs of struggle, the bruises on Miss Mu's body are deduced to be old and the questionable ripping of her shirt. Mr. Liu insisted he has never touched Miss Mu even once. If there's really no his fingerprints on her and the items, shouldn't that speak volumes?"
The police officer was forced to bow down and agree with Attorney Su. The witnesses looked to be so stupefied as they heard the defense coming from Attorney Su.
After filling up some papers, Lucas followed Liliana and the attorney out of the office.
They didn't cross paths with Daphne at all. She had been picked up by Nolan who never stepped foot inside the station.
The clock was pointing to a quarter past nine. Lucas had to forgo tonight's class. He was entirely drained by what had just fallen on him.
Yes! Our girl is on her way to being a boss! XD