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Chapitre 14: Training

With a sense of accomplishment, I resolved the terminal maintenance issue in the Disciplinary Committee room. As I finished, I noticed a manual tea brewing and decided to make myself a cup of herbal tea.

"Okay, senpai, I'm done," I said, taking a sip from my cup of tea and retrieving my mobile terminal from my pocket. I glanced at Jarvis' progress.

"Haku, I'm curious about that," Tatsuya, who was sitting across from me, asked, his eyes fixed on my mobile terminal.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Is it a new model? I haven't seen anything like it on the market."

"Oh, this? It's actually a prototype that's not available on the market yet."

"So, you work for a tech company?"

"Not exactly, but I know someone who does," I replied. Tatsuya didn't push for further details.

"I really love this tea, it's delicious. Is there anything you can't do?"

"Thank you, and of course there are things I can't do."

Watanabe-senpai praised the tea I brewed, although I didn't take it too seriously.

"Hey, could you teach me how to cook?" she suddenly asked.

Surprised, I put down my empty cup and glanced at her for a moment. "Why?"

"I enjoy cooking on my own, and I'd like to improve my skills," she explained.

I nodded, considering her request, but I couldn't find a compelling reason to teach her. I could simply hire a few part-time employees if I decided to open my own cafe.

Wait, that's it!

If I wanted to open my cafe, I would need to recruit part-time employees. A smile spread across my face.

"By the way, if you're interested in learning how to cook, would you like to work part-time at my cafe?"

"Cafe!? You're opening a cafe? How is that even possible!?" Watanabe-senpai exclaimed, taken aback by my invitation. It was true that I hadn't opened a cafe yet, but I wanted to gauge her interest.

"Well, I haven't fully committed to it yet, but I thought it would be a fun hobby. I haven't thought too much about the details," I explained.

"I see. What would the work schedule be like?"

"Let me think..." I paused, switching off my mobile terminal and slipping it back into my pocket. "Maybe I'll start by opening only on weekends. Like I said, I haven't thought about it too seriously."

Watanabe-senpai nodded in understanding, while Tatsuya remained silent, sipping his tea.

"This sounds like fun. Well, I'll work at your cafe then," Watanabe-senpai agreed with a smile of excitement.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun. I'll contact you later to discuss the menu," I said, my own enthusiasm growing.

"Oh, please let me know, Kohai-kun," Watanabe-senpai responded, her excitement evident.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, followed by its opening. Two male students entered the Disciplinary Committee room.

"Good morning!"

"Oh, there's Nee-san!"

Excited voices filled the room, and Tatsuya and I watched in surprise.

Good morning? It was clearly already afternoon. Or was this some kind of inside joke?

The two students who entered weren't particularly tall, but they had sturdy builds. One of them seemed more experienced and trained than the other.

It was evident that the "Nee-san" they referred to was Watanabe-senpai. Tatsuya and I exchanged glances.

Tatsuya and I exchanged a spontaneous glance, our eyes landing on Watanabe-senpai, who appeared a tad embarrassed.

"Chief, today's patrol is complete! No arrests!" one of the men reported, standing with his arms rigidly behind his back. The room exuded an air of military discipline.

Watanabe-senpai rose hastily, clutching a folded piece of paper. I couldn't help but wonder when she had acquired it.

"Wow! Did Nee-san tidy up the room? Argh! Ah!"

"I told you not to call me Nee-san! Is your head just for decoration, Koutarou?" she snapped.

The man instinctively ducked, shielding his head as the paper folds rained down upon him in a slap attack.

"My apologies, Nee-no, Chief. By the way, who are they? Rookies?" he inquired.

Watanabe-senpai let out a sigh, shoulders drooping.

"As planned, they are rookies. First-year Class E, Shiba Tatsuya, and Yuki—Hey! I'm not even finished yet!"

Disregarding Watanabe-senpai, who had been left behind and forgotten by the two men, they hurriedly approached me, their eyes gleaming and cheeks slightly flushed.

I had no idea what was going on.

"You're a rookie? Welcome to the Discipline Committee! I'm Tatsumi Koutarou, from Class 3C. May I know your name? Ah, I see, so you helped clean the room, huh?"

"Welcome to the group, Sawaki Midori, a second-year student from Class D. It's been a while since we've had a female student join us. You must possess some exceptional abilities."

Perhaps it was just my perception, but it seemed like they were subtly competing with each other.

I felt they had made a mistake somewhere, so I stood up to clarify this misunderstanding.

"Nice to meet you, senpai. I'm Yuki Haku, a first-year student from Class E. Also, there seems to be a misunderstanding; I am actually a boy."

"What?" they exclaimed simultaneously.

"I'm a boy," I reiterated, dropping the bombshell.

Their faces froze momentarily before turning their gazes toward Watanabe-senpai, who burst into laughter.

Judging by the chairwoman's reaction, they knew this was no joke.

I remained standing, observing their bewildered expressions, refraining from laughing since the situation felt awkward and devoid of humor.

"Please take care of me, senpai," I said, finally retaking my seat and taking another sip of my tea.


As we gathered around for tea, the atmosphere seemed to have settled down.

"Have you all calmed down?" Watanabe-senpai asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

I quietly sipped my tea beside Tatsuya, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Across from us, Watanabe-senpai sat with the two other committee members, who appeared more composed after indulging in the soothing tea.

"Who brewed this?" the man with the meticulously styled hair inquired with a hint of admiration. Watanabe-senpai's gaze shifted towards me.

Then, he regarded me as if I were a rare creature in a zoo.

Clearing her throat, the chairwoman spoke again, "Allow me to reiterate. On the right is Shiba Tatsuya, a first-year from Class E, recommended by the student council. And next to him, also from the same class and year, we have Yuki Haku, recommended by a teacher."

"Teacher recommendation? So you're the rumored one?" Tatsumi-senpai exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe. "I saw the footage from the Chairwoman and was still amazed until now."

A surge of pride welled up within me as Tatsumi-senpai expressed his admiration for my abilities. It was a validating feeling to know that my skills had gained recognition even before officially joining the Discipline Committee.

"Gram Demolition too! His potential is very bright, Chief," Sawaki-senpai chimed in, unable to contain his approval.

The excitement in the room reached its peak as Watanabe-senpai dropped another bombshell. "I'm only going to say this once, but just now, Tatsuya-kun defeated Hattori."

The room fell into stunned silence as her words sank in. Hattori, the unbeatable powerhouse of the school, had been defeated by a newcomer. It was an achievement that sent shockwaves through the student body.

"No need to shout, Sawaki!" Watanabe-senpai snapped, bringing the room back to order.

I could sense Tatsuya's discomfort with the attention, even without looking at him. His expression remained as stoic as ever, hiding any signs of unease or pride.

"This guy is great too, Chief," Tatsumi-senpai added, breaking the silence and offering his praise.

"Two people with potential; good job, Chief," Sawaki-senpai nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with a mixture of respect and excitement.

Watanabe-senpai glanced at us, a smug smile playing on her lips. It was a clear message, as if to say, "I told you so." I tilted my head in response, still trying to process the sudden turn of events.

The question seemed too simple, almost rhetorical, but it held a deeper meaning. Tatsuya had been underestimated, judged based on rumors and preconceived notions. Now, with his victory against Hattori, he shattered those expectations and proved his worth.

"This school is filled with people who are fanatical about the idea that blooms are above all else and weeds are just their spare tires," the Chairwoman commented with a relieved smile. It was evident that she was tired of the biased hierarchy within the school. "I'm honestly tired of it all, so I'm very happy with this."

Her words resonated with me. The rigid social structure that categorized students as either "blooms" or "weeds" had always been a source of frustration. This unexpected turn of events brought a sense of satisfaction, knowing that we had challenged that status quo.

As the conversation continued, Tatsumi and Sawaki introduced themselves to Tatsuya, their words blending into the background as I listened attentively.

After bidding farewell to the Shiba siblings, who had their own business to attend to, I walked home alone, lost in my thoughts. It had been an eventful day, filled with surprises and revelations. But now, as I entered my home and was greeted by the familiar voice of Jarvis, my AI assistant, I knew it was time to focus on my true passion.

"I'm back, Jarvis," I said, taking off my shoes and exhaling a deep breath.

[It looks like you're under stress. You can rest while I process your research data, sir,] Jarvis suggested, concern lacing his voice.

"No, J. I'll be back soon," I replied with determination.

Without wasting another moment, I swiftly changed into my training clothes and made my way to the second basement level—the place where my magic practice awaited me. There, I would hone my skills, pushing the boundaries of my abilities to new heights. After all, that's what I was here to do—unleash my potential and forge my own path in this world of magic and intrigue.

My main magic, Sukunahikona, allows me to swiftly manipulate the scale, mass, strength, and density of both organic and inorganic subjects at will. In magical terms, a more fitting word would be "Eidos."

I take a deep breath, trying to clear my mind and focus. Okay, first things first. I need to alter the Eidos of my body. I channel my Psion energy and send the signal to the magic calculation area, obtaining an activation sequence. Magic begins to compose in the calculation area, and Sukunahikona is activated.

I can feel the magic working, changing the structure of my body. In less than 0.001 seconds, it's as if the world shifts away, or maybe I shrink to a mere 1 cm in size. From this new perspective, the high-ceilinged basement room appears larger, not because it has been physically enlarged, but because I have become smaller. Yet, despite my reduced size, I retain the same mass and power as when I was at my normal size, if not greater.

It's like I'm an ant with the density of a dead star, but it's strange that I don't start falling toward the center of the Earth with such density. On the other hand, I'm relieved that doesn't happen. Modern magic revolves around temporarily rewriting the Eidos, enabling a magician to maintain the change as long as they have a sufficient Psion supply. However, the magic I wield permanently rewrites the Eidos. I can sustain this altered body for as long as I desire.

With the ability to manipulate structures at the subatomic level, I contemplate mischievous possibilities. I could turn people into human ants and casually step on them, apologizing with a nonchalant, "Sorry, my bad." Or perhaps I could store planets in my own pocket dimension. Of course, I should avoid doing something foolish like stealing the sun.

Ah, I know! Maybe I'll shrink some asteroids and use them as table decorations. Ridiculous ideas swirl through my mind, but I shake them off. As much as I want to explore the limits of this magic on my own body, I need to consider how to survive in the subatomic world first.

Luckily, my Sukunahikona magic is highly practical. Besides the ability to shrink and enlarge objects, I possess a passive magic that surrounds me like a protective barrier. I can activate or deactivate it as needed. This magic, known as Sukunahikona Defense-Type, consists of four layers.

The outermost layer serves as a shrinkage function, neutralizing any threats by reducing them to subatomic size and storing them in the Daikokuten dimension. The second layer fortifies data, preventing alterations caused by magical attacks. The third layer, Dome-Gram Demolition, concentrates psion energy into a thin barrier. It acts as a failsafe, neutralizing any threats that bypass the first two layers. Finally, the fourth layer functions like an atmospheric barrier, providing me with oxygen and extending up to a five-meter radius. With this, I can survive even in the harsh environment of the subatomic world and venture into outer space without concern.

Even though I possess extraordinary powers, I don't want to become arrogant. I take precautions and remain vigilant, ensuring my magic protects me from any potential dangers. I activate my passive magic and initiate the process of Sukunahikona.

In an instant, my vision zooms out, and the world around me undergoes a dramatic transformation. I can now perceive the microscopic realm with my naked eye. Floating in this awe-inspiring landscape, I can't help but marvel at its beauty and terrifying intricacy. Tardigrades swim towards me, their tiny forms appearing as though they could devour me whole.

I don't linger and use Sukunahikona's magic to continue shrinking until— "Fuck! Did I just collide with an atom?" I halt the shrinking process, now completely subatomic in size. I find myself adrift in the void, surrounded by darkness, yet there is a strange beauty to it.

Would I survive here if it weren't for my own atmospheric barrier—a consequence of my "Heavenly Body"? I can't say, and I don't want to take the risk. I continue swimming through the void, uncertain of how much time passes. Eventually, I land on one of the atoms, chuckling at the strangeness of it all as I observe my minuscule surroundings.

Feeling a bit fatigued, I sit down on a peculiar surface. Time seems to crawl in this realm, governed by rules vastly different from the world I know. I hadn't brought any equipment with me, aside from my own clothes. And now, I find myself asking, "What the fuck!? Where are my clothes?"

To my surprise, I realized that my clothes had vanished during the shrinking process. Mental note: I definitely need better clothing materials for subatomic adventures. But more importantly, I felt a gentle energy permeating my body, and rather than resisting it, my body seemed to welcome it with open arms.

The sensation was far from intrusive; it was oddly comforting, refreshing even. It felt like inhaling air with an abundance of oxygen, reminiscent of a day at the beach. Sitting cross-legged, I focused on absorbing this "quantum energy" at a faster pace.

As time passed in this realm governed by different natural laws, I sensed that my body was undergoing a peculiar evolution. Of course, I remained human; no horns sprouted from my head or anything of the sort. I peered down at my clenched fists and flexed them a few times. Superficially, nothing seemed to have changed, but deep within, I couldn't deny that something felt different.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I made the decision to return to my original size. This magic had its loopholes. If it weren't for my abnormal memory and the magic calculation area, I might have become hopelessly lost in an alternate reality. In this reduced state, I possessed the ability to traverse various time realities—a playground of space and time.

That's it! Another crazy idea sparked within me, and a mischievous smile crept across my face. Without further ado, I initiated the activation process, specifying random time coordinates I had chosen.

August 10th, 2062, in China.

As the magic sequence completed its course, my body rapidly expanded, returning me to my usual size. "Woah! Time travel! Just what I expected from the magical world," I exclaimed, lying on the ground, awestruck by the feat.

Taking in my surroundings, I found myself amidst a dense forest. Getting back on my feet, I followed the sound of a flowing river. As I walked, the sunlight gradually filtered through the thick foliage, illuminating my path. Eventually, I emerged from the forest, greeted by a crystal-clear river and a majestic waterfall cascading from another direction.

The scene before me was nothing short of breathtaking. The forest, with its lush greenery, the river flowing peacefully, and the waterfall gracefully pouring into a picturesque lake—adorned with a delicate mist—set against the backdrop of towering mountains. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Considering my nakedness, I was fortunate not to have materialized in someone else's home or in the middle of a bustling road, given the random coordinates I had chosen. Looks like I'll need a GPS for future escapades like this. But all things considered, it wasn't a bad situation. In fact, it felt like I was on a holiday adventure. Lol.

Embracing the thrill of the moment, I sprinted toward the lake and dived in without hesitation. Thankfully, it being summer, I didn't have to worry about freezing in ice-cold water.


I frolicked in the refreshing waters of the lake, relishing the freedom and exhilaration it brought. After about 30 minutes of pure bliss, a notification from the system interrupted my enjoyment. I glanced at it, wearing the pink kimono and choker that I retrieved from the system's storage.

[The Mother Tongue has been purchased.]

Ah, that feature. I almost forgot about it since acquiring Daikokuten made it rather obsolete. It's not like I have a penchant for cross-dressing, but in a foreign country like this, disguising my identity seems like a prudent choice. Plus, with my somewhat feminine appearance, it would be challenging for the people of this time to identify me later. The mask I purchased from the system adds an extra layer of anonymity. Most importantly, I wasn't even born at this time, so it's a win-win situation.

Engaging my senses, aided by the gift of elemental sight, I observed the surroundings. Goosebumps prickled my skin. How could such a stunning place have no tourists? It dawned on me that this must be some sort of restricted magical research area. Thank goodness I've been keeping my presence hidden while I've been here.

Without dwelling on it further, I employed the body flicker technique, propelling myself with incredible speed toward the guards patrolling roughly 300 meters away from my current position.

Finding cover behind a tree, I stealthily positioned myself to ambush the two guards engrossed in conversation over their coffee, speaking in Mandarin.

"Sigh... I wish I could go home soon. My wife is pregnant, you know," one of them lamented.

"Shut up! I don't need to hear the ramblings of a newly married couple," retorted the other guard.

Perched atop the tree trunk, thanks to my "Mother Tongue" skill, I could hear their conversation crystal clear. It was time to put my plan into motion. Concentrating psion into my right arm, I prepared to unleash the "Ice Needle" jutsu.

Four long and slender ice needles materialized between my fingers, poised for action. Swiftly, I flung two ice needles at each of their necks.

"Hahaha! You should find a partner so—"

Before he could finish his sentence, two ice needles pierced his neck, rendering him unconscious instantly. The other guard jolted to his feet, a mix of horror and shock contorting his face as he witnessed his comrade impaled by the ice needles. At first glance, it would seem as if he had met his demise.

"Damn it! The enemy has—"

I replicated the same strategy with the second guard. Of course, I hadn't intended to kill them. I merely wanted to make them appear lifeless.

With a fluid motion, I appeared between their bodies, inspecting their identification cards in the hopes of unraveling my current location.

Glancing at their ID cards, the name of an institute caught my eye, clearly emblazoned on the top corner of the card.

"Hm... Kunlunfang Institute? I've never heard of it before," I muttered to myself, a perplexed expression on my face.

Livice Livice

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