In the heart of Taishan Industrial Park, a vast expanse of steel and concrete, where the relentless hum of machinery filled the air, a test of cutting tools was unfolding. This event was not merely an examination of the physical tools themselves, but a testament to the prowess of those who wielded them.
At the forefront of this intriguing display stood Feng Xuesong, a veteran director at the workshop, known and respected throughout the industry. His position and experience had thrust him into the role of a de facto leader in the realm of machining. Opposite him, a figure no less formidable in his own right, was Fan Gaoyi, a senior technician of impeccable skill. However, even Fan Gaoyi, for all his expertise, found himself constrained by the imposing shadow cast by Feng Xuesong. Here, in the workshop, Feng Xuesong's word held sway, and Fan Gaoyi, for all his seniority, dared not defy it.