Lao Hu, a renowned scientist, had made a groundbreaking discovery—a metal that held immense potential for fulfilling the requirements of the turbofan X engine. The nature of this extraordinary metal remained a mystery: was it domestically sourced or imported?
Intrigued by the news, Liang Wencheng, a prominent figure in the field, expressed his interest in examining the test report firsthand. "If this is true," he exclaimed, "please fax me the test report immediately. I would like to verify it myself."
Shortly after concluding the call, the fax machine on Liang Wencheng's desk sprang to life, steadily printing out page after page of the eagerly awaited test report. As he perused the document, Liang Wencheng's anticipation grew with each passing moment. The more he delved into its contents, the more his astonishment gave way to disbelief.