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45.16% I’m Trunks / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Is Super Saiyan Enough?

Chapitre 14: Chapter 14: Is Super Saiyan Enough?

He had finally achieved it. The Super Saiyan transformation that his people thought as a mere fairytale was now something he embodied. The sheer power of the change intoxicated Vegeta, taking his mind away from battle temporarily, causing him to indulge in the euphoric sensation of achievement.

'It's mine All mine! The power that I've been craving…. The power that my father and his father before me quested for more than anything in this universe… It's flowing through me like water through a destroyed dam.' He grinned from ear to ear as he watched the static pulsating from his body.

"Scar… It's time for the roles to be reversed."

At his remark, his son only grinned at him, as if amused by his transition, rather than intimidated.

Deciding that he would no longer allow his pride to be tainted, Vegeta charged at Trunks, launching a knee at his stomach.


Unlike all of his prior attacks, with his direct strike, Vegeta managed to not only push back the berserker, but managed to completely send him crashing into the arena-like pit's wall,

Shocked at the outcome, Vegeta looked down at his hands in disbelief at the power he had obtained.

"Ha…hahaha! This is the power that was destined to be mine from the very beginning has been finally actualized!"

He was leaps and bounds ahead of his previous self. He felt as if he had broken his limitations. There were no longer bounds to his being. This was true freedom.

While he was enthralled in his pride, his opponent showed the same level of joy and excitement for different reasons.


Trunks, who was now covered in dust and dirt, began to laugh maniacally, still looking relatively unscathed, snapping Vegeta back to reality.

"What's so funny? I'd frankly find it hard to laugh in a situation such as your own." The man spat.

"What's funny? Is that a rhetorical question, because the answer is right in front of you."

Trunks grumbled in a deep-pitched tone, climbing out of a crevice, proceeding to leisurely crack his neck and knuckles while tossing both of his swords on the ground.


Vegeta stilled his expression in front of the beast.

'That's right. Although I may have gotten overwhelmingly stronger, this boy is obviously still holding back. Although I can't feel his energy, he should be as strong as he was when he beat down Kakarot. Most likely, stronger because of his use of the Namekian Dragon balls.'

Putting his hand on his chin, Vegeta began to analyze his situation further.

'This means that my transcending hasn't even made him consider transforming… Which can only lead to two conclusions. The first; factoring in that he's very much aware of our biology, there's a chance that he's been building me up this entire time so that I could become a worthy adversary. My second conclusion is that he thinks that he can mentally break me by torturing me, proving that no matter how much strength I acquire, he is untouchable… with either of those outcomes, its still a disgustingly disgracing attack on my pride. Whatever the case may be, it stops now.'

Watching Trunks arrogantly walk toward him, Vegeta raised his power level to the maximum, causing rock and debris to rise from the ground, being repelled by his presence. He still wasn't used to the Super Saiyan form, but he still had a remainder of two Senzus left. with those and more battle experience, he intended to quickly become accustomed to his newfound power.

If he used the two Senzus wisely, then just maybe, he would stand a chance.

"To your question, no. it wasn't rhetorical. Tell me exactly what you find amusing about the situation at hand, mutant."

Vegeta enunciated with his head held high and his arms crossed.

Trunks stood in front of the Saiyan prince, still bearing a toothy grin like a creature of nightmare, towering over Vegeta, looking him directly in the eyes.

"I'm laughing because I know you only have 2 more. I felt it when I reached into that bag in your pocket. That means that I have to break every bone in your body now in order for you to become even stronger. I'll have to be delicate though. If I hurt you too bad, you might die. So I'll take my sweet time with you, toy. I'm gonna enjoy every moment-"

Before he could continue speaking, Vegeta quickly struck him in the ribs with a kick to his chest, but this time, Trunks was prepared, grappling onto his limb, then began swinging Vegeta as if he was a dreidel with a rocket attached to it.


Trunks then flung Vegeta into the sky.

As Vegeta gained altitude, Trunks began to launch large and strange-looking yellow Ki blasts with purple rings surrounding them in attempts to heavily damage his father, But Vegeta wasn't the same as before.

Quickly stabilizing himself in the air, Vegeta navigated through the Skies, avoiding all 12 planet-looking attacks,

But Trunks didn't intend on hitting his father directly.

Although his berserk state did limit his intellect, the same limitations couldn't be set for his battle prowess.

As Vegeta rapidly dodged, he quickly realized that the attacks weren't detonating. Instead, they appear to be following him, as if he was the new sun to which they orbited.

Like a deadly game of dodgeball, Vegeta agilely avoided the planet-like attacks, but he soon recognized that there was a problem. No matter how much he avoided the death asteroids, they continuously trailed him.

Looking down at Trunks who was watching him dodge the attack like a fly avoiding the swatter, he saw a glowing purple speck on his own ankle.

"This little mother-"

Before he could finish his statement, a Ki orb flew right by his face, almost touching his nose.

'That little clever shit. He placed a energy tracker on me when he grabbed my ankle.'

Realizing that the orbs were only aiming for his lower body where the marker was placed, Vegeta, dashed at Trunks who watched the situation in entertainment.

As he flew right past Trunks, he took off his shoe, throwing it at his head.

"I bought you some toys, brat! Don't say I didn't do anything for you!"

Vegeta remarked, flying a comfortable space away from the predicted blast radius.

He then watched on to see Trunks' reaction.


Trunks grumbled.

As all 12 minivan-sized blasts encroached, Trunks stuck out his hand and clasped them together which commenced the merging of all the death asteroids into one large multi-ringed yellow orbital body that expanded to the size of a multi-story building.

Although he couldn't sense his energy signature, Vegeta instinctively felt how dangerous the attack was, but he garnered no fear within himself, and decided to launched his own attack at Trunk.

Pulling his hands back, he began to charge a stronger version of the Galick Gun, maximizing his power output in a record amount of time.

"Galick, Gun!"

Although his Ki wave may have looked small in comparison to Trunks', Its potency was a different story.

As his purplish blue beam made contact with the sphere, the clouds parted due to the pressure of the collision.

The sheer output of Vegeta's attack astonished all those observing.

"Vegeta! If those attacks hit the planet, we're all done for!"

Goku shouted while Piccolo looked in ghastliness.

Piccolo hadn't never witnessed such a reckless display of power in all of his 9 years of living. The two Saiyans completely dwarfed Frieza's strength from what he had witnessed on Namek.

'They're… in an entirely different league than me. I knew Trunks was strong. I sensed his energy, but Vegeta… If I faced him right now, I would die in a heartbeat. Just how… how did he get so strong so fast? This defies all logic.' Interrupting his thoughts was an angered Vegeta.

"Shut up, Kakarot! Don't you think I know that? Let me handle this while you remain on the sidelines!" Getting momentarily distracted, Vegeta lost his footing, being pushed back.


"Damn it."

Vegeta grunted.


Pouring all of his willpower into the attack, Vegeta began pushing the blast back with a surprising amount of succession.

What he didn't realize was that the only reason he was gaining leverage at all was because Trunks was no longer in his original location.

"Vegeta! Behind you!"

Goku shouted, but it was too late.

Trunks grabbed Vegeta's nape, dragging him through his own Ki wave.

Because of the potency of the blast, Vegeta's skin on his face began to blister as if someone had doused him with boiling water.

As the both of them traveled through the Galick Gun, they soon arrived at Trunks' blast.

Trunks slammed Vegeta's body into the humongous saw-like ringed Ki orb, causing most of his armor to melt off his body while also creating a large gash across his chest.

As Trunks pushed, the deeper the spinning Ki rings would dig into Vegeta's body.

Although in agonizing pain, Vegeta fought back vehemently, managing to grab onto Trunks' arm, using his weight against him, flipping him over and slamming him into his attack.


Trunks screamed in pain, causing him to lose control of his attack, destabilizing and detonating it.


Both combatants were sent flying, but not before Vegeta applied some of his own Ki to the attack, drastically diminishing collateral damage.

Crash-landing on the ground, Vegeta felt extremely weakened. His energy left his body, falling out of the Super Saiyan transformation.


Heavily panting on the ground from losing an ample amount of blood, he stared at the sky, slowly blinking while reaching into his pocket for another senzu.

But to his dismay, the moment he opened his eyes once more, he was greeted by very irate Trunks who stood over him with ripped and tattered clothing which struck stress into Vegeta's heart.

"You hurt me."

Grunted Trunks.

Vegeta began to sweat profusely. He had wasted all of his energy on his last few attacks. He was exhausted and at his limits.

Trunks, on the other hand, didn't have a scratch on his body.

'No… This can't be! He's completely fine! Even some of his scars on his arms have healed! Did the dragon of Namek give him immortality?'

What he didn't know was that this wasn't the case at all.

Although none of Vegeta's attacks had affected Trunks outwardly, when Trunks was tossed into his own concentrated Ki attack, it shredded the skin on his chest and back, causing him to suffer from internal bleeding which amounted to severe pain.

The only thing that was repaired on Trunks' body was his skin, in order to guarantee no traces were left behind.

"You… You aren't ripe enough yet. You'll only eat when I say you can eat."

Without even realizing it, Vegeta noticed that he had froze in mid-eating motion.

With his tail, Trunks knocked the Senzu right out of his father's hand.

With enough force to shatter a moon, Trunks stomped down on Vegeta's shin, breaking it, as if it was a dry twig.


Vegeta shrieked in agony.

But Trunks didn't stop there. With another stomp, he did the same to Vegeta's other leg.


"Too Loud!"

Trunks shouted.

Trunks didn't have any healing abilities aside from his minor healing provided by him being a Saiyan, so his eardrums had limited use as of the moment. But that didn't mean Vegeta's screaming still didn't irritate the barbaric teen.


With the swing of his tail, Trunks used his sledgehammer-like tail to destroy Vegeta's larynx, removing his ability to talk.

In the distance, Goku and Piccolo finally decided that it was time to step in.

"Alright… It's time to stop this. I can't let him keep doing this to Vegeta. This is just too much."

Goku stated, taking off his weighted clothes.

"Even if he is a complete and utter dick, no one deserves this. Not even him."

Piccolo added on.

As they prepared for combat, Lord Slug, who had been concealing his energy up to now made his presence known.

"You will not intervene in Lord Trunks' battle. I will not allow it!" He declared with a glint of insanity in his eyes.

Alarmed by his presence, the Z-Fighters turned around to see the 6 '8 namekian who had previously been torn apart limb by limb.

Piccolo shot an angered expression.

"What do you mean by, you won't let us step in? And what do you mean by Lord Trunks? Wasn't he on the verge of killing you before this? How could you call a person like that, Lord?"

Angered, Slug projected his immense amount of Ki onto both of his adversaries which made them slightly sudder, making the two realize that he was stronger than Frieza and his father, combined.

"Watch your tone. If you weren't a fellow Namekian, I would have ripped your tongue out immediately, which is saying something considering I've killed my own soldiers for less."

Slug stated.

Goku and Piccolo were speechless. The man by the name, Slug had completely shifted his allegiances to Trunks.

"My lord did not kill me. He was merely giving me divine punishment for not recognizing his power. Admittedly, I was deserving." He smiled, putting his hand on his chest.

"W-what do you mean by divine punishment? What do you mean by soldiers? And how could a namekian be subservient to a Saiyan? Our people are supposed to be proud."

Piccolo stammered.

"Proud? I am proud. Proud to serve my Lord's every whim. If he wills it, a task shall be completed. As for why I was punished, the reason is obvious. My Lord decided that it was time for me to be humbled. I mistakenly thought that I was above his grace. I was proven not to be… For 5 glorious hours."

He proclaimed, falling to his knees in a sick and twisted reverence, while Piccolo looked at him in disgust.

Although his power level was high enough for both of them to be intimidated, there were a lot of questions to be asked.

"Goku… What the hell is wrong with him? What does he mean by 5 hours?" Piccolo asked, not caring to whisper.

"Well, I'm not sure exactly. Like I said before, this guy was eviler than Frieza when me and Trunks got here. Around that time was when Trunks started fighting. Trunks said that we could use him as a sparring partner. After Trunks beat him real good, he started threatening our families so Trunks beat him so more. That was when I saw him start to get less evil. And since I thought Trunks knew what he was doing, I left to korin's to get some Senzus. When I came back, Trunks was still beating him."

Feeling embarrassed that he didn't sense what was happening with his new future friend, Goku laughed nervously.

"This guy said he had 5 hours of punishment. Tell me just what the hell were you doing for 5 hours straight to not realize that Scar was losing control over himself!" Piccolo exclaimed.

"I uh… Met a family of penguins, and they kinda adopted me."

he scratched his head, realizing how ridiculous he sounded.

Piccolo's jaw dropped in disbelief and rage, then he faced plamed, loud enough that it echoed throughout the battlefield.

Washing his hand over his face, he stared at Goku, resisting the urge to strangle him.

"What… Happened… Next."

" That was when you guys showed up… but all in all, I thought this guy was gonna be a new sparring partner. But that doesn't matter right now. Didn't this guy say that he had soldiers we need to worry about?"

Realizing that Goku was attempting to change the subject, Piccolo silently vowed to get stronger so that he may one day be able to end Goku's life upon making another idiotic decision.

"We are gonna talk more about this later, Goku. For now, I'll let you be right."

He then looked to Slug who was still on his knees, looking to be reminiscing on his torture.

"You said you have soldiers. Where are they?"

Looking up at Piccolo, Slug stood up with a smile.

"They're here, on this planet, awaiting my command while I await Lord Trunks' command. Until then, I will not allow you two to intervene on his combative experience. Your deaths will follow."

"But can't even you see that Trunks isn't himself right now? He almost blew up the planet just a little bit ago with all of us on it." Goku said, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the man's willingness to serve a complete stranger.

"If Lord Trunks wishes to destroy this planet, he has willed it for a reason. He is the great divine entity that no mortal can surpass. Not even an immortal such as myself dares to challenge his glory." Slug stated, almost frothing at the mouth in admiration.

"Goku… What else did Trunks do in that span of 5 hours? How did this man turn into a weird self-deprecating massicioust?"

"I'll be honest. I don't know what a massicioust is. But I'm not sure how he ended up like this. I thought the Trunks was beating some sense into him, but I guess he only got more crazy."

While they conversed, on the battlefield, Trunks continued to beat down on his father.


With every punch to the face, Vegeta lost another tooth.

With every breath, more blood filled his lungs.

With every second, he reflected.

'I've lost too much blood… I feel my consciousness slipping away… I don't even feel the pain anymore…He's just too strong… even after all of this I'm still too weak… I can't do anything…I'm going to die. Just like the rest of my people.'

"Weakling. You're just like all the rest."

Trunks growled.

With the vocalization of his intrusive thoughts, Vegeta snapped.

'No! This is not how it will end for me!'

Right when he felt like giving up, the burning Saiyan Spirit within him reignited.

He didn't care that his body was broken. He didn't care that he would lose the fight. But what he did care for was his pride. It was the variable that differentiated him from all others.


With another explosion of energy, Vegeta ascended to his Super Saiyan form once more, headbutting Trunks with more power than he ever before exerted, catching the boy off guard, breaking his nose, and flinging him into the far-off distance, splashing into the ice cold ocean.

Standing up on his already broken legs, Vegeta reached for the Final Senzu Bean, seeing as the other one had been tossed away.

Putting it into his toothless mouth, Vegeta crunched the Senzu with his dislocated jaw, replenishing himself.

His teeth grow back. His bones snapped back together. His cuts, bruises, and burned skin all healed, skyrocketing in his power level to double of what it was prior.

He was far stronger than Piccolo. He was far stronger than Kakarot. And he was now even leaps and bounds ahead of Slug. But mentally, he had surpassed the phase of comparing himself to other people.

His concern was no longer achieving his dreams of being the most powerful in the universe, instead, he was purely focused on survival.

Unbeknownst to him, his strike was so powerful that it had enraged Trunks more than ever.

All five of the boy's senses had increased, including his sense of feeling.

When he experienced the sensation of pain, it was double that of your average person. When he experienced the sensation of cold, the same logic could be applied.

Right now, Trunks was not only cold, but in pain.

He couldn't focus on anything else besides the pain… and the person who caused it.

He was angry.

So angry that any remnants of his consciousness had slipped away.

As Vegeta looked on, the Earth beneath him started to shake. Not just underneath him, but everyone in a thousand-mile radius.

The clouds in the sky started to conglomerate.

The water in the ocean began to ripple, creating tidal waves that washed on land in every which way.

All animals began to scurry in fear, rather those animals originated from the sea or land. All of their instincts warned them of the impending danger. They would all die if they stayed even a moment longer in the same place.

Purple and yellow lightning began to strike randomly throughout the vicinity.

Vegeta as well as all of the others, watched on anxiously as a newly formed being with a red bandanna around his neck slowly emerged from the ocean.

This being could no longer be considered Trunks.

This entity's eyes were completely white.

His long purple spiked hair now had golden streaks in different segments. His front bangs had lengthened, being purple at the root and golden at the tips, while purple and yellow electricity sparked off his body with every heartbeat.

What was this Transformation? Could this even be called Super Saiyan? This was the question that rang in the heads of all those knowledgeable.


The beast Saiyan who was covered in a purple-ish black aura roared while exuding his energy without any regard for the earth itself, causing all those around to fall to their knees, including the recently empowered Vegeta.

No one could feel the creature's energy. What they did feel was his overwhelming hatred.

(Goku! What in hell is going on down there! I can sense that nasty-ass energy from my planet!)

Shouted King Kai who created a telepathic link.

Goku could barely breathe while Piccolo had fallen to the ground, unable to pick himself back up.

"He's… my friend."

(That monster is your friend?! He's about to destroy your planet and you're telling me he's your Friend?!)

King Kai shouted in absolute utter disbelief.

"He is. He just lost control over his power somehow and I don't know exactly what to do about it."

Goku uttered.

While everyone else was in a panic, Slug slammed his head on the ground while tears began to trickle down his face.

"Lord Trunks! I am grateful that you allow me, your vessel, to see your true power! I am eternally grateful, sire!"

[King Kai's POV]

"What do you mean, he lost control?!And just what the hell is Slug doing there?! Why is he crying? He supposed to be a gutless tryrant."

There was so much confusion going on in my head. My job was to monitor the northern galaxies, yet here I was, having to babysit earth.

The second I took my eye off of it, everything went to hell.

Just why did Goku have to bring trouble wherever he went.

(I don't know. He started acting weird ever since he got immortality and Trunks beat him up. And wait, you can sense my friend's energy?)

"Uh Duh! I'm a God, ya dingus! Why wouldn't I be able to sense his energy? Wait, can you not sense that monster's Ki? Also, did you just tell me that one of the most evil beings throughout the galaxies is immortal now?! Why do you have to make my life a living nightmare! How could you let him collect all the Dragon Balls?!"

I swear, this guy was gonna be the death of me.

(Well… about that, I-)

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it right now… also, Why the hell is Vegeta a Super Saiyan? How is he a Super Saiyan when you're supposedly supposed to be a pure heart to unlock the form?"

(See, the thing is-)

"Oh god! Do you ever stop interrupting? Let me finish talking! Jeez."

(But-but you asked me the questions! I was trying to-)

"Zip-it, Goku! God… so rude. You can't even let me get a word in."





"Well? Don't just be silent, you weirdo! How are you gonna stop that guy from blowing up your planet?"

(But you told me to be quiet and to let you speak!)

"What? When have I ever said that?"

(You literally just said it though!)

"Now why would I say such a thing, especially when my favorite disciple's life is in danger?"

(King Kai, no offense, but you're making my head hurt.)

"So what? You make my head hurt twice as much. Deal with it."


"Don't sass me, boy. Go on, tell me how you plan on dealing with this primal Saiyan. Cause if you can't, not just earth, but the northern galaxies may be at stake."

(Well… I was thinking about it, and I think the only way to stop him is by using the Kaiō-Ken x10 with the addition of Super Saiyan.)

"What?! Does your brain work?! What do you mean you're gonna use Super Saiyan with Kaiō-Ken? Do you want to die?"

Kaiō-Ken was my very own special technique that I spent centuries crafting. I knew of his powers and drawbacks better than anyone. It had the capability of squaring a persons power, but the more extensively a person used it, the greater the consequence.

To use it, one needed to have a calm mind and a settled heart. It took an unreal amount of stamina to keep the power itself, and if a person lost their composure for even a moment, their entire body would explode.

Although Goku was good at using it, to add a transformation that takes stamina to maintain would be a guaranteed sentence to the afterlife.

If Goku died, I would have to deal with him constantly trying to blow up my planet. On top of that, I told him that I had a Limitless amount of techniques that I could teach him, knowing good and well that I only had 2 that he could use. He would probably want to come here to learn more. What if he lost respect for me and decided to stop being my disciple because I lied?

Before I knew it, I was sweating like a teenage boy on prom night.

'Crap…well, I'm sure I can think of something to hold him over. At least, until his friends wish him back, but that's assuming he doesn't die instantly.'

(I mean, dying would be bad, but if it's the only way to save everyone, what other choice is there?)


"Oh boy…"

(Tell me about it.)

"… Alright. I'll I guess there's nothing more for me to say besides, I hope you don't die."


With that, I cut off the connection between him and I while still watching the battle from my planet.

"For Pete's sake I hope he doesn't die… Gregory!"


My bug companion shouted from the living room.

"Hide all the cookies!"

"Why? Is Goku coming?"

"Don't know yet. Let's just play it safe!"

"Got it!"

With that, I got into my red Cadillac and turned on the radio, listening to some hip-hop to ease the mind.

[Back on Earth]

Goku stood upright, fighting the overwhelming pressure that overcame him.

"Alright buddy. Looks like I gotta knock some sense into ya."

He mumbled, which caught the ears of Slug.

"You dare!? I will not allow-"


A red aura beamed out of Goku as he afterwards turned Super Saiyan, punching Slug in the stomach, making him fall to the ground unconscious.

Conserving energy, he released the red aura, making his way over to the Super Saiyan Vegeta.

"Hey, Vegeta."

He said with a welcoming smile.

Gaining his bearings, Vegeta stood up and looked at Goku with a frown.

"What, Kakarot."

He uttered without taking his eyes off of Trunks

"I think it's time that you tag me in."

"Are you an idiot or did you not hear me Earlier. This is my fight."

"Yeah… I get that, but at a point, you gotta be real with yourself here, buddy." He said, placing his hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Excuse me, you low class rat bastard? Even after realizing that I'm stronger than you now, you dare to go back on your word?"

"Although I do admit that I'm going back on my promise to you, I can't exactly say that you're stronger than me. I still have the Kaiō Ken, after all."

Looking back at his memories, Vegeta, indeed, did remember the aforementioned technique. Not only was it used against trunks, but Goku used it against Vegeta himself when he first arrived on earth.

Vegeta knew that he stood no chance against Trunks, which is why Goku's proposal frustrated him so much. He was right, although his pride wanted to deny the fact.


"Go ahead then. Die. Have one of these earthlings wish you back, because I will not be wasting my time on the likes of a dishonorable battle manic."

"Come on, Vegeta. Don't be like that. I'm trying to save your son."

"Do as you will. If you do end up saving that barberich idiot, there'll be no one to save him from me after what he did."

"Don't you think that's a smidge too harsh? I'm pretty sure he had good intentions when he made his wishes. He just made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes every now and again. Even you."

"I've never made a foolish mistake as grand as that child in all of my 30 years of living."

"But didn't you used to blow up planets."

"… Screw you, smart ass."

"At least you didn't call me stupid this time."

Goku chuckled while Vegeta walked away.

Looking towards Trunks, Goku's expression changed.

'Alright… it's time to do this thing.'

Jumping up a few times, Goku internally encouraged himself.

"Kaiō-Ken times 10!"

His veins immediately bulged while he felt fire ants, crawling all over his body and biting down on him.


'Gotta make this quick.'

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