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11.62% Harry Potter: Heir to Ancient Magic / Chapter 4: Little Whinging, Potter

Chapitre 4: Little Whinging, Potter

That morning, Adam had a talk with George, and he hoped the old man would be in favor of his request.

George had a thoughtful face, it was the first time Adam had seen the old butler hesitate so much in one of his requests.

''You know there's a great school here in France too, right? '' he asked

''Yes, but I still keep my choice''

''May I know why?''

'Because Hogwarts is going to be the scene of many extraordinary events and in a few years the second dark lord will return and start the war once more'

Of course Adam didn't say that, he didn't think long before making a simple excuse.

''Hogwarts is the best school in Great Britain, in addition, the current headmaster of the school is the great Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of his time'' Answered Adam

It was a common excuse and it made sense, it was as if Adam, who wanted to be the greatest wizard, wanted to be close to one of the great ones.

George sighed and nodded at the end.'' All right. I will prepare the change''

The old man looked at Adam fondly, his eyes a little sad, and commented, ''I never thought I'd be back to that place so soon…''

Adam knew why the old man was sad, he was too, but he didn't want to run from the past, just as he didn't want to avoid the future, even if they were both so dark.

''Dad and Mom as well as Grandpa, none of them would want us to run away from the bad memories'' Said Adam, hugging the old butler

George was startled and his eyes filled with tears.'' what are you saying brat..you don't even remember that time..

Remembering a time of peace the butler lamented, he would give anything to have those days back.

Adam thought the same way, since awakening the magic and training his occlumency, he remembered his whole life, even the memories of when he was a newborn.

He remembered his parents and his grandfather, the affection and tender feelings they had for him, but in a single day he lost all of that.

The war was cruel to the Davies family, his parents died in an attack by Death Eaters.

After that his grandfather, chose to send him away with George to France, but he himself would not run away, he would never leave his home and angry at the loss, he faced the war head on, all Adam knows is that he died, but he doesn't know who killed him.

The most ironic thing is that all this was just a few weeks after the end of the war, with the fall of Voldemort.

At that moment a cold light flashed in Adam's eyes and he swore a silent oath.

''I'll kill any Death Eater I get the chance''

The move wasn't difficult, Adam didn't have to worry about a thing.

The Davies mansion in England was three times the size of the one in France. Adam had never seen such a large house, with several bedrooms, bathrooms and other rooms.

The library was huge, with hundreds of books, some so old he was sure they were worth a fortune and he couldn't wait to read them all.

The land around the mansion was gigantic, there was a small forest that surrounded the mansion.

There was still a large garden where some plants and herbs were grown.

In the first few days at the mansion, Adam took the time to explore the mansion and its facilities, everything was in perfect condition, after all, even Adam and George leaving the place several years ago, there were still people to take care of the place.

After exploring the grounds, Adam decided to take a walk, he wanted to check a few things out. After all, he had done nothing but study magic since he regained his memories. Although his trip could count as leisure, in the end he was even more focused on studying.

''Grini, if Uncle George gets back before me, tell him I'm out for a walk.'' Said Adam by the fireplace,

''Young master will go out alone? '' asked the worried elf, after all they had arrived a few days ago

''Don't worry, I told George he could leave in a few moments.''

Adam wasn't lying, after arriving in England he told George he might want to go out for a walk and the butler who was out of time because of some bureaucratic meetings just asked him to be careful.

At the fireplace, Adam took a handful of floo powder and said '' Leaky cauldron ''

The moment he threw the powder, it was consumed by a green flame and disappeared.

It wasn't the first time Adam had traveled like this, so he didn't feel any discomfort.

Adam surveyed the new surroundings with interest, the bar was sparsely populated and most of the tables were empty, there was some movement at the counter where a man who Adam guessed was Tom, the bar owner, was chatting with some customers.

Adam's arrival didn't draw attention, after all, it was common for wizards to arrive through the fireplace, with the intention of going to Diagonal Alley.

''Another day I'll go exploring'' He murmured as he looked at the back passage, where the entrance to Diagonal Alley was.

Today the purpose of his trip was different.

Adam headed towards the bar's exit, through the door that led to the muggle world.

Adam had gained a lot of experience moving around during the trip so, although he had never been to London, he had no difficulty getting transport to his destination.

Having no Muggle money, Adam used a simple invisibility spell on himself and went unnoticed.

''I need to learn to shed as soon as possible, even if it's illegal,'' he said when he reached his destination.

The street ahead of him looked faintly familiar, especially house number four.

Adam was in Little Whinging, and ahead of him was the Dursley house.

Adam's intention on this trip was to take a look at the boy who lived. History books were not part of Adam's current study schedule, so he knew next to nothing about the current era in England, all he knew was that Voldemort had fallen.

So, Adam decided that it would be a good idea to take a look at how Harry was doing, if by chance it was different from what he knew, and the boy was suffering more than in the original, he could try to help in some way.

With that in mind, he approached the house, but soon realized that something was wrong.

''Why don't I feel any magic traces? '' He mumbled confused.

He knew that the Dursleys' home must have strong protection magic, but he couldn't feel the slightest trace of magic.

For a moment he thought it might be too strong a magic for him to feel, but he soon dismissed that idea.

''When I was in the east I came into contact with some extremely powerful magic that made me want to run, and I could still feel it''

Suspiciously Adam who was still under the cloaking spell approached the house, so close he could see through the window.

Inside he could see, the tv was on and a woman he guessed was Petunia was ironing her clothes as she watched.

'Should I get inside your mind?' Adam thought for a moment.

Then he laughed when he found himself in doubt.

''This is not the time to think about invasion of privacy''

Without delay, Adam launched his consciousness into Petunia's mind, who had no idea what was going on.

Adam didn't force it, he let his awareness flow, first on the surface memories, on what she was feeling at that moment.

He felt her mood was good, she was watching a show that she liked comedy.

Also, your last few weeks have been great. The husband of the neighbor down the street found out about his wife's betrayal, and even so he chose to forgive her.

That was the current subject on the lips of the residents of the street, and Petunia who loved a gossip had spent several hours with friends talking about the subject, and as always they suspected that woman was no good.

In addition, her husband Vernon Dursley, had just closed a great deal on the company, and with the extra money they would change cars, she couldn't wait to drive in the new car, and drive down the street with the window open, for everyone to see .

And not least, there was her little Dudley. She was so proud of son that she had already arranged with her husband to buy many gifts for him son's upcoming birthday.

'She looks happy…' Adam understood this, just from the first layer of recent memory.

With just that, Adam already knew something was very different, he couldn't find any mention of wizards or Harry Potter.

'Let's see what you keep in the depths of your mind'

Adam didn't hesitate long and decided to dive deep into Petunia's mind. As she was a Muggle, Adam wasn't afraid to be a little more 'intense'.

Adam felt like he was plunging into a deep lake, his mind going deeper and deeper. Soon he felt an extremely strong memory, but it was surrounded by bad feelings.

He could feel envy, anger, sadness, and bitterness.

'Some important event must have marked her a lot' he analyzed and decided to start there.

After focusing on that memory, Adam saw a scene form in front of him, it looked like a dream, it was somewhat blurred and lacked details in some parts. But he could still understand the events in memory.

There were a few people there, but Adam focused on the two girls present.

From the connection he felt through the memory, he knew that one of them was Petunia, in her childhood.

The other, an eleven-year-old girl with red hair, was excitedly holding a letter. On the letter a large H-shaped coat of arms made its origins obvious to Adam.

After that he jumped to another memory, the red-haired girl was saying goodbye to her family, it was the first day of school. At that moment, Petunia's envy and frustration did not stop growing, she did not even speak to her sister, and the few words they exchanged were insults, in an attempt to pretend not to care, showing repudiation of what her sister was.

So Adam started jumping from memory to memory, time passing quickly, one summer after another, whenever his sister returned from vacation, with new tricks and stories to show the family, exotic-flavored beans and chocolate frogs that jumped .

Lily was the pride of the family.

He saw through these memories, until he came to one in particular, it was a wedding invitation. His sister was going to marry the good-for-nothing, and also freak, Potter.

She, of course, did not go to the wedding. She and her husband were normal people, they didn't want to mix with those freaks.

A while later she found out that her sister was pregnant.

She didn't seek to know anything about her sister after learning about the gravider, anything that was born from her would be like them, it should be a freak too, just like the parents. The child would never be, like her precious Dudley.

After that, Adam didn't see anything about Lily, or Harry. For the past ten years, she has had no contact with her sister.

After Adam left Petunia's mind, he turned and walked away from the Dursleys' house.

''Why is there no harry? or anything about the attack on the Potters?'' he asked as he walked away.

But no matter how much he thought, he couldn't find the answer.

Adam knew he wouldn't find the answer there, so he decided to go back first.

After returning to Davies Manor via the leaky cauldron's floo powder net. Adam noticed that George still hadn't come back, so he called out to Grini. ''Grini''

In the next instant the house-elf appeared in front of him.'' Yes, young master? ''

Adam thought a moment before speaking.'' Please get me the latest edition of the Daily Prophet and any back issues from the last decade, and enjoy and subscribe to me monthly.''

As if thinking of something he added. ''Buy also, the books about the end of the first wizard war''

After Grini left, he went to take a shower. His head ached, but he knew a shower would do the trick.

Showered, and mental energies recovered, Adam put on a robe and sat on a pillow in his room, next to the window, where he could feel the warmth of the sunlight. sun on his face, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

About fifteen minutes later, Adam looked at the door, and shortly after, there was a knock.

''Please, come in''

The door opened and Grini came in with a tray of tea and biscuits. After placing them on the small table next to Adam, she snapped her fingers and several newspapers and books appeared in front of her, she left them beside her on the table. After knowing that Adam wanted nothing more, she bowed and left.

Adam sipped his tea as he looked at the front page of the paper.

'Let's see if I can find something about...'

''Pufffff'' Adam spat out his tea and nearly dropped the cup the moment he read the first headline.

''Potters are seen in the ministry''

Then there was a photo, with four people. Adam quickly recognized the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter, with his iconic scar in the shape of a bolt of lightning, whose photo was focused on the side.

Next to him was a girl, who looked to be the same age, looked like his sister, Isabella Potter. And right behind them, there was a man very much like Harry, James, and a beautiful woman, who looked like the girl next to Harry, and reminded Adam of Petunia's memory. Especially during the last couple of summers her sister came home. Adam had seen that face before, although younger, there was no doubt that it was Lily, Harry's mother.

Following that line of reasoning, he understood that the man in the picture was none other than one of the Marauders, James, Harry's father.

Adam took a deep breath and began to study the newspapers, taking in every mention of the Potters.

After the newspapers, he read the books, paying attention to every important point.

A few hours later, Adam had a good idea of the events of that decade, involving Voldemort and the Potters.

Starting at the beginning, there wasn't much information about the night of October 31st, the night of Voldemort's downfall. A lot of information was obscure and it was difficult to understand.

But Adam understood one thing, somehow it was James' parents who died that night, not him and Lily.

But that only made Adam have even more questions.

If Lily didn't sacrifice herself, how did Harry survive?

Without sacrificial protection, how was Voldemort defeated?

''But Harry still has the scar, so the prophecy was sealed that night,'' he muttered.

The first time Adam saw Harry's parents alive, he thought that perhaps Voldemort had chosen to kill Neville that night. But seeing the scar on Harry, and the death of James' parents, it all points to Voldemort coming to Godric's Hollow that night.

And by attacking Harry, he sealed the prophecy and marked him as his equal, just like in canon.

Adam, it took a while to absorb everything, he looked out the window and admired the beautiful moon that was now high in the sky, majestic.

After a while, Adam sighed and looked at the picture of the Potters in the newspaper.

''At least Harry won't have to go through the pain of losing his parents and being raised with those shitty uncles.''

The following week, Adam focused on studying the repercussions of the Potters' survival more deeply and understanding the current landscape.

Adam knew that if he was going to get on the grand chessboard that was Britain's current political landscape, he would need to know all the pieces.

During the week, George discovered that Adam was studying the political scene, and the current distinguished powers.

He saw him buy newspapers new and old, and study them carefully, looking for information in books and consulting him sometimes to clear up doubts.

George had no intention of stopping him. He had long understood that the still young Adam was way ahead of his peers.

He had been supporting him unconditionally for a long time and letting him develop.

George took a sip of strong drink in his quarters and muttered, ''It's a shame the master isn't here to see him grow up.''

The old butler had his feelings that he had been trying to keep in the back of his mind back as soon as he arrived at this mansion, after all this had been his home for most of his life, but now it was so silent…

Adam analyzed and filed all the information he could.

The biggest change was the division that the wizard world took, being even more severe than in the original. Now British Wizard society was divided into three major factions, Dark, Gray and Light.

The Dark faction is pureblood supremacist, and seeks to maintain and increase power within pureblood families with similar ideals. To them, Muggle-born or Muggle-sympathizing families are the disgrace, they are blood traitors.

The Malfoys were the ones who led the Dark faction, they were the second richest family under the Dark Lord's command, after the Blacks, making them his current main sponsors. Lucius Malfoy was a man who knew how to invest his money in corrupt power.

Since the fall of the Dark Lord, where he managed to get away with pretending to be controlled. He has been injecting more and more money into the ministry, with donations and contributions.. The current ministry was full of employees who served the Dark faction.

The Gray faction, tried to remain neutral, aiming to profit from this whole mess. Avoiding accepting any extremist ideas from the other factions.

Jacob Greengrass, current leader of the former Greengrass family, was the leader of the faction. He managed to keep the faction together, and increased its forces after the end of the first wizard war.

Then there was the Light faction.

The Light faction tried to keep power away from the Dark faction. They propagate the mentality that supports half-bloods and muggle-borns. With the survival of the Potters, the light faction had a lot of power, using the influence of the boy who lived.

One of the points that the light faction defends, is the strong adversity to the use of lethal spells, even on enemies, even against death eaters, they defended their prisons and Azkaban.

Such a thought could not help but be laughed at by the other two factions.

Albus Dumbledore was the leader of the Light faction. As the current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Magic, in addition to many political positions, and high influence and fame, for defeating Grindelwald.

The name Albus Dumbledore was often placed above the Minister in terms of influence.

Also, in the shadows, Dumbledore led the order of the phoenix, a group of wizards who defended the same ideal: the defeat of the Dark Lord.

Some members of the order were well known, such as the Potter couple, Sirius Black, and Mad Eye Moody, among others.

Most members of the order hold important positions in the Ministry of Magic, bringing them privileges and influence, thus ensuring a fluid network of information.

When he finished organizing what he learned, Adam was thoughtful.

''Clearly Dumbledore has the upper hand''

Adam believed that the three factions had many flaws, perhaps the gray one was the most solid, for keeping its ambitions more contained.

As long as Voldemort is out of the Dark faction's leadership, he will be low-offensive, stalling his attacks, and keeping a low profile. Once again Voldemort returns, she will show her strength and greatness.

The Light faction and their ideology of not using lethal spells was, in Adam's opinion, ridiculous.

Especially in a war, where life and death would be between a simple spell. But he wasn't ignorant and recognized the faction's power, after all there was Dumbledore and the order behind it.

Albus Dumbledore was probably the most important name. He had it all, power, influence and knowledge beyond anyone else. Thus allowing him to be both a name to be respected in the light and the master of the board in the shadows, moving each piece at will.

Adam looked at the picture of the Potters in the newspaper and sighed.'' Asked me how much they know''

Adam doubted that Dumbledore had told the Potters about the prophecy's contents. After all at this point, where Voldemort had not used Harry's blood to return, knowing the prophecy was the same as knowing, that Harry, was nothing more than the ultimate sacrifice, for the greater good.

And no parents would accept having their child raised for slaughter, like a pig.

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