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20.86% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 24: Interrogation

Chapitre 24: Interrogation


In the forest, almost at the entrance to the village, two poorly dressed, smelly, unattractive and somewhat injured people were expressing their frustrations as they advanced towards the village...


Everything for nothing!

No trace of who lit the bonfire!


"It's likely that we have crossed paths with him on the way...

We will have to inspect the village again…"

They were the two pirates who had gone looking for Fred and Stephen, but returned extremely angry and disappointed to find no one in the direction from which they had seen the smoke. After a lot of effort, time and problems they managed to reach the origin of the fire but when they got there they only found an almost empty cave with some tools and heavy training equipment that they refused to steal due to its weight and little use for them

"And what do we do if there's no one?

We have to deliver someone's head to the captain and it can't be someone he saw..."

"If there's no one, let's look inside the houses, it's possible that one of us has killed some peasant that the captain hasn't seen"

"But what if whoever killed him accuses us of lying in front of the captain?

We'll be screwed"

"We're already screwed..."

"And if we run away?"

"Run away?

Do you remember what happened with Ambrosio?"


I haven't said anything"

They finally arrived at the village with the intention of finding that person who had made them walk and suffer so much. With that goal in mind they planned to catch the crying children and force him out and hopefully even make him surrender voluntarily to being killed in exchange for freeing the childrens.

However, when they arrived at the village, it was very different from how they had left it...


Where're the bodies?

"And the kids?"

There wasn't a single body on the street whether it was dead or alive… and there were no crying children anywhere. The town had been completely deserted and this spoiled their poor plans again, so they tried to replant their strategy again...

"Do you think they hid from us in case we came back?

Or that maybe they are burying the bodies near here?"

"No idea, but first let's check the boats...

If those brats have broken them or something similar we won't be able to get out of this shitty island of…"





However, before they could agree on anything, they both felt a prick in their neck, a painful but annoying prick, as if they had been bitten by a mosquito….

Something they didn't give much importance to despite how annoying it was...



A serious mistake, since after a few seconds everything around them began to spin and shortly after their bodies stopped responding, falling to the ground as if they were sacks of rotten potatoes



And only after lying on the ground, without being able to move any muscles, the pirates could finally hear the voice of the people they wanted to kill.

"You see Stephen, just like I told you, my [Sleeping Beauty Mark 10] works quickly intravenously, especially when injected directly into the aorta.

If I manage to develop a fast-acting anaesthetic capable of completely masking the needle prick and only the needle prick… and of course it doesn't conflict with my other poison it will be almost perfect"

"Have they fallen asleep yet?"

Those high-pitched immature voices seemed to belong to two children, children who seemed to be approaching them as they gradually began to lose control of even their thoughts and eyelids.

"Not yet, the paralysing effect acts before the sleeping one… but in a few seconds they will go into a coma for about forty-eight hours"

"A couple of days?

So how do we interrogate them?

We don't have that much time"

"Don't worry, I have an antidote for that.

I'm prepared for everything..."

In this way, the last thing the two pirates saw before falling asleep against their will was the face of two elementary school children, who not only talked about things inappropriate for their age, they also had an athletic and muscular physique that didn't match the tone of their voice at all

But above all... eyes with which they looked at them from above, as if they weren't looking at human beings, but at a plague that they had to exterminate





And when they woke up, the first thing they saw was one of those children looking at them in the same way.

"Good afternoon-evening... my name is Fred and I am about to start an interrogation.

Don't try to move, apart from being tied to a chair except for your head your whole body is still paralyzed.

I only gave you a diluted version of the antidote so that you could wake up and use your brain and it's immediate surroundings"

In front of one of the pirates was one of the children he had seen before losing consciousness, a boy quite difficult to forget, not only due to the disturbing situation in which he saw him for last time… since his long red hair was very striking, as were the firm and defined muscles that stood out from his entire body, which clashed with his obviously childish face and voice

Without being able to turn his head, just using his eyes, he looked around and saw that he was in a room that looked like a chemical laboratory, and he seemed to be tied in a chair from which he couldn't move. In that small laboratory there was no trace of his partner... there was only him, the boy in front of him and a bunch of medical items that he was unable to identify due to his lack of education.

And when someone wakes up in that situation, it's obvious that the first question would be... "Who the fuck are…"



What wasn't so obvious, at least for the pirate who was being interrogated, is that the child would interrupt his question by punching him in the stomach with a force quite abnormal for a child…

"I'm the only one who asks questions here

First question...

Where's the rest of your crew?

From what my friends told me, you have a secret base near here that you need to return to, I would need its exact location" Said Fred, the redhead, who began the interrogation by exposing his intentions without beating around the bush

A fatal mistake made by the Leech pirates was mentioning certain critical details in front of a girl as attentive, detailed and with a good memory as Tania. Perhaps due to stupidity, overconfidence or because they didn't expect a girl in that situation to be able to notice this important information.

Information that Fred planned to complete thanks to those two scumbags "I'm talking to you…"

And obviously… at least on the first try… the pirate wasn't very participative. Partly for not revealing his hiding place betraying his nakama and also because it would be humiliating to be interrogated by a kid "Do you really think I'm going to..."



And once again Fred stopped his speech with a punch to the stomach, also stopping his breathing as well and almost making him vomit "You will...

Do yourself and me a favor and answer truthfully…

In this way you will avoid unnecessary suffering and I won't have to spend more energy than necessary"

Fred had established the terms of the negotiation...

Answer or I'll keep hitting you!

Terms that the pirate couldn't dismiss in any way, after all he was unable to move and didn't have reinforcements. Therefore, in order to avoid being used as a punching bag and at the same time not betraying his crew, he came up with a revolutionary idea.

'Fucking shitty kid...

I'm going to send you to the Grand Line' Thought the pirate as he was about to give him a wrong address "... Ok...

Our base is on an island to the south of here…

It's in..."




Ahhh...." The pirate screamed in pain as he was hit in the stomach again, this time with much more force, so much force that he threw up on himself before he could protest

"South you say?

It's different from what your partner said...

And that means that you have lied to me, that he has lied to me or that both of you have lied to me...

And I don't like being lied to..." Fred said as he grabbed the pirate by the hair tightly and showed him his psycho face. A very sinister face that the sadistic pirate only remembered seeing on his infamous and monstrous captain

The pirate finally realized that he had underestimated that boy and the situation he was in.

That child had caught them easily and without realizing it, probably through the use of poisons or other drugs like the ones he was using to keep him immobilized in the chair. That wasn't normal at all, children of that age didn't usually know that kind of things, much less apply them to combat... in the same way that they didn't hit as hard as he did.

He wasn't only capable and skillful, but also decisive. That expression and the way he looked at him made the pirate understand that Fred wasn't playing and that he wasn't an innocent child who would have qualms about killing him if he didn't collaborate with him. On the contrary, he was clearly looking at him with disgust, as if he were a plague that he had to get rid of.

In addition, his method of interrogation was unexpectedly sadistic, physically and especially mentally...

Surely in another room his partner was being interrogated in the same way and probably, like him, was giving a wrong address.

'Oh… shit…'

Only now did the pirate understand that until both told the exact same story, the correct one, this interrogation wouldn't end, although it was also likely that they would continue to interrogate them even if both told the same version to make sure they were telling the truth... or to amuse themselves by seeing them suffer...

'What should I do? Do I tell the truth to him? Do I try to negotiate with him?

Will he be open to negotiating?

Will he let me live in case I tell him the truth?


What I can do? What I can do?' The pirate thought after truly understanding the situation he was in. And that made him feel real panic, especially when he saw the terrifying face and gloomy look of the child who had his life in his hands.

"Do I need to repeat the question?" Fred insisted as he threw a bucket of water at him to remove the vomit from his pants and also to cool his head.


A bucket of cold water that helped the pirate realize that in that situation the only thing he could do was give the correct answer, although he will try to make it as vague and inexact as possible "Ok...

I lied, it's east of here, to..."



Ahhggt... ahgt...

Ahh... Ahhh...

FUCK! I WANTED TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH!" The pirate yelled indignantly, writhing in pain after receiving a powerful punch to the solar plexus.

"Once again the versions don't coincide...

I'll have to visit your friend again, sit here waiting for me.

Although you don't have a choice either" Fred said as he approached the door of the room. And almost at the exit he threw with his hand a tiny and fine needle in the neck of the pirate he had just interrogated

'That's how he neutralized us?

Is he a ninja?

We should never have come to... to...' The pirate thought as he lost control of his eyelids and thoughts again.

And just as it happened a few minutes ago he passed out after a few seconds


And when that pirate woke up again... without knowing how many minutes, hours or days had passed inside that room... he found himself in the same situation again. The only difference is that this time Fred was aiming a metal bat at his head.

"Good afternoon, night again...

Are you now more calm and willing to answer" Fred said as he swung the bat a few inches from the pirate's face, as if he were looking for the best spot to hit.

Something that obviously terrified the pirate, who not only tested Fred's strength recently in his stomach, but also dragged the trauma of seeing how Marlon had blown up his companions with a similar weapon recently, he felt an indescribable panic seeing it so close to his face "WAIT! WAIT!

Like I told you, it's east of here!


I don't know what that son of a bitch told you, but..."


I understand that you and your friend don't want to answer, after all you think I will kill you once you give me all the information I need...

Right?" Fred said as he leaned the bat against the wall and adopted a less aggressive and much more civilized attitude when expressing himself verbally and non-verbally with the pirate.


Yes?" The pirate answered, who closed his eyes fearing that Fred was just playing with him so that he would lower his guard and hit him when he least expected it.

However, Fred didn't do that...although it crossed his mind...he was now taking his role as interrogator seriously well right now "Perfectly understandable...

Then how about we make a deal?"

"A deal?" The pirate repeated incredulously


You see, I need you to give me the exact coordinates of your hideout so I can give them to the Navy... and hopefully they can save the women you've kidnapped and capture your comrades.

Therefore, in exchange for you obeying me in absolutely everything I tell you, I promise not to kill you and that I won't hand you over to the Marines.

Done deal?" Said Fred, who proposed the terms of the deal, quite attractive terms for the cowardly pirate

'This sounds... too good...

Just say where the hiding place is and that's it?

I don't believe it... ' Thought the pirate, who believed that he had some kind of negotiating power in this situation "How can I know that you will keep your word?"

"You don't know, in the same way that I don't know if you will fulfill yours...

But we both have few options right now...

Although to tell the truth you have much less options

Seriously... I advise you to accept quickly.

After all I only need one person for that task and maybe your friend will accept first" Fred replied with the same sinister smile and expression as before as he picked up the bat to remind the pirate again who had the power here.


Hearing Fred's last sentence, the pirate swallowed until his throat was dry and at the same time, feeling death closer and closer to him, he began to use all the sleeping neurons that he hadn't used until now to find a way to minimally guarantee his safety 'Fuck...

Do I really have no choice? I've got...

I have to think of something... I have to offer some kind of additional value if I want to get out of here alive...

Wait... will I really get out of here alive even if I give him the correct coordinates and the marines do their job?

No... nothing guarantees it...

I've got...

I have to convince these kids that the only way to locate the island is for me to guide the marines...

If... if I tell them to take me on their boat so I can guide them to the base, it's likely that instead of killing me they will put me in a prison from which I can escape or… maybe they will even forgive me for having helped them...

I have to convince them and pray that the asshole's version isn't incompatible with mine...


What if that little monster has poisoned me with a poison that will kill me in a few days if I don't take the antidote?


There may be no way out!'

And while the pirate was mentally debating with himself, someone entered through the only door in the room, reminding the pirate that before he passed out he saw two children.

'Ffffff... FUUUCK!


The first one he saw managed to freak him out like never before, but when the pirate saw the second boy walk through carrying his war club, which was covered in blood and pieces of meat, as was his body, but especially his face, which seemed to have been painted completely red began to hyperventilate and almost cry

'No… no… no…

Please… please…'

And the pirate didn't need to think much to guess who could be the owner of all that blood and who was the next candidate to paint that weapon in red

"Hi Fred, still not accepting the deal...

How's it going with this one?" Stephen said sneering at the pirate in this room as he stepped behind the prisoner, still brandishing his bloody weapon which he cleaned with the clothes of his possible future victim

"Hello Stephen, same as you..." Fred replied as he put the metal bat on the ground and leaned on it.

This answer didn't please Stephen, who was in a hurry to know the location of the island, after all his mother was there, so he thought it necessary to be more drastic "What do we do then? Do we torture him too?

Do we start by pulling out his fingernails with a spoon or sticking rusty things into his penis?"

"EEEHHH!!??" The pirate exclaimed upon hearing that declaration of intent coming from the boy behind him, a declaration of intent so brutal that it snapped the pirate out of his thought bubble.

"No, Stephen...

If we make a mistake and he dies he won't help us..." Fred answered, dismissing Stephen's proposal. An interesting proposal that unfortunately they couldn't carry out for now

'Ugh… thank you psycho kid…

I owe you one... maybe you're not really so twisted and cruel as i thought...' Thought the pirate, who sighed with relief to hear that his penis wasn't in danger and that Fred was his tormentor and not the other boy.

An opinion that he would abandon in less than a second upon hearing Fred's proposition "I know...

How about testing my [Super Aphrodisiac] with them? I had never tested it on humans"

"Huh? Aphrodisiac?" Exclaimed the pirate once again, that he sensed that everything could even get worse even though he didn't think it was possible before

"Your Super Aphrodisiac? The one that makes even bears fuck frantically for hours with anything in front of them whether there are male bears, she-bears or other things?" Stephen asked, giving a good detailed description of the effects of Freed's drug so the pirate would hear and understand him

In fact he understood them very well, so much so that involuntarily... although he couldn't do it because he was paralyzed... he tried to close his ass cheeks with all the force that his lower muscles allowed "WWW…WHAAAAAT!?"

"Yes, that Super Aphrodisiac

The doubt that I have is...

Which of the two would have to take the aphrodisiac and who would have to help their partner with his abnormal libido until the effects wear off?

And if that doesn't work we can always test your idea... I'm intrigued to see what would happen if I cut off his penis while my aphrodisiac is still working" Said Fred as he walked to his desk to get a syringe containing a bluish liquid... and looked at the pirate with the most dark, vicious and sadistic psychopath smile that the pirate had ever seen

"I ACCEPT! I ACCEPT ALL YOUR TERMS!" The pirate shouted in desperation, who stopped thinking for now about the possibility of negotiating. The only thing he wanted is for that syringe to be as far away from him as possible.

"Are you sure?

So you promise to obey me in absolutely everything from now on?" Fred said in a mocking voice as he approached the pirate, pointing the syringe at his neck, a syringe that was getting closer to his target.

"Yes! I agree!

But please, no aphrodisiacs or torture and of course don't kill me either!" The pirate shouted through tears as he did his best to move his neck in the opposite direction of the syringe, although it was impossible for him due to the paralyzing poison.

"Hmm… seems reasonable to me…

So…" Fred said as he stuck the syringe needle into the pirate's neck and injected the liquid it contained into his body.

And feeling once again a prick in his neck, the pirate began to despair, even more than on the previous two occasions. The image of him raping or being raped by his partner for hours terrified him more than anything else right now "NOOO! NOO!!


"Don't worry, this isn't the aphrodisiac.

It's an antidote that I call [Prince Kiss], it's for the paralyzing and sleeping poison that you have in your body…

In a few seconds you will be able to move again...

Of course, remember that we have a deal fucking coward crybaby..." Said Fred as he stuck the empty syringe into the pirate's leg instead of leaving it on the table, leaned the bat on the pirate's chair as well and turned his back to talk to Stephen

'Fucking bastard...

Son of a fucking bitch ...' Thought the pirate as he began to regain control of his limbs


Extremely humiliating...

He had never felt so humiliated in his life, he felt so humiliated that he even lost his ability to reason properly in that situation.

Now that he had control over his body again, the only thing he thought about was killing Fred and Stephen and every other living thing on this fucking island.

It never even crossed his mind, despite the fact that he was using it at full capacity recently, that this could also be Fred's trap


Is it really safe to set him free without having him paralyzed or at least tied up?" Stephen asked, somewhat skeptical about Fred's plan.

'I'll kill you...

I'll kill you...

I'LL KILL YOU SON OF A BITCH' Thought the pirate furiously as he stood up, grabbed the metal bat that was next to his chair and looked with bloodshot eyes at Fred's unprotected back, but especially at his head...

"Yes, nothing to worry about...

Everything is under control now " Fred replied as he watched through a mirror how the pirate behind him grabbed the bat he had purposely left near him and...

The pirate advanced towards him with the intention of smashing his head "DIE!"



When Fred gave that order the pirate stopped short, as if he had been poisoned by a petrifying poison or something similar.

"You see Stephen...

There's nothing to worry about now…" Fred said as he pointed his thumb at the petrified pirate in a very awkward and even unnatural posture.

"I cannot believe it...

It's true ..." Said Stephen, whose jaw almost dislocated as he watched how his friend once again throw all the scientific knowledge in which he had been educated until now to the trash


What have you done to me?

Why can't I move?" The pirate asked in absolute panic as he was once again unable to move. However, this was more terrifying than before

Before, his body didn't respond to the poison, as if the point of union between his brain and body had been broken or blocked, preventing the orders from his brain from reaching his body. But now, he was unable to move his body because his brain was sending contradictory orders...

It was as if he was being mentally manipulated!

"Me? I did nothing...

You're simply honoring your word and you're obeying me in EVERYTHING I tell you

Like for example staying still in that position until I say so...

Seriously, you should be careful about what you promise" Fred responded listlessly and sneered as he slapped the unable to move pirate over and over again without him being able to resist, showing Stephen the extent of his power.

'He's a monster...

He's a fucking monster...

HE CAME FROM HELL!' he pirate thought with absolute terror in an unnatural posture that would end up numbing his muscles in a few seconds, in fact, he was already beginning to feel the pain in his legs and arms… as well as his stomach and face, but for other reasons

"Stay there and say nothing...

Once I do the same to your partner, I'll tell you both what you should do from now on.

It's inefficient to do it one by one and I've already wasted a lot of time with you…" Said Fred, who together with Stephen left this room, leaving the pirate standing and unable to express with a scream the pain he felt in his muscles…


In the hallway of Fred's house...

"Seeing the past, present and future in dreams, talking to animals, super snoring and now you have some kind of hypnotic power to make people keep their promises?

Do you have any other super powers or anomalies that you haven't told me about?" Stephen asked as he walked with Fred down the hall. Fred hadn't told him about this mystical ability until today, something he more or less understood so he didn't hold it against his friend, much less in this situation.

Being able to see past, present and future events in dreams without being able to choose what to see... and that probably won't happen in the future if history has been changed? It's undoubtedly an incredible and useful power ... more or less... but not something very scary. Someone with that power could only have an advantage over others

Being able to understand and talk to animals? That was even cute, nothing to be alarmed about unless you're paranoid...

However, a power with the potential to completely manipulate a person? Now that was incredibly shady and scary. If people knew about this power, surely they wouldn't even want to get close to Fred for fear of being controlled by him.

'Surely you haven't explained it to me out of fear, but nothing between you and me would have changed, I know you would never do anything wrong to me' Stephen thought as he looked worriedly at Fred's gloomy face, who was always quick to respond with some joke that almost always made him laugh.

"I guess that's all... at least that I know of..." Fred replied too seriously. If he had been in another situation he would surely have responded with a joke, maybe even a dirty joke about his super penis size or some similar stupidity... but today apart from having no reason to joke, he had simply become unable to do so



If this one is going to obey you in everything you say, do we really need the other one?" Stephen asked after a few seconds of awkward silence, which lasted until they reached the door of the other room where they had locked the other pirate

"There's a possibility that the other one has better information than this one or even more…

You can never bet everything on one card little Ti...

Stephen..." Fred answered, repressing the urge to tease him, even though it was almost a habit

Something Stephen sadly realized right away. And also suppressing his impulse to hug him or at least pat him on the back, Stephen replied "...

If you say so..."

"Now it's time to work Stephen...

Go hit the corpses of the pirates one more time until I call you, your blood has dried a bit, if this one isn't as retarded as the other one he'll notice

And try to make even less eye contact with him... you're too expressive and sincere, you're just as bad at acting as you're at lying" Said Fred as he entered the room alone with his medical supplies and his metal bat, a room in which another pirate was unconscious due to his drugs

'You're also too expressive... but just to make horrible and sad faces...

Like now' Stephen thought, a thought he would have expressed verbally on another occasion

But not today…


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Chatper Edited By: The_Bored_Immortal

Meralman Meralman

hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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