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65.82% A Heroes Time / Chapter 52: We were never friends anyway

Chapitre 52: We were never friends anyway

➜ [ Middleton ]

ThrowUp was thrown outside Cameron's house and straight into the next street. Hunter jumped in for a kick and ThrowUp countered with a sludge wave.

Hunter landed aggressively onto the ground before sprinting back in. Throwup spat forward multiple bullets of sludge at Hunter. Hunter flipped over two, slid under one and swerved three. Throwback inflated his face as Hunter kicked him back.

"Omnitrix holder... I order you to stand down or things may turn out ugly for you."

ThrowUp gurgled his disagreement. The spit based alien ran forward with his inflated mouth ready to tackle down Hunter when a gush of green goo fell onto him. Throwback looked up catching sight of the bug mutant he fought.

At the worst moment the omnitrix started flashing between green and white. ThrowUp sprayed up a tank of spit that rained down onto the area. The watch flashed green and Cameron ran off to hide.

"He shouldn't be far."

➜ [ Middleton [ Moments Later ]

CrashSpring exploded into the sky from a bunch of rubble. Hunter looked up with a nonchalant expression as he watched the grasshopper alien soar above his head and down onto the bug mutant.

"This is the optimal alien for this bug guy."

CrashSpring hopped from the bug mutant to the roof of a small household. The bug mutant charged his direction and Crashspring leaped over the mutant and into another household before springing straight into the face of the mutant with a bashing headbutt.

CrashSpring was thrown to the ground following the attack, "That's gonna pain." He commented.

The bug mutant squirted down a spray of slime in the area. CrashSpring from beneath the mutant started dodging the slime packs by jumping up and back.

"This guy is disgusting, what the hell?"

CrashSpring leaped onto the side of a building and straight up to the mutant with a kick that dazed the mutant. CrashSpring landed down and sprung back up with headbutt to the stomach of the mutant forcing it to vomit down a gush of slime.

"This is so gross."

CrashSpring leaped into the sky, passing the mutant and then came crashing down with a double foot stomp to the back of the mutant that drove the mutant into the ground with a bang.

CrashSpring leaps off of the body of the mutant and dusts himself off, "Never again. Now the remaining foe is Hunt-"

Hunter rushed in with a drop kick to CrashSpring, sending the alien through two households.

"The omnitrix holder is quite impressive... His experience with the transformation he used is outstanding at best-"

CrashSpring rockets from out the crashpit, "How do you like it when someone interrupts you!" He exclaimed before ramming his head straight into the mask of Hunter coursing it to crack after impact.

The grasshopper alien jumped back for breathing room. Hunter felt the crack on his mask and cringed.

"You'll pay for doing that." He said in a normal tone.

"I think you're gonna struggle with that a bit."

CrashSpring points up to Aiden who was stood on top of a household watching the fight take place. Aiden leaped from where he was and straight into CrashSpring.

Aiden drove the alien through a few households before jumping back.

"Dude... I think you missed him." CrashSpring winced, as he tried to get up.

"Did I hit you?"

"Well no shit you did."

"Then I got him." Aiden replied.

"Wh- wait no. Aiden we're on the same side here buddy, this mind control thing they have on you, will wear off."

"Mind control? What mind control?"

CrashSpring shoots forward, "I'll knock you out of it." He said as he rammed his against Aiden.

Aiden takes a step back because of the attack then laughs, "That never stops to feel awesome."

"You're acting insane again Aiden." CrashSpring noted.


Aiden sprinted forward and threw himself at CrashSpring who jumped back. Hunter from above dropped kicked CrashSpring onto the ground.

"Stop!" Aiden ordered.

CrashSpring slowly picks himself up, "I- I knew you-"

"-I'll handle him myself, you capture the remaining civilians."

Hunter nodded before jumping off. The omnitrix blinked between green and white and then flashed green reverting Cameron to himself.

➜ [ Middleton [ Moments Later ]

0verspeed raced through the city trying to rid of Aiden who had been following closely behind him like a hawk. The speed demon alien stopped in the Middleton Woods.

"You're seriously not turning bad."

"Turning bad? I was always bad Cameron!"

0verspeed moved straight toward Aiden who was unable to avoid the attack in time. Aiden was sent reeling back, but he caught himself.

"The Aiden I know was never a bad person."

0verspeed tackled Aiden down. Aiden kicked the speed alien off of him and jumped back for some breathing room.

"You're not Aiden. You're some fake imposter."

"And maybe you just don't know me that well Lenardo."

"I do know Aiden well... He's a kid just like me... He's struggling with a cursed gift, just like me..."

"You're wrong!"

0verspeed dashed in and punched Aiden, then quickly pulled back in with another punch and followed it with a kick. 0verspeed turned to Aiden who was still standing on his two legs, he started laughing which made 0verspeed furious.

The speed alien accelerated toward Aiden and started his barrage of attacks. The alien had no bound as he threw his attacks at Aiden who seemed helpless.

The incredible assault continued on up until the omnitrix started flashing between green and white. 0verspeed moved back hoping Aiden would be his old self again.

"Is that all you got Lenardo?!"

A green flash covers the area before dimming down to reveal Cameron, "Aiden... Aiden... I know you're in there somewhere, so please just wake up and see the light."

"Light? What light? Are you trying to refer to the light you see, because I haven't seen light in over 16 years... There's no light in my world."

"Aiden's world is my world... We're one of the same person, we both share the same issue and by being together we help one another out."

"Wrong! Wrong! You're the only one benefiting from all of this, you're the hero out of all of this, you're the good guy out of all of this, but people like me, mutants like me are always seen as the bad guy."

"What the hell are you even trying to say right now?"

"I'm trying to explain to you that us as mutants are treated way differently compared to how you an alien transforming freak is treated."

"Freak? You're acting insane right now."

"Ah so you've acknowledged that I am Aiden. This is good..."

Aiden sprinted off into the forest. Cameron cringed before chasing after him.

➜ [ Middleton [ Church ]

Aiden stopped at the church. He turned around and caught clear sight of Static-Brain pacing his way after him.

"Welcome to where I was born!" Aiden pointed out.

Static-Brain shot forward a ray of electricity at Aiden who took the attack head on.

"This is where my mother gave birth to me! This is where my curse of a life started!"

Static-Brain pulsated forward two strings of electricity that both shocked Aiden. Aiden fell to his knees laughing at the moment.

"Shock me all you want, it won't work-"

"-hold your words for later imposter. I will electrocute you dry."

Aiden laughed as Static-Brain increased the jolt in the shock and continued electrifying him.

Minutes passed and Aiden was still holding on steady. The omnitrix flashed between green and white and Cameron reverted to himself looking frustrated.

"Bring back my Aiden!" Cameron exclaimed.

"You're forgetting your old buddy old pal Aiden... Pal is the wrong word to use here, a friend is someone you're equal with, but we're not equal."

"Dude! Would you stop with this preaching for a damn second!"

"What preaching?! I'm not preaching, I'm just saying what I notice...  And that's the unfairness in our society. How come you an alien transforming freak gets accolades and cheers, while us mutants get shitted on."

"You're repeating yourself."

"I'm Repeating Facts!! I'm tired of us being seen as the villains, you are aliens for god sake, you are monsters we are at least human, why are we treated like trash!"

"I'm not gonna tell you again... Get the hell out of Aiden's head."

"... I wish I was like you... Everybody cheering everytime they see an alien... It's way better than them wanting to kill you because, they believe you were born wrong... You know that right? Mr bad boy?"

Cameron froze at the last three words and gripped his fists in disbelief.

"No... You're being mind controlled or something, you're a clone... Aiden would never say- Aiden-"

Aiden and Cameron stood across one another silently for minutes. The omnitrix shined green.

➜ [ Middleton [ Graveyard ]

A cloud of dust surrounded the area as Woodworks towered over Aiden who was laying in the ground almost motionless. The omnitrix flashed green and Cameron reverted into himself.

"You're not Aiden... Aiden would never-"

"-What do you really know about me?"

"Excuse me?"

"You claim to know me, but you only found out now that my surname isn't Stewart."

"It's not?"

"That's not even close to my real surname... You're acting as if you know me, as if we've known each other since day one-"

"-we're friends! We have- I don't understand! Why! Just why are you doing- why di- damn it!"

"Cameron... I'm not innocent... I'm not the top A guy you always believed me too be, I'm broken... I act calm, but I'm suffering, suffering from what? Well I'm suffering from being a monster... My first ever happy relationship ended because of my curse."


"I was mad, I never meant to transfer the pain I was feeling to her... I- I'm a monster... And sure I had that whole thing about mutants being seen as monsters, but the only reason I was so passionate about it, is because I'm a monster therefore the stereotype is true."

"You're being insane Aiden..."

"I wish I was, I wish I was wrong and I was I was never right. My parents tried to kill me Cameron, because before i was even born they could already see the monster that I will soon be."

"Aiden... You look nothing like a monster, and whether that happened or not... That's the past... We a-"

"-There's no escaping the past Cameron." Aiden sighed, "This graveyard is where they were buried... And I'm happy to become the monster they always knew I would be in the place their bodies were placed to rest."

"The monst-"

Aiden's body started pumping while he laughed continuously. Here's the description of the mutated Aiden:

Aiden's left side has mutated, resulting in a drastic change in his appearance. His left arm is now as big as a gorilla's and has a greyish-black skin color. The arm also has bulging veins, which continue on the left side of his face and neck, where some portions of his skin have turned greyish-black as well. His left pupil is now orange, with a tiger-like line, which makes it stand out. The greyish textures from his left side stretch a bit onto his right side. Electric shocks static around his body and he has also grown in size.

"All those attacks... I stored them up for this moment... I'm the key to taking you down Lenardo whether you like it or NoT!"

Cameron quickly transforms into Burn Out, "Aiden... This isn't you! You're not a monster!"

"Oh yes I am!"

"No You're Not! You're Aiden! My best friend, my pal, the first person who I wanted to reveal the omnitrix to, I trusted you that much Aiden!"

"You Were Wrong To Trust Me!"


"I Don't Care! This Is Who I Am, This Is My True Capabilities! I've gathered all the damage I've taken and placed it into one area in my body, I'm EVOLVING CAMERON! They helped me learn this!"

A light crowd surrounds the two as they prepare to fight.

"I will destroy you Lenardo and this dumbass town that coursed me all this pain to begin with!!!!"

"Aiden you would never do such a thing!"

"OF COURSE I WILL! I'm Aiden Fucking Davenport - I'm BLOODY insane!"

Aiden threw in a fist with the speed of 0verspeed and clocked Burn Out back. Burn Out quickly fired forward barely dodging a fist from Aiden before kicking in his leg to push Aiden away.

Aiden caught the attack with incredible speed before throwing Burn Out into a bunch of rubble. He then slammed his palms together shooting forward a ray of electricity that almost shocked Burn Out who pulsated a blast of fire from his foot shooting him away from the damage spot.

Aiden sent the power he gathered to his feet and leaped up into the sky where almost crashed onto Burn Out.

Burn Out jumped onto his two feet and fired forward a hurdle of flames. Aiden blocked the flames with the inner of his palm using his newly obtained speed.


"My powers evolve Cameron... The cult saved me, they helped me notice the true extent of my power, now I'm not just able to replicate damage, but also how I got damaged as in other words, I replicate attacks! I'm unstoppable now!!!"

Aidens arm bulked down and his head bulked instead he pushed his head in forward ramming it into Burn Out, throwing them both back into the school. Burn Out exploded into the sky moving himself out of the rubble created by crashing into the school.

"Damnit it-"

Aiden shot through the rubble with an intensive headbutt that knocked Burn Out higher into the sky.  The fire alien stopped himself mid way and blasted down while covered in a heat of fire.

Burn Out came firing down like a rocket. Aiden covered his head in a spark of electricity while it glowed a bright green color. Aiden and Burn Out came into collison sending one another back in a explosion.

Burn Out was sent into the sky before crashing into the streets. Aiden landed an inch away from the tree.

Burn Out slowly starts picking himself up,"Cult? Where have I heard that name from before?" He thought to himself.

Picking himself up Aiden felt a sense of anger after tieing on the stalemate.

"Damn it! He's still pushing better than me... I will win this match!"

Aiden started sprinting forward. Before Aiden could make it far in his sprint, he was met with an incredible flaming fist to the face by Burn Out. Aiden was sent dragging back by his feet.

"Now it's my turn!"

Burn Out pushed in and started throwing in multiple punches and blows. With each punch Aiden felt his entire body being pushed back and this angered him.

"Mutants are just as good as you guys are!

Aiden pushed in to ram his head, but Burn Out turned his body lightly to the right. Aiden cocked his fist back and was ready to throw it with 0verspeeds speed, when the omnitrix started flashing between green and white and released a bright green flash.

Cameron looked around his surrounding area and luckily for him the people that were watching from before had moved.

"Aiden..." Cameron spoke. "What is this really about?"

"What is this about? It feels like you haven't been paying attention to anything I've said."

"I'm just saying, this isn't like you..."

"That's the thing, the way I acted around you is unlike me. The way I acted around Abbie was unlike me, you guys gave me a reason to change."

"Then- if that wasn't the real you? Why didn't you stay like that, you said we gave you a reason to change, so why haven't you?"

"Cause I lost Abbie... And I lost the connection I had with you..."

"The connection? Our connection is still there-"

"-no it's not! I thought we- it doesn't matter, our connection was broken. It was broken on the day we first fought together."

"You mean when those alien bounty guys attacked me?"


"Tell me why!"

"Would you stop trying to make me soft, damn it!" Aiden shouted.

"I can't, I just want to know why! I mean- I just can't understand why you're doing this, why you've decided on doing this."


"Aiden I thought we were like brothers."

"Stop it."

"Sure we didn't hangout much last year, but this year, we've been doing so much hanging out and it felt nice. Sure it was fast, but I enjoyed our Sunday talks, I love-"


"-and your connection with Katherine, for the first time in a while I was actually able to see the real Aiden Davenport in full effect not some glimpse."

"It was an act!"

"IT wasn't! I noticed how much you were enjoying acting the way you acted, it makes sense though since it's difficult to constantly act depressed on repeat."

"You're just-"

A crazy laugh sounded somewhere in the smoke. Xene walked through the cloud of smoke that was surrounding the two with Nikki.

"Aiden... Complete the mission."

"Who?- wait. You're the ones who have been posioning his mind right?!"

"The names Xene young boy."

"Auw Aidey-wadey this your friend? He has potential to look cute, especially with a knife in his throat."

"What have you done to Aiden!"

"Aiden, we don't have time for this, end him now. If we're able to get the alien transforming guy  out of our way then the rest of the plan should be well in point."

"Aiden... I don't know why you're like this, I don't why you changed so suddenly, but I know, the Aiden I know; the Aiden that was willing to change is there."

Aiden looked between Cameron and Xene with caution.

"Aiden I understand that you lost a lot and I know that you think you've disappointed a lot of people, that you lost any chance of redemption from people like Abbie, and your parents... But you're wrong, I'm your chance at redemption, but again if you make the wrong choice, then there's no other chance."

"Aiden..." Xene looked Aiden in the eyes. "Their all the same."

Aiden moved in with an electrified head and rammed in forward, crashing into Cameron with a strong explosion. The smoke cloud that surrounded them became stronger and greater.

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