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75.94% A Heroes Time / Chapter 60: Part Three

Chapitre 60: Part Three

Part Three

[ S E C T O R  F I V E ]

The ship ride to the sector wasn't all exciting, though Cameron and Xyax were able to bond a little, building on their wonderful friendship.

Sector Five was an astonishing place to see, mainly because of how packed and busy it looked. There were about a dozen airships, spaceships, Rocketships, and etc either parked in mid space or parked near the planet.

[ P l a n e t : I-O-N ]

The two partners; Xyax and Cameron landed on the centre planet of the sector, kinda like the sun of the sector since it was the second largest planet in that dome. The planet also had the most spaceships floating around it.

The two made their way out into the open. Xyax with a space key locked up the ship so nobody could steal it and leave them stranded in I-O-N. Cameron was given a cloak to wear because humans are in a way special.

"And you're sure nobody will notice me?"

"I never said that."

"Right. Okay so what exactly are we doing on this planet?"

"Its name is I-O-N." said Paradox, walking from out a portal, "The great market of this universe- think of the universe as a city and this sector is where all the shops and other good getting locations are located."

"Sector five is very famous, and very dangerous at the same time."

"Thanks for the info, but what are we looking for here?"

"A crystal to boost our chances of winning- I believe somebody wearing a cloak similar to yours, but a bit more blue should know where the location is."

"A crystal? Must be in the possession of some merchant or something."

"So this place is like the black market."

"If it has any relation to shady deals then yeah- and speaking of shady deals, you better cover yourself up well, because humans are so enclosed that finding one and selling them is a big delight here."

Cameron raised the dial, "You got me at selling humans." He noted, before slamming the dial into place.

A green emerald light shadowed the entire field, as the shadow pulled down H2hydr0 stood in the position of Cameron. He turned over to Xyax with a thumbs up.

"Let's hope that this expedition of ours doesn't last over ten minutes."

"The main area is right up ahead."

H2hydro and Xyax made their way too the central point of the planet; the infamous Ignoart- Owxu- Neir. The home of all market stops in the known galaxy, and push maybe the entire universe.

The walk was long, but not ten minutes worthy so there was still alien time for Cameron. When the two arrived at the central point of the planet, Cameron was fully baffled at how huge the place looked.

Entering the point was a completely different story, it was like an entire city built from only market stores and shops. The entire civilisation were people selling their goods and stocks.

H2hydr0 and Xyax explored through the central area for a little bit before finally turning over to ask around for help to find the merchant they were after. Whatever the thing was, clearly did a great job of hiding, though in retrospect the chances of someone knowing the specific merchant were slim.

While Xyax was busy asking around, H2hydr0 noticed how one of the merchants were following them everywhere, because he swore to god he saw the exact same merchant more than once in different areas of the city.

"What's the big deal buddy!" H2hydr0 exclaimed as he shot a blast of water at the booth of the merchant.

"Did you just destroy my booth?! Nobody destroys my booth!"

The merchant approached H2hydr0 and glared up at him. The civilians, gathered around them in a wide circle. H2hydr0 was ready to lift his fist when a whistle from Xyax caught his attention. He turned over to Xyax who pointed at the roof of one of the booths, where a man in wearing a blue suit of armour watched.

"Whoops!" H2hydr0 scratched the back of his head, "Seems like there was a large Misunderstanding on my part-"

"-i don't care! It's either you pay for your mess or you pay with your life."

"What k- you know what, I don't have time for this. I have things to take care of and you're just wasting my time."

H2hydr0 blasted a splash of water on the ground bouncing himself onto a rooftop inline with the armoured thing watching them. The armoured individual noticed H2hydr0 gazing his direction and quickly sprinted off.

"Everytime I use this guy, it's always a chase of some-sort."

H2hydr0 with some boost from his water cannons leaped all the way to the front of the individual. The individual quickly threw a fist that H2hydro blocked, then retaliated with a splash of water to the face of the individual.

"Sorry about that dude." H2hydr0 apologised, before ducking under a punch and almost low sweeping the individual. "Sorry about that as well-"

The individual moved in with a blade that cut the face of H2hydr0 in a upward angle. He then moved the blade back and slashed the stomach of H2hydro and followed that with a kick that moved the water alien back.

"Oh... Now it's on!"

H2hydro exploded forward in a burst of water and tackled the individual off of the rooftop and right onto one of the civilians that was walking. He went in to punch the individual, but he kicked H2hydro up.

The water alien flipped in the sky and landed on the ground where he quickly raised his palm and shot forward a splurge of water that moved the individual back. He then sprinted forward and with a green flash went flying straight into the individual.

"Crap." Cameron sounded, while rubbing his head. "If it doesn't happen with 0verspeed, it happens with MicroMech, but if not them it happens with H2hydr0."

The crowd of aliens noticed a bit of human skin on Cameron and approached him. They were both amazed and shocked at the fact that he somehow transformed into another alien species.

"What are you?" The individual spoke.

Cameron picked himself up, "I'm somebody who's looking for answers on something known as the; crystal."

"The crystal? Y- h- w- I can't talk while everyone is watching."

"Well you created such a buzz awhile back that everybody has nothing better to do than watch us."

"I need to show you not tell."


The individual that had their store taken down by H2hydr0 came charging at Cameron with a weird looking pan in hand. The individual threw the pan at Cameron who quickly ducked under in time.

"Hey calm down!"

"How can I calm down? You messed up everything, you ruined my shop and you will get me fined for creating a wreck."

"I'll pay for it, I swear I will, just give me like a couple of years when this hero job actually starts paying."

"Hero? What kind of hero are you? You ruined my shop with no care in the world."

"Well- well you were being a weird stalker!"

"Stalker? I am no stalker, you are the stalker!"

The armourer individual leaped onto a roof and started jumping off.

"Hey! Get back here!" Cameron shouted.

"I can't leave you alone for a second can I?" Xyax came walking in with a cone in hand, "What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?"

"Trouble? I didn't get myself into any trouble, this guy here is busy accusing me of messing up his booth."

"But You Did!"


"What guy?"

"The person were looking for, he said something about I can't tell you, but I can show you, now he's literally flying away."

"Seems like we're gonna have to tackle this on foot, how far is the omnitrix from full recharge."

"I've been arguing with this guy for like two or three minutes now, so it shouldn't be that long before it's online again. But I think we should get out of here, because people are watching."

"What watch are you talking about?" One of the civilians asked.

"He looks human." One of the civilians guessed.

"Yeah we're leaving."

A smoke cloud surrounded the area and when the cloud dispersed both Cameron and Xyax were gone.

[ P l a n e t : I-O-N ]

Having successfully escaped the central market area and probably marking themselves as wanted criminals; Cameron and and Xyax pointed their location to following the guy who flew away.

Following him on foot wasn't the best idea, but they needed to wait about three minutes to get a ride on the omnitrix, but the watch took its time to come back online so they waited an extra two minutes. When the watch came online, Cameron immediately set for BurnOut, but instead received CrashSpring.

Not the exact alien he wanted, but just like all the times before; CrashSpring automatically worked in the situation. With the use of CrashSpring he was now able to move faster than before. Xyax was holding tightly on his back, since she didn't want to fall and probably die, because CrashSpring was stretching high into the sky.

The long cruise led them to a large metallic base located in the far reaches of the planet, the area was isolated from the entire planet like how the natives were from the the rest of the world. CrashSpring was set on a great landing when a blast of ice almost froze him to death. He landed strongly on the ground and looked straight at two flying aliens.

"Don't move any further."

"Look, I know that us being here is very redundant or bad, but we really need to enter that base and get the crystal."


"Seems like we upsetted someone." Xyax whispered.

"Dude needs to chillax."


"Don't worry about it."

"The two of you must turn back or you will be forcing our hands to do something that we won't be comfortable doing."

"And that is?"

"Killing you! We and many others were ordered to protect these five crystals at any means necessary. And if killing you is necessary then we shall do just that."

"Kill us?" Xyax laughed.

"That's not gonna happen." CrashSpring added, "What's so important about these crystals to you anyway?"

"You don't know about its capabilities?"

"Then why are you people here?"

"Because we need it to save the universe!" CrashSpring revealed.


One of the blue flying aliens pushed forward a cold haze that froze CrashSpring into place. Xyax kicked the frozen CrashSpring breaking away the ice.

"Frostbreath. If I had you as an alien, I'd probably call you that."

"You Dare Change Our Names!"

The aliens pushed in another breath of cold air, CrashSpring jumped over the attack and landed down with a double foot stomp to the chest area of one of the aliens. The dust cleared from the attack and the alien was gone.

"Did I completely kill him?"

The alien phased out from the ground and pushed in forward a cold wind that CrashSpring noticed due to the cold air around him and backflipped over the attack.

"I didn't bring my X-4!" Xyax remembered.

"Now you notice?!"

"Seems like it's all up to you now."

"I got this." CrashSpring started jumping up and down in a repeated motion.

"What are you doing!"

"I don't know- -But I think- -That I will get- -more momentum if i- -keep jumping l- like this!"

CrashSpring landed with a powerful crash and before moving any further aimed himself vertically facing forward while lunging back. He pushed in forward for a headbutt, the aliens stood in position while CrashSpring phased right through them and broke down the barrier. A green flash shined and Cameron moved himself out of the rubble.

"What?! How in the world did you manage to bypass us!"

"Uh... I guess we're just that good!"

"Fine then... But be warned of the monster that guards the crystal..."

"Yeah got it."

With the barrier down Xyax and Cameron entered the base. To their surprise it was completely hollow, there weren't any special traps layed out for them, it was just a straight path to the light ahead.

The path though was actually longer than expected, it felt like they were walking 100M even though the light was literally right in front of them.

The dial rose up, "I think I know who might be of use to us here." Cameron said, before slamming the dial into place.

The two decided to sprint, but that didn't even seem to work, they later just gave up and hoped that they would reach the area. Though their hopes stopped when exhaustion hit and the two found themselves walking slowly to to the light.

Now the light was right in front of their face, Static-Brain was able to figure out that the slower they walked the closer they got. The two walked so slow that they were able to reach the next area in mere seconds, when they entered the area, they caught sight of another alien looking at a crystal that was caged inside a tube.

"Should we say something?"

"I don't think that's much of a good idea."

"I can hear you."


"Um can we have that crystal..."

"If you want it... Then you're gonna have to beat me for it."


"Do you know why this crystal is so special?"


"Because it's worth dying for!"

"We need to get that thing out of the tube and then we bounce fast alright."

"The controls seem simple enough, you take care of Mr Angry, while I take care of our little device here."

Static-Brain's head opened revealing his shocking brain. Electric sparks flew out from his brain clashing with the sparks of the containment unit holding the crystal. An entire holographic circuit lining projected from Static-Brain's head and he started mapping out the the fix.

"Nobody will take the Ultimate-Crystal."

"The Ultimate-Crystal? Is that the best name you could come up with?"

The alien exploded forward and tackled Xyax straight into the wall. Xyax gripped her fists and punched the alien off of her.

"I still don't have the X-4 cranium head."

"No weapon? To be honest, Seems like to me that might be a skill issue at best." Static-Brain remarked, followed by a small chuckle.

"Your jokes are pathetic."

The alien jumped back and pushed in a wave of inferno at Static-Brain. Xyax groaned as she jumped straight into the fire taking in the attack.

"I will thank you for that in due time."

Xyax pulled herself up, then sprinted toward the green swamp alien. She was about ready to deliver a jumping punch, when a weed stock grew from underneath her feet and held her in place.

"You will not defeat me! I will protect the cry-"

A green electrical blast shot the alien straight into the wall with a crash. Static-Brain smirked as the tube slowly started pulling up to open. A green flash shined infront of Xyax and Cameron stood before her.

"Seems like we finished the mission right on time." said Cameron.

"It's pathetic that you thought such a simple attack would defeat me." The alien spoke up.

"Maybe if we had my X-4 here then we wouldn't have to be dealing with this mess."

"Would you stop complaining about the X-4 blaster, don't you have some other weapons on you?"

"Yeah... I- right."

The swamp alien pushed in after Xyax who stood positioned for five seconds before throwing in her arm that held her glowing red knife. The knife cut straight across the face of the alien.

The swamp alien paused for a second due to the damages of the attack leaving enough time for Xyax to jump in with a powerful kick to the face of the swamp alien.

"This guy is pretty weak." Cameron pointed out.

"His only advantage was his fire and grass thing, but if you cut through that he's nothing."

"I haven't fought for many years, I'm rusty... But I won't lose!"

A second battle between Xyax and the swamp alien started and honestly the swamp alien stood no chance against Xyax especially with Cameron adding in as additional help. Though Cameron's help wasn't much since the watch was still booting up

Xyax moved in and started boxing the swamp alien back. The alien tried countering with a blast of fire, but Xyax was quick to dodge and then retaliate with another round of boxing.

"Hey! The tube is-"

A strong surge of power pushed out from the crystal, the power was so strong that it blinded Cameron and Xyax. The swamp alien fought through the light and ran straight toward the crystal.

"Another Guardian Will Take My Place!"

The swamp alien jumped and grabbed the crystal and the powerful surge of energy disappeared. Cameron and Xyax adjusted their eyes as they turned over to the swamp alien whose body started shaking aggressively.

"What's happening to him?"

"I think the power is destroying him."

"Why is he killing-"

The shaking stopped and there was a moment of silence before a loud scream sounded from out the swamp alien. The scream echoed throughout the base and with a burst of energy, the aliens body started transforming right before their eyes.

"...now youwilll face the Ultimate Power Of Waicrass!!!"

"Ultimate-crystal. Ultimate power. Now I see why the crystal is so important."

"Yeah... So he's like updated now. Alright then, I think BurnOut can help out."

"BurnOut? I haven't seen that one before."

Cameron raised the dial and pressed over to BurnOut, "There's like many that you haven't seen before, and same goes for me probably." He noted, before slamming the dial into place.

A green emerald lighting shined throughout the entire room blinding both Xyax and Waicrass for a moment.

"No..." WoodWorks groaned.

"BurnOut? The name seems a bit contradictory."


Waicrass jetted forward with a blast of fire pushing from behind, WoodWork stretched around Waicrass who pushed straight into a wall and then used it as leverage to push in back toward WoodWorks.

A burst of fire escaped from the palms of Waicrass and traveled forward. WoodWorks punctured the ground with his fists, and from his front a wall built from wood pushed out protecting both himself and Xyax from the incoming fire attack.

The wall fell back into the ground and the wooden particles interlinked with WoodWorks again, increasing his size to normal standard. WoodWorks stretched forward his fist, his foe; Waicrass hovered into the sky with his fire and accelerated toward WoodWorks.

WoodWorks pulled his fist back, he then shaped his fists into wooden hammer and a small brawl began between the two. WoodWorks threw in countless stretched hammer swipes and slams at Waicrass who would avoid them continuously and then

flash back with a heat of fire as a form of retaliation.

Their small little on buckle continued for awhile until Waicrass felt a surge of pain escape from his body, this opened an opening for WoodWorks who stretched in forward with a straight tackle into the wall.

"Yes..." WoodWorks groaned as he pulled back. A push of fire escaped from the dust cloud created by the attack, "Oh.....no....."

The fire forced WoodWorks onto the ground besides Xyax. Waicrass jumped out from the dent he was in and pushed beneath him another burst of fire that almost burnt WoodWorks. Xyax was quick to pull WoodWorks entire body away from the attack.

"You owe me for that!"

Waicrass aimed at Xyax and was ready to flash a burst of fire forward when the surge of pain from before returned. WoodWorks pulled his entire body into the ground area his root was planted in. Waicrass fell onto the ground abruptly, then quickly picked himself back up.

"Where'd you go, you coward!" Waicrass called out. "Come out here and-"

A shadow covered over Waicrass, the shadow belonged to WoodWorks who was towering over Waicrass. The ultimate alien quickly grabbed for his back and took out three blue orbs, he then threw the orbs back and after instant contact with WoodWorks they exploded.

Waicrass while breathing strongly jumped back for some room away from the wooden alien.

"The crystal will not be taken away from us, I will protect it with my entire life -"

Two wooden arms broke from underground and wrapped themselves around Waicrass. The smoke surrounding WoodWorks disappeared and he pulled himself in with an impactful headbutt that threw Waicrass straight into the wall.

The wooden alien breathed heavily as he watched Waicrass fall from the wall and onto the ground shaking. Waicrass slowly picked himself up, but then fell onto his knees screaming. WoodWorks planned on going forward, but couldn't decide if it was a trap or actual pain.

Waicrass punched the ground repeatedly before releasing one hellish scream that was followed by a burst of light from his body. The light flashed in the eyes of WoodWorks and Xyax and when the light dimmed away, Waicrass fell to the ground with pale eyes and in his base form.

"Is he-"


"That crystal has some power huh..." Xyax commented.

WoodWorks picked up his cloak and threw it onto the crystal.

"I think that's the best option for both of us right now."

A green emerald flash shined and Cameron stood in the position of WoodWorks before falling onto his knees breathing hard.

"You okay?"

He raised a thumbs up with a smile.

[ S E C T O R  S E V E N  ]

Traveling through the many sectors was a bit irritating, navigating wise of course, since they had to bypass three of the sectors in the form of skipping.

Though in conclusion, the seventh sector was a bit overwhelming to point out. The fifth sector was more closed in due to there being millions of ships, but this sector took that entire thing to another level and they didn't even need to have a pack of ships.

The worry for Cameron wasn't there at first, but after Xyax explained to him that the seventh sector was like an entire jail sector, it made Cameron feel a lot more overwhelmed.

[ S E C T O R   F I V E :InScriptriocon ]

The infamous planet of InScriptriocon is famous in the galaxy mainly for its level of authority. Being the main of planet of the sector that is filled with criminals and practically a jail as a whole, InScriptriocon is highly secured with a level of authority that bypasses the norm.

"ISN right?"


"I get what you mean about it being a secure place, I don't know why this person were meant to find is hiding all the way out here."

"Hiding or lives. Though hiding is the better option since it's clear he doesn't want his signature found with all these fakes appearing on the map."

"What's that? Like forty-five?"

"At best yeah. It's gonna take awhile to find this guy, but we should get started early."

Cameron raised the dial, "Open up the trunk, I've got this mission locked."

"Again you? I think I should handle this job, because you don't know-"

"It's okay Xyax, you can guard the ship in case the authority of this place does some searching."

"Y-yeah... Sure..." Xyax agreed as she pressed the trunk that instantly pulled Cameron out.

A green emerald color glowed in the sky. The color followed down onto the roof of a tall building, the color dimmed down and 0verspeed stood strongly on the rooftop.

0verspeed accelerated onto the roof of another building and continued strong while following the signatures of the person their looking for.

The speed alien with the view from above raced after the signatures, focused solely on the mission, though at times 0verspeed would take a moment to glance at the beautiful city that felt pushed in with one another.

The buildings were so close to one another that it almost felt overwhelming, the people who were walking around looked like a large amount of ants in a small city. Every place he visited felt the same, sure it wasn't the entire planet that gave off this entire feeling, but the much he was seeing right now, made it feel like it was the entire planet.

The constant rainy weather in the planet didn't give much of a good signal either. 0verspeed was now on his 30th stop when he spotted two dead bots guarding a rundown hotel.

"Safe bet to search."

0verspeed moved in to check the hotel when when the bots booted up. He stopped and turned over to the bots.

"Good morning to you as well." 0verspeed greeted. "You guys don't happen to know how to not kill someone do you?"

The bots both pushed in toward 0verspeed who dropped on his visor.

"I'm taking that as a hard no."

The bots stretched their robotic fists forward, 0verspeed moved to the left and was met with another robotic fist that he was able to avoid by moving to the side over.

One of the bots pulled their fists back and charged straight toward 0verspeed. The speed alien moved toward the bot before spinning out of its way and tackling its friend behind it.

The bot moved back and then retaliated with a quick punch to the face that threw 0verspeed off his game long enough for the bot from behind him to double fist him into its friend. The secondary bot wrapped the neck of 0verspeed choking the alien.

0verspeed lifted his visor and then started kicking the face of the not repeatedly until the bot finally let him go. He turned back for a split second before looking forward and then backflipping over the bot behind him.

"It's time for me to end this with my speciality!"

0verspeed started running circles around the bots creating a small tornado that sucked up the bots. He jumped into the tornado and kicked down all two of the bots that he was using as leverage at the same time to reach the top open window of the building.

The second his claws gripped onto the edge of the open window, the wall besides him broke apart and a small alien on a large jetpack flew from out the wall.

"That must be him! Alright then, here goes nothing!"

0verspeed climbed into the building through the window and then launched out from the dent made by his target. From his jump 0verspeed was able to cover a large amount of ground and close their wide gap as he landed on top of a building once more.

The jetpack wearer powered their thrusters and exploded further. 0verspeed dropped down his visor and jumped onto the building over as his body accelerated after his escaping target.

In a clear point; 0verspeed should have been gaining on the jetpack wearer, but apparently they were way smarter than anticipated, because they were able to specifically take turns that maintained the same amount of space the two have between one another for a long time.

0verspeed jumped onto the interior ofthd tallest building in the area and accelerated to the top. He caught a glance of an airship from where he was before sprinting to the edge and jumping down to his target.

The jetpack wearer took note of this and pulled back. The omnitrix flashed green and Cameron came falling right down onto the jetpack wearer.

"I've got you now!" Cameron exclaimed.

"What the hell?! You're a human!"

"And you're some grey headed small alien thing, I guess we're both in the know."

"A human that tran-"

Stopping themselves in mid sentence, the small alien increased the power on their jetpack and exploded forward once more. Cameron held on tightly since he knew if he fell then that would be the end of his time.

The two were flying for a short while before the jetpack started shooting out sparks of electricity. The jetpack then changed their trajectory to the ground where they went down crashing.

"What The Heck Is going On!" Cameron screamed for his dear life.

"Damnit! I didn't make this thing to carry both our weights!"

Just when the two were about to crash into an alleyway, the jetpack stopped. Cameron grabbed the small alien and jumped off the pack while holding his heart with his other hand.

"I survived!" Cameron cheered, "Now you're dead!"

"Dead? If you kill me, then your violating the rule of killing anyone who is sentenced to COF..."

"Excuse me, what?"

"I should've expected you not to know, but at least that clears up one thing; you're not working with the Five-Hive."

"The Five-Hive? Oh! No, I'm not working with them, I think I'm on their wanted list or something, but anyway, I'm just here to collect you."

"Collect me? Collect me for what exactly?"

"We need your help on stopping the Annihilarg from going off and destroying the entire universe."

"Annihilarg? That old myth? I haven't heard such nonsense in my life, though I'm keen to believe your story, because that watch of yours catches my interest."

"The omnitrix?"

"Omnitrix? So is that what you call it?"

"Uh no. Its official name is Omnimatrix, but I call it Omnitrix, because that's the name I'm use to using."

"What a-"

A bunch of lights shined on Cameron and the little galvin in his hand.

"My best advice for you is to turn into that fast guy and run out of here."

Cameron checked the watch which was still in red. Two armed men walked into the alleyway holding up their laser blasters.

"Who are they?"

Two more men walked out the other side and raised their weapons at Cameron and the Galvin.

"Hand over the genuis Auu young human and we'll let you go with a simple warning and maybe a hearing if you're difficult about it."

"But if you're really difficult about it, then we're gonna have to hand you over to general Log'rskin."

"There seems to be a miss under-"

"-i would like to see you try and get me out of the hands of this human."

"What the hell are you doing?" Cameron whispered.

"They must be partners of some-sort, any ally of Auu is a criminal by offense."

"Isn't he a younger human?"

"Still, being paired with Auu is an offense beyond our current control."

"Bro what???"

"Just turn into an alien and get us out of here!"

"The watch has t-"

One of the two men approached Cameron who was still whispering to Auu and pulled him up by the shirt. Cameron swung his legs trying to free himself.

"Let me go! This is against my rights!"

"Your rights were cancelled the second you paired yourself with level ten offender Auu. I'm sorry human, but starting from today you're a criminal and therefore you're under arrest."

The omnitrix finally glowed green, Cameron used the finger of the hand that was holding Auu and activated the dial and pressed over to Mimick,"Oh Look! Here comes my other partner!" He lied as he slammed the dial into place.

A green emerald flash blinded the eyes of the guards. The light later dimmed away and both Cameron and Auu were gone.

"What the hell!"

Breaking from behind the two was Mimick.

Mimick dug a hole in the ground and jumped in.

The guards were of course pissed by this and one of them didn't hold back to complain to their head general. In the while Mimick was running through a crowd of people with Auu in hand.

"What the hell is going on!? You're a criminal!"

"I told you this! It wasn't even that long ago, you even said that the hive was after you as well."

"Well yeah, but I was just saying stuff, I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying exactly you know."

"Well like it or not, you're a criminal with me now."

"I don't like it. I'm gonna get you to the ship and then Xyax and I can get the hell off this planet before things become worse."

A laser fire caught the foot of Mimick throwing him up into the sky. A guard flew right at him and caught him by the leg.

"There's an easy fix to that!"

Mimick broke off another Mimick from his leg freeing himself while the leg of the other Mimick was still being held. The Mimick dropped Auu to Mimick who caught him.

"This must be one of your most prized transformations."

"Prized? That goes to BurnOut, but Mimick is a close second."

The Mimick being held by the guard broke into three Mimicks and they all started jumping the guard. One of the Mimicks tackled him by the leg, tripping him off his hoverboard.

"We got ourselves a ride."

"We're goats!"

The Mimicks stood on top of one another while the Mimick ontop piloted the board they were on. The Mimick running with Auu looked up catching sight of the other three Mimicks on the board.

"You Guys Are Goats!"

"That's what I said!"

The Mimick at the bottom threw Auu to the Mimick on top. As they passed an alleyway a bunch of guards came speeding out on their hoverboards. The Mimick at the bottom jumped onto the hoverboard as it sped forward.

A light highway chase began between the Mimicks and the guards from behind. The Mimicks were set on loosing the guards at any means necessary.

They turned into a corner where a wall was located and moved up with the board while a bunch of guards crashed into the wall. The Mimicks held on strongly while the board moved into the sky for a small amount before hovering back onto the ground.

One of the mimicks jumped from the body and straight into the face of one of the guards. That Mimick broke into three other Mimicks and started beating down on that one guard.

"What's this plan of yours anyway?"

"What's the plan?"

"What is the plan?"

"I don't know, Paradox knows."

"Paradox? Wait are you referring to that time traveling maniac?"

"Oh so you know him!"

"Know him! He gave me blueprints that he said I had to keep safe."

"And did you keep it safe?"

"Yeah, but-"

The three Mimicks quickly jumped back onto the board while the guard crashed into his friends. A large explosion covered the way behind them due to the hoverboards colliding.

"We're so good at this!"

"Dude I told you, we're goats."

"I think you guys should calm down a bit, the storm is still here."

"Was that joke made because it's raining?"

"No, I really mean that the storm is still here."

"I think he's trying to say that victory isn't in our hands yet."

"No shit Sherlock."

"I think it's time to jump."

"Why say that?"

"Because someone is determined to blow us up behind us!"

All of the Mimicks dived off the hoverboard while a guard crashed into it with an explosion following. The Mimicks were ready and set to dig into the ground when a white light shined above them and they were all pulled into the sky.

"What the hell is going on?" The Mimicks asked in sync.

"Oh no..."

One of the Mimicks looked into the sky where a large ship similar to Xyax's ship pulled them up with a ray of light. The second the Mimicks were sucked in, everything went dark.

[ S E C T O R  F I V E ]

The view of the dark and rainy sky could be seen from the windowsill. A man wearing a cape possessing green pig like features stood in the centre of the room staring at Auu who they had locked inside a containment tube.

"Wanted in five galaxies... I think we snatched ourselves our biggest criminal yet... Auu you should know to never mess with the Five-Hive."

Cameron rubbed his head and looked up at a tall figure.

Auu scoffed, "Mess with you? I did no such thing, you're the one that came to me afterall."

"That brain of yours is a problem you know, you're a genuis beyond comprehension, but an idiot."

"What an insult."

The general turned over to Cameron, "So you're the one coursing all the problems for my people in the city, I'm impressed that a human was able to do so much harm."

"First time I've heard that, and I'm guessing it won't be the last."

"You've partnered yourself with the wrong criminal young man, and for that you'll have to serve time with him."

"Dude you have no idea how much that doesn't matter to me. Whether he's a criminal or not, we need him and it's for a major reason."

Cameron picked himself up, standing on his two feet as a bunch of guards huddled around him.

"We know about that watch of yours boy, the second you touch it, you turn into an alien and then attack us. We've came prepared though, if your arm reaches down to touch that thing, they will attack."

"You guys really grined my gear."

"I never obligated you into messing with the Five-Hive, that was all you, young boy."

"Five-Hive, wha-"

Catching everyone by shock the entire airship was pushed over with a strong explosion being heard from the outside. Cameron quickly used the distraction and slammed down onto the omnitrix.

"I thought you guys said that you were prepared for me, what the hell happened to that cockiness." Killerslug commented.

"Shut up human."

"I'm not a human anymore, so that instruction doesn't necessarily apply to me, does it now?"

"Guards! Attac-"

Breaking through the front window of the Airship was Xyax who had in her hand, her X-4 blaster. She rolled into the area and jumped up onto her feet and started shooting everywhere.

"Xyax!" The general exclaimed. He jumped up and landed with a strong quake, later a blue forcefield built in front of the general protecting him from Xyax's blasts.

One of the guards shot at KillerSlugg who splashed onto the wall, the other guard aimed to fire at the wall and the alien moved over to the other before pushing straight into the armour the guard was wearing.

"Auu... We need to get out of here, do you have any suggestions we can use since you're like a born genuis or something."

"Born genuis? Is that what their calling me nowadays?"

"Dude I met you today, I'm just saying extra stuff so my main point can come through."

"I know, I know. I've been isolated in my lab for so long that I've completely forgotten what good humour is anymore."

KillerSlugg squeezed his body while it was wrapped around the inside of another guard. The other guards thought stupidly and shot their own partner, whatever the idea was didn't work in their favour as their partner ended up being the one to pay.

"I can only do so much with this alien you know."

Xyax was thrown right into KillerSlugg and they both went crashing into the interior of the airship.

"How'd you get here anyway?"

"Me? Who do you think bumped this thing, I used our airship. I figured Auu would be here since one of the signals were moving around and then it stopped on the same location the airship is located at."

"That's cleared up. Let's split jobs, you handle the guards and I'll take care of general over there."

"Nah. I've got it."

Xyax bounced back up and skillfully avoided the guards as she made her way to the general. The general built a forcefield in front of his arm and threw his fist forward to punch. KillerSlugg fell into a puddle and ran through guards and made his way underneath the general where he pushed up into the face of the general.

This left an opening for Xyax to kick the general back a foot or so. KillerSlugg moved around his body repeatedly before wrapping around his neck and pulling him back into the controls. Xyax lifted her X-4 and shot at the general who quickly moved forcing the blast to hit the controls of the ship.

"Now we leave!"

Xyax jumped onto the controls and straight through the broken window area she made. The alien ate up Auu before pushing in through the broken piece of the window.

The general shook his face and was prepared to follow them when he was shocked off his control board by a surge of electricity.


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Stone -- Power stone

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