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74.68% A Heroes Time / Chapter 59: Part Two

Chapitre 59: Part Two

Part Two

Darkness covered the vision of Cameron; when he opened his eyes he was in an area filled with boxes and other garage based supplies. He scratched his head obviously confused on where the hell he was, he was planning on finding Paradox when he was almost blasted into smithereens by a red ray.

"Get off my ship..." A voice sounded.

"I clearly know wha-"

Another ray came hurdling his direction and Cameron quickly swerved left, then when he spotted another one coming he leaped over to the right and rolled out of the way of another blast, stopping on one knee with the dial popped up.

"Give me a break dude!" He exclaimed, before slamming his palm onto the dial.

A green emerald light flashed through the ship blinding the eyes of the attacker. As the light dimmed down; ThrowUp stood in Cameron's position.

"What the hell." The individual was revealed to be part of an alien race known as Chimera Sui Generis.

To say the attacker was shocked, was a complete understatement, never before has he seen another alien turn into a different alien with the use of a device. Though as intriguing as the encounter was, the attacker didn't care for it.

With his X-4 he started firing lasers at ThrowUp as if the alien was some sort of target of his, ThrowUp of course wouldn't just let some random attacker drill him down, so he ran to the side of the ship, avoiding the first three shots coming from the X-4. ThrowUp stopped fast and adjusted his body to face his attacker before shooting out from his mouth a vomit of spit.

The spit almost pushed into the attacker, but the person was quick and slick so they jumped over to the right and then continued their onslaught of laser fires. ThrowUp directed himself in the direction of the lasers and inflated his mouth to withhold the damage from the blasts.

"What in the world are you? Are you some-sort of spy trying to gem up my loot or were you sent here by Choas."

ThrowUp gurgled at the name of Choas, at least that's what it sounded like to the attacker. There's a possibility that ThrowUp believes he's speaking clearly, but in reality he really isn't.

"Your species must be struggling to adapt to an actual language, which is why you're relying on pointless groans and sounds. Either which doesn't matter right now; Why the hell did Choas or whoever send you to take me down, and you better turn back into that thing you were before and explain yourself to me well and in tone."

And of course ThrowUp responded with a gurgle and the attacker was not happy with that. The alien quickly charged up their X-4 and with no sudden hesitation pulled the trigger, sending down a red-ray that was an inch away from damaging ThrowUp, but the alien somehow showed a sign of resilience by jumping before being damaged.

And being as big as he was, ThrowUp had to roll just so he could retain position on his feet, the spit based alien looked aimlessly at the attacker, then vomited forward four shots of spit that came shooting forward like thrown water. The attacker avoided the first two with ease, but the other two were both a struggle; coming from the first one which almost made them slip when they dodged it and the last second one which got a on target splash on them.

Immediately following the attack came ThrowUp who tackled the attacker in the chest with his big body. The attacker almost felt his entire mind blank-out when ThrowUp came into contact with their chest. The attacker was thrown back far, almost into a couple of craters and boxes that were in the ship.

With his attack successful, ThrowUp had no choice, but to gurgle in success. He even had the audacity to self high-five himself because he could, and of course he payed for that disrespect. The attacker after grabbing the X-4 shot-in a large charged up blast right into the stomach lining of ThrowUp, blasting the alien into a flip before he crashed onto the solid floor of the ship.

The two layed there in their positions for a moment before finally gauging the courage to get back up. ThrowUp struggled a bit, but he managed to get up, but since he's struggling made him take long, when he got up he was met with X-4 pointed directly against his face.

A blue circular beam flashed besides ThrowUp and the attacker.

"Calm down, Xyax." said Paradox, "There's no need to dive into such harmful actions against my friend over there."

Xyax turns to ThrowUp then turns back to Paradox with a look of straight confusion.

"You know my name? You know me? How exactly do you know who I am? Who-"

"-That will all be answered in due time." Paradox responded, which made ThrowUp mentally roll his eyes, "My friend and I have come aboard your ship, because we both have knowledge that you know where the weapon that will doom all is hidden."

Xyax paused in some-bit of shock, she lowered the X-4 and stood up straight as she gazed strongly at Paradox.

"You know about it?- wait a minute, are you the one- no you can't be- you are both believers. I thought that the truths of it were hidden in the universe and the people who knew about it, just believed it as a myth."

The omnitrix flashed between green and white before flashing off a green emerald shine that dimmed away with Cameron in its place.

"The device is indeed real, and the rumours of what it can and what it will do are as real as your stolen ship."

"... Are you guys here to help me? Because if that's the case, then I'll gladly accept the help, as long as you don't stand in my way of being the hero of this universe."

"Hero of the universe?" Cameron repeated.

"Part of the myths, the person who stops the device from going off, is the true hero of the universe and young Xyax here believes that the hero is herself."

"I don't believe it, I know it's her- I mean me."

"Well to spoil a fact, you are not the hero of the universe yet, you're not gonna be stopping the device from going off, because Cameron over here will be doing it."


"Cam-mer-ron? He's a child, even I can see that he's a child. How the hell is he supposed to stop the destruction of the entire universe?"

"Excuse me the what?" Cameron took a step back.

"A child indeed, but a child that is a target of Choas, a child that has something so special and powrful that Choas himself wants it. The device were trying to stop is powerful, but that device; the Omnimatrix is just as powerful as what we're trying to stop, because just like that device, the Omnimatrix could destroy the entire universe."

Cameron gave Paradox a wide eyed look, while Xyax turned to gaze down at the omnitrix.

"Omnimatrix? Is that what Choas has been after? I've heard stories of Choas himself coming to this side of the universe searching for something, I didn't know it was such a simple device. But nonetheless, how will a alien changing watch stop the destruction of the universe."

"I never said anything about the omnitrix stopping it from happening."

"So then it's pointless. You guys are pointless."

"Or are we? I know way more about this device that you're after than I let on and you know way too little about it, I bet you didn't even know it's called the Annihilarg."


"Exactly. If I say that the boy is the key to your quest, then he's the key to your quest, but not alone. First you need to travel to sector five, then after that your last stop will be sector eight, and try your best to avoid sector six."

"Why do we need to go to those sectors- wait sector five is off-limits."

"But there's an important item there, that you need to obtain, and then sector seven we'll find our final piece to the puzzle. But if you choose to do nothing, then say goodbye to the universe."

"Sector five doesn't sound so bad." said Cameron trying to add some spark into the conversation.

"Fine. I'll do it, but you'll have to tell me as much as you know about this whole issue.

[ M a i n  A r e a ]

Xyax went to the controls of the ship and pressed a couple of buttons and the ship stopped. He moved a lever and pressed another button and the ship turned course and moved in a completely different direction from before. Cameron was stuck in aw at the alien techy ship, never in his life has he seen something like the ship.

Paradox stood calm as he gazed at the map showing the targetted area and their arrival time. Xyax sighed and turned to Paradox.


"Cameron come over here, you need to hear this as well!" Paradox called.

Cameron took one more second to gaze at the ship interior before rushing over to Paradox and Xyax who didn't seem too happy about him being there.

"It's time for the history of the universe." said Paradox, "Where do we begin? Right. where it all started, Alien X vs The Annihilarg. In basic note the Annihilarg is a small device that can either create a new universe when there is not any or destroy a universe when there is any, that is only if the device is activated of course."

"Activated? So you're saying somebody activated the Annihilarg?"

"Whether or not that's what I meant, it doesn't matter because the device was going to be activated either way. The device was always meant to be activated or in this case active. The Annihilarg has been activated since the recreation of our universe."

"Wait a minute hold back. What do you mean by recreation of our universe? You don't mean that this has happened before."

"Yes and not exactly. The universe was in the process of being destroyed, when I as humble as I was agreed to save it. How exactly? Since we can't really mess much with the timeline, we pulled this entire universe back to the second the Annihilarg was activated, but since we can't tamper much, we had to keep the Annihilarg activated and so we placed it in a time bubble. We never stopped the course of history from happening, we postponed it."

"You postponed it long enough for someone who could stop the Annihilarg to be born."

"Exactly our current situation."

"How exactly were you able to restart an entire universe anyway?"

"I had some help, but that isn't much to think about right now because we might have some incoming company Xyax."

"We don't have company."

A portal opened besides Paradox who shrugged and walked through it. The portal closed right before the eyes of Cameron and Xyax.

"Alright..." Xyax turned over to Cameron, "This does not make us friends, more-or-less this makes us temporary partners, you being the sideline and me being the main source."

"Excuse me? I'm not a sideline. I've been the main source since day one with this thing on my wrist and there's no way in hell I'm gonna be ranked down to sideline, by someone who struggled to take down ThrowUp."

"ThrowUp? Is that- excuse me? Are you trying to say that I'm weak compared to you? Because I'll have you reminded why I'm the true hero of this story."

"The true hero of your fairytale?"

Xyax lifted Cameron by the shirt, glaring him dead in the eye with his red eyes, sending somewhat a sense of dominance through the body of Cameron.

"I'll have you know that I've killed for that so called fairytale to be true, so don't think I'm not scared to kill you and take that watch for myself."

"I'll have to see you try first." Cameron raised his palm ready to slam down the dial when a beeping sound caught the attention of both him and Xyax. The two turned over to stare at the holographic projection of the ship which showed a red dot behind it. Xyax dropped Cameron and went to the controls, she pressed on the holographic projection and a visual image of four people visualised.

"Seems like we have intruders, and their on the top bunk of the ship. The thrusters are still booting up, so I can't hyperspeed them off the ship. That means I'll have to physically handle this issue, but you're still here so-"

A green emerald light shined from behind. Xyax turned around to face ReLode.

"Just a question. Do you always talk to yourself?"

Xyax felt ready to pick up her X-4. ReLode quickly used his magnetic force and pushed the blaster away.

"What The Hell!"

"Just helping out bud."

"Right of course."

Turning back to the controls, Xyax spent a span of two minutes searching for specific controls, when he found them he instantly pressed them down. A tube fell onto ReLode. The tube started pushing a force of air up, ReLode raised his head and noticed an open gap and just like that he was sucked straight through the open gap and out into space.

ReLode sighs, "That guy is one big dick-head."

The magnetic alien aimed his curved hands at the ship and with the magnetic connection between his waves and the ship, he pulled himself down onto it. He quickly magnetised his feet to the outside of the ship, so he wouldn't get blown back, by the force of space.

"Fire Now!"

ReLode threw his arms out building a magnetic forcefield around him. He looked ahead spotting four aliens ahead of him. Two of the aliens continued pushing forward a ray of lasers at the forcefield.

"Jeez these people are on something else, they can clearly see I've built myself a great forcefield, yet their still trying to injure me."

The forcefield dropped and ReLode quickly pointed his curved hands forward pulling in all the blasters that were in the grasps of any of the four aliens. He then let them go into space.

One of the four aliens charged straight at ReLode and the alien rebuilt the forcefield which resulted in the alien running straight into it like an idiot.

"Ehy you!" One of the aliens exclaimed, "The names General Hoared! Second-coming leader of the Five-Hive, and this is my ship and that guy you knocked down is my guy, and those weapons you stole and threw away are ALSO MINE! You will pay for everything you've done, RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!"

General Hoared moved straight toward ReLode with an incredible jump that defied gravity or any form of gravity that resided in the space area. ReLode pointed his curved hand at Hoared hoping on some-sort of magnetic energy to push him back, but that didn't happen and so Hoared got a direct punch to the head of ReLode which didn't do much, than threw his head back.

ReLode quickly pulled his head back in and that small time of distraction was all Hoared needed to force in a clean punch to the chest area of ReLode throwing the magnetic alien back.

The powerful gravity pull of space almost pulled ReLode into the deepness of space, but ReLode was able to pull himself back onto the interior of the ship with his magnetic capabilities after a struggle that lasted longer than expected. The alien placed his head back onto his body and then was met with a strong stomp to the stomach that shook the ship as a whole.

"You will pay for messing with one of fhe Five-Hive generals you pathetic excuse for a warrior. I would love nothing more than to spare you so could dwell in your shame, but the things you've done cannot be forgiven."

"Dude look. We've been out here for like seven or six minutes in earth-time, and-"

"-Earth-time? No wonder your-"

General Hoared was blasted off of ReLode and almost into the void of space, but he quickly stretched and clawed his hand into the ship. He pulled himself up and looked directly at Xyax.


"Is it not my fiancee, I love this wedding venue by the way, it's cute." Xyax commented.

"So you and that pest on the ground are working together, I should've expected that you'd stoop that low."

"You should've guessed that the second I accepted your hand in marriage dummy."

The Omnitrix starts flashing between green and white. "NOT GOOD! SEND ME BACK INTO THE SHIP!"

"That hatchet I got out from is over there." said Xyax, nonchalantly.

"Hold him off for a good 12 minutes."

ReLode aimed his arms forward to the hatchet and sent out a magnetic force. The force pulled ReLode straight to the hatchet in a matter of seconds, he quickly climbed in and closed the hatchet. The omnitrix signed off a green emerald coloring.

"Xyax you have tainted and wronged the Five-Hive for too long now, you're wanted back home and we will make sure you're delivered!"

"Your home. I'm not one of you people, I only needed you for your high-tech ship nothing else."

"You will regret that."

"Sure babes."

Hoared leaped into space and the second he came crashing down, Xyac jumped back right before she could get crushed. The ship shaked once more due to the powerful push from Hoared.

"I never thought the day would come where I would be fighting my own fiance." Hoared noted, while throwing fist after fist at Xyax who was deflecting left-and-right.

"I never thought I'd even have a fiancee." said Xyax, before moving in a sweep that was avoided by Hoared who leaped over to her backside.

Hoared kicked Xaghu forward and she quickly grabbed a piece of the ship so she wouldn't blow away. Xaghu fixed her gun and blasted four rays at Hoared.


Hoared ran through two of the shots before flipping over the rest and coming in with a kick that almost damaged Xyax who was lucky enough to have jumped out of the way in time.

"Remember I taught you those moves."

"Please. The only think you taught me was how to be a damsel in distress-"

The minions of Hoared held onto the arms of Xyax stopping her from pushing on any further. She tried freeing herself, but the grips of the four minions were impeccable.

Hoared approached Xyax, "No more running Xyax." He kneels down to her, "Come with us, don't make this difficult for you. I know your dreams, I know your ambitions, I know your wish of becoming the saviour of the universe, but that's all a fairytale, don't let a small fairyta-"

"It's Not! It's real! It will happen! But what is a fairytale is you thinking I would actually marry a guy such as YOURSELF!"

Hoared took in a deep breath before calming down, "Xyax... Xyax... Xyax-"

""To Everybody On Aboard I Advice You To Tighten Your SeatBelts Unless Your Xyax, Then You Get A Free Access Pass To The Inside Of This Magnificent Ship.""

The thrusters of the ship charged up and in a blink of an eye they pushed out a strong gas of fire beaming forward in an incredible push of speed. General Hoared tried gripping on, but with his crewmates was thrown off due to the incredible force. Xyax- was inevitably next, but a wire from the ship quickly wrapped itself around the waist of Xyax and moved her closer to the hatchet which she opened and climbed into by herself.

Xyax quickly ran to the control room where she received the suprise of her life when she spotted nobody controlling the ship. Xyax was seconds away from commenting when a snicker caught her attention.

MicroMech regrew right in front of Xyax, "Thanks for the stalling time." He showed a thumbs, "Your little fight up there lasted long enough for the watch to boot back up, and for me to fix up some of the problems that ship was having."


"Yeah, apparently some wires were cut off or something, it was as if somebody shot them. That's why the thrusters were taking so long to charge up."

"And that wire thing you did?"

"Apparently MicroMech can control some technology somehow. I just entered some stuff and next thing I knew I was hacked into the intercome and I was able to do the other stuff."

Xyax pokes the stomach of MicroMech playfully, "This alien is oddly useful for such a little guy."

MicroMech snickers, "Useful enough for you to call me your friend?" He pumped out his fist.

"Not even close."

MicroMech shrugged and flew onto Xyax's shoulder and leaned against her face casually. "You know, I was just like you once, not accepting the idea of working together for this mission, but I think this could be a thing."

"Sure bud."

"You called me bud? That's a start, soon we're gonna be calling one another homies and that stuff."

"Not even close little guy."

The ship exploded into the deepness of space. Meanwhile hanging on the wire piece was General Hoarder keeping his grip tight so he wouldn't blow away.

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