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5.53% A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 15: From a Normal Day to...

Chapitre 15: From a Normal Day to...

(Cafeteria, Site-17 - 9:00 AM)

(Rodeo's Pov)

Hello people, it's your good old boy Rodeo speaking. Now it's been at least 2 days since my fight with 953 or should I say Crazy Milf happened and well things... actually went good and bad. 

The good part is Agent Green has fully recovered with the help of SCP-006 and I've become quite a popular guy here in site-17, due to the fact I went toe-to-toe with two SCPs that belonged to site-17 and beat the hell out of them in true Jojo fashion and being an interactive person with the staff. 

The bad part is well, the O5 while they were impressed by my performance they didn't like the fact about me sending two SCPs to intensive care and also they still fear 'Bites the Dust' and my powers, including that I'm a keter class SCP, so they're not allowing me to do too many things like training myself to get better at fighting or getting new weapons. 

I even told Jones to request the O5 to give me access to the gym & armory but they denied the request. So I'm still an average fighter with only my bombs being useful to me. If I can impress or help them in some way again, maybe just maybe I might get access to some of the facilities here. Also my wounds have healed, so that's good but they did leave some scars on my body.

But anyways, I was currently sitting in the cafeteria on a chair next to a table, along with Lawrence and Agent Green. Lawrence was wearing his scp guard uniform without the helmet and Agent Green was wearing a green t-shirt with an unzipped black colored jacket over it and was wearing navy blue pants and black shoes. 

Lawrence and Green were talking about the multiple missions they did together or alone and I was actually impressed and shocked by their feats and I'm still processing how the hell did they even survive? Either these two are Doomslayers or two normal humans too stubborn to die. 

I'll let you decide, also we weren't the only ones in the cafeteria, there were some scientists, guards, MTF soldiers or agents and even D-class having their morning breakfast. 

"So let me get this straight, Lawrence. You survived 106's pocket dimension, a scratch on your chest from 966 and survived getting eaten by those creatures that swarmed around 1836 and rescued Green from getting eaten by the vampires of 2191 and you even went color blind as well."

"Yep, that's my life in a nutshell. I'm still surprised how we're both not dead yet."

"Maybe it's just luck."

"Or maybe you guys are just too stubborn to die."

We all laughed.

And then Green said, "Yeah, probably. So kid, any luck with your you know... requests?"

I sighed, "Still nothing."

"Give them some time, Rodeo. I'm pretty sure they will listen to you eventually."

"You know I've been sending them requests for two days now, and all of them were denied."

"Well, like I said before you can't argue with the O5's decisions and they have very good reasons for not accepting your request."

"And what are those reasons, Agent Green?

"You're an entity with the power to blow up anything into atoms, and one of those powers being able to bend reality which is a serious threat in the Foundation's standard."

"I know that part, Green. I'm not dumb."

"I know but still a reason."


"Rodeo, have you noticed the guards standing behind us?"

The three of us turned around, and saw ten scp guards with their M6's on their arms, and well I knew these guards. They are my well, let's just say my personal watchers. Jones sayed a day back that the O5 actually wanted to make sure I didn't try to escape or do anything suspicious so they decided to keep ten guards around me.

"Oh! These guys, well they're my... bodyguards."

"We are not your body guards, SCP-6601." Says one of them.

"Really?" Lawrence said deadpanned to me.

"I'm not joking, Lawrence. Am I right, guys?" I said to the guards.

"...Freak." Muttered the second one.

"Thank you so much for those kind words." I said nonchalantly.

"Those weren't kind words, Rodeo."

"Don't worry Green, that's just his way of showing kindness. Ain't I right, Daniel my boi!"

"...Freak." The second SCP Guard named Daniel repeated.

"You're welcome." I said to Daniel with my 'happy' expression.


Next moment, Green leaned on me and whispered, "So Rodeo, did you notice some of the girls staring at you right now?" 

"Wait, what?" I said, feeling surprised by his words.

Green pointed towards a table not far from us and I saw some of the female D-class and some female scientists looking at me, one scientist waved at me, and one of the female D-class winked at me. I'm pretty sure they're looking at my muscular body and I don't like where this is going. I sense thots everywhere, or worse... furries. 

Because, you know, I'm a cat.

"Fuck..." I murmured to myself with jojo shadow eyes.

"Uhhh, what's with those shadows covering your eyes?"

"It's a jojo thing, my friend." I said while the shadows were still covering my eyes.


"Maybe you should need to have a laid kid." Green said.

"No! No! No! No! No!"

"Why not?" Lawrence asked.

"Look, I will date a girl when I get a college degree and a job. You know how hard it is to do with college while being distracted by your romantic partner with other irrelevant things? Annoying as hell. Also, do you think anybody is ready to date a pink muscular humanoid cat?"

"Ok, you got a point."

I'm not even sure about getting a degree and job anymore, because well I'm stuck in the universe of SCPs. So there's that.

"I mean they seem interested." Green said, pointing to the girls still looking at me. 

"They are interested in my muscular features, Green, not my petty little feelings." I said gesturing to my biceps, triceps and abs.

"Which is damn perfect actually." Lawrence nodded in admiration.

"Oh, really? How do you charm girls, Agent Green?"

"Simple, with words." He answered with a smirk.

"Not with your muscles?"

"I uhhhhh..."

I just laughed at him, knowing he had no answer to that and he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Green. I'm pretty sure you'll find someone in your life." I said, patting him on the back.

"I've actually have, Rodeo."

"Tell me then."

"You've met her already."

"Hmmm, I have no idea, who are you talking about?"

Green sighed, "Alright, I'll give you a guess she has long blonde hair and rarely smiles and always has a stern look."

"You mean Dr. Amelia?"


Rodeo: [GIF]

I started laughing like J. Jonah Jamenson, even though my facial expression remained stoic.

"Kid, it's not funny."

For a moment, I stopped laughing, "Ok, Green, I first thought she visited you because you two were friends but to think you are having a relationship with her, it's kind of hilarious since you're old."

"I'm not that old."

"Says the guy with the gray hair." Lawrence added.

Me and Lawrence started laughing, while Green was looking at us in annoyance. 

"Just because I have gray hair, doesn't make me look like an old man."

I chuckled, "I know but it's still funny when you think about it." Then I look at Lawrence, "So you have anybody in your life, Lawrence?"

"You've met her as well."

"It's Dr. Collingwood right?"

"How did you-...?"

I cut him off, "The way you hugged her back in the interrogation room, when I first arrived here and pranked you with 'Bites the Dust', you had a look of concern for her...  I kind of figured it out."

"You did what now?" Green asked me.

"It's a long story, Green. Anyways I'll be heading out now."

"Where are you going?"

"Dr. Amelia wanted to talk to me regarding something. So I'm heading to her office right now."

I then stood up from my chair and then sayed to both of them.

"See you dogs later."

Green and Lawrence nodded and then I exited the cafeteria, with the ten SCP Guards following behind me.


(Third Person Pov)

"So what exactly happened back at the interrogation room that day?" Green asked Lawrence.

Lawrence let out a sigh, "Well it's kind of embarrassing."


(Back with Rodeo)

Rodeo was walking down the hallway with the ten scp guards following behind him as Rodeo was heading for the elevator. Since Rodeo's been exploring the site for some time he's pretty used to the places layout and doesn't get lost.

'Good thing, I started exploring this place a bit more after ending up here. It just makes it easier for me to play the Containment Breach game even easier.' He thought.

"Hey, Rodeo!"

Rodeo and the ten SCP Guards turned around and saw three female researchers in their 18's and 19's years of age, approaching him.

"Oh god please no." He said before activating [Indestructible Virgin!], which doesn't even exist eventually.

As of now, the three female researchers now stand in front of them.

"Good morning, Rodeo. So are you heading for the elevator?" One of the female researchers said. 

"Uhhhh, yeah."

"We're also heading for the elevator as well. So you wouldn't mind if we tagged along with you?" Says another one.

"Ma'am, I suggest you keep your distance from him. He's a keter class SCP." Said the male guard with a British accent.

Then the third female researcher clings to his right arm surprising Rodeo, the guards and the other two researchers. 

"I don't care if he's in keter class. He's so kind, gentle and he has quite the build." She said with a seductive smile.

'Please someone end me.' Rodeo thought to himself.

The second female researcher pushes her away from Rodeo and says to her, "What is wrong with you?! Are you trying to get close to Rodeo like that? Stay away from him!" She said angrily.

The third female researcher looks at her with anger and says, "Says the girl with short bust."

"Well, you're ugly as the Wizard of Oz' witch."

"Please someone end me, right now."

"Short tits!"

"Ugly piece of shit!"

Then their glares intensified and then well this happened. 


The two researchers kept on shouting this to each other while Rodeo was getting annoyed by this even more.

"Jesus Christ, girls shut the fuck up! You're all so goddamn annoying!"

The three female researchers froze because of his yelling, but a few seconds later they had blushes and smiles on their faces.

"I'm pretty sure he told that to me."

"No, I think he told me that to me."

"I think it's me."

Rodeo was surprised that they took it lightly.

"Is this how Jotaro feels when he has girls following behind him?" He uttered to himself.

Rodeo then continues walking down the hallway along with the guards, while the researchers just follow him slowly much to his displease.

"Good fucking grief."


(Dr. Amelia Buck's Office - 9:20 AM)

Dr. Amelia Buck was writing down something on a piece of paper and then her office door opened and it was Rodeo.

"Good morning, Dr. Amelia."

"Morning, Rodeo."

"So you called me here for something?"

Amelia stood up from her chair and approached him.

"It's regarding what world you are from."

"Come again?"

"Rodeo, you knew about 049's abilities. You wouldn't have that sort of knowledge unless you got it from some source. So I want to ask where you come from, are there any SCPs?"

Yup, it is time, Rodeo expects there will be a day where he will be asked this question, he has no reason to lie.

So he took a deep breath and then said, "I'm from an earth, where SCPs are just horror fiction rather than reality."

"What?" Amelia said with wide eyes.

"It's true, Dr. Amelia. We have no SCPs, the foundation, or other things related to it don't exist in our world. They're just horror fiction made by two normal people using the internet."

Amelia was shocked, surprised, and couldn't comprehend this. To think that the SCPs are just a piece of fiction in his world and that his world doesn't have to live in fear of world ending anomalies.

"So your world is normal and everybody lives peacefully?"


"Then you must be quite happy living in a world where monsters don't exist, right? While we have to live in fear of the monsters that we keep locked away from the world's eyes, hoping they don't end the world." She said to Rodeo with envy.

"Dr. Amelia, my world might be safe and peaceful but that still doesn't change the fact that this world can also become peaceful as well one day."

"How can you be so sure, Rodeo? We have been capturing and containing SCPs for so long and yet we haven't brought any real change to this world. And then there's you, Rodeo."

"What about me?"

"You don't live in fear of these monsters because you think that everything will be alright and are ready to throw your life against these monsters. Why?"

"Because if you live in fear, then life is not worth living then and I know things will be alright because... I have faith."

"I see."

"But there's one thing that still bothers me."

"And what would that be?"

"Remember when I talked about the helmet back at the interview."


"They're could be a possibility that I might not be the only human to become a STAND."

"Wait, you're not saying that there could be others like you out there?"

"It's just a possibility. I'm not 100% sure myself."

"Is there any STAND that we should be careful about?"

"Well there is one..."

Rodeo's sentence is cut off as Amelia's phone is ringing, she then picks it up and puts it next to her ear.


Rodeo was just standing with his arms crossed, waiting for her conversation to end with the one on the phone. After a few minutes, the call ends.

"Who was that?"

"It was Site Director Jones. He got a call from the O5 regarding transferring you to site-19, and some additional MTF soldier's as well."

"I'm pretty sure this is a regular thing you do in the foundation right?"

"Yes, it's standard protocol for the foundation to transfer D-class, personnel, staff as well as soldiers and guards to different sites. But I think you already know that."

"When you're a 20 year old boy, who likes pop-culture I tend to memorize a lot of lines and information from movies, video games, anime, etc. So yeah, I already know about the whole foundation procedures. But it's best if I keep it to myself."

"Yes, that would be a better option. Unless, the other groups don't come after you."

"Let them try." He then cracks his knuckles, "I'll give them pain without end. But I won't kill them because I'm a totally nice guy!"

"Rodeo, what if there's a time when you will need to kill someone. Just to protect others. You know this world can be unforgivable sometimes."

"I know, but like I said I'm not that type of guy!"

"Then what about 049's undead?"

"That was different, because they were already dead. There was no choice for me to show mercy to the undead. But to the living I can show mercy!" He said truthfully.

"I see." She sighs, "You really are different from the other SCPs."

"That I am. So when are we headed to site-19?"

"We'll be leaving at 12 PM. So I suggest you get ready."

Rodeo nodded and was about to leave until he felt a hand on his shoulder and it was Dr. Amelia's hand.

"Something you want to say to me?"

"Thank you... for getting Agent Green back on his feet."

"You know you could have told me this two days ago, you know."

Amelia sighs, "Well I got busy with work and other things so I'm telling this now."

"It's ok, Dr. Amelia. And you're welcome."

Rodeo then leaves Dr. Amelia's office.

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