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4.49% A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 12: The Nine-tailed Fox(1)

Chapitre 12: The Nine-tailed Fox(1)

(Break Room, Site-17- 3:00 PM)

(Rodeo's Pov) 

Yep, it's me again. I was now in the break room. Well, for those of you who don't know or know what a break room is, it's actually a room where employees can take a break, socialize or eat. 

The room was big and enough to have at least 20 people fit in it. The floor was made out of white tiles, the room had some chairs and tables as well as vending machines for drinks and snacks. I was being shaken like a ragdoll by Dr. Collingwood.

"Are you insane, Rodeo!?!" She said to me angrily while shaking me like a ragdoll.

While I was being, you know, shaken back and forth, Dr. Amelia Buck, Johnson, Simmons, Lawrence and even Carson were looking at the fiasco from the sidelines. 

"Please someone help me for the love of God!"

"Should we help him?" Simmons asked.

"Nah, I think he's fine." Johnson shook his head as he continued to drink his soda.

"I am not fine you idiot!" 

"Collingwood, can you at least let the kid breathe for a second." The other MTF guard, Lawrence said to her.

She then stops and lets go of me and then I sit on a chair, I hold my head with my right hand, feeling a bit dizzy from the shaking. 

"Well... that was dizzying." 

"Why do you want to do this Rodeo? You just... came here today and you want to risk your life by hunting down an scp that can potentially kill you!" She said to me both angrily and worryingly.

She had every right to worry about me and be angry at me as well, since a person like me is ready to risk his life for one guy. 

"Dr. Collingwood, I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing this for Agent Green." 

"Wait, wait, wait. You're doing this for Green?"


"So that you can help him recover?"

"Yes. That's why I sent a message with the help of Dr. Amelia to help me cure Agent Green, either with SCP-500 or SCP-006 since both can heal injuries and diseases."

"I know you want to help... but I don't want to see you get killed or traumatized by seeing messed up things or or or..."

I then stood up and approached her, "Dr.Collingwood, do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?" I asked again.

Collingwood was thinking for a few minutes, "Yes, I do."

"Then you don't need to worry. I'll be fine and I have my bombs to help me, if I get in a tight spot." I reassured her. 

"Rodeo, what if the O5 don't agree with you? Then what are you gonna do?" Johnson said by the side.

"I haven't thought about it yet but let's wait and see."

Then the door of the break room opens and it was Site Director Jones. 

"Ah! Mr. Jones, anything from the O5?"

"Well I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"The good news."

"The good news is, the O5 Council are ready to agree with your deal of capturing an scp and that your demands will be fulfilled after the scp has been captured by you or with the help of an MTF team on your side."

Amelia asked the other option, "And the bad news?"

"It's the SCP they are asking him to capture that worries me."

"Which one is it?"

"SCP-953, "The Nine-tailed Fox""

Well, this is great. They are asking me to capture a serial killer, who can shapeshift into anyone and manipulate people's minds and feasting on people's livers. But I can survive the mind manipulation, since I have immunity to certain scps, but will she be a threat, because I can just use my bombs and subdue her. 

"Alright, then it's settled with an MTF team on my side, we shall capture 953."

"Uhh kid, I've heard some stuff regarding 953 and are you sure you don't have second thoughts about this?" Carson said.


Collingwood also asked, "Rodeo, 953 is a Keter class SCP. Are you sure you can deal with her?"

"Yes, with the powers of Killer Queen on my side, I will capture her and help Agent Green recover from his injuries." Then I turned my gaze at Director Jones, "So Mr. Jones, when do we start our capture operation?"

"Our agents are trying to find 953 as we speak, but when they do find her I'll let you know. And also Rodeo."


"Just be careful against that psychopath, when you deal with her."

"I will, Mr. Jones." I said with a thumbs up with my right hand.

"Good. Have a nice day then." Jones then left the breakroom. 

"Well kid, it seems like you got what you wanted." Says Johnson.

"Yep, now I just need to wait... ok , I'm starting to get bored already. Don't you have anything fun to do here?"

"It's the foundation kid, do you really think there's anything fun to do?"

"Ok, you got a point."

Carson helps out, "What about your phone? You can kill some time with that?" 

"I don't have the Wifi of this place connected. Do any of you know the password?"

Amelia sighs, "I'll do it for you."

I opened my hollow stomach compartment and took out my phone and gave it to Dr. Amelia. It only took her a few minutes to finish, then she gave it back to me and I checked it. Yep, it's connected alright. 

"Thanks, Dr. Amelia."

"Don't mention it."

"Hey Collingwood, is it me or did she just acted nice to Rodeo." Lawrence leaned in to Collingwood and asked.

"Don't know, but I'm glad that she's like this. She's changing a little bit."

"Kid's got a way with people."



(Rodeo's Containment Cell - 3:15 PM) 

Pretty much, I was sitting on my bed in my containment cell, watching some YouTube videos on my phone and I got an outlet, placed in my cell in case I needed to charge my phone. While I do feel prepared in dealing with 953, I can't help but feel a bit uneasy in dealing with an SCP that has killed people in gruesome ways. 

I sighed, "I'm taking a very huge risk, let's hope it pays off."

I looked through my phone's gallery and saw my photos of my family. I then look at my own photo, a normal 20 year old boy, with a normal life. Then I look at my own hands, now I'm the Killer Queen Stand. 

"How long will I be a Stand? Will I ever become human again? Is there even a way home? I'll just have to wait, I guess."

Then my containment cell door opened and it turned out it was Dr. Amelia Buck. 

"Oh, hi, Dr. Amelia!"

"Hi, Rodeo."

"What brings you here?"

Amelia looked down for a moment and then looked at me, "Rodeo... I know you want to help Agent Green, but the SCP you're going to deal with has done many cruel things... I just don't want to see you in a body bag." She said, although she still has that stern look on her face, there is a hint of worry and fear in it.

With that, I was surprised that she was actually worried about me, I'm not saying she can't worry about me but I know she's seen enough things happen in the foundation and I know the last thing she wants is a nice and kind person like me who understood her hardships just... bite the dust like that.

"Dr. Amelia I understand you don't want me to do this, but I'm taking the risks because I know I can do this."

"I know you can do this, but... can a friend like me not worry about you?"

I stood up from my bed and approached her,  "It's ok to worry Dr. Amelia but you need to trust me, pray that I'll stay safe."

"Ok, Rodeo."

I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Things will be alright, Dr. Amelia. I assure you that I will come back safe."

Dr. Amelia nods and leaves the room as she closes my door with her key card. 

"Good grief, everyone's worrying about me."


(On the Rooftop of Site-17 - 9:00 PM)

(Third Person Pov)

Sgt. Johnson and Simmons were standing on the rooftop of site-17, looking at the night sky with the full moon shining brightly. The site was surrounded by multiple trees, since the facility was in the middle of a forest far from any town or city.

"Hey Simmon, you know, Rodeo reminds me a lot about Cory. Funny, kind, gentle and cares about the people around him." Says Sgt. Johnson to his partner next to him.

Simmons nodded, "Yeah, Johnson, don't you think we should stop him?"

"It's his decision not ours, and don't forget the O5 Council agreed with his demands. If we argue with Rodeo right now, he might think that we don't trust him. So let's just trust him, just like we trusted Cory back in the old days."

"Yes, sir."


(Rodeo's Containment Cell, Site-17 - 9:00 AM)

It was now morning and Rodeo was in his containment cell. Since he is a Stand, and doesn't require food, water, or sleep, well just say he was binge watching RWBY volume 1-8...











All night till morning. 

Rodeo groans loudly, "No matter how many times I see RWBY, I always find Volume 1-3 better because it had everything done perfectly. Then we have volumes 4-8, that are both perfect and terrible at the same time. Sometimes, I wonder what type of writers Rooster Teeth hire in their department." Rodeo ranted like the true anime lover that he was.

The door opened and this time it was Simmons.

"What's up, Rodeo?"

"Nothing just ranting about RWBY."

"I understand your pain, I just wished the writers did a better job. But what do we get instead?"

""Bad development for characters."" They both said in unison.

They both looked at each other and approached each other.

"Seems like we have a common understanding." Rodeo said.

"Yep, come on, Dr. Buck wants to do your blood test and X-ray since you skipped it yesterday."

"Yeah, let's go."


(Infirmary, Site-17 - 9:12 AM) 

Rodeo was in the infirmary, inside a room and was sitting on a chair, while Dr. Amelia Buck was readying a syringe to extract his blood for the blood test. 

"Now this might sting a little bit, Rodeo but I'm pretty sure you can handle it."

"Of course I can."

"Good then stay still."


Amelia then uses the syringe to extract his blood from his arm, and surprisingly he does have blood in his body. Amelia gives Rodeo a piece of cotton then she places it on that area of the arm, where the blood was extracted. 

Amelia then places a tiny drop of the blood from the syringe on a small rectangular piece of glass and places the glass under a microscope. She then looked through the microscope and saw there was nothing anomalous regarding his blood. It was similar to how every red blood cell in humans looks like.

"Hmmm, it seems like you have normal human blood." 

"Well, what did you expect?" 

kSomething anomalous perhaps. But anyways, now your X-ray scan." 

(One X-ray scan later )

After the x-ray scan, Amelia was looking at his x-ray and saw that he did have a skeleton and the skull had had two triangles on it, which is due to the ears perhaps. But what was surprising was that he didn't have any internal organs, which was the only anomalous thing that she could find out of him. Rodeo on the other hand was sitting on a chair looking at his phone. 

"No internal organs, huh? That could explain why he doesn't need food, water and sleep, but he can bleed even though he doesn't have a heart. This is quite bizarre."

Rodeo then looks at Amelia, "So are we done?"

"Yes, we're done. The data we got might help in understanding your physiology, a bit more."

"Well, at least I did something useful today."

Then suddenly the door opened and it was Lawrence. 

"Hi Lawrence, what brings you here?"

"We found 953, she's in Chicago. We're gonna move at 11:00 AM sharp. So you ready?"

Rodeo stood up from his chair and cracked both of his knuckles.



(Underground Parking Lot, Site-17 - 11:00 AM)

The first thing it shows was a white van parked in the parking lot with Simmons, Johnson, Lawrence, Carson and Rodeo getting ready for themselves to go to Chicago. 

Looking at the rest, Sgt. Johnson says, "Alright, our agents in Chicago are ready with the K9 unit, since 953 has a fear of dogs. We will meet with them and then capture 953.

Rodeo if she tries to pull a stunt, you know what to do."

"Got it, sir. Use my bombs."

"Good, now let's get going."

Lawrence takes the driver's seat, while Carson, Johnson, Simmons and Rodeo sit on the backside of the van. Lawrence starts the engine and then the van exits the parking lot.


(Streets of Chicago - 12:00 AM)

It was midnight. The van was parked in an alleyway a few feet away from the apartment where 953 lives. The k9 unit was on standby and was hiding in another alleyway a few feet away from the apartment, ready to strike. 

"So this is the place?"

"Yeah, our field agents told us that she was in this apartment."

Johnson takes out a walkie-talkie and calls the k9 unit that they will initiate capture.

"Alright, let's go."

Johnson, Rodeo, Simmons, Carson and Lawrence get out of the van and head for the apartment building, while the k9 unit waits for them outside.

They enter the apartment building and quietly head upstairs with their LWRC M6 carbine's ready except for Rodeo who didn't need a gun. Since everybody was asleep, it would be easy for them to capture 953 without the public knowing at all. The group reach the third floor and head towards the room, where 953 is.

They stopped next to the room and then Johnson quietly said to Rodeo. 

"I need you to blow the door knob up, with your bomb and make sure it isn't loud."

"Got it."

Rodeo touches the door knob and turns it into a bomb and quietly says, "Switch on."

He activates the bomb and the door knob is blown to atoms without the explosion being too loud. 

Seeing this, Johnson then says, "Lawrence take point." 

Lawrence nods and opens the door slowly and then enters the room. He looks around left and right and sees nobody.

"Room's clear."

The other four enter the room and notice there is no one in sight.

"Rodeo, check the bathroom. Simmons and Carson check the bedroom. Lawrence, we'll check the kitchen."

Everybody nods and they head for their respective areas.


(Rodeo's Pov)

I entered the bathroom and there was nobody... but the bathroom window was open.

"Hm, did she escape already? No if she's gone, then all of this will be for nothing."

I decided to look out the window. I looked to my left, nothing but when I looked to my right, I saw a woman with nine-tails behind her back, going into an alleyway.

"I got to warn the others."

I was going to tell them, but then I thought, 'No, I'm the one taking the risks. I can't get them involved, otherwise they will get killed. Friends and Family come first."

So I jumped out of the window and landed on the ground and headed towards the alleyway she went in. I entered the alleyway and looked around but nothing. I then decided to move forward to exit the alleyway and I was now in the middle of the street. 

There were many apartment buildings lined up on the street I was on and there were cars parked on the sidewalk. There are also lamp posts as well. Luckily no civilians were roaming around since it was midnight. 

"Ok, where the hell is she?"

I looked to my left, nothing. I looked to my right, nothing, I looked at the alleyway. I just exited behind me with nothing. I looked in front and... she was standing in front of my face, which freaked me out.

"Oh my shit!"

I quickly backed away from her as she was looking at me, with those glowing yellow eyes, she had short black hair, her nine-tails were behind her back and she was wearing a dress of some type with long sleeves and she wasn't wearing any shoes, stepping in the ground bare footed. 

"Who are you?" She asked. 

Well it's time to make myself clear.

"I'm not answering your question, lady. You committed many horrific acts and escaped foundation custody and for those reasons, I'm here to capture you. So come with me quietly and I won't end you eventually." I said in a serious and threatening tone.

She then smiled, "Why are you serving those pigs, Rodeo?"

"Nani?" I was shocked.

How the hell did she know my name? I didn't even tell her my name. Wait, if I remember correctly the scp wiki mentioned that she has moderate psionic abilities. That means...











"You can read my mind?"

"So you figured it out. You see I can read people's minds and manipulate and control them, but you are a different case. I can't manipulate and control you, but I can still read your thoughts for some odd reason. You know if I could have manipulated you, I could have killed you easily and ripped your skin off of you. But now I have to do this the hard way." She said with a psychotic smile.

"Last chance, 953. You are coming with me." 

"Try to land a hit on me. Maybe then I will go with you."

This lady's crazy. I then sprinted towards and did a right punch but she dodged the punch by ducking and then she scratched my right leg with her claw. 

"Ahhhhh! You son of a lunatical bitch!"

I quickly backed away and looked at my leg and although the scratch wasn't deep, it still hurt like hell and it was bleeding a little bit. 

"You know I can read your thoughts right? So I know what type of attack you're going to do next."

Well, this is going to be troublesome.

End of Chapter 11

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