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50% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Chapitre 49: Chapter 49

I quickly eliminate all the undead in the cave, something simple since they are not very strong and they no longer keep reviving continuously, well there was a Skeleton General but the truth is that it didn't resist much with how high my stats are... Now that I'm leaving the cave I decide to check my other weapon that I got.

[Spectral Spear Rank: Legendary Type: Two-Handed Spear

The creator of this formidable Two-Handed Spear sacrificed his own life to forge it, resulting in a curse that will try to dominate the wearer's soul.

Increases damage to Shadow, Demon, and Undead monsters by 20%, and will reduce damage from these monsters by 10%.

Absorbs 50 HP upon defeating enemies. Inflicts the Confuse status to the wearer by a certain chance.

Req. Level: 74, Swordsman Class. Attack - 170 Price: 20]

A good weapon, it will help me a lot when I have to fight in DxD, besides its effects shouldn't really affect me thanks to Gamer's Mind, I hope I can study it more carefully and find out how to make it have these effects to make stronger weapons...

I leave the cave and as if it were a cell phone company I receive a message from Epianne, it is strange that I received it when leaving the cave, could it be that inside the cave there was no signal!? Extrange, I still have internet connection.... Well leaving me comments aside, I have to see them again, to find out what happened to the titles that the King gave them.

I talked a little bit with her and she just asking me where I am how I am and that type of things, I answer her of course, after that I ask her about what happens in the castle and with the others, we chat for a few moments, you should always have time for your family, no matter how difficult is the situation is, although the world really doesn't want to see me rest... so I quickly say goodbye to Epianne and remind her to take care of the store in case Katsuragi returns.

I went back up to the tower where I was before and observed the situation, apparently the Valkyrie decided to stop playing around and launched a large-scale attack, hurting the people who were paralyzed on the bridge, I only see the lewd leotard girl in the place, however, it seems that Devon Irine will finally take things seriously... Meanwhile I keep getting closer to them, until I can hear them again.

"The time has come, Haeryongdo!! I summon you dread might! Let my VENGANCE BE YOURS!" The Valkyrie Sarah is still laughing her head off and Devon Irine finally had the balls to act and clean his mess. "Ahhh, so your blood boils at last! 12 years, I waited, Father, 12 Years! TO SEE YOU DEAD!!!" The Valkyrie keeps screaming but something happens as I watch, behind her I see how Sakray appears ready to stab her.

I was going to quickly go towards her to finish off Sakray, but I stop a bit when I see Devon Irine let himself be pierced by the Valkyrie's his daughter sword... after that he took her sword in his hand and turned her around, moving her away from the trajectory of Sakray's sword.

I continue to run towards them, I can clearly see how Sakray's sword sticks into Devon Irine's side, also how the Valkyrie's face shows surprise and confusion, from what I see the Rune Knight dug up himself from the rubble as well and immediately runs towards the lewd leotard girl... I see something shine, so she was protected by a sword that she wears on her waist, so she must be fine.

From what I see Devon Irine is saying goodbye to the Valkyrie and asking for her forgiveness, the Valkyrie looks like she doesn't understand anything, although clearly it's just the love of a father for his daughter, no matter what happens, he will always be there to protect their children. Sakray also shows a surprised face... from what I can see, he's already healed, although his hair is still cut and misaligned.

However, before I can get to it, my instinct alerts me to something that is approaching, I immediately see my map but I don't see anything suspicious, well, apart from the two points that are a bit far away and that are clearly a couple of crows watching , right now I'm on the wall and I can see that the center of all this is the Rune Knight.

Thu Thump!! Thu Thump!!

Little by little I can hear something... beats, they are being generated from the Rune Knight. I can see how he also doesn't understand what's going on, he has a look of despair on his face as he holds the lewd leotard girl, the Warlock seems to have woken up too, and almost as if they were synchronized both will see Devon Irine at the same time.

And for some strange reason above the head of the Rune Knight called Chaos, a new title appears... Reincarnation of Baldr, the God of Light. And as its name indicates, a brilliant light began to emanate from it, with the sound of heartbeats and that feeling of danger continues to increase!

"I don't know what the fuck he's doing but I have to stop him!!" So I immediately use teleport to get closer to him, however something strange happens and I appear in front of where Sakray, Devon Irine and the Valkyrie are...

Luckily for me thanks to the bright light they can't really see me, so I take the opportunity to change my armor to Rune Knight's, however it's too late and I can only hear the scream of the Warlock, among the screams of the Rune Knight.

"HE IS SUMMONING!!" Once the scream ended, it felt like something came, and I see a purple dragon on the outskirts of Payon opening its eyes, releasing a shuddering roar paralyzing everyone present, including me momentarily...


[Dragon Fear: Causes the user to become paralyzed and lose all will to fight. Status - 50%, HP/MP - 50%.]

[Dragon Fear has been disabled thanks to Gamer's Mind!] [Dragon Fear has been disabled thanks to Gamer's Mind!] [Dragon Fear has been disabled thanks to Gamer's Mind!]

I deactivate the automatic notifications that keep popping up in my vision, clearly this dragon managed to disable us all just with his presence... but hey, it's no surprise because even if it didn't do that, I would still be the same when I see it statuses in my system...

[Nidhoggr (Lost Dragon) LVL: 735 (999) HP: 608,920,631,720/608,920,631,720 MP: 1,956,270/1,956,270 Race: Dragon Element: Shadow 2 / Holy 2.

Nidhoggr is the devourer of the dead and the most terrible of all dragons. Ever chewing at the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. It is the mortality of the world and a sign of its coming demise.]

So many questions about its elements but I can see how the dragon begins to inhale, clearly preparing to release his breath... Behind me is Payon and clearly an attack like that cannot be resisted, I quickly change my Job to Royal Guard and start to top up all the buffs and skills I have... I equip my shield and hope this shit works.... although to be safe I take out another shield and put it in my other hand...

The dragon notices how I try to oppose it and apparently angry finally releases its breath directly towards me... I don't know what kind of breath it's releasing but I can see a vortex of energy... both Shadow and Holy, I look behind me and I see how Sakray and the Valkyrie pale with the attack... well time to be the fucking hero!


I don't know how but I'm stopping it, but fuck it's hard, plus I can feel how my feet want to be dragged back, but I'm not going back one step... I don't know if it's some kind of pride or desire, but I'm not going to back down from this creature, I'm lucky that when I switch to Royal Guard, the Holy power doesn't affect me as much, but in turn it affects my resistance to the Shadow type, the spear gives me It helps a little but it's minimal...

-100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP, -100,000 HP.

I can see how little by little, second by second my HP decreases although I am prepared to use my healing items in case I need it and I can also feel my Rage Counters skill start to fill up, it's lucky that the Reflect Damage skill can resist so much... and still I'm taking a lot of damage, well nothing that a Yggdrasil Berry can't fix...

[Vanguard Force, Lv : 10/10, Skill Form: Active/Buff, Type : Supportive. Caster Only.

Description : Increase your rage counter when you receive physical attack. The rage counters can be used for the skill Burst Attack. Vanguard Force will cancel when you cast Rage Burst. This skill consumes some MP at regular time interval to stay active.

LV 10: 100% chance / Max rage counter 200]

[Reflect Damage, Lv : 10/10, Skill Form: Active/Self buff. Type : Supportive, Caster Only.

Description : Reduce incoming reflection damage during the duration.

[Level 10] : Reflection Physical Damage 100% reduced.

[Level 10] : Reflection Magical Damage 50% reduced.]

After an agonizing minute and over 20 million HP later, the dragon stops, but shit my shields are boiling!! I'm sure if it weren't for my system that no matter how damaged it is the equipment always looks like new, well unless you want to configure it differently... right now I would only have a couple of molten metal's spilling from my arms.

I don't wait for the dust to clear and hit the dragon with my skill Burst Attack and oh boy! This will be awesome...

- 10,181,327,500 HP.

[Burst Attack, Lv : 2/2, Skill Form: Active/Damage, Type : Offensive.

Description : Releases all Rage Counters on the caster in order to deal damage to the enemy. The more Rage Counters the caster has and the lower the casters current HP, the greater the damage will be.]

'10 billion! What do you think of this bastard dragon!! Now I only have to resist this 60 more times before I eliminate you... why the hell do I feel so discouraged all of a sudden...'


Fenris Fenrir (Thw Warlock girl) POV.

I wandered the world for a long time, after finding out that I am the reincarnation of the wolf god Fenrir, looking for my beloved...cough, other reincarnated gods...I had to become a powerful Warlock thanks to the memories I possess, besides that thanks to these I was able to find the magical demon-slaying staff Laevatein, It is somewhat sentient and has the ability to extend to long lengths.

After so much searching... being chased by a Valkyrie, I was finally able to find Baldr! I have to control my thoughts! And my body, what does Baldr will think of me after I threw myself into his arms when I saw him.

I don't know what's happening to me but when I see him I feel like I can't even breathe and I just want to be by his side! But something happened that I never thought about, he has not recovered his memories, but it doesn't matter my job as his wif... cough partner is helping him.

"You are Mad... listen milady, I don't think you understand what I am saying here. First my name is Chaos." Baldr answers me, how rude, even if you are my... companion I can't allow you to think like that about me! I shouldn't explain to him clearly why I know he is the reincarnation of Baldr, my husba... cough companion.

"Anyway, our next step is to find your true from, recombine you soul with it and...." finally both of us... but what I am thinking my head won't stop spinning around and around!

"Listen can you give me any actual proof why you think I'm this God? Yeah! Proof show me undeniable evidence." What a great idea you had my love! Cough Friend!

"I have all the proof I need. I know it in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, every part of me knows that you a Baldr!" Wait a second I just thought that or did I really say it... huh? where he is? You won't run away from me after I took so long to find you!


"Explosions...? It's coming from the bridge!"

"It can't be... but it must be, I can sense her! It's the Valkyrie, she founds us already, we have to run now!!" So Sarah Irene decided to follow me here, but now that I found Baldr... Chaos we can... "Chaos NO!" And without saying anything else, he runs towards the entrance of Payon....

Without being able to do anything else I have to follow him now that I'm finally with Ba... Chaos I can't leave him alone, after a while we reach the bridge where Chaos immediately helps a girl to get up... is she his mate? She seems a little weak... although she has a good body... No, concentrate! Now is not the time to think about that!

The girl wakes up and asks for her father... but we don't have time for this now that we found the other woman from Chaos we must leave as soon as possible. How strange since Chaos is with this girl my thoughts calmed down, and I can finally analyze everything carefully... but why I am upset? I no longer understand my own thoughts... but there is no time for that we must escape!

"There is no time for talk, we have to get away, none of us are strong enough to take on that Valkyrie." I immediately give my opinion to the girl that now that I see her well I feel something familiar in her... "Right! One of the 12 powerful servants of the resurrected goddess, Freya" It's a good thing they didn't notice my change in expression... I wonder what this familiar feeling is...

"Will you two quit you jabbering? The Valkyrie will kill us all! We have to get out of this death trap!!" Chaos is doing the right thing wanting to retreat from here we really are no match for the Valkyrie, not to mention the Jotnar who are watching us...

"If you want to go then go! I have a duty to perform and if anyone tries to stop e, they'll regret it!" How can I convince her when she has the responsibility of staying here... now that I remember it a long time ago I was the same too, but the difference now is that the fate of the world is at stake...

"That's the Valkyrie? Alright, Valkyrie let's see how tough you are... again my sword Vision!!!" I have lost, Chaos won't leave... so close only to fail now... the Valkyrie finally shows interest towards us, and casts a restraining spell on us... clearly i can stop it but honestly i better keep Chaos out of Sarah Irine's reach.

While we are frozen, a couple of children approach us, quickly the Thief Lidia asks little Seri to look for an object among her belongings, on her side the other child Nuri begins to talk to this girl Iris, although it is not that they bring good news... the death of Iris's mother, Peony and to our surprise the culprit is standing on the bridge staring at Sarah Irine.

"I-I have heard of him, it must be Sakray, the Cursed Prosecutor, who roams the world in search of blood... a mad Valkyrie in the air and a monstrous killer on the ground, If you don't find that pill box, we are dead for sure!!" Lidia informs us of the identity of our new invite... I don't think we can escape this place alive... I was so close to make it...

Even though I've faced Sarah Irine many times, there is something wrong with her to make her react like this... I can't understand why she's so upset... Damn she's using Lord of Vermilion, I can't stop it in time!



" Ugh! My head... what was it..." I look up and the first thing I see is how Iris's father is being pierced by 2 swords... close to where I am I can see Chaos with Iris in his arms... it's a relief it seems that he's still alive... I have to take Chaos and get out of here no-... he is starting to shine.

Thu Thump!! Thu Thump!! Thu Thump!! Thu Thump!!

"He's Ummoning!!" No... no, no, no, no, that monster shouldn't come here, Chaos is using his own energy to open a gate. And the biggest problem is that the dragon responded!! It's all over, there's no way we can do anything...

Fear... I can only fell fear, the dragon of the apocalypse has arrived , and I just feel how my body trembles with his mere presence... and from what I see, the others are in the same situation... Huh? Who is that person who is standing in front of us? His armor is he a Rune Knight like Chaos? But why he have two shields in his hands? The cloak he wears has the Rune-Midgarts kingdom symbol on it.

I can see how clearly Nidhoggr exhales his breath...it's the end and I don't even have the will to turn to the side or cover my face...I just close my eyes waiting for the pain.... .....huh ? I do not feel anything? I open my eyes and what I see leaves me speechless....

The man with two shields is in front of all of us, with his shields in front resisting Nidhoggr's breath... and it's not just any breath, it's Nidhoggr's corrosive breath! But that man is standing there resisting him without backing down an inch...

After several seconds the breath finally stops... the dust and the smoke don't let me see well... but the fact that I'm still alive means that this man managed to stop an attack from Nidhoggr! But the most certain thing is that he is very badly injured, we have to save him... and again I hear a sound, the dust and smoke recedes.

Standing there is the man who stopped Nidhoggr's breath, but well to say standing is wrong... he attacked Nidhoggr and not only that, somehow his blow was so hard that he managed to take Nidhoggr back a few steps... and Now that I look at him, he doesn't seem to have any type of injury on his body.

Even his cape is still complete! What kind of defense does this person have, to resist an attack from one of the most powerful beings in the world, he is still standing in front of us but now I clearly see in his cape, his symbol is similar to that of the kingdom, but it is a completely different design what organization will he belong to?

He moves again... throwing himself headlong at Nidhoggr who can barely defend himself... how is it possible that a man can defeat a dragon like Nidhoggr the devourer of Yggdrasil... It's a shame that our savior's appearance is normal, but well that mean nothing, I have Chaos with me, even so, it's strange that I've never heard of someone so powerful...

However, before I can continue watching their fight, I see how a large crowd of colored lights descend from the sky and covers the area... and I clearly feel that I am being forced to teleport, I can only see how that man jumped towards Nidhoggr hitting him again with his spear, both of them disappearing from the place at the same time, instead an explosion began knocking me out before I could understand what really happened... The last thing I felt is like someone or something took me and teleported me to another place...

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