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Chapitre 2: Chapter 2

Two years had passed. Kiri and Haku had grown up quite a bit, Kiri was now twelve years old and Haku eight years old. Their relationship had improved a lot since they met, Haku had developed a very special feeling towards Kiri, it was not a feeling of friendship and much less brothers, it was a platonic feeling but at the same time it was confusing, was it love, joy, gratitude? He didn't know what it was, all he knew was that his life now belonged to Kiri, and if at any time Kiri asked him that he had to give his life in return... He did itit

Kiri had trained Haku in every possible aspect, especially in his element. Haku had been impressed to discover that Kiri had the same ability as him, Kiri at that time had told him all about his clan, Haku upon hearing the whole history of his clan had remembered his life before Kiri took him under his cloak. Kiri was also not far behind and also told his life to Haku and his goals, this for obvious reasons was very angry, as that snake dared to hurt Kiri's beautiful body, so Haku said with determination that he was going to train twice as much to be able to help and protect his savior from the clutches of Orochimaru, And that's exactly what he did

Kiri seeing his partner's determination exploited him in all areas, especially in his Kekkei Genkai and taijutsu where Kiri had quite a bit of experience. Haku proved to be a prodigy and in just half a year he had already been able to create his famous Jutsu; Ice Crystal Demonic Mirrors, but Haku took this Jutsu to a new level and all thanks to Kiri's experiences. Kiri knew well that Haku's slim build helped him a lot in his hand-to-hand combat, so Kiri focused a lot on that area and then followed the basic knowledge that every child had to learn in the ninja world

"Where will we go now?"

Haku's soft and delicate voice echoed in Kiri's eardrums, he looks at him with a soft look.

"We will go to Konoha, the village hidden among the leaves, in the Land of Fire.

"Hmm. Why are you interested in that village?

Kiri looked at Haku with a small smile, Haku seeing Kiri's smile turned his head away with his blushing cheeks.

"I worried about you Haku, I want you to live a normal childhood, I want you to be happy

Haku's heart began to beat intensely, Kiri was his most important person, he cared about him, he knew well that he had to become strong to be able to protect him even from Orochimaru, although of course, Kiri was not someone weak, he could rival a mid-level Kage and be able to exterminate an entire village.

"G-Thank you...

Kiri smiled and returned to his gaze would be.

"Let's move forward, the less the talk, the faster we'll get

Haku nodded, and the two disappeared in a speed blur. Now they were jumping branches, in the direction of the village where the nine-tailed Jinchuriki was located. Suddenly, Kiri stopped in its tracks. Haku felt Kiri's presence move away from his position and looked back at him, there was Kiri who was looking at nothing.

—Does it happen to–

Suddenly Kiri lost his balance and began to plummet to the ground. Haku who had seen that got too scared and with mosntruous speed took Kiri before his head crashed to the ground.

"K-Kiri, what happened to you, you feel fine

With great concern I left Kiri's body on the ground very carefully, Haku put Kiri on his back and what he saw terrified him... Kiri had his mouth stained with blood and his eyes were empty.

Haku's breath was getting more and more choppy, his heart was beating faster and faster, small tears began to form in his eyes... Suddenly a hand took his face, it was Kiri who already had his eyes with a little shine.

—H-Haku... Let's camp a-here

With great effort, Kiri spoke. His voice was choked in his blood, his vocal cords were mysteriously inflamed, and his body was greatly weakened.


It was night and Haku had already made a campfire around them, Kiri was already much better, his eyes had regained all their brightness, his vocal cords were already better, his body had already recovered its strength, and the blood in his mouth had been cleaned by Haku. He was winged with Kiri, he was still worried and asked him every five minutes "Do you need anything?, just ask me and I'm going to do it" Kiri sent Haku to look for medicinal plants in the area and he obeyed.

Haku helped Kiri drink a tea with the medicinal plants he had brought, the taste was horrible but little by little his body restored all his strength.

—.... What happened to you? "I ask anxiously—That's not normal for you.

"I don't know exactly... But I also feel better, let's keep moving forward.

Before Kiri got up, Haku forbade him and forced him to sit down, he was still very worried about him.

"Haku... Let's keep moving forward, we only have ten kilometers to reach Konoha.

Kiri's voice echoed in Haku's ears who shook his head, looked at Kiri with a smile, and curled up winged from him.

"That's the least of it, your health is the most important thing, first recover and then let's go to Konoha

Kiri let out a sigh and closed her eyes to try to sleep so that time passes quickly. But he asked himself a question, why does Haku act almost like a woman?... I guess that's because of his mental health, in the original timeline Haku was emotionally dependent on Zabuza, so it must not be uncommon for Haku to act the same with the... Although, why does Haku always move away when we bathe? I mean, we're both men, but he always walks away when we bathe in a lake... I guess it's privacy, I mean, I don't like to be looked at while I bathe either.

With that last thought, Kiri had turned off his mind and slept until the sun was present.


Two shadows passed in blurs between the treetops, they were Haku and Kiri who hiban in Konoha's direction, Kiri wanted Haku to spend a normal childhood and Haku wanted to always be by Kiri's side. This was already beginning to scare him.

In the distance they visualized a village that Kiri recognized immediately, it was Konohagakure.

Kiri and Haku, had landed near the entrance to Konoha which was being supervised by Izumo and Kotetsu. There is not much difficulty in deceiving them through the Transformation Jutsu, but Kiri thought better.

"Haku, with your Senbon needles try to give them a temporary paralysis.

"To order.

Haku took out two small Senbon needles from his ninja bag, this one with great mastery throws the needles into the neck of the two guards. Izumo and Kotetsu immediately fall to the ground unconscious, foam coming out of their mouth and their eyes white

"Well done Haku, now it's time to enter.


Haku nodded and together with Kiri entered the door to Konoha.


In the hokage tower the third was staying, his room was full of smoke from his pipe, his short gray hair was surrounded by the clouds of smoke that was all over the room and his pensive face full of wrinkles was looking right at the entrance door to his office.

Knock, knock...

—Go ahead

A soft, deep, and wisdom-filled voice came out of his mouth. He stood straight in his seat and moved the paperwork elsewhere.

There were two children, the first child with pale skin, long and messy black hair, with ice-blue but severe eyes, had a thin build but at first sight was very athletic. He didn't look more than 12 years old.

The other boy who accompanied them had long black hair, pale skin like the other, large dark brown eyes, beautiful eyelashes and was of thin build, he was just like a girl. He appeared to be between nine and eight years old.

"Lord Hokage, we are very sorry to have to steal your valuable time," he said in a respectful voice, "This matter is of the utmost importance, besides, could it be alone

Hiruzen Sarutobi, if it weren't for his face I'd bet he was surprised. This kid was very respectful for being such a young age. He made a movement with his hands and the Anbus who were watching on the roof and hiding outside the office left, Kiri sighed.

"Lord... I ask you to please let us host in your village, we are homeless and we spent two whole years outside.—He bows—We are not renegade ninjas and much less fugitives, we are just children looking for a home.

Kiri had to swallow his pride as a warrior, he did not bow to an old man who let a simple Sannin deceive him and deceive the whole town, he preferred a thousand times to stab himself or be stabbed by Haku.

"Hahaha!, okay, I don't want to make things more difficult for the time being. Children, would you tell me your names

Hiruzen asked kindly and then took another puff of smoke through his pipe.

"My name is Kiri Yuki, and he is Haku Yuki, we come from the clan that was at war for the Kekkei Genkai.

Kiri commented confidently but with a shudder, he knew well that Haku did not like to hear the history of our clan, it reminded him of his sad past.

I let out a cry of surprise, I heard something about his clan and you are right, in the war of the Kekkei Genkai the Yuki clan was the most feared, forgive me, I am not almost aware of his clan

A chill passed down Haku's spine, this by reaction hugged Kiri's waist tightly and, Kiri to comfort him began to blow his head gently. The truth is that Kiri had also felt an internal chill, his original personality had come into play, his pride and honor as Yuki was shattered, he could not save his entire clan for not having the necessary strength ... But now he had Haku by his side and he was going to strengthen him so he could protect himself.

Sarutobi watched the children's bodily reactions, softened his gaze when he saw that these two children were the last survivors of his clan, he coughed.

"Ahem... My apologies, I didn't want to bring to light a dark part of his past. By their reaction apparently both are the only survivors of their clan

An awkward silence had formed in the room. A silence as cold as the ice itself, no one dared to speak after such an awkward talk about the clan Yuki.

"Hmm. Lord Third, can we talk about business?" And please, in private.

Kiri looked at Haku gently, he nodded and withdrew from the room. Haku already being outside Kiri's side, Kiri began to speak.

Little by little the talk was lengthening and next to that the face of the hokage became paler. Five minutes of long rounds of questions and answers, in short, Kiri had counted his whole life from having to fight to save his clan, to the tortures of Orochimaru and the rescue of Haku, but of course, Kiri skipped the part of their personalities and reincarnation

"That would be all Lord the third, that's why I ask you on your knees to give us your protection, I want Haku to live his childhood normally, he gave him my power in exchange for that.

Again Kiri had to swallow his pride, but this time it was not so difficult, Sarutobi was an imbecile but kind person.

"Mmm... "Please don't need to show such humility toward an old man like me. Your situation was brought about by my silly student. We will gladly welcome you and your companion in Konoha.

Kiri nodded and as he was about to leave, Sarutobi stops him

"But in exchange for that... You will become a village shinobi, you told me that you have experience in A- and S-rank missions, and since you have immense chakra reserves you know how to do A-rank Jutsus, it would not be difficult to assign you the position of high-ranking Jonnin. On the other hand, your companion and student will attend the ninja academy and will have the right tutoring to be a great shinobi in the future. Their forces will greatly help our ranks.

At that moment, Kiri let out a sigh of relief. Sarutobi let out a gentle laugh and looked straight into Kiri's eyes.

"Would you mind doing a combat test with your companion?" I'm interested in seeing the power of both, especially yours

Kiri's gaze was one of doubt, from one moment to the next her gaze changed to one of assent.

"With pleasure. This will be an excellent test for Haku, I am also curious to know how he has advanced his power and combat tactics.

Sarutobi let out another laugh and pulled a piece of paper under his desk.

"I'll start with the paperwork today and include them in our official system. At the moment they can retire and look for a good place to stay, I take care of the expenses until you are assigned to Jonnin.

Kiri nodded and said goodbye to the third hokage. Right now, Haku and Kiri were just outside the streets of Konoha, they attracted a lot of attention not only for being strangers but also for Kiri's Anbu dress and Haku's feminine appearance.

"Haku, today we are going to buy a new change of clothes, today it will be a good idea to spend the money we got for killing some bandits

Kiri nodded to himself, he could not allow Haku to continue wearing the same clothes, they were already damaged and nothing back, and he already wanted to try the comfortable and clean clothes again. He hated his Anbu outfit, it was very uncomfortable to sleep with him.

"Follow me, I'll buy you the new change of clothes you and I need and, if we have money left over, I'll buy you a new piece of equipment.

"Okay. I could use new Senbon needles and a new outfit, I smell very bad.

Haku responded as he kept up with Kiri.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at a nearby store of basic ninja equipment and clothing. Kiri and Haku entered and were greeted by an older gentleman, who looked curiously at both of them, were they new?

While Kiri and Haku were browsing in search of new ninja clothing and basic equipment, the people around them kept muttering, well it was understandable, one boy looked like Anbu and the other was just like a girl, it was not common to find people like this every day.

They had finally found a perfect look for both of them, especially Haku had found a look that made Kiri surprised

Haku's outfit consists of a striped kimono that reaches his knees. On the brown sweater, he wears a bluish-green haori with white ornaments, and around his waist a brown sash with a fringed edge. Along with this, he wears wide-soled sandals of light brown and strips of the same color as his haori. She also wears her fingernails and toenails painted bluish-green, matching her haori. With this outfit, Haku's long hair is pulled back in a white bra, while two strands of her hair fall loose framing her face, fastened at the ends. In short, it was the original Haku only in a small version... Although Kiri was somewhat struck by Haku's physical form, it was... More feminine, his Haku seemed in every word a girl, if he compared the original Haku and his could identify which one looked like a woman and which one looked like an androgynous

Kiri's outfit consists of a standard uniform, consisting of gray chest armor over a black shirt and pants of the same color, as well as having a ribbon tied a little above his knee. He has a metal guard on his arm, plus gloves. On the back of their waist, they have three ninja bags where they keep their shurikens and kunais. In short, it was an Anbu outfit, but this one was cleaner and more comfortable.

After this Kiri went to the cash register where an old woman with a kind face was attending.

"How much would it be for everything, miss?"

Kiri spoke respectfully to the old lady

"Let's see...


With everything already paid, Kiri and Haku went to buy a basic ninja equipment, new sharp and polished needles were given to Haku who kept them in his pocket, for Kiri I only buy shurikens and kunais, nothing new.

It was already dark and as they still had money they decided to go to eat and in the end buy an apartment that the hokage was going to pay, of course, until Kiri was already assigned to Jonnin.

"What do you fancy Haku?"

"Anything you want is fine.

Kiri sighs heavily. One lucky day, Haku could express his opinions freely towards him.

"Ramen will be then...

At a slow pace they went to Ichiraku Ramen, the truth Kiri was very curious to try that food

People passed around chatting, the stars shone brightly and two children were heading to enjoy a good meal. Suddenly, Kiri felt a grip on his hand, this turned his gaze and watched as Haku had his fingers intertwined with his, his face was flushed and his big brown eyes radiated a precious glow. Kiri, who softened his gaze towards Haku, asked him in a soft voice.

"What are you doing, Haku?"

Haku's mouth trembled, it is as if he wanted to reveal something but it was impossible. His fingers let go of Kiri's hand, and he looked away in regret.


The words didn't come out of his mouth, his hand tightly squeezed his left arm. Surprisingly, Kiri had again intertwined her fingers with Haku's, the look surprised, Kiri's gaze was so soft and placid, her blue eyes shone like the stars themselves, and her little smile that said "Everything will be fine, quiet

"If you wanted to go holding hands you would have asked me, it was very daring of you to do it without my consent.

In a mocking voice he says, Kiri and Haku resume their walk towards Ichiraku Ramen, Kiri with a small smile and Haku with a blush and smile even older than Kiri's. Anyone who saw this scene would say that it is tender, a small couple of children walking hand in hand to go to eat, but for the most intellectual they would know that the "girl" that in this case is Haku is blushing while a big smile decorates her face, indeed, she is a loving couple ... Perhaps that option is not so far from true

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