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64.45% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 185: Chapter 185: Tonight Show (1)

Chapitre 185: Chapter 185: Tonight Show (1)

(My editor is on a long business trip so the quality is a bit down. Still, try to enjoy it!)

[Edward POV]

"So it actually was Megan Fox." I muttered with sight astonishment as my prediction had come true. I was waiting behind the curtain as Jimmy Fallon interviewed the actress. 

The show started with a stand up skit by Jimmy, then a game with the audience. Phil was lucky enough to be selected, and the game they played was truly one of his strengths.

The game was called, 'Can you guess it by licking it?' where they put out some fruit, fishes, some plastic toys, and the audience members that were blindfolded needed to guess what it was. 

Phil won the game by a landslide because no one else there wanted to lick a raw fish. The shooting passed by incredibly fast, and it took only half an hour for the segment to welcome me on the stage!

"My next guest is the most famous teenager in the whole world, shattering almost all records with his debut album : 'Breaking' and also the world's cutest pastry maker, Please welcome, Edward Newgate!!!"

The crowd applauded cheerfully with a few of them whistling and shouting my name. Luke and Phil shouted in excitement as they called out my name. I blew some kisses towards their direction, causing the audience to exclaim in excitement.

Jimmy laughed and reacted as I shook hands with him as he told me to have a seat on the couch next to his desk.

"Wow. I have to say it's very nice to finally get to meet you." Jimmy said with a slightly awed face. "I can't believe you flew all the way from California, just to join my show."

I nodded and said, "Well, to be completely honest I actually needed a way to play hooky and get away from school when I got your text." The crowd laughed at my honesty. I turned to Jimmy, leaned my body on the armrest while clasping my hands together, "Also…this isn't our very first meeting."

"Huh? It's not?" Jimmy asked, confused and a little bit pale.

"Yeah. We first met when I was doing my concert here in New York, and you got to meet me backstage. I remember it very clearly because I was extremely excited to finally eat an authentic New York bagel when you walked in but, by the time you left, the whole bag had… disappeared." 

Jimmy was so shocked he was left speechless. He widened his eyes and dropped his jaw as he looked directly into the camera. Phil held his stomach as he laughed, and the audience there started accusing Jimmy by loudly 'booing' him while still laughing.

Jimmy waved his arms in protest and said, "Hold on! Hold on! I didn't take your bagels!"

I shrugged and I smugly answered in a knowing tone, "Well, I didn't say you took them. I'm just saying they disappeared. But now I'm starting to think you might have been the one to take them so why were you so defensive huh?? Might be your guilty conscience."

"I,,,I didn't do it!" Jimmy said, his face lit up with excitement as he watched the crowd reacting to the skit we prepared. It was by far, the greatest reaction he had ever gotten from the studio audience yet.

Luke whispered to Alex, "Why is Ed even there if he ate his bagel? To get revenge? Should we support him?" 

Alex rolled her eyes and said, "No you idiot! He's just joking around. And if he was the kind to take revenge on someone who steals his food, he'd first be going to get it from you!"

"Just in case you don't remember. He's already punished me." Luke said with confidence. 

Megan Fox, who still hadn't left, was also heartily reacting to the skit. She covered her mouth while laughing silently from the side of the stage where no camera could notice her.

"We'll talk about that later. Maybe….over some bagels." Jimmy fixed his messy index card and lowered his eyes guiltily, earning laughs from the audience again.

"Umm, now that we have brushed that aside…(audience laugh), I wanted to talk to you about, uhh, everything in your career, and get to know you a little bit too." He slightly patted me on the shoulder as he ended his sentence, giving the audience the impression that we are close.

He read from the cue card, "I just want to say, that your "Breaking" Album country tour, you announced it! And then 48 hours later, all the tickets for your performance, all become unavailable! All of them were sold out!"

I reacted like I was in disbelief and mumbled to myself, "That's insane." while Jimmy lowered his head and stared at me. Jimmy said, "What does it feel like?"

"Honestly? It feels, incredible." I replied. "The support that everyone has given me, made me feel like I was dreaming! I can't imagine getting to where I am right now, a few months ago. The journey that I faced, and the help that people have been offering me, I'm never going to take them for granted."

He then asked me a few questions about how I got started in the industry, the journey I have experienced, and also the inspirations behind my album. I shared my story and went on a long monologue for a while. 

(A/N: People already knew about his background, so Imma skip it.)

Jimmy listened empathetically and said, "So, you can say that you owe your success today to your meddling gay uncles?"

"Absolutely." I replied with a playful smile. 

"Being handsome, smart, and talented is just a tiny, tiny factor, right?" Jimmy added teasingly.

"It is not, but I'm not supposed to say that out loud." I joked. 

Jimmy and the audience laughed before Jimmy said, "Not supposed to say that out loud. Just like when you can't say that you're the personification of the American dream?"

"American Dream?" I asked with a confused smile.

"Yes.. Or, how else would you explain…this clip?" Jimmy asked. I was baffled and asked incredulously, "What-?"

The studio then played a short video, taken during 'Eenie Meenie' music video filming, where a bald eagle landed on my arm. It showed that while everyone was freaking out in the video, I talked to the eagle calmly and coaxed him to leave my hand. It took almost 20 seconds, then the eagle finally flew away.

I covered my face as I laughed after the camera cut back towards me. Jimmy chuckled and said, "See. Literally!! The embodiment of America landed on your arm. You talked to him like he is your friend! This is the proof."

I chuckled and said, "Oh man. At that time, I was really confused as to what I should be doing. You know, you can't touch the eagle. It's in the law. So that's all I can do." 

"You can't just shake your hand a little? Maybe throw a bagel in front of him?" Jimmy asked teasingly.

"So that's what you did with my bagel? You used it to feed the eagle?" I said accusingly, causing Jimmy to be baffled again, and the crowd to burst into laughter.

Jimmy then hid his mouth and whispered, "Duck."

"Oh. You fed the duc- You did take it!" I accused, causing the crowd to burst into laughter. 

"Speaking of pastries with holes in the middle, I think I'm speaking for everyone in the country when I say that we are curious about how you get the idea to invent…The Cronuts!?"

I was genuinely confused at this time, "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Jimmy explained, "You know. Your instagram video that you posted yesterday, where you decide to create a brand new dessert?" He started to ramp up my achievement and took out a screenshot of my instagram post that was scaled up into an A4 size before showing it to the audience.

"See. You can't deny it. I got the proof, right here." He said jokingly.

My eyes shook and I chuckled a bit, "Ho-Hold on. I'm not saying that I didn't post the video yesterday, but…Did I invent the cronut? I don't think I did?"

"Huh?" Jimmy smiled and said urgently, "No. It has never existed since the day before yesterday!"

"You're messing with me." I said with a slight nervous chuckle.

Jimmy's eyes lit up and he said, "You didn't know?!"

I was shaken at this moment, "Wait! Did I really do that?! Phil?" I turned to Phil in the audience and asked while the crowd was exclaiming wildly as they saw my reaction.

Phil nodded from afar and shouted, "You did! You invented it!"

I stood up in shock, and Jimmy mimicked me too while the crowd laughed at the both of us. I think they assumed that I was joking, but I really wasn't joking at this moment. 

Haley held back her laughter while Alex didn't keep any of it inside. She cackled loudly as she muttered, "I knew it! He treated it like casual, but I knew it! He really didn't know."

Phil added, "It was rare to see Edward react like this. He's usually so calm and cool~"

Haley mumbled, "I know. He looks so cute right now!"

I calmed myself down quickly and continued to play along by telling the story about the cronut invention.

"As I was recording the video, I really didn't think that I was inventing a new pastry. I really thought that everyone else knew about it. Cronut. The combination of croissant and donut. It was a normal dessert for me! I didn't know that the rest of you didn't know. "

"Yeah you invented it! You can believe my words. But I guess that when you do so many things it just all blends together, right?" Jimmy said before he turned to the audience and said, "Did you guys know, the social media platform, Instagram, was created by Edward himself!"

The crowd gasped in shock and awe, then Jimmy added, "I'm not finished! Whatsapp! LinkedIn! The new Air Fryer! Cronuts!!! All of these!!! Wouldn't exist if Edward didn't exist in this world!"

I showed a shy smile as I didn't think that he would talk about all of this. 

"So, is it safe for me to assume that you like creating new things?"

"You can, just call me Ed." I said, causing the audience to cheer for Jimmy. He said excitedly, "Really? I can call you that? Wow! Now I can brag about it to a lot of other people!"

I chuckled a little bit and waited for Jimmy to finish his reaction before answering, "Well. You can say that. I do like tinkering with things. But it's not like I'm doing it all the time, and I'm not going to be like Iron Man or anything. I like to eat more healthy food, so, you know, Air Fryer."

"I want to text with my friends, send memes to them, so, Whatsapp. I want my company to be able to search for more employees, hence, LinkedIn. I didn't invent them casually though. I need inspiration for them too. For example, a few days ago, as I wore a jacket that I like, the collar was already linty…"

Jimmy commented, "Ahh, I hate it when that happens." 

I nodded and said, "Yeah. And using the lint remover roller for me is very wasteful, not to mention that it didn't work very well at that location. So…I fiddled a bit with a design for an electric lint remover…"

Jimmy was thoroughly impressed at this moment, "Really? So, can we expect to see that electronic device in the market in the future?"

"If it works, then maybe. Yeah." I replied ambiguously. I was sure that most of the interview would be cut out, so I was just saying anything at this moment. The show only lasted for about 40 minutes in the final cut, and I didn't think that they would split half of that time, just to show them my interview.

"You…should send me one…for free…after you make it. Then, I'm going to review it for you…" Jimmy said jokingly while knocking the table. 

"um…Maybe not for free…Like, I had already given you free bagels.." I joked, causing Jimmy to burst into laughter. 

After laughing, Jimmy asked, "Alright, moving on! We know that you're now collaborating with Sean Kingston for the song, "Eenie Meenie" that is going to be released this week, and also I need to ask, what about your collaboration with Taylor?"

The crowd exclaimed excitedly as he asked that question. 

I smiled and then said, "The collaboration is still in the works. It is just pushed back a couple of weeks, because right now, I need Taylor to focus on her Album Fearless, which will be released on October 1st. The collaboration will come out after that."

The crowd cheered thunderously when I announced it. They didn't think it was weird because they already knew that I was the current president of the Entertain agency, even though I couldn't claim that position officially.

My current situation was compared to Bruce Wayne after the death of his parents where Alfred took care of the company business, but the company was still legitimately Bruce's. 

Jimmy asked, "You're acting in her music video too. Just like when you film 'Love Story'. By the way, I love that music video!"

"Yeah. me too." I said, causing the audience to chuckle.

"You're a great actor. I saw your documentary–"

"Fort War?"

"Yes. That. Did you know that a lot of Star Wars fans have been begging George Lucas to give you a role?"

"I didn't know that. But I got a tweet from Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor about it."

Jimmy dropped his jaw before he held his head and screamed, "DARTH VADER AND OBIWAN! Yo- You should really consider taking acting jobs. It'll be a waste for you not to."

I chuckled a bit and said, "I won't limit myself to just singing, so maybe one day though."

Jimmy asked playfully, "Is there like, a character that you wanted to be cast in, or a genre that you're interested…"

I answered instantly, "Spiderman. No doubt." The crowd cheered, and then I added jokingly, "I also have an Aunt May, so the role is like, calling for me." 

Jimmy clapped and wheezed for a while before he asked, "You're close with Robert Downey Junior, is that the reason why you want to be a hero?"

"That, and also the fact that I am a major comic book fan. So…" I added with a slight smirk.

Jimmy and I saw the camera-man asking him to wrap things up. 

Jimmy said, "W-Well, everyone knows that you're a great artist, a singer, an actor, inventor, pastry maker–" He struggled to list them all out, making the audience laugh. "But what people don't know about you is that you're also a great impressionist."

"Well, I do okay. But I understand, tha you too, are a great impressionist. So I came here today to challenge you. Here, I even created something for you."

I took out the buzzer button with the label, "The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon', and gave it to him. He took it and was moved. "AWW!" He said, "The last guest who gave me a gift was Justin Timberlake, and he only did it to congratulate me for getting my show. Can the camera zoom in, take a look at that?" 

He showed the buzzer button to the camera, and the crowd exclaimed, "Awww"

"But, if you lose the game, then I will take this back." I said jokingly. 

"Then, I cannot lose!" He said with confidence before explaining the game to the audience. "With that in mind, it's time for the new game, "Wheel of Musical Impressions!" Here we go!"

The band played a tune while the screen played the game title animation. The band 'Roots' played melodiously, and I swayed my body to the tune a little bit.

The crowd cheered thunderously, and Jimmy continued with a huge grin on his face, "Here's how it works! We're going to take turns hitting the button here, which will activate the musical impression generator." He showed the button I gave him to the audience in the room.

"And uhh…It'll land on a random singer, and a random song…" Jimmy placed the buttons down while I nodded in agreement to his words. "And whoever turns it is, you have to do the impression of the musician, singing that song."

"Okay. Edward, you go first! Here's your microphone."

"Bring it on!" I muttered while I fixed my sitting to face the audience directly. Jimmy asked, "Are you ready? Then, press the button!"

There was a monitor by the camera where we could watch the generator rolling.

Jimmy was excited, "OH! Singing the Sesame Street Theme Song, as Michael Jackson!"

"Oh my god. Wait…Ahh~ AHH~ Okay, got it!" I said after checking the pitch I needed to cover the song as Michael Jackson.

Jimmy laughed and then the band played a beat that is similar to the song, "Beat it By Michael Jackson."

I held the microphone and bobbed my head to the tune before closing my eyes and sang with a high pitch voice, "Sunny Day~~"

The moment I sang that, the crowd cheered explosively while Jimmy covered his mouth in shock. "How can I beat this!?" He exclaimed while putting his hand on the top of his head.

I continued, "Sweepin' the clouds away~~ On my way~ to where the air is sweet~. Can you tell me how to get…How to get to Sesame Street~"

The crowd stood up to cheer while Jimmy exclaimed madly, "WHAT?! THAT WAS AMAZING!!" He threw his hand on the empty space in front of him. 

"Your turn!" I said to Jimmy. He shook his microphone exaggeratedly to show that he was fearful, and then pressed the button as he surrendered to his fate.

"Gloria Estafan singing, London Bridge is falling down!" Jimmy muttered. I laughed beside him as the band played a tune similar to the song, "Samba", causing Jimmy to sweat profusely. But he did manage to do it!

"Not that bad! Not that bad!" I said, "You can give me a challenge."

"Really master?" He said with a deep voice.

I nodded and pretended to brush my beard, "Yes young ones."

Then, both of us burst into laughter. It was my turn again, and I pressed the button.

"Wait. Stevie Wonder, singing 'Since You Been Gone' That's really hard to do." 

I looked a bit worried and said, "I'll do my best."

Haley and Alex scoffed at their seats and said, "As if it's hard for him!"

The band played a tune similar to "Isn't she lovely" by Stevie Wonder. I wasn't going to lie, this was hard for me to accomplish.

"Um, Can you change it to something similar to "Part time Lover?" I muttered to the band. They nodded and changed the beat quickly. 

Then, I used my best Stevie Wonder impression voice and sang, " And all you'd ever hear me say! Is how I picture me with you! That's all you'd ever hear me say!

"… But since you been gone!" I stood up as I sang this. The crowd cheered thunderously and applauded my performance. 

"I can breathe for the first time! I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah. Thanks to you

Now I get! what I want! Since you been gone!"

The band played me out as I stopped singing while Jimmy shouted excitedly, "THE CHAMPION! EDWARD NEWGATE EVERYONE!!!!"

He pointed at me aggressively, and then pulled me in for a hug as I turned towards him. 

The cheer slowed down and diminished after a while. I turned to Jimmy and said, "You're not going to continue?"

"I can't! I'm totally defeated today!" Jimmy said jokingly.

"Well. Then, I think that you need this more than I do." I said and gave the button to him.

"Really?" He pretended to be confused.

I nodded slightly and said, "Yes. You need the practice. I'll leave the button here, and you should train hard at making impressions until the time I come here again."

"Wow! That's amazing." Jimmy said with a slight chuckle. "Can I use it with the other guests?"

"Absolutely." I nodded, causing the audience to chuckle.

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