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62.22% Take Eldritch surveys! Noted! / Chapter 56: Chapter 49: One step closer….

Chapitre 56: Chapter 49: One step closer….

I watched in amusement as Raven looked over me, while Qrow was groaning on the floor.

'Her feeling has changed a bit since the last time she popped up. She's stronger now, and has something else to her besides her Semblance…'

Qrow finally managed to pull himself up from the ground while holding his side in pain, which was likely a bruised rib if I had to guess. I could only bark a laugh in my mind as after he took one look at me, he immediately went for his flask. Taking a rather large chug from it, he then was looking at Raven expecting her to explain what was going on.

Turning my attention back to Raven with a shrug I asked, "Alright, let's hear it."

'She's rather strong, so whatever she needs help with will most likely give a good fight…'

Raven took a glance behind me at my converts before asking, "Light God and Dark God of Remnant.. Are you familiar with them?"

I chuckled darkly as I said, "Yes, I am aware of them."

She clenched her hands in anger as she said, "They sent their lackeys to ambush me. When that wasn't working, they decided to try and kill me themselves. Salem had to hold them back so we…"

The beautiful crimson flames flared around her as she talked about Salem, causing her brother to step back before she focused and regained control over them.

With a sigh and her voice ringing of hope near the end she said, "We had to escape here. I think the only one who could help me kill them is you. I'm out of options and Kimblee hasn't contacted me in years.. So I ask you. Will you help me?"

A vicious and down right evil smile found its way onto my face, and I licked my lips in anticipation when I said, "Killing more Champions of gods hmm? That sounds like it'd be great fun."

'Not to mention, if those two dumbass gods actually descended to attack Raven themselves they'll be weaker because of Divine Law... and more importantly, stuck on the mortal plane for a long while...'

Nodding my head, I turn to my followers and say, "Alright, change to plans. I'll be gone for a bit, so bunker down. Lili, I want you to join Bell in taking over that dungeon. While the two Goddesses can go with you. I can tell I have some more corrupting to do with you two…"

The three of them bowed deeply and said, "Yes, Our Goddess!"

Nodding my head, I turned back to the siblings and said, "Alright. I want some more information about what's what. But not here."

Closing my eyes I reach out to Tearwyn through our connection.

'Tearwyn? Can you open a portal back to the dimension? I have some guests, and I'd rather have the talk with them behind my barrier.'

Tearwyn's excited voice rang out with glee as she said, 'Will do! I can't wait to meet them!'

Moments later one of Tearwyn's portals opened up near the three of us, as my converts had already left via the shadows to do their task.

Looking at Qrow and Raven I give them a wave as I walked into the portal while saying, "Come."

I heard Qrow swear and say something as I stepped through the portal and instantly appeared in Tearwyn's forest. Not long after Raven and Qrow joined me, but I chuckled silently as it seemed Raven was scolding Qrow.

With a huff and sounding slightly annoyed at her brother she said, "Try not to be your obnoxious self while we're talking to new people, will you?"

As I was looking around for Tearwyn, I caught the looks of surprise and wonder on their faces while they looked around. It didn't take them long to notice the Black Water patches around some of the Trees though. Qrow looked rather nervous at a puddle that was near the tree we were standing near.

While I was still looking for Tearwyn, I caught Raven looking at the tattoo above her breasts out of the corner of my eye.

Raven: "I see… This is why you feel the way you do."

Following her gaze and seeing that she was looking at my Black Water I gave her a smile and a nod, "Among other things. Now, where is…?"

Suddenly, I heard Tearwyn's loveable voice call out to me from behind the twins. Turning around and dismissing my armour, I was just in time to catch the pink comet that rocked past Raven and Qrow.

As I caught Tearwyn in a hug she said excitedly, "Artoria~!"

Smiling down at her I give her a squeeze as I say, "Tearwyn~. Thank you for opening the portal so quickly. You know the Remnant siblings, Raven and Qrow."

Even though she was glued to my chest and giving me snuggles she still managed to wave at them while saying a quick, "Hello."

Tearwyn and I then snapped our fingers at the same time, and conjured a few things. Behind me rose a small throne that was created out of some basic Black Water, while I also formed half a table. Tearwyn had formed the other half of the table that the twins would use out of a thin, fluffy and pink cloud. She also created two small pink clouds for them to sit on.

Qrow had a tiny smile of excitement on his face when he said, "I get to sit on a cloud? Nice.. Hello back to you, Little Lady."

Both Tearwyn and I glanced at Raven, and we both could tell it was taking everything she had to not come over to Tearwyn and snuggle into her. Clearing her throat, she collected herself with practised ease and as she sat down she gave a bow.

Raven was locked onto Tearwyn after she bowed and asked, "Hello to you too, Tearwyn. You're a.. Goddess, right?"

Tearwyn beamed with pride while sticking out her chest and saying excitedly, "Yes! My name is Tearwyn Alter, and I am a Dark Goddess. You're currently in my and my sister's, Artoria here, dimension."

Tilting my head forward slightly and giving Tearwyn some head pats I say, "And my name is Artoria Alter. An upcoming Dark Goddess, and Tearwyn's sister"

Qrow was about to say something when Raven gasped at us, and I could have sworn I heard her coo a little bit.

Chuckling and shaking his head he said, "And uh.. I know you know us but I'm Qrow and this is my sister, Raven. I'm a human and she's...."

He thought for a few moments before shrugging and giving up which caused Raven to say, "I'm not sure I have a particular race any more"

Tearwyn looked Raven over for a few moments before summoning her classic cotton candy stick. Between nibbles she said, "You're a Human-Grimm Hybrid. But you're on your way to ascension like my sister here. You have a very impressive Authority in you. A few in fact. I know I said it was rare, but that's three mortals who have claimed Authorities before they have ascended…"

Raven furrowed her brows and leaned over a bit while saying, "Authorities..? Ascension?"

She glanced at me for a moment before nodding to herself and saying, "I can only assume it has something to do with being an upcoming Goddess?"

Humming to herself for a few more seconds she said, "Yeah.. I can feel it on you. You're going to reach something soon"

She turned her attention back to Tearwyn before continuing, "As I asked before. I need help with killing those two gods. They're there with Salem and I can't go back as it is or they'll easily kill us both…"

While the anger around her flared, she had a much better control over it now that she had some time to calm down, while she clenched her fists.

'It's the classic anime frustrated fist clench!'

Tearwyn's eyes glowed a bright pink for a few seconds as she hummed in thought while she watched Raven before saying, "Well, I have a suggestion. But... How far are you willing to go for your goal? What are you willing to give up?"

Raven gave a resolute nod before saying, "Anything but my loved ones. I can't and won't sacrifice them."

While Qrow nodded at his sister's declaration Tearwyn smiled and said, "Good answer! But I will warn you nonetheless."

The air around Tearwyn changed with her demeanour, and as she looked Raven dead in the eyes she said, "What I am going to suggest, will change you forever. Down to your very soul."

'A super serious Tearwyn is also very cute. Geh, it's taking everything I have to not ruin this moment by poking her cheeks!'

While Qrow sent a worried look to his sister, she simply said, "If it can save them, I can accept such a thing."

Nodding her head Tearwyn said, "Then you have two options. And since you're going against both factions, I suggest you do both."

I frown at that, causing me to speak up, "Wait. The brother gods are in their respective factions then? Well now, I have even more of a reason to help you slaughter them and their champions…"

Tearwyn turned to look at me with a face that just screamed, "Ya think?!"

I couldn't help but blush a tiny bit as I rubbed the back of my head, "Well, I thought they were neutral to be honest. Since they worked together to make their own multiverse."

Raven leaned further upon the fluffy table and asked Tearwyn, "And those are?"

Tearwyn tried to cheer me up with a few head pats and giggles before she turned her attention back to Raven.

Tearwyn's voice held a very serious and authoritative tone as she said, "The first one, is to absorb one of the Seals from Artoria. Now, let me be VERY clear. Only attempt to absorb ONE and ONLY ONE seal. You will feel a massive rush of power from absorbing the seal, and might think you could take the others.

While absorbing the other seals is within your power, it's not within your right. Attempt to do so, and Big Sister Lilith will wipe you, and everything else connected to you from existence itself. Clear?"

I saw Qrow visibly shiver from the warning, but it seemed to have no effect on Raven as she said, "Very well."

Raven gave a nod and then looked between myself and my Waters causing Tearwyn to giggle lightly and say, "You're correct about that guess. Oh, one second."

Tearwyn then snapped her fingers causing a light pink glow to emit from Qrow.

Nodding her head Tearwyn said, "There, now he's protected from what is about to happen."

While Raven gave Tearwyn an appreciative nod, Tearwyn chuckled lightly and said, "Though, his soul is very impressive for someone who has nothing special going for him. Famous twin link for you, I guess~"

'Ahh. I was kind of wondering how he was able to see me. Didn't think his soul was strong enough to see me, but I guess he had a bit of help from his sister~.'

Much to everyone's amusement Qrow pouted a bit while complaining, "Hey…"

As Raven stood up and walked a bit away from the table she looked at us and said, "You have my gratitude. I'm ready whenever you are.

She came to a stop a metre or two away from the table before muttering, "Gluttony."

A rather interesting red aura rampaged around Raven as if it was seeking something, anything, to consume if the ravenous feeling it gave off was any indication. It took her only a few moments before she got it under control though.

I nuzzled Tearwyn's ears playfully causing her to giggle a bit before I set her down on the table.

As I stood up and made my way over to Raven I warned her one last time, "Remember Tearwyn's warning. Lady Lilith really will erase everyone and everything related to you if you attempt to ruin her fun."

When I got over to her she placed one of her gauntleted hands on my collar and then said, "I'm not interested in earning Her or Kimblee's ire. Though I'm sure I'm doing exactly what he intended right now…"

The next second, the both of us felt a strange presence the moment her Gluttony power reached inside me. Through our sudden connection from her power I could tell Raven felt a particularly cold and empty void presence that watched her every move as she reached for the seal. While I, on the other hand, felt her Gluttony power and something else. While what she was feeling I recognized as Lady Lilith, I had no idea about what I was feeling. It felt utterly unpredictable, everywhere and affecting everyone. Though I could still feel another god's presence, besides Lady Lilith, watching us in a vested interest.

'I assume this to be "Kimblee" Raven had just mentioned. What an interesting feeling he gives off.'

Humming with my eyes closed for a few moments I then say, "I can feel aspects of your benefactor. I am happy they don't have the stain of either the Light or Dark. A neutral, albeit Chaotic presence."

Opening my eyes I see Raven nod her head while she said, " Yes… I can feel yours as well. It's like… Death? No… something more final."

Seconds later, I felt one of my seals be removed and devoured by her starving aura. It was interesting to see her aura pull out a pitch black, almost void, blob of pure magic from myself and absorb it.

We all watched in interest as Raven's Aura shot up drastically, and the presence of her soul radiated with an intense crimson/black energy. Much like a star reaching the end of its life.

While she was inspecting her new power increase, I too was inspecting mine. I couldn't help the wide smile on my face as I basked in the feeling of having another seal removed.

Unable to resist anymore, I let my power flow freely and used Mana Burst. Feeling the raw power I was emitting, I couldn't help but notice the concerned glance that Raven had towards her brother.

'Tearwyn was right, he would have most assuredly died just now if he was unprotected.'

Putting that thought to rest though, I released a pleasant sigh before saying, "Ahhh. Feels good having another seal released. Seven more to go…"

As I was looking at the red-black flames roll off me, I heard Tearwyn giggle and say something to Qrow, "See why I shielded you? While your soul is impressive, it'd still be squashed under my sister's power~."

When Tearwyn skipped over and gave the trembling Qrow a few head pats to cheer him up, I couldn't help but smile.

'That's adorable. Tearwyn to the rescue it seems, haha.'

With a wry smile Qrow said, "Haaah.. Yeah.. I'm sure I'll be gettin' used to that kind of thing now."

I turned my attention back to Raven and saw her looking at my Black Water solemnly. My eyebrow raised in interest though when I saw corruption lines crawl up her skin and add themselves to her marking on her chest. I also noticed there were now five snakes around her irises, when there were only three before.

'Huh… She has some interesting powers. She's kind of like a certain blue slime with her ability to eat things for power. Makes me want to unlock my seals even faster so we can one day have a grand duel!'

With a raised brow Raven asked, "So I don't need to strip again, yes?"

I was about to say yes, but sadly Tearwyn spoke up before me, "Nope! But, those are not the waters you need to take a dip in. I'll ask you again. Are you sure? This will change you. You'll still be you, but… well. A much, MUCH darker you…"

'Damn it! I missed the chance to burn that sexy body into my mind forever…'

Completely, and thankfully, unaware of my less than pure thoughts Raven said with no hesitation, "If it saves her and I can kill those Brothers, I'll do it."

Tearwyn looked at me and said, "Artoria, if you would? Let her look at what she'll be taking a dip in."

Giving a nod, and totally noticing Tearwyn knew what was on my mind, I quickly moved away from Raven a good bit and then started the chant to release my scabbard.

Artoria: "From the foolish dreams of a damned King, realise that Avalon is a lie. For no man is without sin, and thus none shall ever pass. So instead embrace madness, corruption and the power of sin. Relish in decadence and corrupt all who believe in the foolish dreams of the damned King. Light has no place in the Realm of the Corrupted! Pandemonium's Grace!"

As I was saying my release, I felt Pandemonium resonate a few times with Raven's power.

'Even curiouser...'

As my chant ended Darkness exploded out of me, and surrounded me in a wild frenzy. I could feel its, no… my, desire to corrupt the only two things it could in this dimension: The twins. However, I was sure that Qrow would be destroyed by it, so I quickly squashed that feeling, and calmed down.

As my power was settling down I heard Raven mutter, "I see…"

With a mental head shake to clear it, I raised my right hand and it seemed like the abyss itself started to drip off it and form a steadily growing puddle in front of me.

With a smirk I say, "This, is what you'll be taking a dip in."

With a very audible gulp from Qrow Tearwyn said, "Artoria's Black Water can change even gods, Raven. This will rebuild you. Body and soul."

With a nod I say, "It will be up to you, and your will, to not be consumed entirely."

As Tearwyn sat down on the side of the fluffy table she said, "One last Thing. When you go in, you and my sister will form a soul connection. Normally, it will make you view my sister like a Goddess. And you would go out of your way to please her. Like with all soul connections to Gods and Goddesses. But, something tells me, you'll be fine."

With a smirk towards Tearwyn, Raven wasted no more time as she stepped into my (newly named) Abyss Water. Almost immediately I felt the changes she was starting to undergo. I watched in interest as the surface of my Abyss Water started to change, while I felt the link between Raven and I form.

However, I soon felt one of her powers press against the link. It felt odd, and strangely tired. But I was impressed as her power had changed an aspect of reality, the bond between us that should have been worshipper and Goddess was changed into kinship instead. With its job done, I felt the strange aura withdraw back into Raven.

I then felt an extreme power surge come from Raven and her soul. And a symbol of a snake devouring a fruit oddly hovered above the water's surface.

Hearing Tearwyn clap her hands, I looked at her when she said, "I knew her Authority was powerful. Original Sin, huh. Very strong!"

Tearwyn then gasped and covered her mouth before looking between Qrow and I. She blushed and said, "Sorry… spoilers. Don't ask more, I wasn't even supposed to say that…"

Chuckling, I turn my attention back to the water's surface. I could feel the raw aura and power of sin coming from the symbol as it spread out and washed over us.

'Hmm… not as comfortable as being around my Black Water, but it still feels nice.'

With a nod of approval, I watched as the power grew some more and the symbol of sin became more active. The flames of Wrath billowed and burned along the surface of the water, while the feeling of Gluttony's ravenous energy swirled in the waters. A pressure that felt like Envy rose above the forming whirlpool and condensed, while a Slothful aura lazily flowed around it all. Then a very Greedy feeling of energy lit up the area in a wonderful crimson. Lust, that sexy feeling, made itself known and covered the top of the little maelstrom in a passionate crimson haze. And then finally, Pride, the last one emerged.

Tearwyn was clapping her hands and cheering wildly at the display, "This is so cool! Don't you think so, Qrow?! Isn't your sister interesting?!"

I could only smile wryly as Qrow gave an awkward nod before looking back at the powerful display before us. Before everything suddenly stilled, and Raven started to make her way out of the water. However, she was not alone.

'Is… that another Raven? Oh hell yes, the omniverse can always use more Ravens!'

While I could hear Tearwyn giggling a bit at my thoughts, I knew I was busted. Thankfully though Raven was still pulling most, if not all, of everyone's attention to herself.

As the last of my Abyss Waters dropped off her I heard her mumble "...Pride."

I then felt her power warp in on itself and start to change her appearance yet again.

Her hair reached her calves now, though it was less unruly. The marking on her chest matches the image seen above the Waters. Her iris is now decorated with small rings with a serpent pattern. Aside from this, her soul, which had been like a large star before, was now resembling a black hole, with a crimson corona of light around it. Her immense magic and what I assumed to be a divine aura receded back into her body with a calm ease. Her double, much to my hidden disappointment, sank into her weapon which had also changed under the Abyss Waters influence.

Nodding my head at her new look, I let out a whistle as I said, "Well, would you look at that."

I could hear Tearwyn giggling and clapping her hands at Raven. Raven then looked over at me while she rolled her shoulders and exhaled before smiling.

Raven: "Want to go kill some Gods now?"

With a dark smile and a nod of my head I said, "Sure. What about your brother by the way? He won't survive in the full power of my Black Water (Abyss Water), but he could in the basic or Grimm remodel levels."

We looked at Tearwyn when she nodded her head and said, "I would suggest it, at least a dip in the basic type. It'll make him immune to the Light/Dark Corruption."

With serious concern in his voice Qrow asked, "Woah woah… How will I get laid ever again looking all Grimm-like?"

Raven just looked at him with a deadpan stare, before grabbing his arm.

With panic in his voice, he clutched onto Raven's arm like a scared cat and asked, "Rae… RAE?!"

With a calm voice Raven tried to ease his fears by saying, "Relax. I'll make sure you're mostly the same annoying idiot as before"

But that didn't last long before she shook her head in what I assumed was exasperation while saying, "Give him the basic type. He's going to cry to me if he can't score at a bar."

While both Tearwyn and I giggled, Tearwyn pointed at my little throne and said, "That is some basic Black Water. You'll have a few changes still, but they won't make you look like a Grimm~."

As I watched Raven carry Qrow effortlessly I said in a teasing tone, "Yes, Qrow. Why not enjoy the seat of a King for a bit~?"

Qrow was looking at the black throne with apprehension when he asked, "Is this for spreading your chuuni phase pictures on the internet…?"

She sat him down forcefully while an evil glare burrowed into his very soul as she said, "I'll beat your ass later, just shut up and take your anti-corruption vaccine…"

Qrow only managed to mutter out an "Ah.. shi-" before he sank inside the throne and started to change.

[author] Here is chapter 49~! Sorry for posting it so late. I just crashed HARD... and I have another dentist appointment today, geh~. Wish me luck~! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~.[/author]

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