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42.85% reborn in the abyss! / Chapter 3: the beginning of the big yeet

Chapitre 3: the beginning of the big yeet

(Riko POV)

I walked slowly trying to hold back my tears as rig and I started heading for the abyss, I kept asking myself over and over if this is truly what I want… is making it to the bottom of the abyss more important than my friends, and the answer I came up with was that I simply don't know.

I was the protagonist now and a lot of people in the hole depended on me making it to them and helping them…there was Nanachi who would not be able to give her friend peace… There was Prushka who would be turned into a literal pack by her so-called father… There was that town at the sixth layer full of humans turned monsters that would most likely not survive without mine and rigs intervention along with their princess who was suffering not knowing the truth and then there was finally Marulk who was just a lonely child stuck in the second layer of hell.

On the other hand, the entire orphanage was like my family now… except for of course the director, but still, I had made a home here…so my mind once again went back to the question of if this was truly what I wanted.

Deciding to try and get my mind off of everything I pulled up my inventory.

[Riko's inventory

Slot 1. Paralysis rounds x 100

Slot 2. mustard gas rounds x 50

Slot 3. fear gas rounds x 50

Slot 4. body weakening rounds x 100

Slot 4. Normal Acidic rounds x 50

Slot 5. special mix acidic rounds x 10

Slot 6. Flashbang rounds x 100

Slot 7. Lab supply crates x 100

Slot 8. normal electric rounds x 100

slot 9. Smite rounds x 10

Slot 10. normal Incendiary rounds x 100

Slot 11.Greek fire rounds x 50

Slot 12.Olympian fire rounds x 10

Slot 13. Normal Explosive rounds x 100

Slot 14. special mix explosive rounds x 50

Slot 15. Doomsday rounds x 10

Slot 16. hollow tip rounds x 1.000

Slot 17. penetrator rounds x 1.000

Slot 18 corkscrew rounds x 1.000

Slot 19. Normal Rounds x 10,000

Slot 20. Riko's custom dual pistols

Slot 21. The little ghost pepper

Slot 22. 40 drums of Olympian fire ammo. (Used only with The little ghost pepper)

Slot 23. Intact Dead bodies x 68

Slot 24. Failed experimental ammo x 42,069 (Warning will explode soon after being taken out)

Slot 25. Crates of supplies x 10.000

Slot 26. Energy pills x 100.000

Slot 27. Riko's homemade Gas mask x 1

Slot 28. Riko's personal grappling hook x 1

Slot 29. Box labeled Riko's "lab" equipment x 10

Slot 30. Riko's trunk full of clothes x 1]

I looked at my inventory and was extremely happy that I barely had enough room to pack everything.

I took out my custom-made pistols…which looked more like the barrels of a cannon than an actual pistol. It was created using several materials from the abyss, even some of the relics I had were melted down to make my guns.

They were bulky, but not heavy and they would be completely useless to anybody but me as they could only hold one shot at a time… but thanks to my inventory I could just continuously pull the trigger as long as I had ammo. As we got closer to the Hood's entrance to the abyss I decided it was time to strap my pistols to my hips.

"Okay Riko after this there's no turning back…" I whispered to myself as I hesitated for only a second before taking my glasses off and tossing them to the side as I pulled a pair of goggles out of my pocket and strapped them to my face, I knew glasses would be a liability in the abyss so I made some goggles to replace mine.

The goggles looked like a steampunk set of goggles that were made out of melted down remains of a few relics and had Crystal lenses inside just like the ones in my glasses.

The goggles had the ability to let me see very far distances away as if they were binoculars and would self-adjust to make sure I could see perfectly at all times.

After fixing my goggles in place, I looked over at rig who had been silent since we headed out.

(Rig's Pov)

"Rig what is wrong? you have been silent for a bit. We have already been over this, we need to reach the bottom" Riko told me.

Riko it isn't me who i feel like has complicated feelings about leaving

"Riko I'm set to leave but what about you?"

She looked at me bewildered at the fact I even asked that question. Her expression went from one of confusion then to one of her being stressed.

"Why would you even ask that? You know that it has been my goal since I was reborn here to leave this forsaken place…" said Riko.

Her voice for the most part is stable but I'm able to pick up a bit of shaking in it. I know she wants to leave but from my guess, she got too attached to the kids for the past 9 years she has known everyone, especially little Kiwi. It may not be the exact answer to why she's acting like this but it's the most sound one I can think of.

"Riko I know but something is holding you back. I have a pretty good guess of what it is. A part of you doesn't want you to leave them"

"Am I that easy to read right now?" Riko asks.

"No but you have shared stuff from your past life time to time so I just put two and two together really"

"*sigh* I see" all Riko says.

I looked down at the not so empty black void down. I knew of some horrors that are down there but could I really make it alone myself if Riko decided to stay. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I then looked at Riko with a soft smile on her face.

"I won't let you go down alone. You wouldn't last an hour down there if I didn't guide us. Just like I wouldn't last long either without your strength and firepower…" Riko said to me.

Giving a smile back I can't believe all of this is still happening but if I ever want a chance to leave here I need her just like she needs me. Plus I know whatever hardship we face she'll stick with me cause…

"You'll never go back on your word Riko?"

"Damn straight I won't!!" she replied.

I grabbed hold of her and grabbed the ledge. Holding Riko I jumped off the pier and into the Abyss with Riko in tow.

"Let's leave this world together!!" We shout at the same time.

(Time skip next morning)

(Director Pov)

I glared down at the paper that brat had left rereading it once again making sure that yes it did indeed say

"I'm going to flush out Satan's septic tank have a nice day~

#sama=Superior #baka=idiot #riko_is_best"

"I knew she was insulting me this entire time…" the director said, gritting her teeth, this almost made her want to not delay the rescue party just so she could punish Riko for this.

"Director now is not the time for your petty squabbles with a child. We must go and find Riko and Rig before it's too late to save them" said Jiruo.

"Fine, I shall personally go find capable black whistles to find the two before it's too late"

Thirty minutes of celebration and a little money for sabotage wouldn't hurt no one except Riko.

"Now Jiruo you go gather some black whistles while I gather necessary funds to save them"

"Right away" he says then hastily leaves.

I waited a good 10 minutes till I was sure he was gone. A smile so wide came upon my face. I can't believe that little terror went inside the Abyss herself to go find her dead mother. I am free of the little pranks and unexplainable bullshit that happened around her that I couldn't pin her for. Now it's time to pop open something for the special occasion.

(Flashback Two nights before third POV)

We see Riko sneaking into the director's office rummaging through her stuff until she finally finds the special bottle of wine, we see Riko pull out a small bottle of horse grade laxatives that she then pours into the wine giggling evilly all the while.

(Flashback end)

"Riko you monster!" The voice of the director screamed out as a loud shitting noise rang out right afterward as she screamed more.

(Third Pov)

Jiruo or otherwise known as Leader by the orphanage kids is coming back from recruiting a couple of black whistles to go down into the abyss to rescue Riko and Rig. As he walks into the orphanage he hears the murmurs of the kids and the swears of the Director.

"What's going on here?" he asks the kids.

"We were just playing around till we heard the director rush out of her office and into the potty room" said one of the younger kids.

Leader then looks at the older kids who were putting coins on the floor in what appears to be a betting pool.

"What are you guys doing!?" said Leader confused.

"We're betting on how long it will take before she takes a breath cause she has been cursing for 20 minutes straight without stopping," said one of the older kids.

"It's very worrying and impressive at the same time that she can do that," said one kid.

"You know this is Riko's fault right? I'm pretty sure we won't see her again once the Director gets off the crapper" said the oldest in the group.

Leader didn't know how to tell them that Riko and Rig ran off into the Abyss without permission.

"Where is Riko and Rig?" asked a kid.

"Most likely laughing their butts off at a distance watching this" said the oldest.

"Riko-nee makes the bad lady say funny stuff," said Kiwi.

Leader knew for sure Riko was behind this. There is no one that would do this with so little remorse other than her. This must be her goodbye gift to everyone. Leader chuckled a little listening to how creative the Director can get with her words.

(POV Riko)

I could practically hear the director cursing my name now, and it was music to my ears as I once again jumped off a high Cliff face before pulling out my grappling hook and shooting it forward and at an angle causing me to swing down like a pendulum and letting me keep my momentum going.

"Hey Rig, what's keeping you up there!?"

I yell out and see a slightly out of breath rig trying to make his way down towards me even as I myself was slowly panting from the exertion of my rapid descent.

"I'm not the one who has been doing parkour since she could walk." Rig replied.

As I swung, a Tachikanata came around the corner. The monster stretched its claws upward as if it was yawning. I'm heading straight for one of its claws so this is gonna hurt a bit.


A loud thud sound resonated in the area and my head was spinning. I can't feel my arms since I had them take the brunt of the impact. Did I drop my grappling hook? Oh wait, I instinctively put it in my inventory. I look up and see a Tachikanata that's definitely not supposed to be in this area. The monster stared me down, deciding whether I was food, but unluckily for me, it decided it wanted me for dinner.

I pulled out Loli's wrath, a gun made using various melted down and pieces of relics. I aimed at the hellspawn in front of me but my numb arms are swaying. I have a clear sight of its weak points but my aim isn't steady.

Hearing a soft thud and then a light hum to my side. The Tachikanata turns to see what this new arrival is but is met with a brilliant flash of light that incinerates the top half of its body. I turned my head right to see a slightly wheezing Rig tired from using his main weapon. Ohno, he's about to pass out. I ran over to Rig just as he lost his balance. I sit his head on my lap giving him somewhere to rest his head.

(Rig's Pov)

As I am following Riko she swings around a corner and then the next thing I see is her being propelled in the opposite direction just after an audible thud was heard. Gotta hurry but It'll be at least fifteen seconds before I get to her. A monster I have only seen in Riko's book comes around the corner and is staring down Riko. It starts slowly approaching her, slowly opening its maw.

Riko brings out her gun but why hasn't she fired yet? Something must be wrong for her not to immediately kill that thing. What am I going to do? What can I do? Think, think, think there must be something I can- Oh wait I can do that.

I landed on the ground and raised my arm as I felt an energy within myself surge and direct itself to my palm. The monster turns towards me but I can't hold the power back anymore. I released what I best could describe as a floodgate of energy directed at the monster. I watched as its top half disappeared within the light of my attack. Since when could I do this? How could I do this? The blast went away revealing a scorched path of destruction and the cauterized lower half of the monster.

I immediately felt weak and looked to see Riko running over to me. I feel so sleepy… My sense of balance left and I fell to the ground but Riko caught me. I closed my eyes and the next thing I see is Riko looking down at me.

"Don't worry I will be here when you wake up" Riko assured me.

I nodded and then felt myself drifting off into darkness. The next thing I know I am surrounded by fog. I look around and can barely see anything. Looking for Riko I can't see her anywhere around.

"Riko! Where are you?!"

I yelled out but was only met with echoes. I hear a light thud on the ground and start heading toward it but I see nothing- Huh? Did I just step on something? I look on the ground and see a petite yet slightly muscular arm. I pick it up and it looks like it belongs to-

"R-Rig" I hear a weak voice above me.

I look up and see something I never would want to see. The monster I killed was holding Riko with its claws. Riko is beaten and battered with her right arm missing. The other one is held out towards me as if reaching out for help.

*crunch!* *Snap!*

The monster cut off Riko's other arm. Blood sprayed shortly after the limb got cut off. Riko looked towards her missing limb and let out a blood curdling scream only heard in horror movies. The monster then lifted her up by the legs and cut off both at the same time causing what was left of her to drop to the ground.

"Rig!! Help me!!" she yelled out to me.

I couldn't move at all, something was holding me in place as if it was forcing me to watch. MOVE BODY!!! JUST MOVE!!!

Riko's screams seem to annoy the monster as it places a claw around her neck. I could only close my eyes not wanting to see Riko die.

*Snap!!* *Thud*

I open my eyes as I see something roll to my feet. It was Riko's head… Her lifeless eyes locked onto mine. Why is this happening!? Her mouth twitched.

"Y-you promised…" was all she said as the monster grabbed her head.

I can't watch but something pulls my eyelids open. It looked like black tendrils all around my body. It moved my head up right into the line of view of the monster's mouth with Riko's head in it. It slowly closed its mouth as I watched in disturbing detail of Riko's head being crushed.

"You broke your promise…" she says before- *CRUNCH*

I watched as it chewed on her head. The sicking crunches were verberated in the open space. I couldn't take it anymore. Unknown strength filled me as I broke free from the black tendrils and Raised my arm, putting every ounce of my being into it.


I released the pent up energy turning everything into white.

(POV Riko)

I saw as rig's eyes snap open with him jolting up quickly and me hugging him soon after with tears in my eyes. Although I knew he would be okay, it didn't stop me from worrying about him.

"Rig! I'm so glad you're okay!" I said just holding him close to my chest.

"Riko you're alive!!" he yells back.

Rig hugged me a bit too tight for comfort.

"R-Rig you're hurting me"

"Huh?! Oh, I'm sorry I just had a very bad dream where I was forced to watch you get tortured and killed…" Rig explained to me.

"Well, I'm alive thanks to you!" I say as I continue to hug him just glad he was here to help me as there's no doubt in my mind I was going to die if he wasn't.

I should expect things to not go the way they usually go as I remember. Everything has a cause and effect though. Since I'm moving faster than the original Riko I'm encountering things I am not supposed to in the plot of the story.

I looked up as I started making plans at hyperspeed in my mind for each and every monster I knew of, when a weird dust cloud attracted my attention.

"Wait, was he actually able to catch up!?" I whisper, my eyes going wide as I had a pretty good idea of who was about to catch up to us.

A rope fell down from the cliff that we are laying against. Then a large figure came repelled off the cliff dropping down before me and Rig. With a grunt Hablog stood before us with a stern expression but suddenly it broke out to a smile.

"Well well well… Look what we got here. You know I knew you were gonna move fast down the abyss but not this fast" Hablog said impressed.

"Leader sent you, didn't he?" I asked as my eyes narrowed.

"I won't deny it. He did send me because he felt like a search party wouldn't catch you and he was right . I almost said screw it then just say I couldn't find you but saw a bright flash of light. Got worried for your safety and here I am" He explained to us.

"Okay because I know you and I know you're not going to let us go… I have a proposition for you~" I said knowing that it would pique his interest.

"Oh? What shall that be?" Hablog asked.

I grinned looking straight at him then to Rig who caught my gaze. A frightened look came upon his face once he realized what I was about to do.

"I'll let you examine my special grade relic and I'll tell you how my inventory works~" I said as I gave rig a "trust me" look.

"Riko you promised!" said Rig.

"I hold my promises, trust me he will not experiment on you he'll just look you over!" I said before turning back to Hablog.

"So this is a special grade O bot. I have seen one or two but this is the first time I have seen one that resembles a human so much" said Hablog as he grabbed Rig.

"Yeah but as I promised my inventory is something that was attached to my soul not my physical body, it's the reason nobody could ever find the relic I kept using to hide things~" I said as everything I was saying was technically the truth.

"Are you sure you should be telling him that?" said Rig with Worry.

"He is trustworthy." I said as I turned back to him. "Anyways since it's attached to my soul and it stores things in the metaphysical, it's able to freeze time on anything I put in there if I want to."

"Intriguing, very intriguing…" Hablog said he has started to touch all over Rig.

"Help!" yelled Rig in distress

"Did you know he's anatomically correct?" I said as I watched the same thing happen in the anime happen before me but this was longer and in more detail… Poor Rig but you have to go through this for our journey my condolences…

The look of betrayal on his face said it all. The black whistle searched him all over. The look of dread and terror on his face. Almost made me feel bad… Almost…

After ten minutes he finally got done expecting Rig. Rig looked like he had been defiled which is not wrong but not right as well.

"Now Riko I am willing to guide you to the seeker camp but looking at you and how far you made it so fast. I don't think my help is needed. Especially with Rig here" said

"You're right…hey could you tell everyone at the orphanage I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye?" I asked, I had come to the conclusion that if he came with us he would most likely be killed as the hole loved to traumatize small cute things.

"So you are just letting us go?" asked Rig.

"It's a hard decision but yes I am. Looking at how hard you two have worked to get here. I know you two can make it very far down into the abyss. If you're wondering why I'm not saying anything about your age it's because I have seen men three times your age become moosh half way down this layer" Hablog told us.

"Thank You"

I hug him and along with Rig we start walking off towards the second layer.

"I wish you luck in finding your mother! Maybe one day you'll see me down there to greet you! Don't worry about hard feelings I know when I see a person that finds it hard to say goodbye!" Hablog said to me as started ascending back to the surface.

Grabbing Rig's hand I turned around and waved back towards Hablog. I'm gonna miss him along with the others. This reminds me of the stories I read and wrote about the mc being some sort of edge lord not caring for those around him in his new reality. What a load of crap humans are literally meant to have companionship.

They destroy the lives of innocent people for what? A boring life of being some random ROB in the grand scheme of things. I May of destroyed the lives of people but only because they followed me into dark alleys. I only do what's necessary, not overdoing it like our "I only care about being the pinnacle of power edge lords". Oh, would you look at that. We already made it to the second layer.

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