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71.71% TBATE - A More Experienced Hero / Chapter 69: Chapter 69 - The Start of an unforgettable day

Chapitre 69: Chapter 69 - The Start of an unforgettable day

[3rd Person POV]

It was a rainy day at Xyrus Academy, the beautiful lawns along with the trees outside were all being hydrated. All the students seemed to be wearing warm clothes and were inside their classrooms or their dormitories, to protect themselves from the cold. With the exception of one class, Professor Vanesy Glory's 1:00 pm class.

That open sky field was full of obstacles and a few battle mages in one more practical combat class, teamwork was the main teaching in that class. But there was a single student who was not with allies in this exercise.

"Tessia, Now!!!" The captain of the disciplinary committee exclaimed.

"Come on!" The elf princess replied, with both of them running towards a single common target.

"Wind Torrent!"

"Wind Cutter!"

The two girls unleashed their spells, with the captain using her rapier to stock the air and shoot beams of wind, while the princess waved both hands, creating razors of wind. All these attacks going towards a "target".

At the same time that this was happening, the scream of two boys could be heard on the other side of the arena. He was one of the vice-captain of the disciplinary committee and the prince of Sapin. They were also casting spells, as they advanced against "a common target".

"Earth Stomp!"

"Fire Slash!"

The auburn hair vice-captain stomped hard on the ground, causing two rocks to appear in front of him and he kicked them hard. Meanwhile, the prince took his sword full of fire mana and cut the air towards the enemy, he had so much elemental mana, the rain didn't seem to stop the attack.

"Wind Palm." The target of both duos said, raising his hands and turning them, each in the direction of one. In the hand directed towards the girls, a kind of ghost hand made of wind mana appeared, serving as a shield against their attacks. Meanwhile, in the hand directed towards the boys, a tornado began to emerge from the wide open palm, swallowing the fire attack and redirecting the rocks towards the mage who threw them.

The two duos saw that and stopped, with the rocks being destroyed midway by a pillar of earth mana rising from the ground. They seemed to be thinking of some strategy to attack the enemy.

The rest of the students were under a makeshift structure made of earth mana, so they could protect themselves from the rain. Some took notes, others did not take their eyes off the mock fight. And of course, there were people like Clive Graves and Lucas Wykes who looked at it with distaste or didn't even pay attention because they didn't think it was worth their time. Professor Glory was in the skies, on top of her Flame Hawk, Torch, watching the whole fight, with an anxious smile on her face.

"Hm... What a crazy situation... But... I don't understand. Why hasn't Theodore moved yet?" One of the girls in the audience said.

That mock fight was a new idea Ms.Glory had. Simply, it was for a group of students to face the student who was the strongest and most responsible, who was available to be a punching bag. Luz had been chosen, not only for these characteristics, but because he proposed to be Glory's helper in her classes that wouldn't interfere with his schedule. For this first form of practical class, the members of the disciplinary committee and student council who were there were chosen.

But why wasn't Clive in the fight? Simple, it was raining too much, which would make his arrows ineffective. Lucas even tried to get into this fight, so he could fill Vanesy's "new helper" with painful fire attacks, but he was stopped, as Professor Glory herself said that the rain would get in the way of the style of blows he's more familiar with.

"I think he's using some gravity magic. Professor Luz Leywin hasn't moved since the fight started either. The most he's been doing is dodging, throwing the others away and counterattacking." Another student ended up answering the girl from before.

Theodore, the oldest member of the disciplinary committee, was actually using gravity magic, it was a test of his own that he wanted to do. After all, his target was at the limit of his spell's area of ​​effect, which made someone's gravity increase by 5 times. But even so, the cyan-eyed boy seemed to move his arms and torso fluidly, only with his feet stuck to the ground.

A sort of artifact, which acted as a stopwatch, beeped nearby in Vanesy's pocket, she grinned and exclaimed with all the air in her lungs. "ADVANTAGE TIME IS OVER! YOU CAN ATTACK!"

All the students, including those in battle, were confused, no one seemed to know that they had a time advantage. No one except the Professor and her helper.

"Wait! What do you mean by that???" Claire spoke, towards Vanesy.

"It's just that... Me and her agreed that I would let whoever faced me... With extra time, when I couldn't actually attack..." The boy at the center of it all said with a big smile appearing on his face. "It's time for me to go down to this 'playground', guys..."

A large amount of fire mana began to glow around him and everyone seemed to retreat further, not knowing what to expect. He moved his legs a little, positioning himself and demonstrating that even affected by Theodore's spell, he could move at will, just not having done it before because Glory had not allowed until this moment.

"Elemental mana art... Domain Class... Dante's Inferno."

A large sphere of fire emerged from within the boy's mana core, and expanded, covering almost half of the entire arena in the class. Inside that space, the rain seemed to disappear and any sign of water drops evaporated, leaving those inside completely dry.

"Elemental mana art... Armor Class... Fire Spirit."

The cyan-eyed boy activated another spell, with his hair starting to float towards the sky and turn into flames, these flames also appeared on his eyebrows, shoulders, wrists and legs. Everyone there stared in complete shock, with the only thing being heard being the sound of the flames and Glory's joyful scream at seeing something extraordinary.

"S-since when do you do this?" Tessia said, being the only one of the quintet there, who was affected by that area spell, not being able to use water mana.

"Oh... I scared you, little sister? Come on, don't be shy, come give your brother a big hug." Luz said smiling sadistically.

"Here is a teamwork class... So work as a team to give me enough damage for my equipment to beep, remember, the equipment I am using is faulty, in other words, you have to give me 1/4 of the damage you would normally need to do... I promise, I'll only use fire mana, no deviant form, obviously." he commented on this slight modification, which would not be seen as fair, if the person wearing it wasn't the wonder boy.

"Y'all can go with full power~" The smile became wider, with fire coming out of his mouth as Arthur, Tessia and Curtis seemed to activate their first phases of their beast's wills, Claire and Theodore on the other hand fortified themselves with mana from their elements.

Curtis' hair was longer and wildly messy, his eyebrows getting thicker and his uniform looking tight from the simple growth of his muscles, his eyes glowing a bright orange. Arthur was left with golden symbols below his eyes and with a beautiful amethyst in the iris, strangely, some white feathers appeared on the ground where he was.

Tessia's hair was very messy, something that slightly resembled a mythological being, Medusa, plants grew from the lawn, circling her legs and arms, creating sorts of boots and gauntlets of vines, her emerald eyes became a mixture of moss green and red, which glowed beneath the shadow cast by her hair, along with a green light in her cheeks that made a beautiful image of a butterfly. It was her first time publicly using the elderwood guardian's will, which made everyone astonished, with the exception of the Leywins brothers, who could deduce what it would look like, after all, they were the ones who killed that mana beast.

A few seconds passed in complete silence, until the boy, who now had flames in his hair, gave a slight laugh. Thus making all the other five advance on him, for a more melee fight.


[Kathyln Glayder POV]

"Hmmm... He must be quite handsome, don't you think?"

"Of course. But have you heard the rumors? It's been rumored that he has five girls as possible girlfriends."

"Five? But already??? I mean, he's someone important, a teacher our age, and on top of that, they say he's pretty buff. But... Does he really have five already? But who would they be?"

"Well, like I said, it's rumours, but those five girls are always close to him. They're the two girls from the student council, Princess Glayder, the captain of the disciplinary committee and that aide to Professor Gideon."

"I don't believe it!!! So we're going up against two royal girls?!?"

I was bored, walking through the corridors of the upperclass students wing, after all, as I studied in the morning, the afternoon was the time when I made my rounds. So I ended up seeing a group of girls gossiping a lot about things they shouldn't. The last one to speak ended up saying it in a loud voice in surprise, making her other friends cover her mouth with their hands. But what caused them a greater astonishment was when they noticed me there in the same corridor.

"P-Princess Kathyln?! W-what are you doing here?" A dwarf, who was among the girls, asked.

"No big deal. My job is to discipline any student who is doing something wrong... I'm on my shift, so I'm walking around... Is there a problem with that?... Shouldn't you be in class? " I spoke in my usual cold voice, being very slow between questions so they understood.

"A-ahn... I-I actually study in the morning, I-was spending the afternoon with my friends from the upperclass course." the dwarf, replied me, making me look at the other girls there, they were all human.

"Well, our Professor released us early..." One of the girls tried to make an excuse as to why she was out of class.

"Hm... Okay. Better be careful... Talking too much can make you not realize that the next class is about to start..." I said watching them, but then I looked at the dwarf. "And you, don't distract them too much, you might be out of class for the rest of the day, but the same isn't true for them."

"Y-yes, Princess Kathyln." They spoke at the same time and withdrew from that hallway.

"Hm... They were definitely talking about him... If I see them next to my hero..." My cheeks got hot and my eyes narrowed, showing the slightest bit that I was annoyed.

I continued walking through the corridors, until I ended up hearing several combat noises, I approached the door where that sound came from and noticed that there were some windows nearby, allowing me to see what was happening without me entering. I was quite surprised to note that this was the possible TeamFightingClass arena.

And how do I know this? Intuition and because I could hear the battle cries that my brother, for some reason, loved to make.

Looking more closely, I noticed a student with body parts completely covered in flames, fighting against 5 other students, one of them appeared to be my brother with his first phase active, while the others appeared to be committee members, with the exception of a girl with messy hair and surrounded by plants, which for some reason I could only associate with Princess Tessia. The fight between them looked fierce, with everyone focusing only on a single target, it took some time for me to realize it was Luz, and I only noticed that as he started using the round shield he received from Director Goodsky.

I stayed focused on their fight, watching everyone's movements, even seeming that they slowed down just so I could pay attention. My special someone's shield was glowing with flames being put into it.

"Woah..." I had never seen Claire, Theodore and Tessia in a fight, but I've seen Curtis, Arthur and Luz, all impressive to say the least, but Tessia, along with the vice captains and my captain, were the ones that most demonstrated fluidity and experience.

It was weird to think about, I mean... Theodore is the oldest, and yet his talent seems to be put aside when those other four are on a battlefield. My brother, on the other hand, just had the appearance to attract attention, his movements needed to be more polished, it's not for nothing that my father changed his mentor, making him now a disciple of Thunderlord.

I don't know how much time passed, but they seemed to stop the fight and.... Look straight at me?!?

"Huh?! They noticed I'm here!?" I thought, confused and panicking internally, but thanks to my training with my mother, I managed to keep those feelings hidden, keeping my expression neutral.

Curtis and Claire went to the door and opened it, while Arthur, Tessia and Theodore started talking and Luz seemed to deactivate that strange spell that set him on fire. My brother's eyes showed concern and Claire's showed curiosity.

"Sis, did something happen for you to come here?" my idiot brother asked.

"No big deal, I was doing my patrol and ended up seeing the fight through the window, deciding to watch a little." I answered him.

"Did you decide to watch for a while?" Claire asked, chuckling. "One of the students had noticed you earlier and let us know. You were standing there for half an hour."

My eyes widened a little, but I managed to return to my ordinary expression. "Half an hour?... I really thought it was just a few minutes..."

"Heh, you should be having fun watching us. Maybe we'll let you watch our workouts in the Leywins' special room." Curtis said, but then Claire elbowed him in the stomach.

"Leywins' special room....?" I asked confused.

"It's just that Luz and Arthur have a special training room that Director Cynthia gave them. I mean, it was originally Tessia's, but the boys use that place so much, the Director herself thinks they own it." Claire said it a little low, as if that was to keep a secret.

I just nodded in agreement. "Then I'd like to go see that special room, if you don't mind..." I said quietly, already with some ideas on mind.

"Maybe after this Saturday I can take you there." This voice didn't come from either Curtis or Claire, looking behind him, I noticed the cyan-eyed boy approaching and looking at me simply.

He stood in front of me and ran his hand through my hair, patting me. "After all, this Saturday we have that special event, don't we?" When he said that, I just smiled and nodded, hugging him to hide my face in his clothes.

"Oh! Really, Kathyln invited you on a tour of Xyrus City. Are you sure it wouldn't be nice if we all went together?" My brother's voice asked this, making me feel an inner anger, after all, I just wanted MY MAN with me.

"Curtis... I don't think she will want our company, by the way, you have training to do this Saturday too, don't you?" Claire's voice was the next to ask, I couldn't see their faces as I had my eyes sunk into my man's clothes, but I could feel my brother gave a facepalm as he remembered his chores.

"By the way, did you really get your parents' permission for this, Kathy?" Luz asked, still patting me, I just nodded, rubbing my face in his soft black uniform, I didn't want to stop hugging him.

"Fine... Anyway, can you let me go? I kind of need to get ready for my Advanced Rune Learning class, after all, I'm the Professor of this subject." He chuckled lightly and then I released him.

My man started to walk away from us, waving one hand while the other had his shield in hand. I waved back at him and slowly my mind began to float with various thoughts about what our tour of the floating city would be like.


It would have been three days since the last time Luz and I talked about the tour we were going to have today. It was still morning, and I was lying on my bed, hugging my giant plush with his appearance, while staring at the shelf that held a mirror and my makeup. My face started to heat up more and more just thinking about what I would do in the afternoon, I felt that even using all my ice skills, my cheeks would still be warm.

It took a few minutes for me to actually get out of my bed, looking at the little cuckoo clock hanging on the wall, I knew it was still 7 am. Still, I'd better eat my breakfast and prepare myself for him.

The idea I had was that we would go to a restaurant together for lunch, then we would go to a theater that is near Xyrus Central Square, and during the afternoon I would stay with him in one of the parks for people of high status. That way, our "tour" would end with dinner at a fancy restaurant, which I asked my mother to reserve an entire floor for me. I managed to convince her of that, as I had told her that I would stay only with my friends from the disciplinary committee, but no, it would just be me and my hero with eyes as deep as a beautiful, unexplored ocean.

I put on a very simple black outfit and brushed my hair. Looking at my shelf, I saw two napkins, one had a little of his saliva, and other had a little of his blood. I took them and put next to my face, smelling it and feeling a slight shiver all over my body, it was such a great feeling that it almost made me roll my eyes. With that being made, I left my room. Already seeing the other committee members, everyone was awake and having their breakfast at the main table, but there was one person missing...

"Good morning, where is Luz?" I asked, getting everyone's attention, causing them to wave at me.

"Good morning, Kathyln. He had breakfast very early and said he would be training for a while in the morning." Elijah Knight answered me as he sipped a large mug full of coffee.

"O-okay..." I sat in my usual spot, between Claire and the empty chair, which is where he normally sits.

"I hear you're going to have a tour with him, is that why you look like that?" Theodore said, as one hand of his had a sandwich and the other was occupied with a dumbbell.

"Uh.. How so?" I was confused, meanwhile Claire got me a piece of cake and tea, putting it in front of me.

"It's just that you have a really big smile." my brother spoke as if he were afraid of any expression I made.

"Don't exagerate it, Curtis. She's got a slight tilt to her mouth. No big deal." Arthur tried to defend me, he was drinking coffee and eating scrambled eggs, while seeming to force his bond to eat vegetables.

"Actually, that's a lot." most answered Arthur in unison.

The rest of breakfast was just like any normal weekend, everyone eating, cracking jokes from time to time and Claire giving her general report on how our week went in terms of fights at school. Apparently the only thing that happened this week was a little fight that took place yesterday.

It was a group of seven human students practicing racism against elves, the committee members who went to solve this problem were Claire, Feyrith and Dora. The aftermatch of this fight was only two students in detention while the other five had their guardians called, in addition to having paid a fine of 60 gold coins.

Yes, the fine is extreme for middle class nobles, but it is one of the ways to make the parents of these students always punish them for the immense expense.

I had just finished my breakfast and was getting up to stay in my room and get ready for my trip I was going to take. But before I got up from my chair, the front door to the committee had been thrown open. Revealing my great "friend" there.

He was wearing long black pants that almost covered his feet, dark red boots lightly soiled with dirt, a shoulder bag and a dark green tank top. I could feel my entire face getting hot and my breathing getting heavy, but why was that?

Well... That outfit of his made the beauty of his body exposed. In full uniform, he looked just like an ordinary student, but now his physique could be seen. He was clearly physically strong and that face of his, something I always thought was cute, looked a little more defined.

". . . I regret calling you skinny." I turned around to see that Doradrae was the one who made that comment, resulting in complete silence that was broken by a burst of laughter from Luz.

I, on the other hand, felt insulted... why a girl like her didnt know how awesome my man is... If no one was there.. I would have slapped her face in the same second she said that...

"Oh my god guys, do I look that different without a sleeved shirt?" he continued laughing as he approached the table and grabbed a cupcake to eat.

Everyone remained silent about that question, making him sigh. "What's up, people, Arthur is like that too." When he said that, we looked in his brother's direction.

"Yeah...he's right." Arthur said in a defeated way, pulling up his shirt sleeve to reveal an arm equally muscled to my man's, he flexed a little.

Soon I looked around and saw the other boys doing the same, Elijah and Feyrith didn't seem to be that strong, just enough for a common conjurer, Curtis flexed too, not being on the same level as the Leywins, Theodore didn't even need to do that, because he was clearly the biggest person in our group in terms of physical strength, and Kai.... He didn't even try to do that because he thought it was a waste of time.

"Boys...." Me and Claire ended up saying at the same time, we were disappointed with the guys showing off like that just to show dominance.

"Hm...Actually, Kai, Elijah and Feyfey are the chicks of the group." Dora made the comment, causing widespread laughter from the majority, while Feyrith and Elijah tried to make excuses and Kai just accepted.

"Well... How about an arm wrestling?" Theo asked the Leywin boys and my brother.

"Okay." Curtis and Arthur responded.

"I will have to refuse." Luz said and then looked at me. "I'll have to go for a walk with Kathy soon, and I'm all dirty from my training, so I'm going to shower and get dressed." He walked into his room and my face turned red again.

"Good luck." They all said in unison to me, which made my face redden even more.

A few hours had passed, it was midday and I had just left my room. During those hours, I had showered and dressed myself completely, wearing a nice outfit with a skirt, and high boots, all in matching black and white colors. In addition to wearing a little makeup on my face and having a white tiara on my head, containing a water mana gem.

Looking around, I noticed that the others had left to do their errands, so I headed towards my beloved's room, to let him know that it was time for us to go. When I went to knock on the door, I saw it was open, so I gave it a light push to open it.

There he was, he seemed to be drawing something on parchment before he left the room. He noticed I was watching him and waved at me, smiling. "Kathy, you should have waited outside as we agreed."

Luz was wearing a style of clothing common among the nobles of Xyrus City, it was a suit, with the upperparts being dark green and the lowerparts being dark blue. Below the long sleeves, in the area of ​​his wrists, there appeared to be golden bracelets with fire and wind mana gems. The inner shirt was somewhere between beige and blue.

He was approaching me, making me notice that he was wearing red boots with white soles. Looking at his face, I noticed that he had a male silver earring in his right ear, and he also seemed to have put on makeup, as his face was slightly paler than usual. I bet no one would notice that, but I do, and I would never let that little detail slip by.

"So shall we? I imagine you asked for a carriage so we could at least get out of Xyrus Academy." He gently held my left hand, bowed slightly and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. "Right, princess?~"

I felt my entire face getting redder. "Y-yes, there must already be a carriage waiting for us at the student entrance."

We walked out of the building we were in together and walked around the campus until we reached the academy's main entrance. During our way there, there were some students who decided to use the weekend to walk around the school, and several of them noticed that I was being accompanied by him. I didn't hold back from having various thoughts, the amount of rumors about him and I being together will increase astronomically, and that's what I want, I want all the girls to know that he's mine.

There was a simple carriage as expected, I had asked my mother for something like this, so we wouldn't draw attention. Even so, because of the care she has with me, the person who was driving the carriage was someone she knew, I didn't even try to look the driver in the face, I just got in when Luz opened the door for me.

After that, it took him a minute or two at most to get in too and close the door, causing the carriage to start moving towards the first place I wanted to go. He decided to sit next to me, giving me a cute smile.

"Why did you take so long to get in?" I asked, looking intently into his eyes.

"No big deal, the driver asked where the 'rest of the group' was and I told him that, apart from me, everyone had last minute problems... Anyway, I hope our tour is really great. After all, you should have begged your mother enough for her to let you do something like that..." Luz said still smiling.

"Yes... I mean, if I were to ask my father, it would be easier, but you know very well the 'situation' between the two of you." I commented and he just nodded in agreement.

"I'm just taking advantage of my mentor being busy for a month, because of tasks involving her main role." I answered him, putting my left arm against his right. "But with you here, it can't not be an amazing ride."

A slight blush crept into his cheeks when I said that and he responded by just patting my head. I closed my eyes enjoying all that moment, it was so amazing to me. Today, he is completely mine.

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