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28.28% TBATE - A More Experienced Hero / Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - My mysterious guest

Chapitre 26: Chapter 26 - My mysterious guest

[Kathyln Glayder POV]

We arrived in the entrance room and I was looking at the door, I could hear my parents and my brother talking, but I didn't pay attention to anything, until I saw one of the maids opening the door and I noticed those two women and a little girl, in the other side.

I was a little upset and confused, raising my hand to say something, but soon I could feel an icy air forming around me and going in front of those girls, emerging a type of snow, forming a 2 meter cylinder in the middle of the air. That same fabric-like cylinder made of snow was disappearing to bottom for up, and I could see him.

Elegant shoes that vaguely resembled a wood texture, long white pants, a simple, charismatic uniform involving white, yellow and lime green, and that face. My eyes glazed over when I saw his, they were bright, flashy, attractive, and then returned to a more natural color, a cyan blue, which to me looked like an ocean, with the center being the abyss of the sea.

The women behind him bowed to show their respect for us. Soon after, that same boy also bowed, but looking straight at me, I felt like I was floating, and I could hear his voice softly, along with a simple and inviting smile.

"I deeply appreciate the chance to meet the royal family again, and especially the future king of the Kingdom of Sapin, Curtis Glayder, and his dear sister and current princess Kathyln Glyder. How have you been all this time... your majesties?" I was still in a trance seeing him there, but I was woken up by my brother who poked my cheek. He watched me chuckling a little.

"Welcome to our residence, Luz Leywin. You don't need this formality with us. You were invited here by us and you came to interact with my children, no big deal." My mother said, in a sweet voice and seeming to beckon people to come closer.

"Forgive us, Queen Priscilla, but we have to go, we're just going to bring my son here... To tell you the truth, we're pretty busy." Said the woman with vibrant brown hair, apparently she was Luz's mother, I feel silly for having forgotten her presence.

"Really? I see, but we can at least have some tea before you guys go out and leave your son with us for the rest of the day, can't we?" My mother tried to plant ideas in them.

"Oh, sure. But we need to leave in no more than 3 hours, okay?" Said the other woman, with dark hair.

"Sure, fine. Curtis, Kathylin, could you take our guest and the friend who came with him to see the place while I talk to their mothers?" mom said that looking at us, and we nodded in agreement.

"Come on, I think I can show you my practice room first." Curtis said with a wide smile on his face and walked ahead of us.

"Of course it can be." Luz said, walking beside me.

"My god... You guys only think about fighting?" The girl with the blue accessories said.

We arrived at the training room of our residence, it was not that big, it had the size of our dining room, but in height it was very small, only 3 meters. The lights there were coming from the windows, naturally, but in places that those lights didn't reach, there were some candles inside capsules. I sat with that other girl on some benches that were there, while the boys went to a closet there.

"Hmfp..really, they're all the same." That same girl said it again. I looked at her with a confused face.

"Oh. I meant like... At home, Arthur and Luz always think about fighting, usually they do that and practice in the back garden. Oh... And you probably don't remember me that well, at all for what happened before... My name is Lilia, Lilia Helstea."

"Sorry... to forget your name..." I said slowly, with my attention returning to the boys.

I really had forgotten her name, in fact, I tried to force myself to forget what happened that day, it was so fast, most part of fear only hit me after that beautiful had his arm ripped off. Yeah, those were the only things I never forgot, the way he held me, pulled me to my safety and the way he fought, defended himself, and even lost a limb in the middle of combat, but he kept fighting and buying time until someone appears and help.

And after that... He looked fine, he said he was fine, but I couldn't believe what was happening... I can remember the feeling I had when I held his intact arm tightly, hugging him there, wanting to make up my mind believe that the person who defended me was still in the same place as all of us.

Going out of that flashback and watching them, I realized they were analyzing some of the practice swords my brother had, I was looking closely at both of them, but with my eyes always focusing more on our guest, without my control.

His face looked smooth and free of impurities, the way he behaved, walked and even stood still, in the middle of a conversation, was very mature, with his arms always moving lightly and smoothly while gesticulating. His deep cyan eyes were always in Curtis's direction. My head was floating again with thoughts that got deep, and then I finally noticed, those blue eyes meeting mine, his face had a slight smile.

"Girls! We're going to practice a little here, would you mind being the audience?" He said as Curtis took a sword from the closet.

"All right." Lilia said as she settled into the seat next to me and I just nodded.

"The rule is as follows, only internal spells, and nothing involving mana in the sword, understand?" Curtis said raising his sword and Luz nodded in agreement.

They were moving away from each other, getting into position, while I saw Luz looking around and noticing something, when I turned to see what it was, there was a personal guard of ours watching, I hadn't even noticed.

"You can stay outside, if there's a problem, we'll let you know." Curtis asked the guard.

"I can't leave the prince's safet-"

"I ordered you to stay outside. I'll be having a friendly fight with a friend of mine so I can learn more from him. And he saved our lives in the incident nearly half a year ago. It wouldn't make any sense for him to be a threat to us. In fact, he would even be a better person to be my personal guard... So... leave N O W." My brother said in a very serious way to the guard, and the same without saying anything left the room.

I even understood why he did it, most guards around here only took orders from our father, not ours, so speaking so aggressively was the only way my brother could be seen for what he really is, the future heir to the throne.

"I'm sorry for acting so aggressively in front of you two." my brother told Luz and Lilia.

"Okay, I know how people can only obey when the order is as clear as pure water. Can we start?" Luz said extending his hand and using wind magic so that a practice sword in the open closet, went to him, taking it firmly using his right hand.

"Sure, let's go!" Curtis exclaimed, starting their friendly fight.

My brother advanced against him in a very fierce way, making numerous swings with the stone blade of his sword, they were very open attacks, which the blue eyes boy easily managed to dodge, giving some counter blows. One of those counter blows ended up unbalancing my brother, who was easily knocked to the ground by being kicked in the chest area.

Even being knocked down, Curtis rolled backwards on the ground, and with the momentum he was already on his feet. With his hands having a slight glow, demonstrating a mana reinforcement in his fists. Still holding his sword firmly, he was again advancing against Luz.

On the other hand, during the time that Curtis was still getting up, Luz took off his shirt with ease, demonstrating that he is wearing a black tank top underneath, with the glow also appearing on him, showing that he was strengthening his body with mana. Unlike my brother, his reinforcement seemed to run the full length of both arms.

I managed to notice, he had a pretty well defined body for someone with 10 years old, not even my brother who is 2 years older than him, had that much appearance. And analyzing this was when I realized, it wasn't the whole arms that was glowing for mana, they were very specific spaces.

Luz was able to attack Curtis in a way he couldn't defend without being pushed back, and after more attacks, my brother was finally able to get off the defense and go on the offensive, even so, the dark haired boy managed to dodge, jumping over the top him with incredible agility. Now the blade of the practice sword Luz held was very near to my brother's throat.

"Haha! What did I miss?" my brother said cheerfully, looks like he had fun.

"Your attacks were leaving a lot of openings, and you only reinforced your hands, if you are going to reinforce something while attacking this way, I recommend mana in the areas from wrists to elbows. And I know it might not seem to make sense to you, but in order not to be taken back with blows, strengthen your legs with mana as well." Luz said, analyzing my brother as if he were an instructor.

"Okay, The Great and Heroic Luz Leywin. I really feel like these tips can take me somewhere." Curtis said releasing his sword and then Luz also released his, both approached us.

"What about you girls? Any tips you can give Prince Curtis other than the ones I gave?" He said smiling at both of us... no... I felt like it was a smile for me.

"I don't know what to say, I didn't even notice the things you said. Hunf... Does having a former adventure leader as a father leave you with that vision?" Lilia said it in order to annoy Luz, but she failed.

"Um... I don't think I know what to say to my brother... But you... you managed to reinforce with mana very specific muscles in the arms... but I don't know why." I answered his previous question.

"Oh! You've got a good eye. I decided to choose specific muscles that could help me swing my sword more willingly to the sides, rather than propel it forward, lunging." He told me, still giving that pleasant smile.

"So that was it? Geez... Okay, how about we see the rest of the residence?" My brother said still excited.

"Sure." Luz replied as he picked up the piece of clothing he'd tossed to the floor, pulling it on.

We left the training room and started walking around the residence, it was the four of us and a security guard. As we walked, we talked a little, time passed quickly and Lilia's mother came to us and took her with her, but without saying goodbye to Luz before. It was slightly cute because I could see him patting the girl's head as they both exchanged teasing with each other when she left.

"Hm... it would be nice to have that kind of treatment..." For some reason, the thought of having his hands in my hair seemed incredible to my mind.

We returned to walk around the place, until we arrived at the ballroom. Luz seemed impressed by the place, but his eyes focused on what was in the corner. My mother had bought in the hands of some people, kinds of musical instruments that, according to the creators, played through strings inside the structure.

"Those things... Are..." He said in amazement as he approached.

"Well, our mother bought these in the hands of some people, they are musical instruments. From what they say they give a quieter sound and with many options compared to common and elven instruments. She bought it last month." My brother explained to the boy, as we all walked to the instruments.

"I... I think I can play, it's called piano, isn't it?" Luz said sitting in a chair in front of one of the instruments, was a large object, placing his fingers gently on top of keys.

"Huh? Piano? I think that's what they called it, but how would you know how to play it? This is a very current invention. " My brother asked confused.

"Hm... the coincidences continue to surprise me..." We could hear Luz whisper something in those words, which left us quite confused.

He began to lightly tap the instrument, making it make soft sounds. And soon, the boy was already playing some kind of music, it seemed to be quite sad at the pace was doing. My eyes went from the keys to Luz's face, seeing him heave a sigh as he played, his eyes closed and his usual smile fading.

We wanted to question, but soon he started singing as he played it, as if the music was taking his mind away.


"It's over... It's over.. It's all over so soon."

"Why... could I never reach you? neeever reach you..."

"Why did time stop... to see you..."

"I saaaw your last smile... your last..."

"It was beautiful... diviiiine. But it ended, with tears..."

"Tears streaming down... our faces."

"It's over... It's over... It's all over so soon..."

"The flowers were so beautiful..."

"so beautiful on your face..."

"why... did you leave me... in this waaaay?"

* sigh *

"It's over... It's over..."

"Your voice is over... your heat is over..."

"We know that love will never end... love will never die... but unfortunately..."

"Every... other... thing... is over."


{A/N: Just a sad moment of him remembering all times he couldn't save his loved ones in other times.}

He sang that song in an extremely depressed way, with his soft voice managing to convey that feeling, making me cry without me even realizing it. When I looked at my brother, he was the same way as I.

What song was this? I never hear of anything like that. And how did he know how to play the notes perfectly to fit the music? It didn't make sense. But sense wasn't something my thoughts were looking for at the moment.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I've been stuck in... my mind for a moment. Are you guys okay? I mean... your eyes are full of tears..." Luz told us,turning back to us, he also had tears on his face, but they seemed more intense than ours.

"You're full too... But... what song was that?" Curtis said, making Luz realize he was crying too, then wiping his face with a tissue.

"Well... It's an excerpt from a song... About a warrior, that even though he had all the willpower in the world, he saw the person he loved die in front of him..." He said, still in a sad voice.

"So it was a song made during the humans' war against the elves that took place decades ago... I can understand now how this is so... sad." Curtis said, and Luz seemed to agree, but he took too long for that.

After composing ourselves, and seeing that the guard who was with us was no longer there, we walked to the dining room, as it was already lunch time. Our mother stayed to talk with Luz for a while, before the food was served and with everyone fed, we talked a little more about how the visit was going.

Our father seemed impressed by what Curtis was saying, about Luz instructing him in choosing better places to power up with mana. My brother didn't talk about the music itself, but said that Luz could play the instruments we had just bought. It was no surprise that my mother wanted to see this happen.

That way, we returned to the ballroom and Luz demonstrated that he knew how to play not only the 'piano', but also all the other instruments. When asked how he did it, Luz only answered vaguely.

"Simple, I played a little the sound variations that I could make and after that I used these 'pieces' and put together the puzzle called 'melody'."

"You really are a prodigy, you figured it out how to play an instrument so fast." My mother said excitedly.

"Hm...what a waste..." I could hear my dad muttering something like that, being low enough that my mom and Luz couldn't hear.

With that done, we went back to the tour of the huge house, we showed him the backgarden, a tiny lake that was heated by fiery stones in the ground and our father's offices. It was already around 4 pm, and we arrived in the area that I expected the most, the bedrooms.

"Well... the last part of the tour is seeing our rooms, ready Curtis?" when I said that, I could see the look of terror on my brother.

"See...your rooms? I mean, I'm a guest, and you're asking...But I feel like the wrong person if I'm going to go into the rooms of royalty, especially a princess." Luz said, looking at me as we walked together.

I stared at him a little, and I could feel him allowing it. "Okay, Curtis's first..." Luz said and soon Curtis was walking in front of us, leading us to his room.

It was a bit messy at the moment, but it had a huge bed, sword decorations, several books in an open closet, uniforms and the cage containing the mana beast that our father bought at the auction. Luz saw it all, first approaching my brother's bond. They stared at each other for a while, until he opened the cage.

"Luz! Calm down! He attacks anyone... other than... me." my brother said as he watched in disbelief.

Luz was with that World Lion cub, and it looked like they were both very familiar. The animal kept getting petted by the boy, with a 'purr' noise filling the room more and more.

"Oh, that's cute, he's pretty tame." Luz said, hugging the puppy like a teddy bear.

"H-How?" Curtis looked at the scene in disbelief while I internally laughed.

Luz then went to the closet looking at the uniforms, until he noticed the Xyrus Academy uniform. He got caught up in some thoughts and slapped himself in the face, making us kind of scared, but he soon sat on my brother's bed.

"If I'm going to rate it compared to other rooms I've seen... 6 out of 10." Luz said, causing Curtis to laugh.

"Mine... now." I said watching them and getting a sigh from both of them.

We left my brother's room and went to mine, or I could say, I invited Luz to my room, since I kept Curtis out and slammed the door in his face.

My room was all set up for the arrival of a visitor, all the shelves with books in alphabetical order, the bed all made up and my stuffed animals organized by colors and some items I got from previous birthdays. I sat on top of my big bed and patted my side for Luz to sit down, he didn't even complain and did as I needed.

"Rate it." I wanted him to rate my room like he did with Curtis, but his response surprised me.

Instead of him saying something, he put his hand on top of my head, petting me, making me blush too much as I watched the floor.

"You can't hide things, can you?" he asked me and I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your room, apart from the white walls, everything else seems to have 3 base colors. Red, Green and Blue. There aren't many golds or silvers, as you would expect from a royal. And you, I noticed you analyzing me all the time. And maybe you did it without realizing it, but 3 of the books on your shelf are lined up so that one letter from each title forms my name." He told me that, and that's when I really noticed, things around me.

I noticed now the lack of other exposed colors, with the exception of white, black, blue, green and red. I looked at the stacked books,I thought they were in alphabetical order, but I noticed that three were lined up so that the name 'L U Z' was formed. I took a long breath at it all, burying my face in his shirt.

"I-I didn't even..." I tried to form a sentence, but I was so embarrassed.

"You really didn't notice any of this, Eh? Better be careful it doesn't become an obsession..." He told me seriously, as he continued petting me.

"But relax... the best way for this not to get intense is to face it. So, do you have anything to say to me?" He continued.

"I-I admire you..." I said burying my face deeper into his shirt, wanting to sink in. "You saved me, and... and you seemed to want my good..."

"You are the princess, of course I would." He answered me.

"No, you wouldn't for that reason, you, unlike the others, showed less respect for royalty compared to your parents, that day..."

"Wow, you really have a good eye for seeing through people, so tell me. What do you see when you look at me?" He asked me and put a hand on my right shoulder.

"I see a person who even if it were sentenced to death for protecting someone, would accept the fact, because that someone is special to you... No. A lot, there would be too many special people for you to protect, and risk your life for it, but... if there is an alternative, where you protect everyone and get out alive so you're still with them,you would seize that opportunity."

"You are someone who only does an action in exchange for something, when the person deserves it. But in common situations, you will never ask for a reward or recognition for having done that."

"Yo-" I looked at him, and one of his finger was in front of my mouth, as if asking me to shut up.

"You will be an excellent observer... but you really have no filter of thoughts." He said, smiling and still petting me.

For the rest of the time he could be here, we were silent in my room, I felt happy, it wasn't a happiness I thought I could feel, it was slowly warming me up, and before I knew it, I was smiling wide in my face. But I only noticed because it started to hurt, I'm not used to smile this much at all.

At the evening, we met with our parents and Luz's mother in the entrance room so that he could return home. But soon Curtis intervened.

"We had talked about him visiting us for two weeks, right? Since I have classes in Xyrus on weekdays, could I take him with me?"

"I think that would be a problem, no?" Luz's mother said.

"In theory no, we could ask Director Goodsky's permission with that." my mother replied.

"Fine by me, after all, I'll be studying there anyway in a few years when I'm of an appropriate age, it would be nice if I'm already familiar with the place." Luz said.

"Okay... how about repeating between a day with Kathyln and a day with Curtis?" My mom said this making me wonder. Luz and his mom agreed to the idea and left the house.

I could see my mother looking at me and giving me a little wink. "Thank me when you two be together." What she said made me blush a lot.

And that's how I found out, apparently, it was obvious to my mother and brother that I admired Luz, and luckily, my father was more concerned about the kingdom, making him the only one who didn't even realize it. I ran to my room, locking myself there and hugging my pillow, imagining the scene that happened in that same place with him sitting next to me, and getting to sleep really fast with those thoughts.

... I really hope to see him more and more... God, please... Make him mine...

{A/N: And this is how we see that in this FF Kath will be a type of yandere. YEY.}

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