The Dragon Empress stirred on her bed and turned around. "No fair, Gwen!"
"It's just a bit of touching. It won't hurt," Gwen teased.
Sitting up, the Empress's white hair fell off her shoulders as she rubbed her eyes.
"Enough of your antics," the Empress chuckled. "Tell me how the search is going."
Gwen looked up and away as she said, "It's going alright."
Narrowing her eyes, the Empress said, "You didn't, Gwenneth!"
Gwen smiled awkwardly and said, "It's the easiest way to show them who's in charge!"
Sighing, the Dragon Empress rose and touched Gwenneth's shoulder.
"Gwen," the Empress said softly. "You've been with me since the Grand Empress," the Empress paused, "may she rest in peace."
"If you don't know how to follow orders, how can they?"
Gwen, who was staring at the ground, looked up at her Master. "I'm sorry."
The Empress shook her head. "You're still too used to my mother's ways of strife and conflict."
This was kind of a slow chapter. Did it feel different to read? Did it feel the same? I kind of delved deeper into what was happening but don't know if this is what my readers perfer or dislike. COMMENTS: Please let me what you thought. :)