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53.33% I Dream Of Magic / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 : Sikandar

Chapitre 8: Chapter 8 : Sikandar

A couple of hours of walking and a few close encounters with bears, led me finally to a small waterfall, with churning, clear water feeding into a stream. It was nothing remarkable, so to speak, it looked just like any other stream in a forest, but the difference was apparent the moment I stepped in it. After making sure no one was around, I took off my shoes, and dipped my feet into the cool water of the stream and felt it brush past me, between my toes, tickling my feet as the fatigue melted away and the rough, chapped skin of my feet began to recover, turning soft and supple, as color returned to it.

"Mmm, this feels nice."

I made a happy noise, wriggling my toes as the water fully rejuvenated my tired feet and bent down to touch them.

"Damn, this is baby's bottom smooth." I pinched my feet, feeling the smooth and clear skin, and massaging my heel and pads, "I don't even remember the last time my feet felt this good, this....healthy." I smiled, "Now I definitely have to take a bath in this. No way I'm leaving without a full dip."

Wading through the water, I found a rock that was higher than the rest, with a wide, flat surface in the middle of the river, and got up on it, before removing my clothes, carefully stowing them away within my leather bag. Then, taking out some tape, I rolled it into a loop, such that its adhesive strip was on the outside and secured my bag against the rock with it, making sure to keep the tape itself hidden from sight.

Then placing my bow and quiver carefully onto the bag, wrapped between the straps, I jumped into the stream again, submerging myself fully into the cool, sweet waters as I let it wash the the pain and fatigue away. With every eddy that passed over me, it felt as if a knot was being undone within my muscles, gently smoothed over like meringue and a subtle sense of satisfaction and relief permeated through my body, leaving me floating in complete relaxation. Like a lifetimes worth of dirt being washed off to reveal a clean, new, spotless me.

"HWAAH!" I gasped for air as I rose out of the stream, "This is the best!" I laughed, spitting out a mouthful of river water as I washed my hair clean and I must say, even my hair feels smooth and glossy like fine silk.

Not just that, my nose felt clearer, my lungs felt as if they had grown to twice their volume as each breath I took hit like a bellow.

My ears could hear even the faintest of birdsongs and wolf howls, even being able to distinguish each sound from the other and my eyes improved to the point that I felt like I was seeing the world anew in 4K HD.

I could even smell the surroundings now, the rough and dry pollen, the sweet and earthy clay, the mildew moss and lichen grated and eroded by the waterfall.

It was a veritable rush of sensory delights, all being experienced for the first time. It felt great- no, better than great. It felt awesome, like a thunderclap of ecstasy bursting within my chest.

I was just so full of energy, and raring to go, as if pure adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I could run a marathon right now and it would be a little more than a jog to me. Hell, even my cock felt like it had grown, even though in all honesty, it probably hadn't.

It was almost a rebirth.

What a miraculous stream!

"You seem to be enjoying the Torrent, Child of Earth." Suddenly a voice came from behind me, and I immediately whirled around, grabbing my bow and quiver off the rock, nocking an arrow on it in one smooth motion as I aimed at the source of the disturbance. I was unlikely to get a hit in with the first arrow but that would at least throw him off his game long enough for me to get a proper aim.

I could smell him before I even laid my eyes upon his sorry form.

It was a balding middle aged man with a thick, greasy mustache, dressed in dirty, ragged clothes, held together by threadbare leather and twine. Upon his wait hung pouches and little wooden baskets filled with all sorts of little sachets and bottles. And when was the last time he had a bath?

His face was all sooty and grimy. Sheesh, personal hygiene, my man. Have you heard of it? I mean the river is right there.

"Good morning." I greeted the man, raising an eyebrow as I lowered the bow and gently eased the bowstring, "Who might you be, uh...good sir?" I asked.

"Ember's grace be upon you this fine morning too." The man smiled like a used car salesman, ingratiating himself with a bow.

I nodded.

So that's the traditional greeting around these parts huh?

Gotta remember that. Don't want to seem out of place now do we?

Blending in is going to be super important here.

Which reminds me, did he just say, Child of Earth? How even-

It was only then that I looked down at my reflection in the water and spotted the bright, light blue undies with a nylon waistband that I was wearing and realized my mistake.

They probably use loincloths here.


Done in by my own underwear!

What are the odds?

If I had known this would happen....

I sighed.

Well, it's not like I was planning on getting naked on this trip so I didn't bother to change out of these but now, I am starting to regret that decision.

"I am the River Watcher." The man continued with a chuckle as he noticed that I had realized my mistake too, "I watch the river and assist those require it's magic."

Of course, that guy. Now I remember. He's the conman would cursed the traveler of the main cast in the show after he was rude to him.

What did the centaurs call him?Mercurial and dangerous, yes.

Can't afford to offend this guy, but I can't let him go either, especially not after he knows my identity. And I can't take him on in battle either, he's an accomplished magician.


To think I had almost forgotten about him.

That memory refreshing spell cannot come sooner.

"No. I'm just about done here. I won't be requiring any help today. But thank you for your generous offer."

Facing the man, I put on my most genial smile and replied.

"Aha, I see that. But might I interest you in some of my tinctures and salves. Or scented oils. I have some tooth powder I'm sure you'll love. It was practically made for you." He offered, very enthusiastically.

Hey, wait a minute. Is that a diss on my dental work? Let me assure you I have perfect teeth- well, almost perfect, they're a little off white but that doesn't matter-, I even had braces put in to straighten them when I was thirteen.

"Look, I really hate to say no again, but I have no money on hand." I tried to brush him off but that didn't work.

"Ah, would you prefer to pay in kind? I'm sure two or three years of manual labour-"

"Oh, no no no. I mean, I have no need of your uh... esteemed services at this moment, and neither do I have the money for them. But if I ever need river related assistance in the future, I will gladly keep you mind." I softly refused him again.

"Why? Do they not have gold on Earth? Or is your lack of funds a more temporary state of affairs for you?"

Holy mother of fuck, this guy is persistent.

And was that a subtle threat?

"If so, I might know of a way to make a few coins from you." He smiled shrewdly.

Oh yeah. That's a threat. That's definitely a threat.

I sighed and dropped all pretenses.

"Really? You'd sell me to the Beast for what? A handful of gold?" I asked.

"Better than no gold at all, I say." He snickered.

Oh, I just hate this bastard.

"Look, River Watcher, was it?" I began putting on my clothes, feigning fearlessness as I came up with a plan.

"I do believe I had just introduced myself. But no matter. I'm sure we will have a lot of time to get acquainted on the way to the Castle-That-Isn't-There." He said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, enough with the sass." I said, buttoning up my shirt, as an idea struck me.

Aha! Yes, this will work. Hell, this will get me everything I want and without a hitch at that.

"So, how much will you get for me? 10 gold? 20 gold?"

"Easily a hundred gold. That's what the last batch got me. Foolish little Children of Earth. So trusting. Follow me on a quest, I told them and follow they did, right into the lion's mouth. They didn't catch on quite as quickly as you." He laughed.

So he's the reason that class from Brakebills got slaughtered.

Wow, and here I thought he was just a normal asshole. He's also a massive snitch.

Well, I'll make sure to give him his stitches, and then some.

"Pfft! A hundred gold? I can easily get you more than that." I dismissed his claims with a wave.

"More? How much? Double that?" He asked, tilting his head expectantly.

"Double?" I scoffed and slung my bag and quiver across my shoudlers as I walked out of the river, bow and boots in hand, "You're thinking big, but not quite big enough."

"Triple?" He laughed, "With what gold? You have none, unless, you were lying to me earlier?" His expression turned into a snarl, but I ignored it as I walked up to him. He knew he was more powerful than me and so did I. There was no need for any conflict when both of us knew what the outcome would be. That's also why he was so blatant with his designs. He knew I couldn't do anything to him even if I wanted to. The same reason he wasn't afraid of the bow and arrow I had aimed at him earlier.

But this comfort he took in his superiority was also my only way out of this pickle.

"Tsk, tsk tsk!" I wagged a finger at him, "Still too small. Think bigger. What's a hundred, even two hundred gold in the face of a king's ransom?"

"You're no king." He pointed out.

"Not yet I'm not." I amended, "But if you help me get to the crowns, I will be. And when I'm king, there'll be a crown with your name on it too."

"Hah, do you think me to be some knave? Everyone knows that only children of Earth can wear the crowns and rule Fillory."

"Indeed." I nodded, "And pray tell, what am I?"

"A Child of Earth?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Exactly!" I clapped my hands "Now think about it like this. You're here at the Torrent all day, every day, doing what? Peddling wares? Offering your services? How much do you even earn?"

He chuckled a bit nervously, like a NEET being asked when they'll get a real job.

"I will admit it is an amateur calling but-"

"Tsk tsk tsk!" I wagged my finger at him again. Time to butter him up before I saute him on the pan.

"No need for such humility. This is bigger than an amateur calling. You perform a valuable, irreplaceable service to the people of Fillory and then what do you earn? Silvers? Coppers? And what do they call you? River Watcher? Is that even a proper title worthy of your name?" I asked, getting increasingly in his face with each question till he backed off from how uncomfortably close I had gotten to him.

"What are you saying? That I'm not worth it? Are you insulting me?" He frowned, glaring at me.

"No. Not at all. Quite the contrary. I'm saying you're not respected enough. A man like you- an entrepreneur, a visionary, a revolutionary- a great man like you deserves a title worthy of you." I whispered honeyed words into his ears and saw his frown turn upside down, "You're not just some River Watcher. No. What you do here, it is a sacred duty! And you are the sacred guardian of this river. The sacred guardian of Chatwin's Torrent! You deserve some damn respect for that. And I can get you that. Fame, wealth, respect, power, if you will buy come with me. Come with me to Coronation Island, crown me king with your own two hands and I will name you such. Duke of the Wormwood, Sage of the Land, the Sacred Keeper of the Chatwin's." I patted his chest, slyly putting an arm around his shoulders, "And when all of Fillory knows what you did? When they know YOU crowned me king, do you know what they will call you?" I asked.

He looked up at me expectantly.


There we go. Hook.

"No. More than that. Think bigger, even bigger."

"Duke?" He offered. Line.

I shook my head and wagged a finger at him again.

"Kingmaker." I announced, waving my hand in the air, "Imagine that. People will visit your land from far and wide to seek audience with you, the man who can make and break kings. The only man like you in the whole, wide world. Your word alone will hold more weight than gold can buy. And when they come here? They'll see your castle." I gestured at the hill to the side, "And your very own, sprawling clinic and shop. All the way from here to there." I mapped it out for him along the banks of the river, "Picture it. Servants waiting for you, hand and foot. Visitors from across the world, begging you to sell them you oils and your tinctures and you tooth powder. All you need to do is name the price. And no amount of gold will be too small a price to curry your favor. Finally, finally, people will appreciate you for who you truly are, they'll see the godly man beneath the skin and the great mind within. Ballads will be sung of your deeds and your words and tales will become things of myth and legend. Your name itself will be forever etched into the annals of history!"

I could see his eyes light up at the thought and I smiled. And sinker.

"Or, you could settle for a handful of gold now." I shrugged, bringing him back to reality, "Really, it's your choice. You have the power. I can't really do anything, whatever you choose."

He looked at me with a bit of wistful disappointment, like a child awoken from sweet dreams, and fell into thought for a moment, weighing his choices.

"No. You are right." He finally spoke, and bent the knee, "I will serve you, your majesty. I will help you win your crown, by any means necessary. What is a handful of gold, compared to a king's ransom after all?" He smiled shrewdly and I reciprocated the gesture.

We both knew what we were, a pair of scheming foxes, and we both knew what we wanted. Only he didn't know what I had planned for him once he had outlived his usefulness.

I smiled.

Now that he knows what's good for him, he'll not only let me live, he'll actively protect me from being discovered by others and help me get where I want. All in a few words.

For now though.....

Magical bodyguard get!

"Very well, my duke. Come, let us make haste then. Glory awaits!"


MC uses talk-no-jutsu.

It is very effective!

MC's cunning on full display this chapter as he turns a shitty situation to his favour.

And as they say, "Haari baazi ko jo jeetna jise aata he, sikandar wo hi kehlata he!"

For the English speaking readers that says "The one who can overturn a rotten hand and win the game is the only one fit to rule the world."

Anyways, tell me what you think of this chapter?

Add the fic to your library.

Don't forget to donate your powerstones.

Let's get to top ten!

Thanks for reading.

See ya later, skaters!

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