Scarlett discreetly gulped, recalling how she had consistently declined to address him as "Uncle."
"Hahaha, well, let's sit down..." Roland said, leading them to sit on a dark brown leather sofa set.
Somehow, witnessing Grandpa Robert and Roland sharing laughter put Scarlett's mind at ease.
Scarlett took her seat, her mind buzzing with questions she yearned to ask Roland Gilwynn, yet she didn't know where to begin. Seeing Roland in person has shattered all the well-organized queries in her mind. His charisma alone was enough to render her speechless and thoughtless. How frustrating!
She didn't say much as Robert recounted their past encounters with Roland. She could barely muster a response when Robert asked if he had forgotten anything.
"Robert, you are indebted to Scarlett indeed," Roland nodded slowly, impressed by Robert's story. Now, he held a newfound admiration for this young girl. "Thank you, Scarlett, for helping my friend..."
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