When Scarlett's facial recognition system successfully located the latest traces of Carter's whereabouts, Scarlett promptly shared the data with Xander before he departed for their country.
She also sent the file to Rex, who was still en route to NYC, and to Twelve, who had arrived in Cloudfort City a few hours earlier.
The anticipation of hearing updates from Twelve regarding his search for Carter and waiting for a call from Seven made Scarlett's entire afternoon tense. In the midst of it all, she completely forgot that Theodor had already arrived at her house to escort her to Simon Gilwynn's birthday celebration.
Hasten, she changed into her evening gown and applied makeup to conceal her actual appearance. She cleverly disguised her long hair using a wig, a wavy dark blonde hair down to her back.
Happy reading. And please also support my new book :-)
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