"Scarlett's life could be in danger if her identity as Roland Gilwynn's illegitimate child is exposed to the royal family and the media..." Rex disclosed.
Xander flinched after understanding the gravity of the situation. The potential consequences of revealing Scarlett's identity weighed heavily on his mind.
He glanced at Scarlett and offered her a reassuring smile, conveying that he would always stand by her side, even if Roland Gilwynn's family refused to accept her as part of their own.
After seeing his wife smile, he shifted his gaze to Rex. "You're right, Rex. Thanks for reminding me..." Then, he turned his attention to Theodor.
"Theo, aside from the people present here, does anyone else know about the DNA test you conducted?" Xander asked.
Theodor shook his head. "No! Nobody knew the true identity of the samples when I sent them to the hospital. So, only the four of us are aware of it..."
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