"After that, you don't need to say anything because I will explain everything to him!" Rex said while looking at Xander, who looked annoyed. With his vast strides, he walked towards them. "Sister, you can go now. Talk to your angry husband!!"
It took Scarlett a few seconds to realize Rex's words.
She looked back and was shocked beyond words to see Xander. His face looked somber, and the light in his eyes looked different from what she usually saw. Instantly her body froze, and her legs felt heavy to move.
Scarlett only took a step, and suddenly she was in Xander's embrace. She could feel his warmth and hear his loud, noisy heartbeat, as if war drums were heard inside. After a few seconds, she could feel Xander let go of his hug.
Xander checked Scarlett's whole face and body to ensure she had no injury.
"X-Xander, I'm fine! Trust me, hubby." She said as she looked up and met his worried gaze.
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